Betray him again!

Feng frowns seeing the picture and looks at Lu Cheng doubtfully "Did you talk to Tang Xi? Does she know about this?".

He sighs "No.."

Feng nods and asks "What if she gets to know?".

Lu Cheng snorts "HE would never let the world know his weakness! So it's impossible for Tang Xi-".

Feng waves his hand and yawns " Alright...Let me get some sleep. I am gradually turning into an owl now! F*** these night shifts!".

Lu Cheng ignores Feng's complaint and keeps on surfing his mobile.

Feng frowns remembering the picture and looks at Lu Cheng doubtfully "Didn't you talk to Tang Xi before? Where is she?".

He sighs "She went out for a walk".

Feng nods and asks "How did you know? Did Bran say?".

Lu Cheng says casually "She should be at home... .or Bran would have informed me. So she would have gone for her regular walk".

Feng asks doubtfully "Its strange that... Tang Xi didn't know about the blast incident".

Lu Cheng mocks him "She usually doesn't call anyone without a reason...not even me and she doesn't like gossiping too. So its justifying that she is unaware of this news".

Feng nods "True!" and smirks "But still she has her own way to annoy you! God! How does she do that?!".

Lu Cheng ignores him and takes some files to check.

Feng turns darkly and sighs seeing Rouxi's texts. 'She is really annoying'.

He switches off his mobile and lets out a deep breath. 'She would realize her fault someday..'.


Tang Villa.

Tang Xi is looking at Rouxi guiltily as Rouxi's forehead isn't recovered completely.

Rouxi is looking back at Tang Xi in completely hatred way. 'She even made me kidnapped?! Does she want me to die?! Isn't she enough with pushing that rack on me?!'.

She gets angry as she texted Feng just before she got kidnapped. She regrets sending him a bunch of texts that she wants to see Cheng instead of just 2 words "Save me!".

Tang Yuhan comes into the room with a bright smile "Hello Miss.Han!".

Han Rouxi tries to free herself but still continues struggling.

Tang Xi looks at Yuhan and asks "Can we free her hands at least?".

Tang Yuhan clears his throat "You should go out now".

Tang Xi gets shocked "What?!".

Yuhan smiles mocking "Do you want to witness everything personally?".

Tang Xi frowns "Didn't you say I would know-".

Tang Yuhan says "You would. But I will say you everything. Now get out!".

Tang Xi looks at him sulking "..".

Yuhan looks at her annoyed "Don't expect that I would allow you seeing your stubbornness! I am your brother in that too!".

Tang Xi humps "Fine!" and walks out. She stops before closing the door and looks back at Rouxi "Do you remember what I told you before?".

Rouxi gets shocked 'What did she say to this ******! To kill me?! Or..'.

Yuhan scoffs "Remember. I didn't promised anything. I will consider what you have asked me".

Tang Xi closes the door helplessly.

Tang Yuhan looks at Rouxi meaningfully and asks removing the tape on her mouth "How are you Rouxi?".

Rouxi whines "What does she want?! To kill me?!".

Yuhan looks at her darkly 'How naive you are little sister! You were asking me not to hurt her..but look at her...Just how Lu Cheng liked this thing?...I wish I could remove him from your life...He doesn't deserve you..He never said any truth to you. But I will'.

He sits before Rouxi nonchalantly "Have you been well? How are you alive till now?".

Rouxi gets shocked 'Alive till now? Does he ..know me?'.

Yuhan smirks "By the way. I am The Knight".

Rouxi gasps astonished and looks at him without blinking her eyes.

Yuhan really is annoyed by her stupid reaction as he want her to scream...beg..'Wait! I am sick! I just want to get out from these maniac expectations! My assassin mind always wants others to die even by hearing my name!'.

He recalls Su Ran's coward yet boldness in front of him and smiles absent-minded.

Rouxi frowns gulping "Did".

Yuhan realizes and coughs awkwardly 'She even affects me?!'. He asks mocking "Why are you alive?".

Rouxi "..." What the heck?! Is being alive a crime?!.

Tang Yuhan continues "You were supposed to be dead by now!".

Rouxi gets nervous "How....".

Yuhan smiles "I told you! I am Knight!".

She gulps and looks down "I ..don't know..what you are talking about!".

He laughs "Wait! Did you think you have a choice to not open your mouth? Don't worry. I know everyone's weakness and particularly yours!".

She looks at him scared yet says "I am not afraid of-".

Yuhan keeps some photos on the table and pushes towards her darkly "I think you have no choice!".

Rouxi looks at the photos scared and stammers "I..didn't..It is morphed! I..don't know anything!!".

Yuhan raises his eyebrows "Oh you don't know! I know that! But would your sweat heart listen to your explanations?! Or...would he believe this photos which shows that your Han clan's well known employee planting the bomb in Tang Xi's car?!".

Rouxi gets anxious and sad 'He won't hear me at all...But ...".

She looks at him angrily "Why are you doing this to me?! Why did you do everything to Cheng before?!-".


Yuhan slams the table "The truth! I don't want to hear any bull shit!!".

Rouxi gets scared and froze in her spot.

Yuhan sighs "Alright! Just say everything or I would just send this to your sweetheart!".

Rouxi yells madly "Who the hell are you?! Why were before Cheng and now helping that b****! Tell me what's your affair-".

Tang Yuhan instantly points a gun at her and warns sternly "Don't tempt me!".

Rouxi cries in fear "Kill me if you wish! But I would die rather betraying Cheng!".

Tang Yuhan "..." Is she that loyal? Its not good...I want her to betray him again... So that Tang Xi gets her love completely!.

He shrugs " Then I would like to offer the hell! Now I got to know that Lu Cheng is important for you. Why not send these pics to him right now?!".

Rouxi gets anxious and helpless " No...".

He raises his eyebrows "Well you know what to do to save your image in front of your boyfriend! Oops! Your Ex!".