Ava pov (A little gore and R18+)(side story)

Ava point of view(gore and sexual content)

I am a normal 16-year-old girl that has a normal hobby of makeup and gossiping with my friend.

When the change of the world(update) happens, I was with a group of my friends planning on next holiday trip, a total of 6 people including me in the shopping mall.

We are chatting on what clothes to buy for our vacation, out of sudden notice came and said the update had been completed in my head, that time I was confused and shocked. Thinking of since when there is a screen on my head, am I daydreaming, as I rub my eyes, trying to turn my head but the screen does not disappear while the rest of my friends have almost had the same reaction as me. what the tech is this updated world an RPG game? Abela who played computer games like Nah (Neither away home), WOM ( World of mousecraft) and any other games, she did not seem so shocked compared to us. She tells us that we should check the status so I did what she says


Name Ava weed

Job none

Level 1

Title none


Double strike (attack twice in a turn 1 turn cooldown -3mana)

Trait none






We end up list up our status and Abela try to round up the information.

The skill information is summaries like this :

It seems like my strength is the highest of all my friends but my friends some have traits like beauty, trade tongue, beg, doggie style and all those traits are least minor, while Abela has very basic informer job.


least minor beauty ( + 1 appearance) (owner Alice)

least minor trade tongue ( + 1% chance of people offering more trades and 0.1% chance of getting a discount) (owner Segura)

least minor beg ( + 1 % chance when begging people will offer you items, money, events and reduce 0.1% of people attacking during begging) (owner Olivia)

least minor doggie style ( + 10% chance of levelling up, the user receives a portion of the doggie style manual (0.01% to 0.1%) and doing a doggie style a 10% chance of improving your doggie style skill rate by 0.001%) (owner Wanda)

Doggie style (fighting) (cultivation style) (lifestyle) (???) (Currently 0 %, you can not use this skill unless you have at least 0.01%) (owner Wanda)


Very basic informer (inform allies on more information than normal people, information are generally easier to spread between allies, 10% improve information release rate and +1 int) (owner Abela)

Abela tells us to quickly explore on status to check is there any tabs and etc. Together we spilt-up our efforts in search of new and hidden functions of the system.

After a few minutes, Abela find out that there is a tutorial quest and suggest us to do it,

Tutorial quest start


Checking the inventory tab which allows items to be stored and retrieve easily, which make storing make up a more convenient choice.

I picked a hand axe as my starting weapon and opened 3 survivor pack, find out that there are pills, RTE pack it is something like rations and some bandages. It is strange that there is such a thing in this world, everywhere have become so much like a game according to Abela, but I do not have any experience of playing computer games.

No one pick hand axe except me, rest either pick a dagger or a stick, maybe handaxe are too heavy for them but it feels a perfect size and weight to me.

Suddenly growling sounds and a brown smoke came from the shop glass panel, Abela was the first to rush in followed by everyone, what we saw was 12 women who have rotten smell moving slowly towards us.

Abela and her friends vs cramped zombies

Heard of that notice, something is not right, everyone took their weapons to fight, Abela lead us to the fight, using her new received leadership skill (only can at the start of the battle,+10 morale,0.5 for all stats for the battle)

Scared from the zombie's appearance and are forced to breathe in their disgusting smelly smoke, everyone starting to feel sick of it. Alice vomited on the floor as she cannot take the presence of the zombies (skip the turn and take 10 damage per turn)

Battleground layout

l xxxx xxxx l

l xx xx l

l l

l l

l l


l Allies l

Zombies turn

Abela gets flanked by 3 zombies then 2 by the top left and right while 4 zombies throw random kinds of stuff at her, 3 of the zombies attack her allies.


4 (Combo x1)

5 (Combo x 2)


Total 48 damage (Combo x9) to Abela

She tries to dodge but it is hard for her dodge as the zombies block her of the space that she can dodge.

Survivors turn

Abela is critically injured and just to pop some pills to test that it works or not


Abela shout at the rest of them to focus on attacking a target at a time

Notice you have to learn a new skill leadership: focus your attack

Abela has no action point. Thus the next person turn







Critical 12


Their damage is pretty low as they took 4 of them to take down a zombie, the girl who does a critical hit on the zombie called Wanda who have the skill to boost her luck.

Alice attack with a dagger and back off, then attack another zombie with the fireball spell(10 +1.5int 1 turn cooldown)



The zombie is not dead yet so I finish it off with a swing


After a few turns, Olivia cast heal to relieve pain caused by zombie attacks and bites.after a few tries of pills, we found out antitoxin pill is to cure zombie poison while red is healing injury, blue is for mana that recovers exhaustion from doing special action, spells and etc

Bandages are items for recovering cuts and bleeding status

After the bloody and smelly battle, Items are dropping from defeated zombies and Abela start to pick those drops up and distributed them to the rest, everyone level up but I and Alice are the most closer for next level up.

I add my stat all to str causing to go to 15 points while Alice all to int, the rest is spilt around other stats. Abela ends up with the least experience as she is eating pills to survive the zombie attack.

After that, we gathered our supplies and find out that we are on the 3rd floor. We search the shopping mall and save 2 men, one is an old age man about a 45-year-old single who have a handaxe which is same as me, while another is the about 30-year-old man who has a stick as his main weapon. On our way to the corridor, we gathered 5 more kids and 4 more women in addition to 2 more men. We end up clearing the floor, so Abela decides that we go down to the next floor, looking for more survivors.

After several battles, I am at almost level 5 while Alice is somewhere near lv4 while the rest is around lv3

On the 1st floor, we meet a disgusting zombie called dicker who have a large penis that can shoot beams that are corrosive that clothes instantly melt away if the beam touches them. It guarded by 20 or more zombies, dicker seems to be targeting female survivors as he keeps aiming for female, At first glance, most of us get stunned by its looks, it is annoying as it shoots the beam, girls will hide from embarrassment from the melting of clothes and all the males seems to me, they are happy when they see girls naked, anyway it is like all of the girls are stunned again from the beam that shot from the dicker ,Sseehhhhh!!!!!! which their screams again attract more zombies attention to them. SLAPP slapp.My clothes melted away and my skin is burning for its white fluid, I feel like I get hit by water jet, and there is one girl died by the hands of zombies, fuel with revenge, I quickly rush to it and use my axe to chop off his dick and use my fist to punch his dick which instantly kills him

Notice Trait gain, no clothes is okay (If you are naked and get attacked by an attack of damage more than 30, you get 30 per cent more str and dex for 3 turns)(stackable)

Once the dicker died, there is a dicker book and a pant that drop an upon, I quickly pick them up and used them

I instantly read dicker book and wear the pant without looking at their stats, it is a good loot compared to what normal zombie drop, even though it increases by 1 dex and 1 defence, it also for unknown reason makes me feel horny since wearing the pant.

The men and women fight their way through the zombies, some use melee, some throw random pieces of crap at the zombies, some just use pills on other survivors to heal.

Finally, after the fierce fight, we ended up clearing up the rest of the zombies. Everyone gather up the loots.

The men complain that they fight and killed the zombies and they do not get many loots.

Notice Looting system has changed from free to loot to loot by contribution

Notice system has spilt loots based on contribution.

Notice the top contributor get to choose to stay here or change new place that has the temporary safe zone

Get to the temporary safe zone

Notice the system have spilt the loots, please check your inventory, teleporting the mass to temporary safe zone ...loading .....

A white light shining access everyone eyes and boom, I find myself at my home, with the rest of survivors

My house is overcrowded with people (4 men, 10 women, 5 kids), almost 20 people in the house, everyone almost touching each other in the living room when we first arrive.

Notice a temporary safe zone will be dispelled in 3 days time, Calculating.... required 5 apartment of safe zone 250 x 5 = 1250 coins

Notice water and electricity are free for 3 days but every survivor is given 2 meals of their choice.

Notice the level one vending machines are set up, there are the meal, water, weapon, armor, fashion vending machines

Notice the meal vending machine is giving 2 meals per survivor as samples, meals have buffs after eating them. All +35% fullness and only last for one battle.

(veggie mixed rice: +2 Dex and 10% movement speed)

(Chicken meat mix with rice: +2 Str and 10% more damage)

(Fishball with rice: +2 int and 1% of double cast a spell)

Notice water vending machine is set up which selling in the following:

(extra crappy water: -15 mana and +0.05 % fullness and +1% thirsty per min, last for 5 min)(5 x for a coin)

(crappy water: -12 mana and +0.03% fullness and +1% thirsty per min, last for 5 min)(3x for a coin)

(lesser crappy water: -11 mana and +0.02% fullness and +1.2% thirsty per min, last for 5 min)(2x for a coin)

(very hard water : -10 mana and +0.05% fullness and +1.5% thirsty, +0.1% hp and mp regen per min, last for 5 min)(2 coin)

(hard water : -9 mana and +0.04% fullness and +1.6% thirsty, +0.11% hp and mp regen per min, last for 8 min)(2 for 5 coin)

(normal water : -5 mana and +0.01% fullness and +1.8% thirsty, +0.15% hp and mp regen per min, last for 5 min)(2 for 10coin)

(fine water : -3 mana and +0.01% fullness and +2% thirsty, +0.2% hp and mp regen per min, last for 5 min)(2 for 12coin)

(milky X brand beer: creamy and wetness beer made from wheat and rice +1% of drunkness rage, +5 Str, +10% chance of reducing 1 damage, +2 hp instant and -2 mana, last for a battle or 1 hour)(3 charges)(24 coins)

Notice weapon vending machine are set up which selling in the following:

(Repairs 4 weapon Durability for a coin, double the price for each higher tiers)

(********************************** A starter pack for newbie)(5 coins)

(basic axe/stick/dagger : Just a normal weapon)(upgradable)(fusable)(4 coin)

(upgrading: pay 1/10th the price of total items and items itself)

Notice armor vending machine is set up which selling in the following:

(basic armor: a normal looking paper reinforced shirt)((upgradable)(fusible)(8 coin)

(basic belt/hat/glove : a normal looking paper reinforced armor)((upgradable)(fusable)(6 coin)

(basic pants/shoes : a normal looking paper reinforced armor)((upgradable)(fusable)(10 coin)

Notice fashion vending machine is set up which selling in the following:

(fashionable earring: an earring)(5 coins)

(fashionable weight ball: a weighted ball)(4 coins)

(fashonable tatto(art) : a tatto art)(3 coins)

(fashion lottery: you do not know what you will get)(10 coins)

Each of us after clearing the quest has only 40 coins, even clearing that Fuse to your item change quest which is easy as everyone can do it at ease which earns extra 75 coins, killing 30 zombies which of us have cleared also brings 90 coins. Thus a person has 115 to 205 coins and has got the spilt reward with an avenge of 20 coins plus / minus 10 coins.

Summary of each person has around 125 to 225 coins and a few fusion materials.

Since most of us are still covered in sweat and white fluids on our bodies, and except for the kids and men, all of us except Alice who stays at the back of the team, firing fireballs at zombies. While I am thinking on what to do, a new pop up appears, at the same time, everyone is getting the new notices.

Notice New quest unlocked, Savage the supplies or not? Only for Ava

Savage the supplies or not? the host has made a decision to what do with her resources


1. Do nothing ( no reward)

2. Offer only furniture ( a small reward)

3. Offer everything but not clothes and water (normal reward)

4. Offer everything but not water (normal reward + a rare clothing)

5. Offer everything (big reward, an upper rare clothing, 10 pure water bottles, 3x cleaning X, Looks good skill books.

6. Others (depend on the situation)