What if she gets to know about Tang Xi?

Han Rouxi asks "Miss. Tang. Can you show it then?".

Ananya asks earnestly "Xi! Did you really notice that?!".

Rouxi is lost to hear Ananya calling Tang Xi as 'Xi' and sighs sadly.

Tang Xi forwards her hand towards the painting and points at the earing worn by the girl in the painting.

She asks looking at Rouxi "Do you like accessories? As far I noticed you always hide your signs in them".

Han Rouxi "..." She must be kidding me!! She just unlocked my secret way of signing!!.

Ananya looks at the accessories of the girl in the painting and closes her mouth gasping "I can see it now!".

Han Rouxi looks at her darkly and scoffs "Then tell me where is my sign in this painting?".

Ananya frowns worriedly looking the next painting "But this has only a guy! He is not even wearing any accessories!".

Tang Xi darts her eyes on the painting and smiles looking at Rouxi.

Rouxi's previous smile faded seeing her and asks "Did you find it?".

Tang Xi asks smiling "Why did you sign near his chest? Does it represent.. that's your place? Near his heart?".

Ananya interrupts "But Xi...I don't find any...".

Tang Xi points at the painting and explains "Do you see his pocket's corner? the edge is little darker than other edges. The darker shade gives a shape X . Its just a little detail Ananya".

Ananya asks "Then how about C? The new sign is CX right?".

Rouxi looks at both and lost in her own thoughts.

Seeing Tang Xi searching, Rouxi smirks 'I would see whether you could really find it!'.

Tang Xi purses her lips and creases her eyebrows.

Ananya nudges her and whispers "Did you find it?".

Tang Xi pouts blankly "Not yet!".

Han Rouxi smiles "Lets see the old collections then..".

Trio walks into a separate room in the hall. Tang Xi feels her legs started hurting and pouts "This...".

She blinks thinking something and asks suddenly "Its the cigar!! Right?".

Han Rouxi frowns suspiciously 'How did she find?'.

Ananya asks "Xi? What do you mean?".

Tang Xi drags her out happily and points at the painting "Do you see the cigar fell near the guy's leg in the ground? It has the dark edge shaped-!".

Ananya smiles "C?".

Tang Xi shrugs "See?".

Both laughs and starts speaking about them proudly.


Tang Xi looks at the call from Lu Cheng and smiles scoffing "Do you miss me already? Its been just 2 hours..".

Lu Cheng declares "Come to City Hospital. Now!".


Tang Xi pouts sulking seeing the call ended already "But why? I was so happy finding those signs..I miss my old hobbies...".

Ananya asks "What is it?".

Tang Xi sighs "I have an appointment with doctor today".

Ananya nods sadly "Then I will send you off till the car".

Tang Xi nods and looks back at Rouxi "Thank you Miss Rouxi. Its been great today".

Rouxi nods "You are always welcome Miss Tang. I hope we meet another day".

Tang Xi nods and leaves with Ananya.

Tang Xi gets into the car and asks Ananya "Why don't you come ?".

Ananya pouts "I have an official work here. But I promise I will see you before leaving the country!".

Tang Xi smiles nodding and waves her hand "Bye".

Ananya smiles "Bye!".

The car starts moving and Tang Xi takes out the mobile. She looks at the photo and smiles pursing her lips. She looks out through the window and frowns. 'Why is the car still following me?'.

She gets thinking 'Kidnap? Not again!'. She gulps taking her mobile and calls Lu Cheng.

Lu Cheng attends the call and asks nervously "Where are you?".

Tang Xi stops speaking 'What if they are Lu Cheng's men? If they were bad guys, they would have made a move by now'.

Lu Cheng frowns "Wifey?! Is everything alright?! Why aren't you speaking?".

Tang Xi asks looking back "The black audi...Are they your men?".

Lu Cheng "..." Didn't I order them to follow secretly?! F***!! Now she would get mad!.

Tang Xi who was nervous before now asks frustrated "Cheng! You there?!".

Lu Cheng says in a calm voice "They are there to escort you".

Tang Xi lets out a breath and smiles relaxed "You could've informed before. I was scared".

Lu Cheng frowns "Where are you?".

Tang Xi says "I exited from Han's estate and I would be there in 30 minutes".

Lu Cheng asks "What were you doing there?".

She smiles "I will answer after reaching there".

Lu Cheng nods and rubs his forehead ending the call. 'Why did she go there?'.

Tang Xi calls the ring shop and asks about the time of delivery and informs Aunt Song to receive it in her absence.

She also calls someone and instructs "I am sending you the pictures now. I will update you very soon about the other plans".


Lu Cheng calls Feng in a great anger and grits his teeth in anger as he didn't take the call.

'What is he doing? He told that he would be meeting the research trainee ... But why did Tang Xi go to Han's estate?!'.

He contemplates something seriously and hesitates seeing his mobile 'Should I call her? Forget it! What if she gets to know about Tang Xi?! It would be the real mess if she gets to know'.

He throws his mobile and pinches his nose bridge in stress. The car stops at City Hospital. Lu Cheng gets out from the car.

Within half an hour Tang Xi too reaches the hospital and gets out from the car. She calls Lu Cheng and hears the ringing sound behind her and turns.

He holds her shoulder "Lets go".

Tang Xi smiles and feels little nervous. She doesn't know what would her reports tell and how would he react! She still steps in with a gut feeling 'The reports will be with positive ...After all I am following every instructions regularly'.

She holds Lu Cheng's hand and continues with his pace.

After the completion of tests, both were waiting for doctor's words. Tang Xi looks at Lu Cheng who was sitting with serious expression.

She holds his hand and smiles lightly "Relax..". 'Is this his first time experiencing the check up sessions? He would've attended previously right? With the surrogate'.