Ava 2 (side story)

Ava waited for most of her friends to take a bath while she grabs all the useful stuff into her inventory, including clothes, daily necessity, food ingredients and etc. At the same time, the rest are too distracted by the vending machine on what offer that it can give.

After she stores what items that she wanted, Alice told Ava that she can now take a bath as she already has taken the bath. Ava takes the bath while without people noticing, she takes the stuff that she wants, after all, she was the previous owner of this apartment.

Ava relaxes as the water and shampoo wash away the sweat and blood of her previous encounter with the zombies. At the same time, she washes her pants with the detergent to clean off any blood and sweat that is left over on her pants. She dries the pant but finds out that there are a lot of people that could steal her pant, it is one and only clothes that monster drop which has higher durable than normal clothes furthermore it provides stats to the wearer and fertility boost, it is what it is being shown

Name Newly improved Dicker pant (Clean but wet) (lower uncommon)

Durability: 7/11

Description: A zombies with a big penis worn this blue pants and now it is worn by a woman, both sweats are added into the pant, as a result, the property of the pants have changed, with the water that is loaded with iron is used to wash this pant, causing it to turn slightly red.

Effects: +2 dex and 1 defence

Iron embedded (+10% of reducing 1 point of incoming damage)

Fertility boost (edited): from the boost in girth length to Fertility boosted, the user will increase in lust by 25% and the chance of being impregnated by 50%

Wet: pay 1 coin to make it dry

No wonder I am feeling horny all the time. it is caused by this pant. I pay the coin to quickly dry the pant and it is ready to be worn. I wore a white shirt and blue with mild red spots pant then tell the next person in line to bathe. At the same time, the people that have not to bathe have already switched on the television to watch the news and etc while eating their meals.

I decide on Savage the supplies on the 6th Others (depend on the situation) which I savage all except the two toliets and Television, my computer and kitchen

Notice you received 20 coins and ceramic bracer

Name Ceramic bracer (Upper common) (Ava)

Durability: 7/7

Description: A bracer that made from the walls of Ava home, the bracer are lightened itself if the wearer is Ava

Effects: +2 Str and 1 defence

Weight allocation (+30% of doing 1 to 2 damage on basic attacks, if the wearer is not Ava, -5 Dex)

Resist corrosion (reduce corrosive damage done on durability by 85%)

Once I savage my home, my home looks more open than ever. I equip myself with the newly bracer. The bracer feels like it is really light despite it is made out of brick. Based on the equipment description, it can make me stronger at the same time provide me with more protection.

The people who are watching the television are stunned as they found themselves on the floor, and television is on the floor, and walls are being hacked off and the house seems to be bigger, as it is not as squeezing as previous that we first arrive. They feel really strange that I suddenly have a bracer. In order to prevent them from taking my bracer. I lied to them that I win the lottery in order to receive it. Well, some just refuse to believe it as the only lottery offered by the vending machine is the fashion. All women have bought the basic armour and pants to cover their body where their previous clothes melted down dickers fire and what is left is rags that could almost cant cover their bodies. While the men are optional as they can move around without feeling embarrassed without the top.

Men seem to have the habit of drinking beer, I could see some of them stocking the milky X brand beer up while woman buy fashionable items, one of them bought the lottery 10x, what she gets is 4 necklaces, 1 diamond ring, 3 hats, 1 belt and 1 sewing kit, I try to buy from her a necklaces, ring, a hat for 50 coins, but she refuses to sell the ring, so I bargain with her and bought a necklace and a hat for 26 coins also a use of her sewing kit as 26 coins solo for her 2 items just don't worth it, as most of her items are lower to middle common, while diamond ring is lower rare.

The necklaces and hats are made of materials range from paper, grass to a combination of both, those are really useless materials to be made of. At least cloth have higher durability than them

I bought leftover rags for 2 coins each from 9 women and 3 guys, then I borrow the sewing kit from the woman that sell me the items. I start to sew those rags together to form a bigger piece of cloth then sew into my recent stored shirt, then use another shirt to sew onto recent one while watching the Television with other people. People look at me and ask me do I do sewing for free, I reply that sewing kit belongs to the woman to lend it to me, so ask her to loan it to you.

In the meantime, I am sewing more clothes into patch up clothes, the news is giving information about the zombies, civilians are asking to stay at home and wait for someone to save them, those who are capable can do to the certain area as it is set up by the government as the safe zone.

When after everyone has taken a bath, I almost finish in sewing all the clothes together, except for the dresses, I sew 2 dresses into a cover, then sew the cover onto the shirt, finally it is done.

Name Shirt of hidden rags (Upper uncommon) (Ava)

Durability: 9/10

Description: A shirt that sews over the multiple pieces of rags, then it is sewing again over by other shirts then finally dresses are sewed on as a final touch, which is made by Ava. Due to over thickness of the shirt, it increases the delay time on each movement the user can do this making the user slower than before however, it grants the wearer a leap of defense compared to any other class of clothes.

Effects: +2 Str, -20% of Dex and 3 defence

Protected under layers of cloth (+30% reducing 2 damage for any incoming attacks)

I return the kit to the woman and go to the bathroom to change into my newly shirt. The shirt seems to make me looks fatter than before but the defence that provides more than any of my clothes thus I wear it for better protection.

Most people find it funny that the top that I wear is sort of chubby. I took the plates from the kitchen and fuse them into my top, the sudden weight increases, shock me and note to myself that do not fuse random object onto the equipment. As the top description have a slight change to ceramic plates have been added to increase the weight and nothing else have changed.

After 3 more tries on fusing random items into my other equipment once, only loot item have a higher chance of giving the item some effect, while normal stuff does not seems to have any effect on equipment. I just give up on the fusion the equipment as it is getting more and more time consuming and not much is really done to improve the equipment.

The survivors decided on going out of the safe zone and look for supplies since the supplies sudden "disappear". My friends ask me to join them but I refuse them by telling them that now it is noon and I have not eaten my lunch, thus if they want to stay here to wait for me to have my lunch. Thus I told the survivors that we are guarding the safe zone just in case any zombies enter.

Albea gathers us together to think about what is our next plan, Segura said in the rush tone that we all should join the rest in the hunt, then we can trade items with them if we find any good drops. Olivia suggested that we all should try the lottery to see whether that we can earn any good equipments. Wanda said that we should relax in and defend the zone if needed, Albea said that she is just watching the television for more information on what to do next. I am just sitting on the floor and eating my meal while my group of friends are discussing what is next.

I am feeling thirsty and I find myself grabbing the water flask from my inventory that I previous secret stored while people are distracting by the vending machine. It just makes me think that is it possible to get water with not paying. With that thought in mind, I rush to the kitchen and turn on the tap for the water, then fill it with a cup. What I obtain is a cup of extra crappy water. I look at its stats which is the same as what the vending machine sells, I try to drink it, it tastes like metallic lava to me which give me the crappy drink that I ever tasted in my life.

No wonder it can provide fullness when you drink it, it is so bad that you feel that you are full. Maybe it is too crappy that is the reason why it has -15 mana which is almost used up half of my mana.

I try to reduce the negative effects of the water by mixing a health pill in it but the pill will not mix into it. I try to stir it with a spoon so hard that water becomes crappy water of health. It is the same than before but +3 health more than the normal one. Red pill gets 1/10th of its effect if get mixed into the water. Therefore I try it with my normal water flak of water, it becomes crappy water of health which have the same stats of normal water but with +15 health. I continue to process the water into so-called water of mana

I return back to the group to continue to finish my meal and give them each a cup of water, to drink, all of them find the water has a certain strange taste and tell them to check the stats and effect on the body. They all want to throw up after drinking the water. Meanwhile, there are a few interesting tips which Albea summarised on the television broadcast, those are the following:

1. the water is safe to drink if you think it is safe

2. RTE is government given food supplies used it if you need it

3. Block of all the entry of holes to prevent pests and insects from entering your house

4. Normal zombies are slow that normal citizens should try to clear them and any other types may be dangerous.

5. Stay at home if possible, closed the windows and doors to prevent incoming monsters, bomb shelter can protect you from danger.

That is all she can take note of. As the television repeat itself over after a list of location that is mark as safe zones that are set up. It is easier to say to be done, there are a lot of zombies to kill in order to even reach the safe zone.

When I suggest now is to make more drinkable water, a few of my friends do not seem to agree with me so I explain that water is more important as RTE only cover the food but there are no water supplies given. Thus we have to store more water in case of water shortage. They start to argue that having more experience points to level up is more important, in the game, levels are more important. I tell them that I need to make the water more drinkable before I can hunt with them.

I search Woowle for more information and find out there are 2 easy ways to remove the hardness of the water.

Firstly is boil water for a few minutes. then cool for a few hours. White minerals will settle to the bottom of the pot. Pour away the top of the water, leaving the minerals behind. The pour away water is what I want. I am not sure about the minerals.

Secondly is the easiest that is a small tablespoon amount of salt (Sodium chloride) to the water

I bought 25 bottles of extra crappy water for 5 coins then I ask my friends to pour all of it at the water on to the kettle after that boil the water up. A strange smell starts to cloud the kitchen. At the same time, I use the refrigerator and fusing it with everything that I can find including my computer. It starts to get smaller and smaller, and it becomes a metal barrel that can store 10 spaces of food and 20 litres of water.

The boiling process repeats to I fill up the 20 litres of water and each member of my group get 5 bottles of water. At the mid of boiling, the strange smell gets a lot stronger that we have to stop boiling it to let the smell less a bit. The end result is good that the water from very crappy to less crappy water. I only spend 9 coins to obtain 16 coins or more worth of water. I take the red powder from the bottom of the kettle, In case I have some use for it.

As we planning to walk out of the safe zone, we see the return of the survivors, their clothes are heavily damaged as some papers have melted off, well 3 men have the same pants that I did, there is a middle part blogging out of their pants but the pants are covering them. What they tell us is that the zombies are upgrading themselves. They nearly died due to there are more than 2 dickers, dickers are very dangerous due to the fact that it not only can use range attack, its range attack can potentially melt off your weapon, your armor you name it. As long as it touches your equipment.

I tell them that we are merely going out of the safe zone to find more supplies, they reply that they did but they once after they clear the entrance of the house, they start to break open the door, the noise generate attracts more zombies, they are forced to fight a round of zombies again. After they manage to break the door during the battle, they end up get flank by zombies on 2 sides, one is zombies at the entrance and other zombies in the house, they manage to clear them with a few died in the process but they managed to loot some foods and weapons. They found out that the kitchen has been almost cleared except for the stove. The strange smell is some sort of smelly than the zombie themselves. People get stress up as that what they see is a kitchen have been cleared up. I try to calm them down, saying that I am just trying to make new water of out tap water. People get angrier than before as in SLS, tap water is drinkable, but now tap water is really almost undrinkable.

You are a liar, tap water is tap water, you are lying if you want to try to make water drinkable, a man getting too stress up as his face goes with boom red.

WHY not you try it yourself. I replied back with the smile on my face

Ohhh hahahaha the Oink, Oink Oink, the angry man drink the tap water and start to make the sound of a pig, he again get more angry with the whole body turn red, like a pig turning into a roasted pig.

Hurry to make him have a blue pill, the man behind the angry guy check the party list and find that the angry guy has negative mana.

I explain that that tap water is really crappy water that is on sale at the vending machine. My group have managed to reduce its effect on negative mana by removing some of the minerals in the water, My group and I will be helping on moving the stuff back from the explored new house to the current safe zone.


Writer comments

I am happy that there is an increase of people who are interested in my novel. The novel may have slower release date as i am currently busy in my life