Just sleep with your deals!

Tang Yuhan snatches the photographs from his assistant's hands and checks them seriously.

He smirks coldly "Lu Cheng..I am almost there..Just wait for sometime.I will tear your mask!".

He looks at his assistant "Bring Miss.Han! If you are stopped by Lu Cheng's men.... this time, you don't have to treat them gently. Because everything's going to end soon".

The assistant nods "Yes! Boss!" and goes out cheerfully. 'Finally boss is going to end Lu Cheng's chapter!'.

Tang Yuhan looks at the photographs in his hand and smiles "Long time no see Rouxi...I should have investigated your death..oops! Your fake death!".

He laughs "Now I will see what that old man would do about this!".


Tang Xi is still thinking about her previous decision. 'What if Cheng gets angry again?'.

She pouts caressing her cheek "Would he slap me?". 'Crap! I already fainted even for his slight slap before! What if he gets super angry knowing this?'.

Su Ran who was sitting sadly gets excited hearing Tang Xi;s voice "Mam?! Are you awake now?! Can we talk?! I am getting bored!".

Tang Xi ".." Damn! Is she still around me?!

Tang Xi pretends talking in sleep and hides under the blanket.

Su Ran sighs disappointed and mumbles "I wish I could disappear from this messed situations! I am tired of this crazy-". *******.

She stops herself as she doesn't want Tang Xi to hear and apologizes whispering "Sorry! I ..am just ..".

She sees Tang Xi not moving and gets happy.

Su Ran looks around and stops at Tang Xi's foot. 'Why is she keeping her foot..Wait! Is she ..pretending?!'.

She giggles slowly and sighs loudly "I wish I could just send this MERCILESS boss to prison...".

Tang Xi frowns and gets sad. Even though she knows about Tang Yuhan's crimes, she doesn't want him to get into prison! He is her only family left in this world after all! She already kept him in a place where her parents were before and would never imagine to let him suffer!.

In addition to that, his affection on Tang Xi rekindled her childhood memories ..in which she was pampered by her parents.

She gets thoughts of Lu Cheng's care for her and smiles 'How could I be so lucky?....Everytime I think that I lost my hope of my happy life, my life gives me a crazy situation to start my new life right from there! First I got Jing..Then after losing the hope..I just got my hope..Sorry..hopes....and Even I have got a brother! Which I never ever imagined! I am really lucky!'.

Su Ran frowns seeing Tang Xi's foot is relaxed and humps 'Is she asleep? For real?'.

She smirks and gasps "Mr.Lu?".

Tang Xi gets shocked and sits instantly 'Is he back?!'.

She looks around the room anxiously and gets disappointed.

Su Ran chuckles "Got you!".

Tang Xi gets irked "Its not funny at all!".

Su Ran asks smiling "Mam? Do you miss him that much?!".

Tang Xi rolls her eyes and asks "What do you want now?".

Su Ran giggles "Why don't you call Mr.Lu?!".

Tang Xi answers boringly "He would be busy".

Su Ran laughs "Then just hold your wedding ring and think about Mr.Lu with all your heart! He will sure come to you!".

Tang Xi holds her both hands sadly.

Su Ran frowns doubtfully and gets stunned to see Tang Xi's finger empty "Did you just remove your wedding ring out of a small fight?!".

Tang Xi doesn't know whether go laugh or cry 'What the heck with this girl?! She is just...eating my brain..Or what?! WHY would I remove my wedding ring?.....I am just craving to wear one!!'.

Su Ran pouts "Mam! How can you be so cruel?! Don't you know how much Mr.Lu loves you? Why did you do this? Aww! If Mr. Lu gets to know this, he would be heartbroken!".

Tang Xi "..." Shall I call Yuhan to make her silent? She is talking..and talking...and talking!!.

Before Su Ran could speak, Tang Xi says calmly "I didn't remove any wedding ring".

Su Ran frowns angrily "Then where did it go?" And asks shocked "Did...Mr.Lu remove it-".

Tang Xi declares "We didn't get marry...." and looks at Su Ran's confused reaction.

Tang Xi explains "We had a...contract..I signed for Jing's custody and he..for his inheritance....we didn't actually....marry like..".

Su Ran nods understanding, seriously "Oh..".

Tang Xi sighs recalling her previous plans 'I completely forgot about his birthday plans....Hump! He wouldn't return for a month! He just washed out my every plans! Just like that!'.


Tang Xi looks at her mobile and gets surprised 'Why is he calling NOW?! To make me angry?!'.

Su Ran gets excited "Whoa whoa whoa!! Mr.Lu is perfect in timings!".

Tang Xi is still thinking 'Did he get to know about the blast incident?! Crap! Why am I ending up in making him mad?' but she takes the call and remains silent. 'So what? I too am angry! So we are even!'.

Lu Cheng asks in a stern voice "Where the hell are you?! Why are you not home yet?!".

Tang Xi frowns and blinks blankly 'Why does he sound....'. She gasps in heart 'Don't tell me..is he in home?'.

Lu Cheng frowns hearing no reply "Wifey?! You there?!".

Tang Xi is anxious as she wants to know where is he now.

"Chief! The private jet is ready!".

Hearing Tianxian's voice, Tang Xi gets thinking 'Is he returning or going somewhere?!'.

Lu Cheng grunts "Wifey! I am asking you something!".

Tang Xi frowns "I am in Tang Villa and why are you asking? Just sleep with your deals!".

She ends the call irritated and looks at confused Su Ran "What?!".

Su Ran purses her lips " Do you..." and gulps hesitating "have...bipo...*cough*".

Tang Xi tosses her phone aside "I don't have any bipolar disorder! If you get a man like Cheng you will understand my situations!".

Su Ran mocks giggling "At least Mr.Lu would never prove you mad and embarrass you".

Tang Xi looks at Su Ran sad "I apologize on behalf of Yuhan..You know..he is just..unpredictable and I, myself can't help-".

Su Ran waves her hands smiling "Don't worry mam! I don't care about him!".

Tang Xi frowns "Seriously?!".