Chapter 39 (War with the pestiods)

When the survivors return, with huge losses that they almost lose the battle.

After a while, all the survivors revive themselves with a bit of loss.


Note: the author has skipped the reward notice to simplify.......


The novel is fast forward...... from Lordol get the system reward from killing the sub-leader of the pestiods, to the battle of rats with the trench and result reward, System posted a new quest on clearing the trench.

"pipe bombs, home-made bombs are for sales, now big bomb is also for sale for 10 coins" Qiao da shout on the corridors which attract most of the survivors around her.

"Also waterproof boards are for sale for 3 coins each that covers 3 x 9 spaces, the paper mask for 1 coin each" she continued as more survivors are interested in buying her stuff, while Sam is in charge of collecting the payment and etc. The team are making products to help improve the equipment of the survivors and to make more money for themselves.


After 2 hours of rest, some of the survivors start to hear some strange sound, it is thought of being fear by some insects, then more and more people start hearing those strange sound.

"Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr SHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrr SHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" The sound of insects flying around.




the disgusting sound of insects flying around makes me want to fry them all in a pan and cook them into silent fry insects ready to be serve Wtf I am thinking(random int skill make him think in this directions please don't mind ....continue the story)

After 10 mins, most survivors gathering at the 1st floor, they see the pests gather and they are ready to attack.

As the leader of pestiods come forward and demands that I surrender in 3 mins or he will attack, At the meantime, I have playing around and browsing the vending machine LOL(MC head is screwed up, playing vending machine while others are ready to attack, no one in the earth have done it), okay yea I buy a vacuum system for safe area for 800 bronze coins.

I just smile then laugh like a madman "hahaha"

After 1 min, someone rushed knocking the door, asking me to go prepare for another battle.

On the 1st floor, 2 minutes have already passed.

"surrender, for us and you, and you will have a good life" most people are scared at the number of insects and pests on his command.

"Time up, Attack he rush in together with those insects".

Come on, I am waiting for you haha just come you pests, everyone safe area think I am truly mad, as they wanted me to surrender, turn on the vacuuming machine, time to be a good guy to save all humankind so I use the machine to suck all the enemies around the area together, turn on the microwave with full power focus it on the pests, every one of them will be cooked and ready to serve me. As the army of pest fry and cook ready to be served, they charge and shoot acids and etc, they do not have much effect much on the people in my safe area. I order all to kill the strong ones, the weak one I can kill them, even though my hands and legs are shaking with the negative effects, I am laughing with happiness as I use my machine shotgun to rain down shells at the pestiods leader in order to prevent him from ordering his troops. My first shot just ripped off his wings and second.... seeing escaping to his safe area in pain and shells just go right through him just bring joy to me, sadly due to the distance where he is position, my vacuum machine doesn't work well against him, if he is 3 metres nearer, I am pretty sure I can get him killed right away. He fled as fast as he can while the insects try to cover him. I change my weapon into the sniper rifle and fire, but it only blows off his arm.

The half battle ended just like that...

someone trigger of some home make- rocket launcher and extremely hot air erupted from the back while the rocket was shot out and flew towards the group of pestiods. Just one rocket would perhaps kill off half their group and injury the rest, but for pestiods fears means being back off by it, with their leader commands which they can't go against with, even through go against the order, they will be trampled by others who follow the order. They quickly pick themselves back up before the human could reload and smash him into the pavement. They would then pick up his remains and devour them, along with his companions. By the time they picked themselves up they would be wiped out by a second blast from the another companions who fired the first round of rockets. Most importantly, it shows that area of effects weapons are very good as crowds that use numbers to outnumbers others, with the continuous fire pestiods would never have that chance to pick themselves up except for flanking other sides

"Frying pestiods, hahaaaaaaaa please come and it is time to be fry and cook into a new dish .... "I shout at them, the battle ended with their forces running back into their safe area escaping from bullets and spells cast by my force.

Notice Congrats of you winning your first turf war

Notice Live threating roar as your war slogan(Mad racism taunter)

Notice Buying stuffs during a war(War merchant job)

Notice has a headshot at the 200metre mark

Notice kill over 3000 creatures in a Turf war

Notice use retard expensive machine during the turf war(enable the job to unlock for techmancers which can bring a small drone to assist them)

New safe area slogan have change for none to Pestoids please come and get fried (10% reduce fear when fighting pestoids)

Winning the turf war bring joy and morale boost but it may make the population weak as they think they so easily win against pestiods.

I quickly get the autoloot skill on and check the result of the looting and notice reward is that I get 10 silver coins, 563 bronze coins, 52 large bundles of pestiods materials(1 large bandle =12 bundle, 1 bundle =12 materials), 873 eggs, 1x combinate pest skill book which I use it to manage my mana filter regen style and Mana infuse body to create a skill mana pest body basically I become a supper pest maybe, 232 sets of pest armors and other stuffs etc ....


Mana pest body(passive)(+0.1x int regen as mana per hour/turn, +0.3x int for all stats +0.1x int for % of damage, defence, dodge rate and hit rate)

What interest me that is the set armour that has genes imbue skill which makes them stronger over a period of time, their bodies structure looks like pest of the armour that they make by themselves.

I bought a gene pool research centre the requires bio to be at least level 5 to research on that skill, I am making a guess that the armours are not just an armor by themselves, I use the notice to let others known of what I discover on finding that I find on the armour and advise that do not use the armour to further notice. Of course, I cannot stop everyone from stop wearing the armour, if they want to get stats to bonus from it, it is up to they thinking as it is their free will, I did try my best to warn them about it. If they turn into a pest, it is their problem, not mine at all.

After putting all the pestiods stuff for the gene pool research centre to research on, I put all the rewards like foods, pills, starting weapons, etc from the turf war to the vending machines for sales, Da Yi make the best vendor of the safe area due to she has a lot of loots from turf war her level from 8 I think to now 14, she also put stuff made by her on the vending machine, having so much loots, she can improve better armor and weapons but the things is for the loots from turf war added into weapon or armour, they seem a bit like living creature. Maybe becoming I have a living armour that why I know what's going on with their equipment.

All right, result from the research centre I just call it genetic research centre that shows the loots are ......

People want the vote on wanting the MC to do more research, therefore, more research and building are made.

Lordol safe area current situation

no cover, just pavement to the nearby stores, maybe require more survivors loot the stores we could use to the sounds to distract the zombies with. Beside it, there is a hundred meters away from trash apartment even though there are many big and small trenches of holes

prone to attack

ARTHUR note:

maybe someone in the safe area should buy a Rocket launcher