I can handle this

Han Rouxi steps back in shock seeing the rack falling towards her.


Tang Xi who was lost in her anger gets back to reality by Lu Cheng's voice. She turns back and looks at Lu Cheng holding Han Rouxi in his embrace and the whole rack was fallen on his back.

His forehead was hurt which might be happened while saving Rouxi.

Tang Xi screams in fear "Cheng!!". She runs to help him but the salespersons come just then and push Tang Xi aside to save them both.

Ananya comes out hearing the noise and stoned to see the surroundings 'I was absent for few minutes and what happened here?!'.

She searches for Tang Xi but surprised seeing Lu Cheng standing in center of the crowd and smiles. 'He couldn't part from her even for an hour? He even created an havoc-'.

Her thoughts froze when he carried Han Rouxi in his arms. Han Rouxi fainted and she too was hurt in her forehead.

Ananya gets irritated and searches for Tang Xi 'This girl! What is she doing while her husband is with his ex?!'.

Tang Xi who was seeing everything stands in a daze as Lu Cheng's attitude towards Rouxi now is completely contrasted his previous one.

Ananya holds Tang Xi's shoulder and asks wondering "Why are you here? And whats all this?".

Tang Xi felt herself couldn't answer and looks towards the entrance while Lu Cheng was running.

Ananya looks at her worried "Xi! I am asking you something!".

Tang Xi lets out a deep breath and says "Lets go to the airport. It will be late if we delay".

Ananya frowns looking at her wristwatch "But how could I go? Won't you say what happened? Did she do something? Why was she hurt? Did she fall or what? Why aren't you answering me?!".

Tang Xi purses her lips and walks out of the mall.

Ananya gets stunned "Xi! wait!". She didn't understand anything and tries to follow Tang Xi.

A salesperson stops her "Mam! You didn't pay yet".

Ananya curses herself for everything and pays looking at Tang Xi who was walking towards an elevator. She mutters worriedly "Damn! I shouldn't have opened my mouth! I don't know what happened!".

The salesperson whispers to Ananya "Mam! Is that girl mad? Why did she push the rack on the girl? I saw by my own eyes! But everyone thought it was an accident!".

Ananya creases her eyebrows and warns "If you are ready to spend your life in prison for slaughtering my friend, it would be my pleasure to do that for you".

Seeing the salesperson shocked, Ananya smirks "What?! Do you think that big rack is really that easy to push?! Do you have a brain? I too will see what would be your explanations for this carelessness!".

The salesperson disagrees "No mam! I ...I really saw the girl pushed-".

Ananya slams the desk and hisses "Shut that stinking mouth or you will face the consequences!".

Seeing the salesperson still trying to argue, Ananya walks towards the rack which was fallen before and looks around seriously.

The salesperson comes running and asks "Mam?".

Ananya glares at her and points out something "Watch your words Miss! Next time don't open your mouth if you know nothing!".

She walks towards the bill desk and throws the money before leaving.

The salesperson kneels down and picks up a broken part of the base. She gasps realizing the truth.

Ananya gets out hurriedly and searches for Tang Xi muttering "I shouldn't have believed that girl!...But why did Xi push the rack?! I never saw this side of her".

Ananya sighs worried seeing Tang Xi sitting in a cab. Ananya frowns "Xi?".

Tang Xi looks away "Get in. I have shifted your baggage already".

Ananya sits and asks "Aren't you going to hospital?".

Tang Xi remains silent.

Ananya holds Tang Xi's hand worriedly "Xi".

Tang Xi gasps getting her hand back "Ah!".

Ananya asks "What happened? Did you get hurt?".

Tang Xi rubs her wrist "Nothing..." and asks while lost in thoughts "Did I trap him?". 'I have taken advantage of him twice .... Did I really force him without knowing myself?'.

Ananya looks at her doubtfully "What are you talking about?".

Tang Xi looks at Ananya longingly "What would have he done ...if I disappeared before months? if I weren't pregnant?".

Ananya whines "Are you giving up again?".

Tang Xi shakes her head slowly, disagreeing "I think ...I still don't know him well...".

Ananya smiles "Are you jealous then?".

Tang Xi blinks back her tears "I am losing my temper so easily recently....I don't know what's happening to me...I hate myself".

Ananya smiles "Did you push the rack out of anger?".

Tang Xi cries holding her temple "I .. I have no idea how it happened! I ..".

Ananya pats her back and assures "It was an accident! Forget it".

Tang Xi recalls Lu Cheng and takes her mobile worriedly. She calls Tianxian.

Tianxian attends the call "Tang Xi?".

Tang Xi asks "How is he?".

Tianxian gets silent for a sec and says "He...is angry and worried. He is still in Emergency ward!".

Tang Xi frowns and gasps "Emergency?!".

Tianxian calms her down "Relax! Miss. Han is in emergency room and its nothing to worry".

Tang Xi says "Inform me, when he leaves the hospital. I have something to do with Miss.Han".

Tianxian looks at the mobile strangely as Tang Xi ended the call abruptly.

Ananya asks worriedly "Xi! What are you thinking?".

Tang Xi sighs "I have to apologize and I have something to clear".

Ananya warns "No you are not going! And what do you want to do? What are you thinking?".

Tang Xi holds Ananya's hand and smiles faintly "Don't worry. I will handle-".

Ananya disagrees "No! Tell me what you are going to do!".

Tang Xi says "I am trying to know him".

Ananya smiles surprised "What?!".

Tang Xi nods and looks at her mobile. 'I have to know what is he'.

Ananya checks her mobile and asks "Xi? Are you sure? Tell me if you want me to stay".

Tang Xi gets serious and declares "I am sure. I can handle this".