Sin City

Amongst the flourishing and successful businesses running the city is the unrivaled conglomerate company; KV Global Group, engaging in different commercial and trading professions and the leading innovator in technology.

Situated at the heart of Sin City's business district is the KV global group's main building, a skyscraper boasting with window wall system and modernism.

Leading the company to its present glory is Shin Keir, the current CEO known for his ingenious prowess and unrelenting strategies.

At the young age of 16, he was already assisting his father in dealing with company matters and gradually made a name in the business field.

Regrettably, for women, he is like a supreme being that can only be admired from afar, coveting him is akin to suicide.

[KV Global Group head office]

"Have you heard of the rumor that the CEO actually has a fiancee?"

"What kind of sick bastard dared to spout such nonsense? If such a fiancee exists then I would give away my salary for the year!"

"Tsk, women nowadays only care about a man's face and status, aren't you people aware of what kind of person the CEO is?"

"Speaking of, they said today's meeting lasted for almost 10 hours it's really an overkill!"

"Haha, I heard the head of the finance department fainted!"

"If the CEO dislikes women do you think he's gay?"

The group of gossipers stared at that person in horror before dispersing, such a person will cost them their jobs!

Meanwhile, at the CEO's office Secretary Yun dared not move nor start a conversation.

8 years of experience is more than enough to deduce his boss's temper, today is one of those days where you have to count your breaths.

Secretary Yun once thought that the rumors about the CEO's prejudice towards women were an exaggeration yet at a once gala event, a brazen woman latched on his boss and even tried to steal a kiss.

To everyone's horrified faces, the woman went flying to another table.

Secretary Yun had never seen such a magical moment before and Shin Keir simply muttered 'reflex'.

It became a viral topic amongst socialites and since then no women dared to get too close to Shin Keir.

Sometime later, it is said that the woman had left the country, penniless.

"What's the matter?" Shin Keir's cold, gloomy voice disrupted Secretary Yun's thoughts.

There are only a few people who would call his boss after office hours, out of habit Secretary Yun took the signed documents from the table.

Upon ending the call, Shin's face looked even gloomier.

"You have to stay by a woman's side if she's sick? What for?"

Secretary Yun unconsciously gulped, no doubt the person on the other line was Tristan Felan, an infamous playboy and his boss's cousin.

"Maybe...Young Master Felan liked the woman this time?"

Shin sneered no longer interested in the topic and continued with his work, he would never understand vile creatures and had no intention of understanding them.

"Who reported this 20% annual return, the figure doesn't make sense."

"It was from the company's trading report that was discussed in the meeting earlier. I believe it was Mr. Lim." Secretary Yun replied.

"Mr. Lim, the head of finance?" Shin's eyes narrowed as he slammed the report into the trash, "How did such an incompetent person become the department head, fire him."

"I will immediately notify HR."

Secretary Yun recalled the bloated guy who passed out during the meeting earlier.

Apparently, he has some relatives among the shareholders. Unfortunately, it is not often they can filter those backdoor employees considering how enormous the company is.

"The quality of these reports has deteriorated for the past weeks, is our company salary unsatisfactory that they couldn't do their job properly?"

"How about a warning letter?" Secretary Yun immediately suggested.

"Final warning." Shin indifferently replied and once again flung a bunch of documents into the trash.

Secretary Yun could already picture the dreadful faces of those slackers.

"Prepare the car."

Secretary Yun slightly bowed and promptly left.

Shin lit a cigarette and stood by the huge wall window with a displeased expression, gaia bar was it?


Gaia Bar is a 5-star upscale and stylish bar catered for wealthy patrons.

It has three sections: an exclusive area for VIPs, soundproof deluxe lounge rooms, and a huge dance floor normally frequented by the young elites.

Loud deafening music and a crowded dance floor welcomed Yeri and Nina, they had been classmates since middle school.

"I was surprised when you suddenly called me I thought you were bedridden! Anyway, your dad didn't mind you coming here?" Nina shouted.

Yeri laughed as she danced to the music. "He doesn't know, he left with my mom earlier for some social gathering!"

"What? Are you crazy?!" Nina swatted Yeri's arm, "Don't expect me to help you if you get in trouble!"

"What trouble it's my birthday!" Yeri chuckled and moved to the cocktail lounge.

"This bar is so overpriced, a glass of red wine is $350?!" Nina complained.

"Nina, should we put our beauty to work?" Yeri asked as she alluringly smiled at a group of guys.

One of them is very handsome with a good physique, not bad.

You- are you already drunk? Why are you suddenly acting out of character?" Nina was puzzled, although Yeri was known as the 'school goddess' she was never a flirt.

"It's because I realized that my weak physique has restricted me from enjoying life, if I blindly trust the doctors then maybe by the time I'm fully cured my youth is long gone! won't I regret it then?" Yeri didn't further explain her illness to Nina since the doctors couldn't even determine it.

At school, she was just a girl with a very weak constitution and was often absent whenever she was unwell.

Nina thought about it and felt pity for her, in the future, it would be hard to find a husband who would accept a sickly wife.

"Yz don't worry, I will help you find a good and loyal husband!"

Yeri glared at her nonsense, "Who said I want to get married?"

Nina felt even more distraught that it reflected on her face.

One would think 'god is unfair' upon seeing Yeri's face but it seems not to be the case, her poor friend is suffering inside and thought of taking a lonely journey!

Imagine an old Yeri living with cats like in those movies...

Yeri "..." Why don't I like that look?

"You, keep your thoughts to yourself!"


At the same time, the sinister atmosphere in a certain VIP room was a far cry from the euphoria outside.

Time seems to be a traitor as they all look forward to ending the night.

The organization meeting was arranged by Tristan Felan so how come the tyrant demon showed up instead?

Caelum Country is the only country divided by two governing bodies, like the sun during the day and the moon at night, the country is overrun by different mafia organizations.

Once it was a lawless and chaotic underworld, the police authority wouldn't even bother to poke on their side but it gradually dwindled over the years with monstrous and formidable mafia groups appearing specifically in the capital, Sin City.

One organization was Hexion, it was just established 6 years ago but quickly usurped and annihilated its adversaries.

It stands to reason that it has formidable top figures behind and so tonight Drego Tim decided to attend, intending to join Hexion.

Who would have thought that the one behind Hexion was the said tyrant demon of the business empire, Shin Keir?

It is said that the man is bad-tempered and unreasonable, his methods are straightforward but ruthless, not to mention his infamous reputation with women.

Drego was mentally prepared to put forward his demands but somehow he was currently struggling for words.

He was once a mafia lord of a small organization and has courted death many times but this Shin Keir is just too ominous.

"Young Master Keir, an auction-"


Everyone "..."

The people present felt their scalp went numb, is that all his going to say tonight?

Shin wore a dark face listening to their requests, he couldn't understand why Tristan wanted to recruit these people.

Although the organization also engages in secondary activities like gambling, black market, and loan sharking they have stipulations that deter members from committing wrongful actions and exploiting the organization.

"This, Young Master Keir doesn't agree with my prostitution business?" A guy with droopy eyes jokingly asked but in a way mocking Shin's strange dislike of women.

Shin tapped his finger on the armchair, his menacing gaze made the person avert his eyes.

"Our country doesn't prohibit prostitution but enforcement of illicit arrangements like threats and blackmail were illegal. Your business appeared to do the latter yet you expect protection from us? What do you take us for?"


The surrounding air went frigid for a moment.

"How about prostitution through an auction of service?" Drego finally raised a question.


The man with droopy eyes was pleased but Shin Keir immediately shut him down before he could say anything, "Not you."