Everything was an act? To lure Tang Xi?

Tang Yuhan says thinking something seriously "I think I should send these pics to Lu Cheng".

Rouxi cries pleading "No! Please...I ..beg you...Don't do this..Cheng would hate me forever! I can't live with his hatred...please....".

Tang Yuhan leans back ignoring her completely "I think you didn't hear me properly".

Rouxi sobs helplessly "Please...".

Yuhan looks at her boringly "Just one minute! Decide whether to tell me the truth or face his hatred".

Tang Yuhan stands and walks out slamming the door.

He stops and looks back at the door seriously and gets thinking 'Did she beg me? Things are getting dire...What if things get difficult for Tang Xi? Yes...Why would Lu Cheng doubt even Tang Xi if his secrets are only about his illegal deals and researches? Is his secret not about his illegal research actually?'.

At first, everyone thought Lu Cheng is just afraid to say Jing's condition because she would be devastated and she would leave him. But if that's the actual truth, Lu Cheng would have used Jing's condition to get close to Tang Xi!.

He would have got a lot of time together with her and even that situation would have created a strong bond between them!.

Why did he choose a risky path?! Instead of easily getting her sympathy...Why did he take the risk of keeping her in dark?!.

Tang Xi asks worriedly as she heard Rouxi's wailing "What..What happened?! Why is she crying?!".

Tang Yuhan looks at her silently and looks at his wristwatch. 'I should know the truth first!'.

He says "I will be back" and walks into the room again where Rouxi is.

Tang Xi "...".


Tang Yuhan didn't talk anything while entering the room. He sits before Rouxi and starts to attach the photos silently.

Rouxi gets scared seeing his mobile and wails "Please no! No! Please!!".

Tang Yuhan just continues attaching files and is about to press the send button.

"I will say!!!".

Rouxi screams in horror.

Tang Yuhan smiles faintly "Finally!".

She cries "I will say everything!".

Tang Yuhan crosses his leg and leans back "Speak!".

She starts saying looking down and chokes emotionally as it was a prolonged truth which they had been hiding from everyone!. "The research ..was..to ...save me!".

Tang Yuhan internally gets astonished 'Lu Cheng risked his everything for Rouxi?!'.

She says "The baby was created to....save me..I had a-".

Yuhan mutters "Heart disorder...".

She nods weakly "I was in the verge of death before years and ....I had only chance of living with.....an organ made by my own body cells-".

Tang Yuhan doesn't know why he feels so ...scared. For the first time in his life he couldn't think of any possibility. He could never say what would happen to Tang Xi after knowing this...

Of course Rouxi doesn't want to say everything as the single reason made evrything obvious!.

He grits his teeth viciously "To save you? He snatched Jing from Tang Xi?!".

Rouxi frowns blankly "Jing?".

Tang Yuhan looks at her sinisterly "The product of your f****** research!".

Rouxi is still confused "What's there to snatch? The baby was supposed to save me and its purpose has-".

Tang Yuhan pushes the table aside in anger and curses himself for promising to say the truth to Tang Xi!.

Rouxi looks at his anger and gets stoned. 'Why is he behaving crazy?!'.

Tang Yuhan holds his head frustrated "F***!! Lu Cheng you******!!". How will I say Tang Xi the truth?!. He snatched Jing from her?! To save his Ex?!.

He kicks the table and breaks it by kicking it repeatedly.

Tang Xi who gets restless hearing the sound outside and knocks "Yuhan!!".

Tang Yuhan looks at Rouxi with murder intent and about to strangle her. But stops just before he grabs her neck.

He hisses "What's this new deal about?!". Lu Cheng has been trying so badly to get this drug!.

Rouxi says reluctantly "Even after the surgery..I have been feeling the same pain..so the drug would heal-".

Tang Yuhan went insane hearing her and chuckles coldly "You! Even after snatching Jing's life...you guys are shameless enough to hide this from Tang Xi?!".

Rouxi gets angry "She has nothing to do with us! Cheng has been doing everything to save me since years! HE IS MINE! He is just keeping Tang Xi with him because he is just guilty! Do you hear me?!".

"He is confused! He thinks he loves Tang Xi ! But he is just guilty as he too thinks like you! He thinks he snatched the..kid from her ..and shows his anger on me! The truth is... he still loves me! And takes every risks to save me!".

Tang Yuhan is lost for a minute and too thinks everything happened since the start. He suddenly realizes something.

'Lu Cheng got the custody papers ...for the..surgery? To transplant the heart?!'.

He steps back weakly and his forehead is covered with sweat 'No wonder....He didn't want Tang Xi's sympathy...He just wanted to save Rouxi...so he kept Tang Xi in dark! He diverted her by faking his love!'.

'So...Everything was an act? To lure Tang Xi? He took advantage of her love and got his selfish 'goal' achieved?'.


Tang Yuhan looks at the door and looks back at Rouxi sternly "Dare you open your mouth!".

Rouxi smirks "What? Are you scared to say her the truth now?! You were the one asked me to tell everything! I am not scared of anyone! Instead I would slap her face with the reality! Let me tell her myself! I too will see how she claims Cheng even after knowing this truth!".

Tang Yuhan curses himself and walks towards her hurriedly. Hecloses her mouth forcibly by a tape.

Rouxi muffles angrily and struggles to free herself.

Tang Yuhan calls his assistant and grunts "Throw this junk in our base!".

He wipes his forehead nervously and walks towards the door. He stops angrily and grunts " You will pay for this!".

Seeing her smug face, he smirks "I will find whether he is still confused".

Rouxi frowns.

He mocks viciously "If my sister doesn't get something...none in this world deserve that!".

Rouxi looks at him shocked and muffles badly.

Tang Yuhan sends the pics to Lu Cheng and scoffs "Let him be confused..I would clarify everything for him..".

He opens the door and looks at Tang Xi's anxious face. 'Stupid sister....'.