Universe six, how beautiful you are

In the immensity of the space of the universe 6, a spaceship made its appearance

A spaceship that belonged to the Peace Corps of Emperor Frost, the emperor of the universe.

The beloved by all, the defender of peace and security, the one who solved all wars

Frost, the greatest and most famous warrior of justice that has existed in the history of the universe, awarded with the "Universal Peace Prize" three times in recognition of his actions.

Or that's what everyone believed...

That spaceship was making a routine patrol in remote areas in search of criminals, when suddenly...

They saw something that seemed impossible to them ... or at least, the strangest thing they had ever seen in their lives.

This was an area that they had patrolled for more than 5 years, so they knew perfectly every corner of that area, especially the position in which all the planets and asteroids were situated…

Therefore, they were surprised that where there used to be a rocky and lifeless planet now there would be a strange orange spherical object of the same size with… a spherical orang object with stars, stars that could be seen from any angle, but that wasn't all...

That gigantic object the size of a planet was being slowly devoured by a strange green energy, and although they were far away, thanks to the sophisticated sensors of the ship locate a small presence around it, which although in small in size released a great energy.

There was a person floating calmly in the void of space, a person of a small size, which they didn't know if he was a child or a race of people with small bodies...

They couldn't identify what race he was, he was quite muscular, his body was covered with a brown monkey fur, his hair was large… and he also have a monkey tail and a third eye in his forehead.

They didn't know who he was or who he was, but something seemed obvious to them.

This strange person was responsible for the disappearance of the planet, the appearance of the strange orange object and the inevitable disappearance of the orange object.

Soldier A looked outside the ship and said "We must report this immediately!"

Soldier B, who was also gazing at that visual spectacle, said "Yes, I believe that with this we have earned the salary of the last 5 years of not finding anything at all"

Peace Corps Headquarters

Frost was quietly in his floating chair observing the balance that his commercial strategy of false flag attacks were providing, when suddenly one of his lackeys came to his office to inform him about something.

"Emperor Frost, sorry for bothering you, but I think there's something interesting you should see" Said the elite lackey.

Frost, who knew that the lackey would not interrupt him for something banal, showed interest "Tell me, what is it?

The elite lackey showed the video and the images he had received while giving the explanation

"Days ago, some patrollers have informed us about this strange event in the Western sector by this strange race never seen before...

It seems that he is stealing or devouring a strange object whit the size of a little planet... we don't know his purpose, but if he has these capabilities it is possible that he could be a great threat to the peace of the universe...

What do you think we should do Emperor Frost?"

Frost continued watching the video with interest and said "You're right...

If he is capable of what I am seeing, it means that either his power or his abilities are impressive.

He is able to survive in space, a skill that few races in the universe own...

Besides, we don't know anything about him or his race...

I think I should go myself"

The elite lackey, surprised exclaimed "Go yourself Lor Frost? Don't you think we should send an exploration team first? It is too dangerous"

Frost laughing slightly and interpreting his role as a hero of justice said "You don't need to worry about my safety, I'll be fine.

I don't want to send someone to a suicide mission; this being is powerful, strange and is able to survive in space.

I am one of the few people in the universe who may be able to confront him.

As a leader, I must be the one to take risks at moments like these"

The elite lackey, emotional and almost crying for the admiration he felt for his beloved leader said "You are the best majesty, it's a pride to be part of your ranks.

Soon we will prepare your spacship and an escort for this mission" 

However, while that poor idiot idolized him, Frost was thinking

[What a peculiar person ... what a strange object ...

I have to know what that is and what he's doing ... and maybe recruiting him

He can be a great acquisition for my peace corps ... or for my galactic pirates

If it is a threat to the universe, I will gain fame

Of course, if I can't have him under my command, I will kill him to get rid of a great threat to my...

Whatever happens I will come out winning


It had been 4 months since Broly had been teleported to the universe 6.

During that time, he had found three of the four Super Dragon Balls that were in that universe, two of them were already inside his Formless Realm, and right now he was trying to absorb the third ... but it wasn't easy or cheap to absorb such a colossal thing.

Finding the Dragon Ball wasn't a problem.

He had the coordinates of all and the Kai Kai, he could easily reach all of them in a matter of seconds… the problem was to absorb them.

Absorbing each one had taken more than a month of hard work...

Both, the body of the universe 6 or the 7 had been absorbing the Super Dragon Balls, spending huge amounts of space of the Formless Realm, which Broly was trying to recover at the same time that he was spending...

So much energy was needed to recover the lost space that Broly was transformed into his True Saiyan state during all those 4 months, to increase the amount of energy he could generate.

Because he had divided his strength in half and was concentrating all his strength and attention in absorbing the Super Dragon Ball and recovering energies to continue absorbing his target... his En had concentrated drastically near the Super Dragon Ball...

Leaving aside most of the things that were happening around him, including the fact that a spaceship had seen and reported him a few days ago...

He had become impatient, for weeks he had only been able to eat Senzu Beans, he had barely slept and had barely been able to bathe... he was crazy to finish his mission to ask for his long-awaited wish…

Therefore, his vigilance had dropped drastically.

Nevertheless, he was happy, in less than two days the third and last Super Dragon Ball of the universe seven would be inside his Formless Realm and in the Universe six in a few minutes he would manage to absorb the third ... only being left another one more to collect all the seven

[Come on motherfucker; come inside my fucking dimension… RIGHT NOW!]

He was quite irritated, impatient ... and somewhat bored.

Nevertheless, in a few seconds someone would entertain him

"Good Morning

Could you explain to me, if you are so kind…

Who are you and what are you doing here?" Said an irritating voice that came telepathically to Broly mind (they are in space, no sound)

Broly surprised and somewhat annoyed by the fact that someone interrupted him while he was insulting the Super Dragon Ball... slightly expanded his En.

In the distance, he observed that someone was approaching him ... and he was doing it at a great speed...

[Oops, look whom we have here.

The biggest faker of the Dragon Ball multiverse, surely the only one who can compete with Mr Satan

The losing version and cheating version of Frieza's in the universe 6...


What intentions will he have?

Does he come to me as the hero Frost, or as the villain Frost?

Whatever, this can be annoying ... or interesting]

"Good afternoon

I'm someone ... and I'm doing something" Said Broly while he was still focused on devouring what was left of the Super Dragon Ball... something that would end in a few minutes... he needed to gain time.

Frost, who was in his friendly hero of justice mode, upon hearing Broly's answer found it difficult to continue with that attitude, but he kept trying "It seems you don't know who I'm.

Let me introduce myself first, I am Frost, the emperor of the universe and his guardian.

A week ago, we detected that someone was making a strange object whit the size of a planet disappear in a very curious way… and the images that have reached me shows you, in this same place at that moment ... and for what can I see, you haven't moved from here, so it's useless to pretend ignorance.

My duty is to ensure the safety of the universe and I must know if you are a threat or not.

Therefore, please, answer me…

Who are you, what are you, what are you doing and what is that strange object that is about to disappear?"

[Oh, so that's what it's about ...

It seems that I have been discovered... this happens to me because I don't have patience

Well, it's not too serious either, it seems he doesn't know what the Super Dragon Ball are…

Fuck, this faker is disgusting

At least Frieza is sincere, he doesn't cheat, he's a bastard and is proud of it]

"I'm just a cute, adorable little boy named Broly, who received a gift from his mother and dropped it and I'm trying to pick it up ... otherwise, she'll be very sad.

So you don't have to worry, I'm not a threat, when I finish picking up I'll go" Said Broly with a childish tone, trying to look cute

Frost began to think what to do with this situation

[I don't know if he's a little boy with a hollow head and too much power… or a dwarf bastard who is laughing at me…

However, I think the second option is more likely

I will try again...

However, if I cannot use him for my purposes... it is better to kill him

Nobody laughs at me] 

Frost, keeping his composure "So Broly, I'll believe for now that that's your name, but ...

I don't believe anything you said other than your name.

I would be grateful if you would accompany me without resisting to the headquarters to get an adequate interrogation"

Broly, who had two eyes on Frost and another on the nearly devoured Dragon Ball said "I'm sorry, but I don't have time to go anywhere with you.

Also, my mother has always told me not to go with strangers ... especially when they are so ugly"

Frost's attitude changed; there was no trace of the false kindness he had showed until now... only his natural hostility and coldness "I see ...

You are resisting authority ... I think you will force me to use force...

Since you have just been considered a serious threat to universal peace"

Broly had been gaining time with this stupid conversation until his Formless Realm finished swallowing the Super Dragon Ball ... and as he had calculated, just at that moment the arduous process of a month had ended...

[The logical thing would be to teleport me directly to the last Super Dragon Ball and end this as quickly

My power is halved due to the cloning technique, and it is not the best place in which I can fight, but...

My Saiyan blood tells me to fight him ... and destroy him.

Feel honored alternative Frieza ... you will be my first serious battle.

I have reached the limit of my power years ago… Is possible that fight him will give me the push I need to become Super Saiyan]

"Use force? Does a half meter like you know what force is?

Come to me with all your power, little shit" Said Broly mocking Frost in a rather arrogant way... he no longer behaved like a small child...

He looked like a demon... more demon than a Frost Demon