No one listened to me...

Lu Cheng glares at Tianxian with murder intent and instructs "Send our team to escort her".

Tianxian gets surprised "Chief? Our team? To escort?".

Lu Cheng looks at him coldly "Now!".

Tianxian gets alert and nods "Yes Chief! I understood!".

Lu Cheng looks at him and adds "Tell them to escort her secretly. She shouldn't know about this!".

Tianxian "..." Why are they keeping a lot of secrets these days?!.

Still he nods and leaves to instruct the team.

Lu Cheng rubs his face and twitches his lips 'She deliberately avoided me!'. He recalls her calling him 'hubby' and smiles sighing 'I couldn't control myself when she didn't had me completely in her heart...Wouldn't I go insane if she keeps on taking her slow steps towards me?! Even though her moves were impacts me hard! Would I handle her love this time?'.


Han's Estate.

Feng looks Rouxi frowning at the paintings and asks "What happened?!".

She hides her face from him pretending taking some other paintings "Nothing I was just thinking something...".

She blinks back her tears and starts to check every paintings carefully.

Feng as a psychiatrist could tell her that she is hiding something. He noticed her voice trembled lightly and notices her with complete attention now.

Rouxi who was reluctant to cry before stoned seeing a painting. Her eyes betrayed her this time and drenched her cheeks instantly.

Feng looks at her stood still and frowns. He notices her in a daze and walks towards her silently. His creased eyebrows turned serious seeing the painting and looks at her suspiciously.

Rouxi feels Feng's presence behind her and wipes her tears hurriedly. She keeps the painting separately from other paintings and turns to go out.

Feng who was staring at the painting before holds her hand making her to stop.

Rouxi looks at him "What now?".

Feng turns slowly and asks looking at her face full of worry "What happened that day?".

Han Rouxi smiles bitterly and shakes her head "Finally someone asked me this question".

Feng's idea about her before is completely changed now. He asks worriedly "Tell me..".

She really doesn't know why her eyes were betraying her recently. How much hard she controlled to stop her tears, it keeps on flowing protesting just like her! Not listening to anyone!! Is it because finally someone gave her a chance to explain herself?!

Feng feels her shivering and darts his eyes on her strangely "Xi! What happened to you?! Since when you become weak?!".


Han Rouxi slaps him hard and warns him "Dare you call me weak! And Don't you dare call me Xi!! Didn't he forbid you to call me that?!".

Feng looks at her calmly as if he only cares for her answer not her slap and asks "Why do you think I would listen to him?".

Rouxi chuckles desolately "Everyone listens only to him...No one listened to me...Not even you Feng..". She is about to turn but stops hearing him.

"Then tell me now. I am here to listen".

She looks back at him at his genuine face. She purses her lips and says "But I am not interested".

Feng follows her to stop but she gets a call.

Feng frowns and gets worried "Don't tell me we were wrong..Things would get even complicated...if you ...". He gulps and looks at Rouxi who was busy in a call.

His eyes never left her face and for the first time he felt that she too has a story of her version. 'Would everything change if we get to know her point of view?!'.

His heart skipped a bit just thinking about this question "Please tell me she doesn't have any better version than Cheng's story of that day...".

However, his fear is different now. Rouxi has been his childhood friend. He always saw her stubborn, arrogant and too desperate about her paintings.. She would literally paint everything ..her real life incidents too.

As for Feng, he never realized that Rouxi had some untold past too. For the first time, he felt Rouxi who had been so sensitive about the blames on her...and who would go any extent to prove her innocence..How could she even tolerate Cheng's hate if she really doesn't do anything wrong?...right?

Feng felt as if he opened a mysterious book this time. He is very curious to know how his stubborn friend turned so weak. She actually started crying frequently?! .

Rouxi ends the call smiling and looks at Feng.

Feng looks at her stunned "..." F***!! Since when she become so.....different?!

Her faint smile fades seeing Feng and informs "She is here. I would go to receive her".

Feng nods robotic as he is completely lost in his own world of questions which doesn't make any sense!


Lu Head Office.

Lu Cheng is attending a meeting and his face is completely serious. He is too involved in the presentation and forgets to notice his mobile's notifications.

Tianxian who was busy with his laptop as he is searching for Lu Cheng and Tang Xi's photo. He just got only an hour to search the picture as Lu Cheng would get free from the meeting in an hour.

Actually, his task is so easy as he only have to search only one event. Jing's Birthday Party!

But he didn't find them together in that event.

Tianxian looks at Tang Xi and Feng together in a picture where Feng was holding her shoulder.

Tianxian ".." Was he flirting with Tang Xi?!

He looks at a picture of Lu Cheng staring them from a distance and smiles shaking his head 'What's there to get jealous when you didn't even care for her?! You just left her to get kidnapped for whole 12 hours and today? You just sent your special team to just escort her?!'.

He sighs and looks for some pictures posted by press last time. He types a keyword 'Lu Cheng'.

Tianxian "...." Just how many people follow him?!

He surfs some pictures of him randomly. He is about to close the window but gasps seeing something. He peers on the picture in disbelief and slaps himself in doubt.

'Am I just hallucinating?! How could this ... Impossible!!'.

He smiles surprised and calls Tang Xi. 'Would she believe this?!'.