Epilogue 1

Tang Xi tosses her mobile on the couch and sits beside her babies protectively.

She cools herself by taking deep breaths "I can face him. ... I too can pretend!" like nothing happened?.

She hears her baby boy's giggles and smiles caressing his cheek.


Her smile vanishes hearing the sound of door opening and still looks at her baby not at Lu Cheng.

Lu Cheng chuckles looking at his baby girl "See who is sleeping here! She is definitely planning to keep me awake the whole night!".

Tang Xi subconsciously looks at his genuine happiness and forces a small smile. To act normal.

Lu Cheng sits at the opposite end of the bed and frowns looking at Tang Xi's face "What happened? Why are you pale...are you sick?!".

He walks towards her and checks her forehead.

She swats his hand with little force "I am fine...just ..I just woke up from sleep..". She rubs her face and stands "Let me get fresh..".

Lu Cheng frowns but ignores her as he is nervous already.

She gets into the bathroom and leans on the door exhausted.

Lu Cheng awaits anxiously for her and smiles seeing the door opened. He asks slowly "Can we talk?".

She looks at her both babies who are asleep and nods reluctantly.

Lu Cheng holds her by her shoulder and walks downstairs speaking nothing. Strange!.

Tang Xi frowns seeing Feng sitting in the living room and asks "When did you come?".

Feng smiles "I came with Cheng. How are you Tang Xi? I feel like it's been years! He is great at protecting!".

She looks Lu Cheng and mumbles ignoring his comments " I am fine..".

Lu Cheng nods at Feng and says "I have something to say...".

She remains silent just staring the empty space and speaks forcefully finding her voice "What is it?".

Lu Cheng says "It's about ...Jing and I don't want to keep you in dark anymore".

Tang Xi looks at him by his eyes 'If he dares to lie and fool me, I swear he will regret it for his whole life!'.

He speaks "Firstly the reason was ..to save Han Rouxi".

Feng continues hurriedly "She had been with this disorder since her birth. She had to take a heart transplant surgery to survive further. Due to her rare allergy for chlorine, her body wasn't adapting the donors' organ so we had only choice left to save our best friend! ".

Lu Cheng speaks "And we had only choice of cre...". He couldn't say that word and continues reluctantly "We wanted the donor to be..with..Rouxi's own cells-".

Tang Xi stares at him sternly "So you made her to surrogate her own 'donor' just to kill it in future?!".

Feng frowns "Surrogate? Nothing sort of that happened. Rouxi can't bear kids with her condition. So we developed the baby with her cells and completely isolated from everyone in a specific lab".

Lu Cheng is just looking at Tang Xi. He senses something was off and notices how calm she is. Strange!

Feng continues "We thought it would solve her problem but due to Knight's attack... Our plans failed and we also found that the car...which Rouxi was driving..was burnt..".

Tang Xi creases her eyebrows doubtfully.

Feng resumes "We thought everything was over. We were convinced that Rouxi and the baby died in a single day. And Lu Cheng slipped into a trauma for more than 2 years actually.. And we didn't know that you saved the kid for those years until you arrived. You remember he had lost his memory?".

Tang Xi blinks and looks at Lu Cheng who was looking back at her deeply as if he is seeing through her. She can say he sensed her shiver.

He knew that she already knows!. He was wondering how.

Lu Cheng speaks looking at her "We thought she died. It was her father's plan to abandon us. He didn't want to get imprisoned for illegal research ".

Feng speaks in anger flashed eyes "We got to know about Jing's condition and.. we realized that..there was nothing that could save him-".

She chuckles coldly and stares at Lu Cheng in rage "Of course there wouldn't have any options as you wanted to save your friend! How cruel you both are! How can you do this-".

Lu Cheng declares "The day you ran to save Su Ran from Gong.. was the day we got to know about her being alive. It was almost months after Jing's death ".

Tang Xi opens her mouth to argue but closes her mouth. She looks at Feng who was nodding at her.

Suddenly she doesn't want to believe them. She whispers while her eyes started to sting "It can't be...You...are lying! You are fooling me-".

Lu Cheng holds her hand and speaks sincerely "You know we are not... Why would I fool you? You are my wife! I don't want you to be in dark. It's the truth-".

She pulls back her hand from him violently and asks gasping "Then how is she alive till now?!".

Lu Cheng is frowning seeing her stepping back from him. He hated when she steps away from him!. He can't stand this!.

She yells madly holding her head "How the HELL could she be alive if you didn't snatch my son's heart for her! Answer me honestly or you will regret this!!".

Feng sighs "Father Han had made her to under go the surgery and till now she is finding difficulty to suppress the allergic reactions. She has been living with the help of pills".

Tang Xi looks at them doubtfully and shakes her head "I don't. ..want to believe you..".

Feng sighs "But Xi! This is the truth. I swear we are not lying".

Lu Cheng's realizes something and raises his eyebrows at Feng "I will see you tomorrow? ".

Feng gets his hint and nods "I will leave then. See you later. Bye Xi".

Tang Xi nods and turns to go to her room.

Lu Cheng stops her by holding her wrist softly "We are not done yet".

She looks back at him and says "Tell me what you want to say".

He says "I want you to say".

She scoffs "Say what?".

He smiles "You knew it, didn't you?".

She knew it! 'He knew that I knew!'.