Yes or No?!

Tang Xi went blank suddenly. She couldn't answer any of his questions. Because she was wrong!.

She avoids his eyes and mumbles "I am sorry...I-I didn't intend to hurt you -".

Yuhan declares sternly "But you did it! And I don't want to hear anything from you! We are done with him and I am taking you away from him to make sure your brain works in future! ".

Tang Xi gasps shocked "Yuhan!".

He smirks in rage "So you would prefer to break my heart to his?! Are you going with me or not?!".

Tang Xi tries to stand but in vain "Yuhan... Why are you so mad? I am sorry...I didn't tell you but why don't you understand? We are family now and don't you want this? You want me to leave everything behind just because of Cheng's insecurities? This is unfair! How can I do this-".

Yuhan interrupts "I just want one word as my answer! Yes or No?!".


Lu Cheng enters with his baby and frowns looking Tang Xi "Why are you ?..Are you okay?!". He strides towards her concerned.

Tang Xi ignores everything seeing her baby in his hands and mumbles absent-minded "Its nothing".

She freezes seeing the baby which made Yuhan to fist his palm hard. 'Now she would go dumb....again!'.

She starts to shake weakly as she doesn't want to dream again... Please don't end this as a mere dream. ..

Lu Cheng pecks her forehead "Complete the family hug Wifey..".

She stares at the baby until she held him in her arms. She lets out a breath which she was holding. Tears welled up in her eyes "Please tell me this isn't a dream..".

He pecks on her head "It's not".


A nurse comes with another baby and hands to Lu Cheng.

Tang Xi starts sobbing hugging her babies in her embrace. She pecks at the cheeks of the sleeping babies and looks at Lu Cheng happily "They are soooo beautiful! I can't resist myself hugging then tight!".

Lu Cheng hugs his complete family possessively and stares at Yuhan who was looking everything helplessly.

Yuhan couldn't take anymore and declares glaring at Lu Cheng "This wouldn't change the past Tang Xi! You better act like a lady rather acting like a love-sick dumb girl!".

Saying so he gets out of the room. Lu Cheng looks at Tang Xi already lost in seeing the babies endearingly. But she heard his words. She doesn't want to answer him because he is acting stupid this time!.

'I know it's all my fault that doesn't mean I will allow him to punish a stupid way. This is insane that he is asking me to leave Cheng when he has done so much for my sake.... He doesn't deserve to be punished like this. As for his insecurities. ...He would trust me enough one day...I don't want to force him. When I have so many reasons to love him why would I hate him for a single reason? That doesn't make sense'.

Lu Cheng asks "What to name the baby girl? I think we don't have any other choice with the baby boy?".

Tang Xi smiles "Lets name her with some Indian name. I will ask Ananya".

Lu Cheng nods and informs with a smile "She came here right after her marriage this morning".

She gets shocked "What?! That's insane!".

He chuckles "Exactly like your friend".

She blushes embarrassed "She is a special one. I had never seen someone like her. She is a mixture of everything...".

Lu Cheng takes the babies from her and places in the cribs near the bed. He feels his mobile vibrating in his pocket but ignores.

He sits on the stool beside the bed and stares her playing with the hospital gown.

She asks awkwardly "When can we leave?".

He answers yet feeling his mobile vibrating "In 2 days. We will leave the country after a week. The doctors strictly ordered to not travel in next 5 days".

She nods and yawns "I don't know why I am feeling sleepy even after sleeping for long time".

He smiles "Just rest well". He leaves the room after tucking her in the blanket.

He takes out his vibrating mobile and sighs seeing it's Feng.

He attends the call finally.

Feng roars in the other "Why the f*** are you avoiding me you a******?! I have been calling you for months!".

Lu Cheng announces bitterly "I was busy".

Feng stops speaking for a minute and asks "Do you any idea to inform me about Tang Xi and my godchildren?".

Lu Cheng clears his throat and mumbles doubtfully "Bran told you".

Feng scoffs "Of course not! Your loyal employees and best friends wouldn't cheat you. So I called Miss. Ananya! You ******! Can you imagine how embarrassing it is to ask her ?! You are an ******* you know that?".

Lu Cheng sighs "What do you want now?".

Feng barks madly "I swear I would punch the s*** out of you if you keep on treating me this way! Who am I?! A bloody stranger? I was just helping both of my friends! I may act unfair to you sometimes but you have to understand Cheng! But she has no one by her side too! I am doing this because I want both of you! I hate chosing one from you two!".

Lu Cheng stays silent as he knew it was Feng. He never leaves one's side or hate someone. May be it's because of his profession. He understands too much.

Feng announces "Knight has filed an extra charge on Father Han".

Lu Cheng frowns "Why didn't anyone inform me?".

Feng chuckles "Because they did not know yet! Lawyer Zhang accidentally turned on the speaker while attending the call. And one of our men informed me just now".

Lu Cheng asks "What are the charges this time?".

Feng gulps "He was behind the accident....of Tang Xi's parents. This is bad. I wanted to inform you before Knight makes his move against you".

Lu Cheng stands shocked as he felt burdened by another weight on his shoulders. He asks "Is it true? If it is-".

Feng says worriedly "I don't know but Knight has some evidence. If this comes out..I am afraid that..What Tang Xi would think".