She has got sharp tongue!

Ananya looks at Tang Xi wondering "I never know you too could get this extreme".

Tang Xi folds her hands and remains silent.

Ananya laughs "Have you done this before? Why didn't I know about this?! You were so cool-".

Tang Xi says in a robotic tone "Because I didn't had a chance get angry to this extent.." and gets sad "I was fine until his -". appearance in my life...

She stops saying and informs "We would reach in 10 minutes".

Ananya notices Tang Xi and smiles "So you are back to your old version?".

Tang Xi rolls her eyes helplessly "I have not changed Ananya-".

Ananya asks earnestly "I am asking about your childhood Xi...You were like this before..right?".

Tang Xi looks at Ananya surprised "I.." and gets sad remembering her childhood.

Ananya holds Tang Xi's shoulder and cheers "Don't worry. We have to express our stress often but be careful Xi....This was really dangerous..What if something happened to you? You have to be careful".

Tang Xi nods and caresses her stomach 'I am sorry babies...I am wrong this time...I should have avoided her. Next time I wouldn't bring any mess that would put you in danger. I am sorry..if..mommy scared you'.

She recalls Lu Cheng carrying Rouxi and holds her head frustrated. 'I shouldn't think about this now! If I did, I can't handle this ..I shouldn't repeat my mistakes again...'.

Ananya frowns "Xi? What happened?".

Tang Xi comes back to reality and looks around "We are here".

Ananya asks worried "Are you sure ? Could you-".

Tang Xi smiles "Stop worrying..I am not a kid. Lets go".

Ananya nods smiling and gets out to take her baggage saying "I hope you handle this. Before that..Do something for me!".

Tang Xi pays for the cab and asks blankly "What?".

Ananya keeps the baggage down and scoffs "Slap your husband for me once you get back!".

Tang Xi "...".

Both starts laughing suddenly and continues until their stomach ache.

Tang Xi hugs Ananya and cries emotionally "Thank you".

Ananya stops herself crying and says "Just be happy! I don't know what to do...I have to kidnap you with me now..And I would never let anyone make you cry!-".

Tang Xi chuckles "Are you crying?".

Ananya sniffs pouting "Yes! Don't you dare look at me until I wipe my tears!".

Tang Xi nods smiling "Alright! Never-cry-baby!".

Ananya smiles wiping her tears and warns "Dare you say this to my brother".

Tang Xi rolls her eyes "As if I-".

Dinesh coughs "Well.. I already saw you crying Sis".

Tang Xi "..."

Ananya "..." When did he come?!

Dinesh takes Ananya's baggage "Shall we go?".

Ananya looks at Tang Xi and purses her lips.

Tang Xi wipes Ananya's tears and smiles "I will meet you soon...To congratulate you".

Ananya gets surprised "Xi? How could you? You can't travel-".

Tang Xi declares "My friend deserves my presence. I will be there right beside you on that day".

Ananya squeals happily and hugs Tang Xi "Thank you!". She sighs "Take care Xi.. I am always-".

Tang Xi declares "I know Ananya...You will be there for me..always".

Ananya smiles nodding and walks away.

Dinesh looks at Tang Xi and sighs "I am sorry".

Tang Xi looks at him questioningly.

Dinesh smiles "Playing hide and seek isn't stupid actually".

Tang Xi smiles "I really wish to know your scandals ...".

Dinesh shakes his head "Somethings are meant to be hidden. You may not like those crazy stories...Who knows you might look down on me....".

Tang Xi smiles "I don't judge people Dinesh...and Everything is fair in Love".

"Lady Lu?".

Dinesh and Tang Xi turns hearing a voice.

Bran walks with few men and smiles "I am here to escort you".

Dinesh smiles "Take care Xi".

Tang Xi nods "Have a safe-".

Bran speaks doubtfully "Wait!".

Tang Xi "..".

Bran asks "Didn't you plan to-" and closes his mouth suddenly. He thought that Tang Xi is planning to elope again...He came running to stop her but who would have thought she came to send them off?.

Tang Xi looks at Dinesh "Take care Dinesh! Bye!".

Dinesh looks at Tang Xi "Are you sure? I think I have something to explain".

Bran forwards his hand "You don't have to Mr. Dinesh...I am Bran ... Nice to meet you".

Dinesh raises his eyebrows and smirks "Don't you think you are too careless Bran?".

Bran "..".

Tang Xi too frowns looking at Bran "..".

Dinesh smirks "You shouldn't offer your hand to an hacker casually. What if you kept your fingerprints as an access code for you computer? And what if I hack your data and send them to Cyber Investigations? You will be finished then!".

Tang Xi "...".

Bran ".." Damn! He is such a jerk!.

Dinesh smiles "Just grow up Bran..." and walks away nodding at Tang Xi.

Tang Xi waves bye for them and looks at disappointed Bran. She tugs him "Don't get upset for doing mistakes. At least we get some chances to rectify them".

Bran smiles "Alright Miss.Teacher! Why didn't I know you have done master in philosophy too?! I thought you only know economics!".

Tang Xi gets serious and asks "Did you come yourself or he sent you to drag me?".

Bran gets stunned "Why did you become serious suddenly?".

Tang Xi looks at him without change in her reaction.

Bran looks away awkwardly "I came myself....I thought...I am sorry..I didn't want to make Cheng mad again..".

Tang Xi nods and says "Then continue your work". She walks out ignoring him and stands to hail a cab outside the airport.

Bran follows her and opens his car door "Lets go! I will drop you".

She closes the door and looks at him smirking "Don't you think you are forgetting your work? You have got 'jobs' to do. Stop bothering me and get to work!".

A cab stops and she smiles "Whats the difference anyway? I would be right in front of you even I go by this cab".

She gets into the cab and closes the door.

Bran smiles surprised "Not bad! I thought she is just good and sweet... She has got sharp tongue!". He gets onto his car and starts the engine.