Porunga aniki

Broly was about to use one of the skills he had discovered he possessed over the years.

In Hunter X Hunter there were characters with special properties or advantages in some aspect of their Nen… like Neferpitou they had a special. An En with an irregular shape, which could deform and move freely, avoiding distributing the En equally in a circular way.

Broly had discovered that his En had a special ability too.

He could fragment it…. Broly could extract part of his En and leave it parked in a specific area.

With it, whatever distance he was, he would be able to detect perfectly at every moment everything covered by that En.

This skill not only allowed him to separate his En for remote monitoring, also allowed him to separate his Formlees Realm, which was directly connected to his En.

Whit this, Broly could inject part of his Fromless Realm inside that separated En, being able to enter and exit from it without any problem in that area through his Formless Realm.

He called this skill Ambassadorship.

Broly after creating his ambassadorship returned to where the great patriarch was.

"Hi friends, are the Dragon Balls ready yet?" Said Broly, appearing out of nowhere.

The Namekians who hadn't yet seen him were surprised by his appearance and energy.

Nail, acting as a spokesperson, told Broly "They will be here in a few minutes.

By the way, what is the wish you want to ask?"

Broly smiled mischievously and replied "We'll all know in a few seconds...

It will depend on whether I get the information I want elsewhere

But before that I need to ask Patriarch for another small favour"

Zuno's home planet

Zuno, the traditional stereotyped Japanese alien who knew everything ... accompanied by his two mini-selves were drinking tea...

Some hooded man appeared behind them and put three swords of energy near their necks

The hooded person said in a sinister and threatening way.

"You won't ask any questions.

You won't make any movement.

You won't try to find out who I am

You won't try to explain and you will avoid knowing what happened here today.

You won't speak unless I authorize you

Apart from that, you will answer my questions in a way that I don't need to ask you that same question again.

If you have understood everything I said, nod"

Zuno's fearing for his life and with cold sweat descending on his forehead ... he nodded without thinking

"Well, I'm glad you understand the situation ...

First question:

How do you know so many things? "Asked the hooded person.

"I have the ability to know the answer to the questions that are asked or I formulate myself ... sir" Said Zuno's, fearing for his life

Pleased by the response the hooded man said "Interesting, very interesting ...

Well ... now my second and maybe that last question.

What are the exact coordinates of the Super Dragon Balls?"

Zuno, hearing about the Super Dragon Ball hesitated for a second.

Second in which the energy sword came closer to the neck of the three ... Seeing that he wasn't bluffing… ended up answering about the location of the seven Super Dragon Ball that were between universes six and seven.

"Thank you very much for your help, and remember your promise.

Be quiet fatty" Said that mysterious person before disappearing as suddenly as appeared

In outer space, in a place far from the universe 7

The mysterious hooded man who seconds ago was threatening Zuno ... appeared as if by magic in front of an uninhabited planet.

That person concentrated energy in his hand, forming a sphere of green energy.

After concentrating enough energy in that sphere, he threw it against the planet.

Creating a big explosion...

Due to the explosion that this caused, the impact and fragments ripped that person's cloak...

Indeed, he was our favourite antihero... Broly, or more specifically, the clone with only 49% of his power.

Broly with great satisfaction watched the destruction that his attack had caused ... but above all, what revealed.

In front of him was a Dragon Ball, a colossal Dragon Ball with the size of a planet.

[It has been very easy to find the first ... it's been worth it

It wasn't necessary to resort to Zuno, since I have built a quite powerful Dragon Ball radar, but... this is much faster.

Nor was it necessary to threaten him in that way, but...

Although I don't agree with Zamasu on some things...

I must admit that this psychopath knew how to be effective

In addition, I don't want to give my first kiss in this life to an obese man to get a GPS address.

Now all you have to do is request two wishes... and gather them all]

Broly approached the Super Dragon Ball and touched the surface.

When touched, on the surface Super Dragon Ball a green energy began devour the colossal Super Dragon Ball with the size of a planet… very slowly.

[It will take me a lot of time energy to shallow the seven Super Dragon Balls in my Formless Realm but it is better than having them in view of everyone.

Likewise, when I take them out, the used energy will come back to me... I'm only borrowing something from this universe 7 to mine universe, besides I'm doing it without interest

I am a generous and just person, for which the conditions of my abilities are also the same...]

Planet Namek

After a few hours seven Namekians had brought the 7 dragon balls ... everything was ready to make a wish.

"We have already collected the 7 Dragon Balls

Although there are certain limitations, you can ask for three wishes.

Do you already know what wishes you are going to ask? "The distrustful Nail asked Broly

"In the end I just need to ask for two wishes, I don't want to abuse your kindness" Broly said politely.

The Namekians upon hearing these words were more relieved and drastically improved the image they had of Broly.

"Besides, I cannot simply ask you for something so valuable without giving anything in return.

That's why I brought gifts. "Broly said as he took out several capsules from his Formless Realm.

Broly threw them to the ground and from them appeared a large number of products dedicated to welfare, domestic tasks and agriculture ... Products that Broly thought could interest them because of their hermit and quiet lifestyle dedicated to cultivate Ajisa to return the planet Namek to its previous status.

Broly explained to the surprised Namekians the functions of the different robotic devices that he gave them and how they should be used correctly.

The Namkians thanked him enormously.

Tthese artifacts would help them greatly in their daily life.

Especially they thanked him for the agricultural technology, thanks to it they would be able to cover the planet Namek with Ajisa in a few years, returning to their planet the ancient splendour that it once had... before the cataclysm.

The person who at first seemed to be a time bomb that threatened the peace of the peaceful life of the Namekians, the person they all suspected and tried to keep their distance and only fulfilled his demands by the letter they had received from one of their own ... had proved to be their greatest benefactor

Even the proud and distrustful Nail had no choice but to thank Broly for everything he had done... and apologize for his previous behaviour.

Broly something blushed by the flattery he was receiving said "It hasn't been anything, it hasn't been anything hahaha.

It's the least I can do when such nice people let me use their Dragon Balls.

I don't want anyone to say on any planet that Broly is not a generous person.

By the way Nail, before asking for the wish, I have a special gift for the great patriarch"

Nail, still influenced by the gratitude he felt, took those words with joy. Broly had been very generous to all the inhabitants of the planet.

In addition, the fact that Broly wanted to have a detail specifically for the patriarch, the most important and beloved person of all Namek made him extremely happy, raising for him the status of Broly again.

"I have noticed that the patriarch is always sitting in his chair without being able to move.

I suppose that due to its great size and age it must be complicated to go outside.

That's why I thought this could be very useful" Said Brol as he pulled out a large object from his Formless Realm.

It was a large flying chair, similar to the one Frieza or Zuno had, but much larger ... a large size that fit perfectly with the body of the great patriarch.

"With this chair, the great patriarch will surely be able to go abroad and visit the whole planet Namez without worry ... apart it is very comfortable.

I'm sure he'll be elated.

The instructions are in the right side pocket" Said Broly with a benevolent face, as if he were a kind of saint who hadn't committed any sin in his life.

All the Namekians thanked him again for this great and fantastic gift ... all except Nail, who had suddenly remembered a certain warning from the letter

"Thank you very much for your kindness Broly, I will give this gift to the great patriarch after you ask for your wish, I'm sure he will be enormously grateful" Said Nail, who, although it was hard to notice... He didn't trust Broly so much anymore.

Minutes later Porunga, the dragon of Planet Namek, was summoned.

After the oldest Namekian there was in that place, he went to where the Dragon Ball were and said certain words in Namekian.

After these words, the Dragon Balls began to shine more intensely and without pause.

The sky began to darken and the atmosphere became incredibly unusual.

From the dragon balls, a light appeared that extended towards the sky and within a few seconds that light that seemed to envelop the sky materialized in a huge green muscular dragon with red eyes, which seemed to look at the ground with arrogance.

[Big, muscular and green ...

I love this Porunga, he reminds me someone.

Someone very handsome, strong, intelligent and transformed


"You have collected all seven Dragon Balls an now as it is return…

Think wisely and I will grant you three wishes within my power" Said Porunga

The Namekian who had invoked Porunga told him "What is your wish?

Tell me and I will tell Porunga on your behalf"


My first wish is to know the language of the Gods" Said Broly.

The Namekian asked the wish in his language

Nail, surprised by this desire asked Broly "Why do you want to know the language of the gods?"

Broly in a teasing tone said "To know if they speak ill of me and to insult them in their language, of course"

Nail preferred not to insist, he knew he wouldn't get a serious answer

Porunga spoke "Ok, I'll grant your wish"

Porunga's eyes gleamed and a new language appeared in Broly's brain… the wish had been successful

The Namekian turned to Broly and asked, "What is your second wish?"

Broly confidently said "It won't be necessary" Broly using the language of Namek said "My wish is very simple. I just want to be teleported to the universe 6"

The Namekian were surprised by the fact that he knew their language and by the wish he had formulated, many wanted to ask him about both, but before they had the chance...

Porunga spoke "Ok, I'll grant your wish"

Porunga's eyes sparkled and Broly began to gradually disappear... they could only hear a few last words of Broly before he disappeared completely.

"I learned Namekian in a 40-hour online course" Then disappeared.

The Namekian present didn't have too much time to assimilate everything that had happened and had been said, but quickly regained their composure.

After a few seconds they spoke again

"What a strange child ... but we have to be grateful, he has given us a lot in exchange of very few.

What do you think if we all go together to give the flying chair to the great patriarch? "Asked one of the Namekians.

They all backed that idea, except one...

Nail without saying anything approached the flying chair, reached out and inspected the chair... and once he pressed the cushion


The sound of a fart echoed

The Namekians who were in that place were stunned by what had happened

"What was that?" Asked some Namekians

Nail was relieved to have discovered that joke and something angry with Broly said "I think we just found out what that letter was referring to.

We have to be grateful to that Kami..."

Somewhere in the Universe 6

A boy with three eyes and a monkey tail appeared on a planet similar to the planet Namek.

[So I'm already in Universe 6 ...


While my clone is dedicated to collecting the other two Super Dragon Ball that are missing, I will dedicate myself to collecting those from this universe...

It may turn into a dangerous journey, since it is likely that a certain overweight God of destruction is looking for them too...

However, it's necessary.

Only the Super Dragon Ball can grant me THAT WISH]