It tastes terrible!!

Tang Villa.

Tang Yuhan opens the door of a guest room and looks at unconscious Su Ran. He walks near her and looks at a glass of water near the bed.

He smirks and picks up the glass.


Su Ran wakes up instantly and gasps for breath. She coughs badly and looks around frowning. She gets shocked realizing the place and gulps scared seeing Tang Yuhan next to her. She recalls what happened before and tries to get away from bed.

'I am dead today!'.

Before Su Ran could run, Tang Yuhan scoffs "Don't you try!".


Tang Yuhan "..."

Su Ran sniffs and asks struggling " cold..water?".


Tang Yuhan "..." Such a mess!

Su Ran wipes her face by her hands and looks around the room "Do you have medicine?".

Tang Yuhan mocks "I am not a doc-".

Su Ran declares "I can't handle cold. Please help me".

Tang Yuhan crosses his arms 'You dare to order me?'.

Before she could asks, he walks towards his wardrobe and throws a towel at her face. He announces "You wouldn't bother me until I close this case completely".

Su Ran asks him eagerly "How did you escape? And what did you say about me? Why was the officer-".

Tang Yuhan interrupts "Stop irritating me! I can't take responsibility for your death then".

Su Ran "..." You *********!!!

Tang Yuhan smirks "That's great!"and walks out closing the door.

Su Ran gets shocked and runs shouting "You!! My medicines!".

Tang Yuhan locks the room outside and smiles "She is just worried about the medicines? I have kidnapped her! And her ultimate worry is...She can't handle cold! Weird!".

Su Ran knocks the door "Hey! Why did you lock the door?! I..." and slams the door irritated. She holds her head frustrated "I ..really can't handle-".


She starts sneezing and searches the room for the medicines.



Outhouse of Tang Villa.

Tang Yuhan has been trying to trace Lu Cheng's location and gets irked as he didn't left any traces. He has tried his everything however, nothing came out.

He sends his men out and calls Dinesh. He curses as Dinesh didn't pick the call no matter how many times her tried.

He yawns and looks at the time. He recalls Su Ran and stands rubbing his face. He walks out of the outhouse and strides towards the Villa.

Tang Yuhan opens the door and looks at Su Ran sleeping in the bed. He looks at her darkly 'She told that she can't handle cold...But she is sleeping ...Seems she tried to fool me'.

He removes his shirt tired and looks at Su Ran. He closes his eyes defeated and wears it back muttering 'She would take advantage if she looks at me half naked'.

He gets on the bed leisurely and looks at Su Ran for a second. Seeing her completely hidden under the blanket, Tang yuhan tosses facing away.

He recalls asking the lawyer to use a fake document which would prove Su Ran as his sick wife. And her eye witness would also become invalid if he submits the 'real' documents. All he has to do is hide Su Ran until the hearing ends.

He smirks coldly "Lu Cheng...I know you are pulling the strings from back. I would defeat you for sure this time".

Tang Yuhan frowns feeling something.

Su Ran is next to him, actually really near him and her hand is circling his elbow.

Tang Yuhan "..." Taking advantage of me in sleep?

But Tang Yuhan frowns feeling her hand so hot and sits looking her. 'Is she having fever?'.

He looks at her face and body completely under the blanket. He removes the blanket fast and finds her curling almost into a ball.

Tang Yuhan looks at her moving herself towards him and tries to remove her hands off him.

Su Ran frowns feeling his movement and hugs him replying to his struggles.

Tang Yuhan "...." She is courting death!

He removes her hands off him forcefully and pushes her away from him annoyed.

Su Ran starts crying soundly.


Tang Yuhan "..." Is she crying?! S***!! She is a real mess! She even makes me sick!


Hearing her loud cries, Tang Yuhan ushers her irritated "Shhhh! Stop!" and closes his ears "I should have thought about the consequences before! I should have thrown the medicines!".

Tang Yuhan gets out from the bed and searches for the medicine box.


He closes his ears again sullenly and curses himself for his stupid plan! 'Shall I dump her into a cupboard?'

He grunts while searching for the medicine box "Dare you open your mouth. I will stuff you into a trunk and throw you somewhere!".


Tang Yuhan gets surprised seeing her become silent and sighs relaxed "I don't know why did I bring her here!".

He looks back at her and frowns 'Is she shivering? Hell no! Did I make this worse?'.

He thinks to call a doctor but sees the medicine box in a cupboard.

He takes out the box and picks a syringe and a bottle.

Tang Yuhan fills the medicine in the the syringe and is about to inject her.

Su Ran is looking at him subconsciously but she is not aware of him and the past. Her only worry now is the thing in his hand.

She tries to push his hand away weekly and tries to speak "".

Tang Yuhan holds her hands by his single hand against her struggles and is about to inject her. Su Ran starts crying again.


Tang Yuhan "..." Is she a kid?! I am not injecting poison! Why is she behaving stupid!

Su Ran cries badly shaking her head weakly protesting and starts coughing continuously.

Tang Yuhan realizes that she is afraid of the injection and scoffs "Alright! I am not injecting...Relax!".

Su Ran asks weakly "P..Pill..".

Tang Yuhan lifts her by her shoulders and makes her to sit. Su Ran leans tired and her eyes have lost its glow due to the cold.

Tang Yuhan however, doesn't notice anything as his worry is to make her sleep no matter what! He too has to sleep soon after all...

He stuffs a pill in her mouth and tries to make her drink water to swallow.

Su Ran instantly throws up the water with pill and mumbles "You *******!! It tastes terrible!!!".