Little Dumb Sister!

Su Ran gulps hiding her both hands back and smiles timidly "I was...just". She curses herself for opening her damn mouth and smiles sweetly "Sorry for the inconvenience!".

She steps cautiously backwards towards the door " I was just...looking at -" and looks for something like paintings around the room to handle the situation. 'F*** man! He doesn't have any painting on the walls.. not even a picture?!!'.

Yuhan suggests "Me? You were looking for me?".

Su Ran denies helplessly "No..Actually..".

He smiles "Why are you nervous? You can say the truth. Its fine. I know I am good looking".

Su Ran looks at his rare smile and gets lost seeing his face. 'Damn! He looks so good whenever he smiles..'.

Tang Yuhan smirks "So..Were you looking for me?".

She nods her head subconsciously and shakes her head realizing what she has done "No! I was". 'WHY AM I STARING HIM?!'.

Tang Yuhan loosens his tie tired "Oh you don't have to lie" and unbuttons his shirt.

Su Ran turns immediately ".." Crap! Why is he-.

Before she could complete her thought she feels his presence behind her.

Yuhan notices the table drawer left open and looks at her darkly 'You are not as innocent as others think! And the way you act like innocent drives me crazy...'.

Su Ran gets scared "You-".

Tang Yuhan asks "Shall I...".

Su Ran gets silent and shocked instantly 'What?! What is he trying to do?'.

She starts breathing heavily and heaves nervously.

Yuhan completes in a deep voice "Kiss you?".

Su Ran felt her heart skipped a bit and she gasps in shock.

Yuhan holds her hand softly "So shall I take it as yes?".

Su Ran didn't felt his grip strong yet she couldn't move herself from there for some reason.

She is getting breathless as his scent made her so crazy and not to mention his hot breaths at the back of her neck!

Yuhan chuckles suddenly "Seriously?! Did you just stop here to get a kiss? From your boss?".

Su Ran gets back to the terrible reality and blinks realizing what just had happened! 'I am a loser!!! Was I just doing what he said?!'.

Yuhan pats her shoulder "Don't worry. I am not interested in this office romance!".

He turns and continues unbuttoning his shirt again.

Su Ran closes her eyes embarrassed and cries silently. She steps away to go.

"Close the door while leaving".

Su Ran ".." F*** you!!

She stomps out slamming the door frustrated.

She ran instantly as if she ran for Olympics.

Tang Yuhan ".." That

Su Ran stops running and looks back at the room door. She looks her hands frowning and stands dumbfounded 'How the hell did he take my albums back?!!'.

She holds her head madly "How could I lose the albums?! Did I lose my conscious completely?! How can I not realize while he took the albums from me?!".

While Tang Yuhan in the room sighs and looks at the albums in his hand, mumbling "She 'left' the albums".

He smiles and hides it in his wardrobe. 'Now I will see what you do next time'.


Tang Yuhan gets fresh and walks out wondering 'Is Tang Xi really doesn't mind this? Why is she getting fooled herself? He can't be trusted!'.

He finds her watering the plants in the garden and mocks "Are you really interested in gardening or you are trying to calm yourself?".

Tang Xi rolls her eyes "Of course I like doing this all the time!".

He sits in a stone bench and says "I think you are liking his everything blindly".

Tang Xi stops pouring water and turns "What do you mean?".

Yuhan crosses his arms "That obvious! You started liking his bad things too. Like every freaking crazy couples do and claim that they are true love?!".

Tang Xi smiles "And why are you really over reacting to this? Seriously? Are we gonna discuss this again?".

Tang Yuhan shrugs simply "Yeah..I know someone had went insane for just not saying a truth about Jing's health and even planned to run away! And now even after knowing about him ..And his priority that he is giving to his ex..Are you really feeling that..I AM over reacting?!".

Tang Xi gets thinking and sits beside him silently.

Both remains silent for a minute till Tang Xi says "I know about his ex before. I think that's the reason I accepted this easily. I don't find that..its not a crime to save his ex!".

Yuhan frowns "You know her before?".

Tang Xi nods "I thought she was dead and Cheng too mentioned that she was dead! How can he say someone had died just because he is angry at them?! So I myself assumed that she might be dead and when I got to know that she is actually alive" and lets out a deep breath "I literally went crazy!".

Yuhan sighs boring "Stop bluffing! You only talk big and throw things out! You can't do any worse than this!. You've started worshipping your husband! Literally!".

Tang Xi looks at his in disbelief "Worship?!".

Yuhan points at her mockingly "Yes! You!".

Tang Xi snorts "Can you shut up?".

Yuhan laughs "Alright tell me what did you do then?".

Tang Xi smiles "I made Rouxi to stay with us!".

Yuhan stops laughing gradually and looks at her clueless " You did what?".

She nods assuring "You heard right!".

He scoffs "Whoa! Little dumb sister! You helped him to get back his ex too?! Wow! I appreciate that!".

She pouts whining "I am not dumb!".

He tugs her "Yes you are! Who would do that?! Its insane!".

She rolls her eyes "I didn't have any other way to annoy him".

Yuhan claps teasing "Great! You actually did a great favour by bringing back his ex and getting proud of your sh*** idea now?".

She swats his hand and sulks "Stop it!".

Yuhan rubs his forehead "When will you grow up?! You have to take care of the kids in future! Tang Xi stop being childish! Life won't be easy in future!".

She chuckles "As if it's going so smooth now" and shakes her head "It was never easy Yuhan".

He too gets sad and says "At least you have got some nice childhood memories....". I really wish I could have grew up with you...I could have protected you from falling for that *******!