some good names for my kids

Su Ran nods "I know he is just playing with me.." and frowns "But sometimes goes overboard..yet the situations always bring us to a same situation...I don't know why-" I don't hate him...Even though I don't like him.

Tang Xi recalls her memories with Lu Cheng ever since her first encounter with that accident and smiles "May be everything is destined...".

Su Ran looks at Tang Xi darkly and mocks "Were you angry at Mr.Lu just before a minute?!".

Tang Xi sighs "I can't suppress my anger as it could affect me and my kids! So instead of suffering alone" and winks playfully "Why shouldn't I irk the person who makes me angry?!".

Su Ran too giggles and gives a thumbs up.

Tang Xi too laughs.

Su Ran gets sad thinking about her Ex boyfriend and sighs "Not everyone is fortunate as you".

Tang Xi frowns chuckling "Why? Don't you have your 'Friend?' who would do anything for you?".

Su Ran gets sad "Not anymore...".

Tang Xi stops smiling and notices Su Ran's sad face. She holds her hand "Su Ran?".

Su Ran tries to wipe her tears saying "He betrayed..." and ends up in crying.

Don't know why people always end up in crying after trying hard to control them...Perhaps...That can happen when they trust the person who is sitting before us.

Perhaps..they might think that sharing something will make their heart light instead of burying those sorrows deep down in their heart...

Tang Xi too gets tears seeing Su Ran (Its true! Crying is contagious!).

Su Ran cries holding her mouth "I believed him blindly! Even I had got few hours of free time ..I ..would just run to him! I never ever imagined that he could do something!".

Tang Xi holds Su Ran "Alright..Stop crying for some trash-".

Su Ran gets angry and rebukes "Yes! He is a trash! *******! ********-".

Tang Xi laughs "Whoa! Su Ran! You too get super angry?".

Su Ran grabs a pillow angrily and punches it repeatedly as if it was her Ex boyfriend.

Tang Xi rubs her forehead helplessly "Stop messing Kiddo!!".

Su Ran pouts yet in anger "All men would be same! We can't trust anyone! If they see someone better than us..They will-".

"Trusting a wrong a****** and blaming the whole world? Isn't that stupid?!".

Tang Yuhan enters the room and mocks at Su Ran.

Su Ran stands sullenly and walks out of the room angrily. 'I can't even breath in his presence! He would find something to mock me always!'.


She goes out slamming the door. She doesn't know how but gradually she started feeling comfortable with Yuhan...Not like before...Something changed in her heart doesn't know what....

Tang Yuhan smiles and looks at Tang Xi "We will get every truth within an hour".

Tang Xi gets astonished "What?!". So soon?.

Tang Yuhan shrugs nonchalantly "If Han Rouxi reaches before that, we will know even before an hour".

Tang Xi frowns still stunned "Is she...coming? Did she agree?".

Tang Yuhan smirks "If I wish to do something, it doesn't matter whether others are okay with it".

Tang Xi looks at him seriously "Then...did you..".

Tang Yuhan smiles "Don't tell me you don't want her to be kidnapped".

Tang Xi "..."... Well I am not....Thaaaat good. For now I just have to find about Cheng and throw his insecurities away...I don't want our relationship to get ruined by some so called stuff!.

Tang Xi is excited already to know the truth so her mind subconsciously ignores some serious facts of the current situation. Like Why should I think as she is getting kidnapped?! Lets just think that she is 'helping' me to know the truths!

She nods at Yuhan and lost in thoughts 'Even after knowing the truth, I would just pretend that I don't know anything...I too will see how long will Lu Cheng hide them from me!. If he confesses one day...that day would be the best day for or relationship!'.

'What secrets they could be? Are they about his illegal research? Or about that illegal drug? Or is this related to his ambitions of getting powers?!'.

She is too immersed in her own guesses and didn't notice the text received by her mobile.


City X.

Lu Cheng is boarding in his jet and smiles looking at the text. 'Just bear everything for last time Wifey! After this trip I would be free from every ties of my helplessness...This deal..will remove the hurdles between us...I am not insane to leave you alone in this condition for some random f******** deal!'.

Feng Nie tugs Lu Cheng "Don't make me envy! I too would ignore you completely while thinking about my wife!".

Lu Cheng smirks "That would be impossible!".

Feng sighs "You know me well. I could never ignore my friends-".

Lu Cheng scoffs nonchalantly "You should get married first to think about your wife, shouldn't you?!".

Feng Nie "..." You! Brat! You dare to embarrass me?!.

Lu Cheng is still looking at his mobile and lost in thoughts.

Feng too leaves him alone as he doesn't want him to mess with him.

Of course that was not the case! He got a text from someone. So he ignores Lu Cheng's sarcasm for now.

Feng gets irked seeing the text and ignores it. 'I don't know why Rouxi tries everything to annoy Cheng! Why does she want to talk with Cheng now? To make him go mad? If he goes mad, I would be the one who dies looking at his angry face!'.

He mutes his mobile and looks at Lu Cheng smiling "What now?".

Lu Cheng smiles "I am thinking of some good names for my kids".

Feng Nie ".." Damn! He is really into driving me crazy! You were supposed to think about the deal dude!.

Lu Cheng is looking for names in his mobile seriously as if it matters world to him right now.

Feng scoffs "Can we think about the deal now?! We have to convince the dealers".

Lu Cheng replies him absent-minded "Don't worry. They have no choice other than dealing with us".

Feng frowns "What do you mean?".

Lu Cheng smirks "Heard someone blasted a car in his home".

Feng gets shocked "What?!".

Lu Cheng shows news in his mobile and scoffs "I wonder what would he be doing now".