you should be the one to get out you fool!

The doctor explains about the diets which should Tang Xi follow. Tang Xi too listens to her eagerly.

Lu Cheng asks irritated "Would she be alright?". As he was expecting that the doctor would talk about her pregnancy complications. Till now they were discussing about diets and medicines.

Tang Xi whines whispering "Cheng! I am not sick! What do you mean by alight?".

The doctor smiles "She would face some complications Mr.Lu but everything would be fine if she follows the prescriptions".

Lu Cheng frowns "But she was told to abort before and why is there still complications?! Didn't you say she would be fine?".

Tang Xi holds his hand to control him but sighs in vain seeing his stubborn face.

The doctor explains "Mr.Lu . We can't calculate everything exactly by now. Because the body tends to change with the growth of babies".

Lu Cheng looks at Tang Xi and asks "What would be the complications?".

Tang Xi clutches her fist and tries to persuade him "Cheng-". She too has done some 'researches' about the complications. But if he gets to know would he still remain calm. I convinced him with much difficulty!

Lu Cheng ignores her and looks at the doctor.

The doctor looks at Tang Xi "Didn't you inform your husband?".

Tang Xi "..." I am dead today! Now he would go insane!. She looks pleading at the doctor.

Lu Cheng looks at Tang Xi "Wait for a while outside".

Tang Xi gets shocked "What?!". Actually you should be the one to get out you fool!

Lu Cheng frowns "Should I carry you out?".

Tang Xi purses her lips and stands defeated "I will go myself".

The doctor smiles helplessly "Don't worry Miss.Tang. I won't exaggerate anything".

Tang Xi goes out looking longingly 'Huh? Exaggerate? I should have come alone!'.

Lu Cheng looks at the doctor "Explain everything ...Please".

The doctor smiles "First of all, Stop scaring her".

Lu Cheng frowns "Scaring?". I am the one scared here! In what way I look like scaring her?!

She speaks seriously "Yes. Its her first pregnancy after all. She would be in fear herself but why are you behaving as if you are the only one nervous here?".

Lu Cheng hears her silently without opening his mouth.

She removes her specs and hands him the reports "Mr. Lu its true that she was suggested to abort the child because she was so weak to carry the twins. But after the reports I could say that the complications can be reduced by regular diet that I suggested her. And please stop stressing her! Where were you when she was suggested the abortion before? ".

She frowns "You could have persuaded her". Seeing him silent, she sighs "Anyway take care of her as the stress would be high at this stage".

Lu Cheng looks at her "The complications! You didn't mention the actual complications".

The doctor looks at him smiling "The real complications depends on the growth of the babies Mr. Lu. As for now everything is normal".


Tang Xi looks at the door and sighs 'Why is he still inside?'.

She gets call from Ananya and sees the door opened. She stands ignoring the call and looks at him worried.

Lu Cheng looks at her and smiles "Lets go".

Tang Xi looks at him suspiciously "Aren't you angry?". She holds his hand timidly.

He simply declares "I am not". 'You know how to 'please' me'.

She looks at him happily "Really?".

He smirks "Should I show you now?".

Tang Xi "..." Show me?..Crap! He is getting into shameless mode again!

She shakes her head "Lets go".

Lu Cheng and Tang Xi walks out of the hospital happily.


Han's Estate.

Feng Nie, Han Rouxi and Ananya were facing each other and looking serious.

Ananya grits her teeth in anger "Did you just say-".

Feng tries to persuade her "Miss. Ananya. Please listen to us-".

Ananya announces "I am not involving in this illegal thing. And please spare me!".

She walks out hurriedly and looks at Dinesh waiting for her.

She asks sullenly "How did you know- Forget it! You would show off your hacking talent anyway!".

Dinesh chuckles "Who spoiled your mood?".

Ananya rolls her eyes "Its none of your business bro!".

Dinesh smiles at her meaningfully "Do you know whom did you meet just now?".

Ananya shakes her head irritated "I don't want to know! Lets go from here!".

Dinesh starts driving and says "The Psychiatrist you just met is Feng Nie".

Ananya looks at him mockingly "I know-".

Dinesh interrupts her "Lu Cheng's best friend".

Ananya gasps "What?! Feng? yes! Feng! Xi told about him but why is he doing this illegal research in Stem Cells Technology?! The experiments on zygote cells are banned all over the world! He almost destroyed my entire career...I should talk to Xi about this".

Dinesh frowns and stops the car snatching her mobile. He warns ending the call abruptly "Dare you inform her! Why do you women love to gossip!? Can't you be calm without telling everything to each other?!".

Ananya ignores his bullshit and tries to get her mobile back "Give my mobile back?!".

She warns him with murder intent "I would ask you only once. GIVE ME MY MOBILE! NOW!!".

Dinesh shrugs "If you want to get trapped in Lu Cheng's trap again like Tang Xi, then its your wish!".

She gets silent looking at him and asks "Lu Cheng? Why are you dragging him into this?".

Dinesh chuckles "Silly sis! Do you believe Feng could do something without Lu Cheng's knowledge? And answer me. Why would Feng as a Psychiatrist would involve in Stem Cell Technology?!".

Ananya gets silent thinking seriously.

Dinesh hands the mobile back and declares "We have to find his secret".

Ananya hides her anxiety and nods. 'I feel everything would change once his secret is out?! Tang Xi ....Do you have any idea about this stirring storm in your life?'.


Lu Cheng and Tang Xi is going back to Lu Residence.

Tang Xi gets a call from Lu Residence and attends sneakily.

Aunt Song whispers "Miss! I received the box! Where should I hide it?!".

Tang Xi doesn't know whether to laugh or cry. 'Why is she talking secretively? I am the one sitting beside Cheng'.

She smiles "Just keep it with you for time being Aunt Song".

Aunt Song ends the call. Tang Xi smiles shaking her head 'I am turning everyone crazy just because of this plan! Aunt Song is so sweet!!'.

Lu Cheng asks "Why were you at Han's Estate before?".