Chapter 15 (The uprising of the heroes part 1)

Maybe I should get the brawling manual as it is affordable while the others are way too expensive to even buy them.

As Ava bought the brawling manual that worth 30 coins and she is terribly broke after that. She read the manual while others are preparing their bodies and equipment for the later fight.

Notice learn barehanded which increase the multiple of damage when fighting barehanded on +1 defence and strength.

Ava repairs her equipment at the nearby vending machine and takes a nap while waiting for the target to arrive...


Back to MC

After I watch my future enemy, I move on to improve the revive area. Then I walk around and asking people and check the system log for answers.

Once I heard Junias is going on the top floor, I, therefore, gather people using the safe area message system saying that for my party entry fee waiver for my party, the task is to patrol and clear the upper floors if possible. There is an upfront reward for joining my party, that is all repaired equipment for everyone who joined.

It comes at me as a surprise that I only paid less than 10 coins to get all my party members equipment repaired as 5 people have agreed to join my party which is 3 women and 2 men as they are newly respawned and previous mating around, their armors and skills do not really leave a good impression to me like (double strike 1 turn cooldown -3mana, minor heal only heal 20 hp at a cost 5 mana +1 turn cooldown, raise hit rate by 10% only for oneself, increase minor strength +3 str, increase minor luck +3 luck) compared to Ava and her group.

It is seriously only 2 ppl can use active and rest are passive, even I have Healing(minor)spell +40 hp at cost 5 mana +1 turn down is better than her spell, their level range from 4 to 8, 1 man and 1 woman lv4, 1 man lv 6, 1 woman lv 7 and last one is lv8, I am just mere lv 8 with lower stats than them, there is really can't complain as equipment are just from torn clothes into normal plain clothes, there are 2 that don't even do their tutorial quests.

Wtf our clothes are all new and clean again. the new party members smiled after the vending machine scanned and spray certain chemicals onto them.

Well, guys, it is just a search and patrol mission, take it easy as it is just a breeze, we kill some zombies to help you guys clear the tutorial quest and zombies killing quest and we are back, very simple indeed. What you guys need to prepare now is to open all the packs, make sure you have enough pills for survival.

As the rest doing what is required of them, lordol continue to explain how items work like the RTE are food supplies, if they are hungry and could try to eat and said that zombies are easier than killing some chickens. There are other rewards for this mission that is a day stay in the inn and a meal free.

The party begins moving to the middle 9th floor, On the 9th floor there are no special zombies, I just let them have a feel on kill zombies while letting the lv 4 level up while clearing the tutorial quest, some find killing zombies a hard job as they do little damage using their stater weapons. After that, we proceed to the next floors. On the 10th floor, no special zombies, I repeat the process of letting them kill anyway I get bronze coins for being in the party, Finally, lowest level party members have reach lv 6 while everyone level up except me and lv 8 women. I tell them to fuse their equipment with their loots, and their stats greatly improve by fused equipment and the team bonus and on the 11th floor, maybe have a special boss station here. In the meantime, I expand my safe zone.

Moving up to the 11th floor, there are 2 smokers, 16 zombies, 10 dickers, 3 long necks, 1 brainy which I clear one of my quest for meeting him. Brainy is a special zombie who has a large head and a small body is like a goblin that has a skill allow him to command rest of the zombies who is guarded by 10 dickers and 2 smokers. Once Brainy see me, he orders all zombies to attack me.

Lordol party vs brainy gang

Notice All stats lower by 8% breathing in the smoke and all zombies get 2% stats

My party members defend the zombies in panic, as they realise the sudden speed boost from the normal zombie. Long necks try to grab me by I counterattack by cutting their necks off. Smokers attack me with their breaths, there is no way to dodge their breaths as it has some poisons that can cause limb numbness.

Notice limb numbness triggered (-2 dex)

The dickers focus their fire at me shooting beams that are painful that my hp go down by half after their turn end. I change my weapon to machine shotgun and using mana focus boost, Power shot, Hunt of a leader, Charge, First strike to start clearing the dickers and zombies causing the death of 6 dickers,2 long necks, 9 zombies and rest are wounded including brainy. My second shotgun attack wipes up 2 smokers causing them to explode causing more damage to brainy while my party members are shocked that I have such a weapon. The brainy try to run away but it steps on the shotgun pellets and trip.

Notice the great explosion have lured some surrounding zombies in

Notice the great explosion has triggered rage mode on all zombies on the battle

Hurry and kill those zombies with the big dickers, or all of you will die now, kill kill kill, I scream off the top of my voice.

Rest are scared of the sudden new types of zombies, they are forced to charge forward to kill the dickers as a result, 3 dickers and 1 zombie died, the last dicker survives but on the ground, there are pellets everywhere.

The newly zombies come from all sides, which are the front and the back, it sounds fun when it is flank by 2 sides, but actually, it is not so fun. That is the reason what people clear the sides of the building first, to prevent zombies from flanking onto their ranks.

While the newly arrived zombies are moving around and waiting for the chance for them to trip. one of the trip and it push another and another. Zombies continue to trip and push other to a trip.

An unspeakable situation, as more and more zombies trip and kissing the floor. Brainy get up and counterattack me by releasing a wave that makes me feel dizzy

Notice Achievement one to get mind attack by a brainy

WTF mental attack? attack from the mind?, I know brainy want to die as quick as possible that is the reason for the mental attack, some zombies manage to attack my back, finally, it is my team turn, I killed that brainy then instantly kill a group of zombies with an arc range of my gun

Notice First person to meet and kill brainy achievement and surrounding zombies get 30% morale lower and 10% attack speed lower

While the rest continues to wipe the remaining zombies that I left behind causing all the dickers to die and some of the zombies are dead, the some are alive who are still tripping over the pellets.

The smoke released by smokers haven't dispelled, One of the female teammates tell us to eat an antitoxin to prevent the toxin from steamrolling the damage and effect. Thus everyone is taking the antitoxin pill to counter it and Hunt of a leader allows party members to increase in their morale by 270%, which made everyone in the record-breaking high morale, Except for zombies who are surrounding me, the rest of them are on the floor trying to get up. It becomes a easy prey for anyone to kill them.

After a few turns, Rest of the members run around into killing the remaining zombies. The next wave of zombies come forcing hard on us, as a horde of zombies come but there is a hulk who are wearing iron plates are leading them.

I shout everyone clears the zombies behind me, I pop some red pills and antitoxin pills just to be safe.

Armoured hunk

It is a hunk that wears iron plates and furthermore most of the irregular zombie's body was covered in a layer of hardened flesh like an armour of sorts, and when blades and bullets hit this armour sparks would ignite as they scrapped off its body making it the strongest tank.

I shoot a few shots with x5 mana focus boost causing the armoured hunk to knock back even though it can 1 shot kill any zombies but it doesn't have enough power to 1 shot kill it and hit a few dickers and long necks behind him, zombies this time around do not have to enrage, they come from behind armoured hunk are aimed on killing my team members, while some of them trips and fell but they manage to kill one of my teammates and heavily injured healer, Suddenly 2 of the hunks charged and slam me on the ground, their combined sound waves crippled 1 woman and 2 man and some other zombies push them along with it, Even though I can cast healing spell onto myself first later then healer but now it is not the time for that. Thus, I flip the mode of my gun to auto and use all my skills and force to aim at the armoured hunk head and kill it.

The first shots, the armoured hulk get a knockback, by the third shots, it died, by the fifth shots, one side of the zombies died.

The remaining zombies I can manage them to kill them all. While the healer has barely enough mp to keep on healing herself.


894x bronze coins, The 2x tactic book, 1x organizing and planning tactic book, 1x mind blast book, 60x zombie fang, 40x zombie skin, 2x steel like body magazine, 1x armor up hunk pant, 4x Hunk pant, 8x Hunk magazines, 5x Muscles boosting pills, 6x Long neck skin, 10x snake like movement book(a book that teach how to move like a snake)

Everyone Level up

I get to lv 9 and put rest of 6 stats to dex while the rest is around 8 to lv 9

I pay 200 bronze coins to extend my safe area to the middle of 11th floor thus earning another 700 bronze coins and 3 x + 2 stats books and a skill book call mind mapping

Notice that do you want to revive your allies with their coins? (yes or no)

I click yes without having other thoughts. Then I focus on casting the healing spell on her.

I read all the books and eat all the pills which the following:

2x tactic book (+ 4 int)

1x mind blast book(+1 int and gain a mind blast skill)

2x steel like body magazine(+4 Str)

8x Hunk magazines(+8 str, I know what roughly the magazine contains)

5x Muscles boosting pills(+5str)

3 x + 2 stats books(+6 all stats)

10x snake-like movement book(a book that teaches how to move like a snake)(+8 dex and int, i know what roughly the magazine contains)

a skill book call mind mapping(gain mind mapping allow to draw a map in your mind)

one organizing and planning tactic book(allow allies to be map onto a map)

The previous 2 skill is being fused to have a better skill called mind tactic (enable your allies to be in your map in your mind like RPG game that you know where your allies are)

While I revive the dead party members with the cost of (5x3)+(3x5) = total cost of 1 person to revive x4 for 4 persons due to that woman is lv 9, there are extra 5 more coins

Total it cost 125 coins, but I am the owner of the safe area so half the price which is 63 bronze coins. In their rewards, there are 16 fewer coins in their inventory.

I told the healer that the rest of the party members get their rewards in their inventory with system notices and their revive coins are not used in the revive process, but I offset more than half the price of improved revive area, it is under testing but I don't think of they are first to test it. As the safe zone expands, the mild and gentle mist come across the floor and covering us with the safe zone.

As the healer see her team, she runs and hugs them.

They are grateful that I revive them, and they get a huge level up boost and loots for my party trip.

A big group of semi-naked people come along with people I know trio, Sam and his group, Ava and his group included.

We challenged you into a trial of combat, Once Ava said, everyone behind her roar out loudly