CEO, not a stand-in?

So the CEO of KGG is not the father but the baby?! He's not a stand-in? How alarming!

Damn nepotism!

"The old and bald shareholders didn't mind?! It must have been hard for you to get along with them!"

Shin "..."

Secretary Yun "..." I think your worries are blowing in the wrong direction!

Is this the so-called generation gap?

The irony is that his boss truly doesn't get along with those old, bald shareholders. After all, they're all afraid of the tyrant and avoid him like ghosts.

Shin's face darkened, he forgot this woman has a complicated brain circuit but it's quite worrying that he's putting up with her.

Why did he even want to boast his image to her?

"It's noon, you should eat before you sleep."

He will have a meeting by 3:00 pm so there's still plenty of time to take her to a nearby restaurant.


[A day earlier]

A young woman can be seen standing in front of a wall-size mirror wearing a disheveled pink t-shirt, her unkempt hair covering half of her face, ashen lips, and bleary eyes yet these faults couldn't contain her blinding beauty.

The past years were hard for her due to her weak physique and unknown illness, her condition worsened a month ago and she had to move back home instead of staying at the school's dormitory.

Despite going through a lot of tests and changing doctors, they were unable to determine her illness.

It was only at present, her 18th birthday did she realized the dramatic changes in her body, not only was she feeling healthier than ever but also the obvious change in her appearance!

Yeri tilted her head and muttered in a trance. "So I was a succubus..."

Along with her sudden recovery is the shocking memory of her past life, she was a succubus!

A very alluring seductress but apart from that she strangely has no recollection of how and why she got reborn as a human?

Nonetheless, this second life isn't bad, she has a wealthy and loving family.

Being beautiful and living peacefully is a blessing! There's no need to unravel the past.

Yeri happily paced back and forth in front of the wall mirror- refined facial features, an hourglass figure, and translucent fair skin.

How awesome!

"Does this mean I have the sex appeal of a succubus?" Yeri giggled cupping her face in satisfaction.

Who doesn't want to be beautiful?

If you are given a heaven-defying beauty then make use of it and enjoy life!

Apart from the subtle changes in her appearance, maybe she also has some succubus abilities like memory manipulation?

Well, she's in no hurry to learn it what matters is that she now has a healthy body!

Besides, having a supernatural ability is not only dangerous to others but also to herself, not to mention implicating her family.

"Let's see..." Yeri excitedly took out her pink notebook to write her monthly plan and goals.

It's been months since the last time she went shopping so it was the first thing she wrote.

Then she thought of learning a new hobby, moving back to her school dormitory, etc, and lastly to date.

Yeri's eyes lit up at the thought of dating, her succubus lineage couldn't help but feel excited.

With no other worries in life, she can freely date and date!

After writing her thoughts and taking a shower, Yeri walked out of her room feeling famished that she didn't notice a certain furry creature blocking her doorway.

Yeri almost tripped but the innocent golden retriever only thought of pouncing on her. "Carpet, why do you always block my door? Do you like being my carpet?"

Carpet happily wagged its tail while jumping and circling.


Yeri turned around and saw her mom holding a flower vase, perhaps she was on her way to pick fresh flowers from the garden.

"Mom, do you need my help?"

Madam Zhi suddenly burst into tears, when was the last time she saw this daughter in such a healthy state?

"Mom, what's wrong?"

Madam Zhi wiped her tears and gently hugged her, wasn't she just running a high fever last night?

"How are you feeling? Is there any discomfort or pain?"

"Nope, it's a miracle!"

Madam Zhi still couldn't believe it but seeing how she looked better than last night she nodded happily. "I think your new medicine is very effective."

Obviously, it wasn't the medicine but with no other explanation, Yeri can only let the medicine take the credit.

The two went to the garden to pick new flowers for decoration.

Madam Zhi insisted on doing the trivial job while Yeri chatted with her.

Truth is, Yeri's biological mother long died in a car accident and the one in front of her is her stepmother.

Although they didn't get along at first with Yeri being mischievous and wary, she later realized that this stepmother has no bad motives.

Furthermore, her stepmother couldn't have any children so Yeri will always be the only daughter of the family.

Meanwhile, the kitchen was suddenly lively upon hearing of Yeri's sudden recovery, the chef enthusiastically preferred the food according to her liking.

Shortly, Klaus Zhi, Yeri's father came home and joined them. In the dining, the family of three looked festive.

Klaus Zhi remained stern but the happiness in his eyes couldn't be hidden, he faintly smiled watching his daughter endlessly stuffing her mouth with meat.

"We should contact the doctor for your routine check-up."

"I'm fine now?"

"It's for your own sake, we have to prioritize your health and make sure there won't be any recurrence." Madam Zhi also insisted.

Seeing her mother's pleading expression Yeri reluctantly agreed, anyway they wouldn't be able to find anything unusual.

"By the way Dad, I want to go back to my dorm. I missed a lot of school activities and staying in the dorm is more convenient."

"Princess, what are you talking about? Who will prepare your food in the dorm? You have to eat proper meals and also take your medicine." Madam Zhi disagreed.

"Alright, we will talk about that some other time," Klaus concluded.

Yeri wanted to insist but with her father's tone, it was better to try again later.

"That's right, we couldn't talk about this before but today we can finally plan your 18th birthday debut. Princess, let Mom know what you want, any theme and ideas in mind?" Madam Zhi excitedly shifted the subject.

"Hmm, can't we do the usual family dinner?" Yeri was never a fan of formal parties and gatherings.

Their family rarely hosts house parties and oftentimes, birthdays were celebrated privately.

Madam Zhi's eyes widened, how could it be?

Now that Yeri is an adult, they have to formally introduce her to the upper-class society otherwise people might look down on her.

A grand debut is the same as proclaiming that she's backed by the Zhi patriarch.

"If you don't want to help your mom plan your birthday then you to start working in the company in your free time."

Yeri's smile froze, why so sudden?

"What nonsense are you talking about Klaus? Just because she's fine today doesn't mean it will be the same tomorrow or next month, how can you let her work in such a stressful environment?" Madam Zhi quickly retorted.

"It's for her own sake...she has no interest in business, no career in mind, she doesn't socialize and her friends can only be counted on one hand." Klaus calmly explained.

Madam Zhi sighed heavily and glared at her husband, their daughter just recovered and all he had in mind was work?

The Zhi household is not short of money!

"The most important thing is her health besides, our princess is smart and very beautiful. It will be easier for her to marry into a prominent family with a loving husband."

Yeri almost choked on her food, how did the conversation jump to marriage?

"Smart?" Klaus appeared doubtful as he glanced at his daughter.

Yeri "..." am I still your biological daughter?

"She needs to be financially independent, if not in the company then how about in your jewelry store?" Klaus suggested.

Madam Zhi paused and glanced at Yeri, she already owned a popular jewelry boutique before she married Klaus. "Then princess can help me design a new piece of jewelry collection?"

Yeri thought for a second and indeed it's not bad to have some extra money apart from her allowance. "Okay, I'll try my best!"

"Try working in our cafe as well, at the very least you will have a general idea of how Father's company works."

Yeri's mouth twitched, did she squandered the family's money? Why is he tossing work on his daughter who just got better?

It looks like some of the goals she just wrote on her planner would have to be put off.


[ Sin City]

The Capital City of Caelum Country, Sin City is known for its grandiose and luxurious establishments and skyscrapers, high-priced real estate, sumptuous and finest food, world-class fashion, and a multitude of extravagance to offer, and undoubtedly the most expensive city with its unparalleled technology and innovation.