You should have stayed out

Tang Yuhan looks at her frowning "I have brought a headache myself...Su Ran..I order you! Wake up and have the pill! Now!".

Su Ran who is completely unconscious by now, doesn't respond to him.


Next day.

Su Ran wakes up from her sleep and sits muddleheaded. She stretches tired and pushes the quilt aside. She gets down from bed still by closing her eyes.

She walks slowly towards her right using her both hands forward to guide herself. She frowns doubtfully 'I should have reached the restroom by now....Did I miscount my steps?'.

She shrugs and walks forward. She pouts 'Just how long should I walk-'.

She stops suddenly and realizes something. She rubs her eyes and looks around the room seriously "Why am I still....". She recalls the yesterday's incidents and frowns suspiciously "Why does he keep on dragging me?".

She recalls him asking about dating before and gets nervous. She doesn't know why she is feeling happy and smiles thinking about him. 'Did he take care of me? Although he seems irking....Shut up!! What am I thinking?! I can't like him!! He was my boss!!'.

"Miss. May I help you?".

Su Ran turns back to see a nurse and shakes her head "No!...Thanks..".

The nurse comes near Su Ran and checks her temperature. She smiles "You are fine now".

Su Ran asks "I didn't see you last night".

The nurse informs "I was asked to come here at midnight and I have been taking care of you for hours. I am glad you are alright. How are you feeling now?".

Su Ran gets sad and instantly gloomy.

The nurse asks worried "Miss? Are you alright? Are you feeling sick again?".

Su Ran nods at her "Thank you for taking care of me.".

The nurse nods smiling "Its my duty. And do you like to have your breakfast?".

Su Ran denies and walks into the restroom slowly. 'So he doesn't care-'.

She turns suddenly and asks the nurse "Do you know where is Mr. Yuhan?".

The nurse apologizes "I am sorry Miss. I was not informed".

Su Ran sighs and asks again "Where was he throughout the night then?". 'He would have been sleeping here at least?'.

The nurse answers "Mr.Ning told that he would sleep in next room and warned me to not disturb him for anything".

Su Ran "..." You a*******!! How dare you?!.

She gets into the restroom sullenly and closes the door.

After getting freshen up, Su Ran walks out of restroom and gets surprised seeing the clothes. 'At least he is considerate at this..'.

She wears a formal dress and gets down after getting ready. She frowns seeing the empty house and looks at Tang Yuhan busy in kitchen.

Su Ran "...." Its too relaxing seeing the boss working!!.

Tang Yuhan hears her footsteps and asks her mockingly "Are you alive yet?".

Su Ran looks at him fuming "Don't worry Ex-boss! I won't die easily!".

Tang Yuhan smiles yet scoffs "Then I will check it out with my gun".

Su Ran "..." Why is he after lives? Can't he see anyone being alive?! Freaking assassin!.

Tang Yuhan comes out with his dishes and sits in a chair.

Su ran looks at the dishes eagerly and smiles surprised. 'Not bad! He knows to cook !'. She walks into the kitchen to wash her hands and looks around the messy kitchen. 'Such a messy assassin!'.

Tang Yuhan starts eating fast and finishes the stuff within a minute.

Su ran almost freaked out while coming back from kitchen seeing the empty bowls. 'Is he a human?!'.

She sits opposite to him slowly as she is too shocked to see him silent.

Tang Yuhan stands and stuffs the bowls into the sink. He walks out of kitchen taking a bottle of water. He checks his mobile while drinking the water.

Su Ran is literally gazing him in a daze as she never noticed him so close before. She would always go to his cabin to hand him the documents.

Even if she wants to look at him, noting his every instructions itself would be a headache for her. So she has realized now which she didn't before that he looks so handsome while he remains silent.

However, once he opens his mouth everything gets messed up!

Su Ran felt something strange and asks "Why did you ask that?".

Tang Yuhan looks at her with creased brows.

Su Ran says stammering "In train...about".

Tang Yuhan looks back at his mobile as if he heard nothing.

Su Ran didn't wish to leave him without answer and asks sadly "Were you...teasing me?".

Tang Yuhan stops using his mobile for a second and looks back at her "I wasn't".

Su Ran felt her whole body felt strange and her heart is beating so fast. She subconsciously gets angry on herself 'How can I like him?! I just broke up with...forget it! What would he think? Won't he think I am after his money?'.

She suppresses her feelings and looks at him staring her. She avoids seeing him awkwardly and gets into the kitchen.

Tang Yuhan gets back to his task.

Su Ran is stuck in a dilemma. She he doesn't know why is she feeling this suddenly. She gets uncomfortable staying with him and walks out of kitchen asking "How about I move out to my place?".

Su Ran looks for Tang Yuhan and sees him going into a room upstairs.

She sighs confidently "I should not let my self respect down! Even I wish ..I can't make myself being played by others again!".

She walks upstairs and opens the door in which Tang Yuhan entered before "Boss?-".

Before she could speak, she froze seeing something on the floor and looks forward. 'blood?'

She traces the stains on the floor panicking and walks shivering. She stops seeing a suitcase and recalls that it was the suitcase which he had brought from the room in the hotel.

She gulps in fear and sees around the empty room. 'Wasn't he just kidnap the guest?'.

Su Ran doesn't know what to do now and curses herself for being so stupid.

"You should have stayed out ".

Hearing Tang Yuhan's voice, Su Ran shivers.

Tang Yuhan looks at her sadly "I hate leaving traces".