Big Brother

Tang Xi opens her eyes slowly. She squints her eyes to adjust with the brightness of the room. She stares at the fan emptily as she remembered her last dream. It was the only thing she recalled at the moment.

Her eyes were not leaking any tears as if it doesn't have any because of her previous crying. She too didn't felt bad as she is now used to the pain...of THE loss. Whatever she lost , she knew she could never get back and these dreams only show how forbidden was that for her.

Reality hits her in a minute 'My babies?!'. Only then she realizes the fact that she is still alive! The last words she heard before passing out were of the doctors! .

'Am I a mother?! How can I forget my babies for this long?! I should see them! I need to know whether they are fine!'.

She tries to sit but froze feeling her hand was locked by a strong arm. Only then she eyes Lu Cheng was sitting on a stool and he is sleeping leaning over the bed resting one of his hands on her hand. Holding it firmly.

She suddenly loses her idea of taking her hands back. He looked tired and his face was screaming his exhaustion. She suddenly bites her lip guiltily.

'I forced him to do everything I asked for. He did everything so that I won't get disappointed. I knew! I knew he was lack of sleep over a week because of some interior works of some celebrity's villa... I wasn't ready to leave him there alone and keep worrying him about me. It was a better way to drag him with me and I had an another reason too....I was scared...I was scared to part away from him ...I doesn't want to leave him and being pregnant with twins the dates were really unpredictable. .. I didn't want to take risk '.

She laughs at herself in the irony. 'I was risking my life and here I am talking about not taking risks...*sigh*. Crap! I want to see my babies! Should I wake him? No....but I have to see!'.

After thinking for a long long 30 seconds, she couldn't stop herself and tries to move her hands from his hands slowly.

She swears to pinch him if he tightens his grip like he always does in sleep.

She pulls her hand slowly and closes her eyes defeated as Lu Cheng indeed tightened his grip.

'Did he used to hug any doll while sleeping since childhood? ! Who does that?!'.

Without thinking twice, she holds his hand firmly. The strength was enough to wake Lu Cheng.

Lu Cheng jerks from his sleep and looks around absent-minded. Instantly he senses his hand has been held. He gasps seeing Tang Xi and responses after a lag of time. He needed to process what did he just saw. Didn't want to

Tang Xi didn't know how to respond him 'Hey hubby? Or Nice to see you again?.. or-'.

Only a weak and timid smile came from her pale lips. She felt like a brat now ...suddenly she regretted waking up. 'I swear he would yell at me for not listening to-'.

Lu Cheng hugs her whispering "I love you!". He was holding her softly. Just concerned hurting her by showing all his strength. He gasps "I thought I would never get a chance to say that again!".

She felt her hospital gown drenching behind her neck and hugs him back with all her strength "I have no plans to leave you hubby!".

She whispers "Don't you wanna complete this hug? With our all the family members?".

She was feeling numb and she could tell she couldn't walk. So better ask him to take her to the babies.

He releases her and looks at her smiling eagerly "I will be back". He storms out hurriedly as he can't wait to see her precious reaction.

She tries to lift herself from bed without waiting for him stupidly but stops still feeling some ache in her abdomen.


She snaps at the door and smiles seeing Tang Yuhan entering. "Yuhan? When did you come?".

Yuhan spats showing no mercy "Of course I HAD to come to thank for your kindness!".

Tang Xi flinches at his harsh words and asks "What happened? Did you guys fight again-".

He grits his teeth "For God's sake Tang Xi! When would you grow up?! When would you stop being dumb and stupid?!".

Tang Xi shakes her head "Have you lost it? What the heck are you talking about?!".

Yuhan hisses "I am talking about your stupidity of gambling your life Tang Xi! Will you ever grow up?! Your immaturity of handling things sickens me! What do you think? I was watching over you for years just to see you dead because of some sh*** love sickness?! Have YOU lost your mind? I don't believe you are dumb enough to believe that unfaithful ****** blindly and even risked your life!".

Tang Xi looks at him in disbelief and asks "What are trying to say Yuhan? I wanted to take this risk and Lu Cheng had nothing do with my decision! Aren't you happy that I have a family now?-".

Yuhan chuckles coldly "Family?! You have gone mad! Do you even aware of his doings?! What about his secrets?! Does he trust you enough to share everything with you?! No! Open your god damn eyes Tang Xi! When he is so protective about him then how could you risk your damn life?! And you actually had nerve to keep me in dark?! What did you thought? Slapping your every shares on my face would shut me?! Is this what you do to your own family? Did you thought. ..I did not deserve to know?!".

Tang Xi did not know how exactly she should react. Every questions he asked her made her to feel so immature. She never had anyone after her parents death to scold her when she did something wrong.

She always did what she thought to. Even Lu Cheng never had courage to curse her at face! Now she is really felt trapped. 'Why did he become my 'big brother' suddenly? He never acted like this before'.