May be your husband has another ex

Tang Xi looks at him sad and she too gets sad. She humphs pretending angry "Did you say I was having fun?! Don't you know I was sent away from the country for years ?!".

Tang Yuhan looks at her weirdly "I just said you had many things that I didn't get".

She frowns disappointed "But they only imprinted your name behind the painting! Not mine!".

He too gets thinking 'Yes..Why did they do that? If they didn't want me ..they why did they-'.

Tang Xi asks doubtfully "But....Why did they name you Yuhan? If they didn't want you, they wouldn't have raised you in our own trust!".

Tang Yuhan gets surprised and asks "How did you know?!".

Tang Xi recalls once Aunt Song mentioned about raising Ning Yuhan who is actually Tang Yuhan.

Tang Yuhan gets restless and shakes her "Tang Xi! I didn't mentioned that I was raised in Tang Corps' trust! How did you know?!". 'Does she know something..that I didn't pay attention?'.

She says "Aunt Song mentioned about this once -".

Tang Yuhan frowns "Aunt Song?".

Tang Xi nods "She had been working in our trust and even said she raised-".

Tang Yuhan stands astonished and smiles "Mother Song!".

Tang Xi smiles 'Seems he really considers her as his mother'.

Tang Yuhan holds her "I want to meet Mother! Shall we go?".

Tang Xi gets stunned "Now?!".

He pulls her "Come! I have to meet her! Its been a long time I met her".

She follows him "Alright! Relax! She is not going anywhere. I will ask her to come!".

Tang Yuhan stops and pokes her forehead "Aren't you ashamed? Will you trouble elders? Its not respectful if we bring her here!".

Tang Xi stammers "Did you just..". Poke my forehead? We share a same habit! And wait! Since when he become so filial son?!.

Tang Yuhan shrugs blankly "What did I do? I was saying right!".

They hear Su Ran's voice and turns blankly.

Su Ran was asking something to the driver near the car.

Tang Yuhan smirks and walks with Tang Xi.

Su Ran is pleading the driver to take her out as wanted to see a movie. She has been waiting watch that for so long.

Unfortunately, Tang Yuhan interrupts "I will take you!".

Tang Xi "..." What?! Why can't he stop teasing her?! We just now decided to meet Aunt Song!.

Su Ran looks at him suspiciously ".." You only will take me to hell!.

Tang Yuhan gets into the car after making Tang Xi sit in back seat.

He scoffs at Su Ran "If you miss this chance , I bet you will regret-".

Su Ran opens the back seat door instantly "Just take me to the movie!".

Tang Yuhan "..".

Tang Xi smiles sneakily seeing Tang Yuhan's funny reaction.

Tang Yuhan clears his throat "Sit in front. And don't disturb my sister".

Su Ran smiles "I won't take much space. See-".

Tang Yuhan grunts "Do you think me as your driver?! I can be that for my sister! Not you!".

Su Ran gets sad "..".

Tang Xi frowns "Yuhan!-".

Tang Yuhan says nonchalantly "Stop taking her side everytime!".


Tang Xi is about go talk but Su Ran gets her hand hit while closing the door.

Tang Yuhan growls "Can you do something without irritating me?!".

Su Ran stammers in pain "Its..just a small hurt!".

Tang Yuhan looks for a first aid box and throws at her.

Tang Xi looks at them doubtfully and gets thinking. 'So ....this is it? I will find out what's happening real soon'.

Su Ran was shocked at first but nods holding the box "Thank you".

She asks timidly "Shall we go?...Actually..the movie-".

Tang Yuhan hisses "Treat your hand! Do you want me to treat you?! Do you want your boss to work for you?!".

Su Ran "..." Is he like this ever since his birth or did he hurt his head somewhere?!.

Tang Xi "..." Does my brother suffer from a bipolar?! Why does he behave so strange? In one hand he teases her...but in other hand..he cares for her...

Su Ran sprays some pain reliever and smiles eagerly "I did it! Shall we go now?!".

Tang Xi gets sad seeing Su Ran and asks "Yuhan? Why don't we ask her to go alone? She would enjoy even more without us-".

Before Tang Yuhan can say Su Ran says "No mam! Its ok! I just want to see the movie! I am really happy that you are coming with me!".

Tang Xi purses her lips helplessly and smiles pitifully 'Poor Su Ran! Why are you spoiling everything with your own mouth?! I can't see her sad when she gets to know the truth!'.

Tang Yuhan smiles sweetly at Su Ran "Then its decided! Lets go!".

Su Ran frowns at his smile and gets thinking 'Oh no! Did I just believe him once again?! Crap! Su Ran you are the dumbest woman alive! I hope..I just hope he at least drop me somewhere if he intends to throw me away! I don't care If he really wanna tease and leave me in any street! I just want to watch the action movie! Moreover...Mam is here..why should I worry?'.

She smiles happily and leans back looking outside the window. She frowns doubtfully 'But..till now he didn't ask me the movie name! How-'.

She sits straight seeing something via the rear mirror and gasps "Why does the car look familiar?!".

Tang Yuhan subconsciously notices the car behind his car and his face turned stern. 'Li clan?!'.

Su Ran pouts doubtfully.

Tang Yuhan takes an immediate turn and orders sternly "Seat belts!".

Tang Xi gets shocked "What..."and asks while putting on the seat belt "What's happening?".

Su Ran exclaims "Got it! Its-".

Tang Yuhan declares with murder intent "Your ex-boss!".

Su Ran smiles timidly and asks "But why are we getting afraid of them? They are nice-".

Tang Yuhan hisses "Nice my foot! Shut your damn mouth for a sec!".

Su Ran "...".

Tang Xi asks looking back "Yuhan...what's happening?".

Yuhan takes an another sudden turn and says seriously "Just fix them as bad guys in your mind for now!".

Tang Xi whines "But what do they want?!".

Tang Yuhan grits his teeth "Your life!".

Tang Xi gasps "What the heck?! Now what did I do to them?".

Tang Yuhan smirks winking "May be your husband has another ex from Li clan!".

Tang Xi sulks angrily "Its not funny!".