Chapter 18 (Let explore the inn part2)(Sexual content)

After praying, we go back to our inn room.

In the inn room, it is as big as normal people house, there is no entertain system.

So there is the normal thing that the man and woman will do.

(R18 sexual content)(please skip it)

IT is up to you the readers to decide. Fap, Fap, Fap

Once we get onto the bed, I said let have sex, and then slowly take off my clothes and she slowly takes off her clothes, after that, we start to touch each other bodies. 3 mins later, we start to kiss softly, but slowly we become more and more violent.

Junias and hug each other and continue kissing each other, while smelling each other bodies. My penis has gone up so I and she are trying to slide it to her pussy. Once the penis and pussy are connected, we begin to mate like animals on heat. After a while, we are moaning loudly, Out of a sudden, my penis shoots a beam in her vagina, and I become so weak that I fainted while hanging Junias.

When I wake up refreshed, I found out that I am sucking on Junias breast, her breast is so soft that I can't help it but to suck more of it. It is maybe I suck too hard that I wake her up. I place my face in front of her breast, She is so soft to hug. She tries to gently push me aside, I kiss her and we end up kissing each other fiercely and with a lot of passion. It is funny that as our bottom changes have happened, it is like my penis is trying to enlarge but something is trying to stop it. It is something so comfortable,

Hooray Junias, I am cumming... I scream

Notice ...........

This time I don't faint, then I suck her breast, while my heart is beating heavily, that it pains me for beating so heavily, but at least her breast is so soothing.

I see you are really a big baby. Junias sigh

Yea, I am a big baby who wants your milk, mommy Junias give me your baby. I smile and trying to tease her, then slowly let go of my arms and to see what actually happen. It looks like we are stuck together. Both of us are surprised that we are stuck together. It is really comfortable in her, the feeling is something that can not be explained.

The bright light shines into our eyes.

It is time for us to get going. Junias say,

But Mommy, it is comfortable to be in you. I reply truthfully

We can do this later, we have to eat breakfast, also do not waste bonus stats of the day. Junias sigh

Okay, Dear, I reply back.

The detachment is the difficult thing as the white fluids that I discharged into her, dried up yesterday night. We have to slowly push both sexual organs away from each other. After we are done with that we quickly take a hot bath.

(R18 sexual content ended)

Day 3

Meanwhile, I look at the status but there is a list of notices

Notice A list of achievement

First to fuck and nearly died of heart attack during mating

First Sexual organs interlocking for half a day in the first 3 days of the update

First to do A Mother and A Baby play

And a list goes on

Junias go check your notices, we did something groundbreaking just now. I smile at her

To summaries the rewards for all this

+ 15% stamina, Remove the traits of limbs numbness, + bonding with your girlfriend, +1000 coins, +3 Str, + 4 Dex, +1 Int, +5 luck

Her face goes red and she is hiding behind me back as we walk to the food court in order to have our meals.

I order a fish porridge set (+2 Int for 6 hours) while she orders a chicken rice set (+2 Str for 6 hours) on the food court machine. The food court has no people as people already go on hunting for more zombies or doing other things.

After I received and eaten my meal, I continue to browse the previous notices.

Notice to all members, Reward for all members on Fight to the death mission which is 10x purple pills, 5x purple potion and 1x Basic defensive stance manual scroll (1/10), on top of the stone converter function is available in the vending machine (100 small stones for 1 packet of stone, 100 packet of stone convert to 1 packet of harden stone, then to rock and etc)

Notice to active members for all on Fight to the death mission. Rewards are 3x Basic defensive stance manual scroll (1/10), 1x flare spell book and 1x orb of darkness and refund the previous funds used from reviving during the mission

Notice to MVP on Fight to the death mission, Rewards are 6x Basic defensive stance manual scroll

Notice to all, Lordol and his team clear the Fight to the death mission, Clap your hands to our new heroes, Rewards are 10x red pills and 10 blue pills to everyone in the safe zone.

Finally, it is done calculating the result, the rewards are good even though I don't know how much does it cost for the manual scrolls, it looks like it is difficult to gather all of them to read. I guess the system give this reward because my teammates are busy defending against the enemies and eating pills to sustain themselves.

I look at the rewards that I received by the following:

Red pills (+30 health)

Blue pills (+30 mana)

Purple pills (+30 health and mana)

Potions are just 2 times of the pills version

flare spellbook (1 use book that enables the user to learn flare)

Flare ( 10% Int stat + 1 spell damage, cast range are 1 space +5% of Int)

Flare is first introduced as a spell to signal your allies, it is not designed for attacking your enemies like a fireball

orb of darkness (rare loot)

10x Basic defensive stance manual scroll (1/10) (enables the user to learn to defend with a 10% more chance to reduce 2.5% incoming damage, every manual add 10% more chance and 2.5% more incoming damage.)

Basic defensive stance (passive add 0.5% of user defence stat into the user defence) (enables the user to use defend which can reduce 25% incoming damage

I use the scroll and flare spell, after combine Basic defensive stance with death counter attack into

????? appear then disappear

Notice ???? have used your Basic defensive stance, death counter-attack, mind blast, flare, Weapon handing, and Ambush into Death counter stance

Death counter stance: description no one really knows the history of this stance, As this stance and its way of an approach of fighting, is the structural difference from others. Therefore no one ever wants to remember, if they ever fought with this stance user. (Passive mark the target, if you attack or been attacked by the target when been attacked by any form, there is a 3 % (+10% to the marked target) of counterattack by doing nothing, in that counterattack, there is 0.5%(+1% when marked) chance of landing a deathblow on the target. On top of that, if you have taken a blow that instantly kills you, there is 5% of return the damage and effects to the user) (Active, skip your attack turn, and double the effects of the passive skill)

While Combiner and Increase rarity are combined into

Increase combine rarity(rare)(increase 5 % of combing skills and unrelated skill will increase in rarity )(max tier legendary)

After the meal, we go to the vending machine to stock up and repair/resupply, while the vending machine is processing.

I quickly do a few adjustments (use stats and perk points) to the stats at my status again, new skills are coming in but it is getting more confusing.

The status that does not contain the temporary stats buff


AGE 27



TITLE Duo impact chaos maker

(Effect -20 EXP rate,+50% stats and 100% more loots and reward)(upgradeable)(combinable)(minor mana void)

(minor mana void)(reduce magical effective around you by 10%)


Mana focus boost(rare)(improved)(-5mp peruse +10% of sure hit or critical and -5% magic resistant and 2% causing mana burn)

Hunt of a leader(Every special monster or higher killed, allies get a morale boost, the owner of this skill get 0.5 leadership)

Rare up(uncommon) (passive) (increase by 1% chance of getting an item with next tier)

Power shot(require a ranged weapon,1.8 dmg+20%Critical 2 turn cooldown)

Charge(Push stuff away for 5 squares, do 0.4x dmg if the targets are in your path, the first attack after this skill will do 1.1x dmg cooldown 5 turns)

First strike(passive)(if the start of the turn, you will do 1.7x dmg on your first attack, during the very first turn of the battle, if it is your turn, for that turn all dmg will do 1.1x dmg)

Mana rebalancing and void(ultra rare)(passive)(if your mana is negative, your surrounding mana will drain to recover your mp, if your opponent have 2 time more mana than you, he or she or it will have -100% mana regen and spells have 1% of healing you)

Planet control(legendary)(cannot be used as active)(passive)(reduce 20% of the negative effects of terrains, crits, and attacks that you do not except)

Increase combine rarity(rare)(increase 5 % of combing skills and unrelated skill will increase in rarity )(max tier legendary)

Death counter stance: description no one really knows the history of this stance, As this stance and its way of an approach of fighting, is the structural difference from others. Therefore no one ever wants to remember, if they ever fought with this stance user. (Unique) (Passive mark the target, if you attack or been attacked by the target when been attacked by any form, there is a 3 % (+10% to the marked target) of counterattack by doing nothing, in that counterattack, there is 0.5%(+1% when marked) chance of landing a deathblow on the target. On top of that, if you have taken a blow that instantly kills you, there is 5% of return the damage and effect to the user) (Active, skip your attack turn, and double the effects of the passive skill)

mind tactic(uncommon) (enable your allies to be in your map in your mind like RPG game)

Shotguns recoil control(uncommon)(lv1)(reduce 0.5% of recoil)









Advance Autoloot(loot items in auto mode and all drop rate increasing by 100%)

Auto exp(gain exp as the time pass)

Improve income(increase the coins drops from killing)

STATS (I have made it more simple to look)



INT:45(ranged of -8 to +8)



Name Bloody shining bone lord light plate(uncommon)


Description: A charming plate armour with shock resistant which is light weighted, it has multiple effects

Effect:+8defense and 30% damage reduction plus 10% impact reduction+30 more mana

Reduce negative status 12% (like example stun, knockback, slow down)

Reduce holy light damage by 30%

Water shield (Absorbing 10% of total damage before it reaches the armour)

Base teleporter(teleport to your safe area)

Name Minor bloody bone lord light pants with enhancer(uncommon)


Description: A pants that are like a living creature by itself, disgusting to the limits on what people could think about(the good thing it is minor). It provides protection and it can recover by itself if it is damaged, it also can enhance your muscles.

Effect:+5defense and 10% damage reduction plus 5% impact reduction,+3str and dex

Reduce negative status 8% (like example stun, knockback, slow down)

Terror by oneself(All humans will fear you from within, the fear rating is soloing 2 hulks at the same time)

Muscles enhancer(it enhance your lower body muscles and bone including your dick)

Living equipment(This equipment is almost a living being, it can heal by itself if given enough time, it comes with 2 more skills which is auto-evolve and auto repair)

Auto repair(1 durability repair per 3 hours)

Auto evolve(gathers useless materials around you and to absorb them, maybe upgrade by itself)

Name Minor bloody bone lord light gloves+2(uncommon)


Description: A negative and ugly looking gloves made by blood, fangs, and skins of humans, it is light weighted but provides solid protection against swords, and guns, the only thing that is lacking is it has no muscles

Effect:+3 Dex,+20% attack speed

Reduce negative status 8% (like example stun, knockback, slow down)

Reduce recoil/shock/impact effect by 5%

2224x bronze coins, 24 orb of darkness, 16x arrows, 3x pouches of stone(ammo for slingshot), 8 over refined steel pellets, 24 survivor packs, 9 RTE(READY TO EAT)packs, 2x 10% discount shop ticket, 21 red pills, 15 blue pills, 10x purple pills, 15 antitoxic pills, 18 bandage pack, 2 inhales, 14x red potions, 14x blue pots, 5x purple potion, 1x portable bed, 3x revive coin, 60x zombie fang, 40x zombie skin,1x orb of darkness, 1x 9day half ticket,1x armour up hunk pant, 4x Hunk pant, 6x Long neck skin, 1x machine shotgun (85/100), 1x harden slingshot