Death is awaiting


Lu Cheng stares at his mobile in disbelief "You!". He stops himself from grunting as he senses someone's presence behind him.

He startles to see Ananya scrutinizing him.

He clears his throat, throwing his mobile into his pocket.

Ananya squints her eyes "Are you hiding something Lu Cheng?".

He admits "Yes. Because I don't think it's important for anyone to know".

She smiles "Not bad. You are admitting it!. How is that person anyway? Alive?".

He can swear that she heard everything and nods confidently "Yes".

She crosses her arms and smirks "Aren't you going to tell Xi at least?".

He smiles meaningfully and pats her head "Happy Married life! " and walks towards the bed.

She is still checking his reactions and whines "Just what are you?!".

He leans towards the headboard and chuckles without saying anything. He recently into this habit of annoying her. He finds her cute when she gets mad.


After a month.

Lu Head Office.

Lu Cheng is busy in his plans as he planned to surprise Tang Xi in a week. Shifting to Lady Lu House. A long time plan actually. He has become father while the house was built.

He couldn't help smiling while thinking about his life now. He calls Tianxian "Cancel the appointments. I am leaving. Push it to tomorrow's schedule".

Tianxian is used to his mood swings recently and nods "Yes Chief!".

Lu Cheng grabs his mobile and leaves his office.


Private Villa.

Tang Xi is busy with her babies. She looks at her baby girl sleeping and her baby boy is busy with biting a book which she kept beside her on the bed.

She rolls her eyes squealing in low voice "Why do you want to eat the book baby?! Do you want me to read it for you?!".

She takes the book from his hands and smiles caressing his cheeks.

'Just like me...'.

She looks at her baby girl and chuckles "Just like her dad! Sleepy head!".

For the whole month she has been too busy with her babies. She barely slept. If her daughter finds her sleeping. She CAN'T see her sleeping and will cry out the whole villa to wake her up!. Thankfully Lu Cheng has been taking care of her night shifts.

She wonders "How he would be working even after sleeping late?!".

Tang Xi looks at her mobile and sighs seeing the time "One hour...He should be busy...It's almost time to leave".

She accidentally looks at the texts that she received from Tang Yuhan last week. He keeps on blaming her and still mad at what she had done!.

She sighs and goes towards her cupboard. She takes the documents from the locker and sighs worriedly "May be I should undo my mistakes?".

She looks at another folder with her divorce and custody papers. She looks them and smiles shaking her head. She keeps the other documents aside and tears them without thinking for another second.

'I had become a paranoid in fear! I should have tore these before!'.

She smiles and grabs other files to put them back.

She is about to close the locker but frowns seeing a sealed folder. She remembers it was the file which she got in her door steps before months. She tossed it on that day and didn't noticed even while placing these new documents.

She takes the folder and opens the seal mumbling "If this was sent by Yuhan..Why didn't he mention about this? It should be important...But why didn't he ask this back?".


Feng's Apartment.

Lu Cheng calls Feng "Can you come to Private Villa? In an hour?".

Feng looks at Rouxi staring at the chessboard intensely and says "Yes. Do you want me to know?".

Lu Cheng declines "It would be better, if she doesn't show up in future".

Feng grits his teeth "You could have just said no Cheng! You don't have to be so rude!".

Rouxi rolls her eyes mentally and smiles making her move "Check!".

Feng "S***!! Don't distract me! I will be there!".

Lu Cheng "..." Distract?!. What's really got into him these days?!.

Feng saves his king by making a move and smiles proudly "Your move!".

She smirks "Checkmate! It was a trap!".

Feng "..." Why does she always win?!

Rouxi laughs seeing his sullen face "Don't be a kid Feng! It's just a game!".

He sighs defeated and shakes his head "Why are you winning always?! I was a champion in my childhood though!".

Rouxi bursts out laughing "Seriously?! Who was that dumbest person gave you the championship?! Wait! I know the story! You won a single prize in your grade 3 and you are claiming as if you were the only person who had won every year!".

He shrugs justifying "But I was the only one who knew how to play it at grade 3!-".

Rouxi laughs hard "Please Feng!". He was the only guy who knew the game! So obviously he got the prize! Without any competition!.

He twitches his lips irked "Fine. It's not funny".

She nods her head and clears her throat after stopping herself from laughing.

He stands informing "I have to meet Tang Xi".

She frowns looking at him.

He continues "Cheng planned to say everything to her today".

She looks at him shocked and nervous. No she understood why Feng has been worried for few days.

She nods "I will take care of myself. You know..He would get angry if you ..reach late..".

He senses her worry and asks "Something is bothering you. Don't you want to..go with me?".

She blurts instantly "No!...I appearance not right at this moment...And if Tang Xi sees me...Everything will get worse..Better I stay away from them. For their good".

He looks worriedly "You ..don't you want to meet Tang Xi? You said you wanted to-".

She nods "Yes..But not now. Some other time? When things get least complicated?".

Feng nods and walks out of her room.

Rouxi gets worried "I hope she understands...".


Private Villa.

Tang Xi grabs the files out of the folder and sits in a couch relaxed. She sits straights seeing the photographs of her parents were crossed by a black marker.

She gulps and read a note which was sticked at the corner of the photo.

"Death is awaiting".