Love my foot!

Tang Xi tosses the photo on the table and looks into the other files. Her face turned stern seeing every medical records.

It was the treatment procedures and case study of Han Rouxi's condition. It covered every parts of the procedures.

'Needed a donor...Cheng was talking about this decision. ..No way Rouxi could be alive without the transplant...and due to the weird allergy of chlorine-'.

'Allergic to chlorine...'.

Tang Xi felt numb seeing them. But her face told, she could break down at any moment.

' son was a ...'.

She couldn't even continue and finish the sentence. She is fuming in rage. She is shuddering with clenched fist!. Her heart was beating crazily while processing everything.

'Save my kid!'.

'Yes! That was the line he said when I saw him first! The very first lie! And my life become a bunch of them now!'.

She was being fooled....has been played. Now she understood why Lu Cheng couldn't say her the truth!. Nothing hurts more than being played. Especially when you are an independent woman of your very own way to live.

'Now I understand why he had been sneaky..where he had been disappeared for months...The reason behind his weird overnight changes and reason behind Jing's death!'.

She knew the truth already that he pretended for the custody. But after knowing this whole truth, she completely forgot that she already forgave him for that. She doesn't think anything other than Jing!.

She doesn't reason her emotion. If she had read Rouxi's reports first and then her parents' murder truth. Things could have been different. She could have thought differently. But not anymore.

She holds the files hard and sees the final page which had mentioned an address with a handwritten note.

'The truth awaits'.

She looks at the time and contemplates 'Should I go now? I have just 35 minutes to decide! Cheng will be on his way back from office!'.

'What if I find nothing there? This file has been here for months! Did the person really know who killed my parents?! Who had done this to me?! Why did they do this to me?!'.

A sudden rush of emotions made her to know the truth. She can't resist the temptation to know the complete truth and her raging heart forgot all the sanity.

She tears off the last page in which the venue was mentioned and grabs her mobile from the bedside table.

Tang Xi stops abruptly looking at his baby boy watching her with big eyes. He was looking at her curiously as if she was flying in midair.

Her eyes starts to sting remembering Jing. 'How could I forgive for what was done to my son?! My son didn't deserve that punishment! If anyone could be punished, it should be Lu Cheng and I ! I should be punished for being idiotic ! It wouldn't have happened if I had my mind working! Nothing of this would have happened! At least no one could have snatched my son's heart from him!'.

'He was fooling me with his flirtings and I lost my child into his f******* trap! He killed my son to bring back her life! My son! How heartless he could be?'.

'And here I was.... bearing his babies. .. I loved a devil who has been A DEVIL! I failed to realize how cruel he is! '.

She doesn't regret or hate her babies. But suddenly she felt, they were the evidences of her bad moves! That terrible decision which cost her son's life!. They reminded how stupid she was! How could she bear the injustices happened to her son! How could she ignore that and live peacefully?!.

'He was just a baby too! And the one who believed me completely! He even refused to see his father! It's all my fault! I was the one who brought my son back here! I was the one who agreed to the marriage! I was the one who left my son at Hell's door! I wish I could have followed him... At least I could have been with my baby!'.

Panics arises in her heart looking at her babies.

'He...would be'.

It was the complete contrast of what she was feeling few minutes before. She curses herself for her madness for tearing the divorce papers and the custody papers!.


She tore her freedom and her babies welfare just like that! She had been the peek of stupidity named love!.

She kneals beside her baby boy and sobs seeing her sleeping baby girl. 'You have no idea of this cruel world...'.

She doesn't want to shatter her babies' life with a man with no heart. 'He may reason anything! But Nothing matters to me than my babies' lives! I can't risk being in love! Love my foot! Now I learnt...I can't afford to love blindly when you have Cheng as a husband!'.

Her baby boy was still watching her with Awe. Nostalgia is haunting her like hell. She starts taking the files and hides it in her wardrobe.

She is still not sure if she is going to take the right decision. She calls Yuhan and he picks up within two rings. She says "Escort me at 1 AM! I am coming to you".

Tang Yuhan gets startled for a moment "What?!".

She speaks hurriedly walking towards the window "I want to know the truth and-".


She freezes looking at Lu Cheng's car entering the gate.

Tang Yuhan asks doubtfully "You wanna what?".

She asks painfully "You knew everything, didn't you? About Jing...Rouxi..and his plans..Now I realise why you were being a jerk..".

Tang Yuhan gasps "Tang do you know? And where are you now?!".

She wipes her tears seeing Lu Cheng getting into the villa and says "I am sending you a venue. The truth behind our parents' death is there. Check if it's safe for us to go".

Yuhan frowns "What are you saying?".


Tang Xi sends the venue and adds a note "Be careful. It may be dangerous".