Invisible wife!

Tang Xi takes her mobile from the bedside table and texts Ananya asking about the plan.

She keeps the mobile and goes to freshen up. She comes out bathing and sees the bed empty. 'He is finally awake...'.

Lu Cheng comes with his mobile and frowns seeing her getting ready "Are you going somewhere?".

Tang Xi answers patting her face with towel "I am going out with Ananya. I really miss our outings".

Lu Cheng looks at the text from Tang Yuhan.

[ Take care of Tang Xi. This time its serious]

Lu Cheng asks "Is it important? Why don't you go some other day?".

Tang Xi stops doing everything and looks at him darkly "I have been literally caged myself for months Cheng!" and tries to persuade him "And I really want to spend time with my only friend! You know? She would be getting married in few months and I can't even attend that in my condition by then!".

Lu Cheng gets thinking seriously.

Tang Xi keeps the towel aside and asks with defeated expression "Explain". She looks at him expecting for the reason. 'He was recently kidnapped. So there would be some threat for him. But why is he stopping me? I mean.. No one knows me! Literally I am his invisible wife! No one cares to even know about me! Why is he hesitating to send me out?!'.

She felt both happy and sad thinking about her status now. Some part of her wanted to scream that she is married to The Young Master Lu Cheng and would create a havoc in the city and poor girls' hearts who were craving to get a husband like him!.

Moreover, who wouldn't be tempted to do that. After all he loves her madly than her!. Who wouldn't be happy when the person we love is actually loving us back ever more than us!!. She couldn't control herself feeling overwhelmed.

But she doesn't want to spoil her aloof life too. Think yourself if she announces their marriage, then she would become a big celebrity in overnight out of nowhere!

If she comes to the limelight, then the press would search for her backgrounds. Even though she had no problems in that, her normal life would affect a lot.

The main headache is that if they get to know about her, then they would focus on Tang Yuhan too gradually. She doesn't care about his past but the media would.

Better I stay away from that spotlight....

Lu Cheng looks at her lost in thoughts and says nonchalantly "Don't be late for the check up then". Saying so, he keeps his mobile on a table and goes towards the wardrobe.

Tang Xi frowns looking at him "I asked you to explain- wait! Did you say me to go?!".

Lu Cheng takes out a suit and says nodding "Yes. I will reach the hospital once I finish a meeting". He keeps it on the bed and goes to take a towel.

He stops feeling something and frowns looking back. He is surprised to realize what was just happening.

Tang Xi who is hugging him from behind burying her face in his back, whispers "Thank you!".

Lu Cheng holds her hand gently which was holding his shoulder from behind. He warns smiling faintly "Dare you come late for the check up".

She smiles pushing him into the restroom and hands him the towel "Alright! I won't be late!".

Lu Cheng chuckles "You know how to behave after getting what you need!". 'Just now she was looking at me as if I was a third wheel in their friendship! Am I spoiling her?!'.

Tang Xi raises her eyebrows and smirks playfully "Sometimes..I know how to reward too". She pulls his collar and locks him in a deep kiss.

Lu Cheng stood stoned as he was caught off guard. In a next minute, she pushes him and locks the door at his face leaving him in a daze.

It took few seconds for Lu Cheng to realize her absence and slams the shut door hard "Wifey!! Open the door!". 'Did she just abandon me?!'.

Tang Xi scoffs while drying her hairs "Stop behaving spoiled HUBBY! I won't open it until you finish your shower!".

Lu Cheng curses muttering 'Damn! Did she call me hubby?! She is bullying me these days!'. He shakes his head frustrated and goes to shower with a sullen face.

Tang Xi gets text from Ananya and looks at the restroom door. 'Thank god! I wouldn't get caught to him. He would go crazy if he comes out!'.

She unlocks the door sneakily and gets down to have her breakfast. She searches for Tianxian as she has to ask get his help in collecting the pictures of hers and Lu Cheng's.

She couldn't think of a way to get their picture together and Lu Cheng shouldn't have any idea about it! 'That is supposed to be a surprise right?! But what to do?! How would I get it?!'.

Tianxian gets in a right time greeting her "Good morning Tang Xi".

Tang Xi smiles earnestly and asks "Can you help me in something?".

Tianxian "..." Now what?!

Tang Xi has no time to speak any unnecessary things and asks directly "I am searching for a picture of us but I couldn't find any! Can you help me to get?!".

Tianxian answers blankly "Huh?..Why don't you take some Shall I call chief?!".

Tang Xi looks at him darkly "Don't you dare!!".

Tianxian gulps seeing her serious and nods awkwardly "Alright! Then what do you want me to do?!".

Tang Xi speaks hurriedly "I need a picture and help me to get it at any cost! And Don't let him know! I am in hurry we will speak about this once I come back! And try to find any pic ..If you don't get any we will find a way alright?!".

Tianxian looks at her simply nodding "...".

Seeing her getting in a car, Tianxian sighs "What is she upto?!".

Lu Cheng comes running hurriedly "Wifey!!".

Tianxian looks at half naked Lu Cheng came running from upstairs only with a towel. He answers stammering while pointing the door "She just...left..".

Lu Cheng asks in disbelief "Left!?".