How his real concern would be?

City X.

Lu Cheng asks Bran while typing something in his laptop "Are you sure? Can you retrieve the footage?".

Bran nods with full confidence "I am damn sure this time!".

Lu Cheng scoffs "At least you are useful this time!".

Bran looks at Lu Cheng darkly and continues hacking. In a minute, he announces "I am sending the file. Just take a back up till I work on my defense so that they can't trace my logs. This time we would make them pay for hacking my system last time!".

Lu Cheng nods and does as Bran said. He asks "Just one footage?".

Bran smiles "Its enough to trap Knight!".

Lu Cheng stores a back up and opens the file. He looks at the footage seriously and smiles "He doesn't know it was a trap, does he?".

Bran too laughs nodding and gets serious recalling something "Cheng?".

Lu Cheng nods while watching the footage.

Bran asks "Don't you think you should let him go for Tang Xi's sake?".

Lu Cheng pauses the video and looks back at Bran frowning "I am not killing him. I am just throwing away from my way".

Bran asks "But sending him behind bars....What if Tang Xi gets to know?".

Lu Cheng waves the back up device "If she sees him killing a person in this footage, she would herself help me".

Bran looks at Lu Cheng for few seconds and shrugs "Then Lets get him!".


City A.

After an hour.

Tang Yuhan is looking at a text in his mobile and breaks the mobile in anger.

A man who is his assistant informs "We have an eye witness this time".

Tang Yuhan grunts "What are you waiting for? Do you want me to kill that insect personally?Just-".

The man says in a low voice "Its Miss. Su Ran".

Tang Yuhan looks back at the man and recalls himself seeing her in the hotel. He smirks "She was following me?".

The man answers "She was the in charge of the guest".

Tang Yuhan "..." So she didn't come following me?

The man looks at him worriedly "Boss? What should we do? Shall we ask help from some of our underworld contacts?".

Tang Yuhan smiles "We should handle without their help prove that Knight never seeks others help".

The man looks at him surprised "Boss? Have you got any idea to escape? The police will reach here anytime!".

Tang Yuhan stands smirking "Do as I say.." You dare to go against me?! I will teach you some real lesson this time.


Police station.

The station is in a mess as the evidence against Tang Yuhan is enough to send him prison for few years and his lawyer is doing everything inside the room.

Tang Yuhan sat in a chair ignoring everything and his complete attention is on Su Ran who was seated opposite to him.

Su Ran didn't dare to raise her head and even never saw him ever since he entered the station.

He chuckles mocks "You are avenging for your apartment".

She purses her lips and says timidly "I am not!". I am here just for the sake of my new job! If I don't co-operate, they would fire me instantly! I don't have any dream to die soon by some insane thoughts of avenging for my apartment!

He squints his eyes and asks "Did you get money for this?".

Su Ran looks at him shocked and frowns doubtfully.

Tang Yuhan looks at the door of a room in which his lawyer is arguing with some officers and smirks "I won't be imprisoned easily. If you want to live, just run from here".

Su Ran "..." Such a jerk! After killing someone, he is smiling shamelessly! I wouldn't allow you to escape!

The lawyer comes from the room and informs "Mr. Yuhan. I have tried my everything. I even claimed and made the footage evidence removed from the list as it might have tampered..but the eye witness...".

Su Ran looks at Tang Yuhan, smiling ".." You are dead in my hands this time! Aww! I am so happy! Merciless boss is getting into prison right in front of me! And I am sending him personally!.

Tang Yuhan looks at Su Ran's smile and says something to the lawyer. The lawyer gets surprised and looks at Su Ran shocked.

Su Ran looks at them blankly 'Why is the lawyer looking at me...pitifully?'.

In half an hour, Tang Yuhan's assistant reaches the police station with some files and stops looking at Tang Yuhan.

Tang Yuhan looks at him questioning and the man nods smiling.

Su Ran gets a bad premonition of their 'Chat' and frowns seriously looking at the door. 'Will he really not got to prison? No way! He has to go!'.

Soon the door opens, the officer comes straight towards Tang Yuhan.

Su Ran almost freaked out and gets sad for Tang Yuhan. After all he was her boss for few months.

The officer forwards his hand and apologizes "Sorry for the trouble Mr. Yuhan. We had been misinformed".

Su Ran "..." Is the officer insane?!

Tang Yuhan smiles formally "Never mind officer. Its my duty to co-operate".

Su Ran almost threw up hearing his words.

The officer turns towards Su Ran and he too looks at her pitifully "I hope your wife gets fine...".

Su Ran "..." Why the officer is looking at me?! And wife? Who?

She looks behind her to find whether Tang Yuhan brought someone. She frowns as there was no one behind her.

Tang Yuhan nods sadly "Thank you officer! I hope every formalities are done by my lawyer. Can we leave?".

The officer nods "Sure Mr. Yuhan! You may go".

Su Ran is about to ask something to the officer and she feels something pricking in her leg. She frowns 'Needle?'.

Tang Yuhan yells 'worriedly' "Su Ran!".

Su Ran gets dizzy and looks at Tang Yuhan's worried face. 'Hell with his acting! He can't even act! Such a fake concern! However...How his real concern would be?'.

Tang Yuhan carries her before she falls in floor and looks back at worried officer. He almost laughed seeing the officer and nods at him "Its nothing to worry. I will take care of her".

Saying so he walks out of the station smirking. 'Its too troublesome to create a gentleman image!'.