Space Vs Time Part 1

Broly was warming up in an esplanade, preparing for what would be the most important battle of his life and thinking about possible strategies and alternatives.

[I pray it's the Hit sleeve ... that Hit at least had a Power-up limit

The anime version in only fighting power was stronger than the SS God Blue...

However, in the mang, his total power was somewhat inferior to SS God Red, but he could match SS God Blue with his techniques...

In my current state, I cannot beat him in any version, but at least the difference will be less dramatic with manga Hit]

It didn't take many seconds until Hit arrived at the place marked on the map, where Broly was waiting for him.

Hit, with his hands in his pockets as usual, asked "If you are able to teleport yourself ... why have not you run away?

I recognize that you are strong, but...

Do you think you can face me?"

Broly finishing his warm-up and relocating his coat, looked at Hit and replied "I don't know, that's why I'm facing you... and in case you're going to kill me I can always run away...

However, don't worry, I'll send you another map of where you can find me if that happens...

I have to amortize the expenses of your hiring"

Hit, trying not to smile at Broly's words, said "Child, you're crazy.

But I don't worry, because I doubt there is a need to send me another map"

The atmosphere became more tense...

Broly and Hit at a short distance of 9 meters stared at each other, waiting for the right moment to start the fight...

After a few seconds of analysing the opponent...

Broly was the first to attack...

Broly in his True Saiyan state at all times quickly accelerated towards Hit with his right fist held high.

Hit remained motionless in the same position and unblinking, with his hands in his pockets, waiting for Broly to come closer….

When Broly stood a few inches away from him...

He used his Time-Skip again

This time Hit in that 0.1 seconds released in its dimension to ki-laced punch ... his most characteristic attack

That blow of ki will came out of that dimension and would directly impact Broly's vital point, catching his opponent by surprise and preventing him from defending himself.

After 0.1 seconds inside his dimension, his attack hit directly where Hit always usually hit to kill someone... in the heart.

That impreditible Ki Punch of stopped time, by the impact distorted the jacket of Broly, stopping his advance and showing in his face a great pain...

His deathblow had impacted on his target.

Hit thought he had already finished with him, lowering his guard for a fraction of a second ... but at that moment...

A hand appeared behind his head, grabbing it and launching a powerful energy attack at the same time.


Hit didn't know how that attack had arrived at that position, but luckily when feeling the pain, he was able to use his Time-Skip to escape before the attack affected him completely.

Because he thought he had killed Broly... he had lowered his defences and remained a little unprotected ... so that attack hurt him, and although it would not be fatal in the event that it had hit him completely... it could have caused serious injuries.

In that 0.1 of time, Hit moved away from that point and turned to see who had attacked him...

As he turned around, he saw a hairy hand flying in the air throwing an energy attack

[What the hell is that?]

Upon leaving Time-Skip his eyes were fixed on the flying hand, losing sight of Broly that was still falling to the ground...

Time lapse in which Broly teleported behind him, leaving his flying hand in the same position to keep attracting Hit's attention... to be able to attack him once again by surprise.

But Hit, who had a millennium of experience in his back, felt that someone was about to attack him… thanks to his instincts he was able to react in time, stopping Broly's attack with his hand.

At the moment Broly's attack was stopped ... a right leg appeared in Hit's blind spot.

Kaio Ken X 10

Hit saw how a red aura eveloped Broly, increasing his power several times, as well increasing slightly his muscles.

While he made it appear that his attack was coming from above using his left arm… the real attack that was his leg, hitted Hit on his knee, losing his balance.

At that moment, as in the restaurant, he noticed that his body was weighing more, making it more difficult to get up, dodge or counterattack.

Broly, taking advantage of that moment... released a breath of energy from his mouth, which tenths of a second before he had been preparing, and threw him against him, destroying everything that was hundreds of meters in his direction.


Hit once again using his Skip-Time, was able to get away from that attack and counterattack again, sending once again from his dimension another Ki-punch to Broly's heart.

Once again his jacket was deformed by the punch, but this time he didn't seem affected... since at the same time, Broly still in his state Kaio Ken loaded two Rasen Omega Blaster in his hands ... and teleported them forward and behind Hit, surrounding him.

At that moment, Hit who didn't have time to perform his Time-Skip reinforced his defences with his powerful Ki, which he had been repressing until now.


After a few moments, after the smoke dissipated, Hit appeared with only a few scratches and the armour a little damaged...

Broly and Hit looked at each other about 9 meters away again, just like before the start of the fight about 4 seconds ago ...

Both were catching their breath and re-analyzing their opponent.

"You use some very strange techniques, monkey-boy…

It seems that you are not only able to teleport to flee, but also to attack ... and you can also transfer your legs and hands...

Am I wrong?" Said Hit, who was a little excited to find a fighter who used special techniques in combat, like him

"HAHAHA, it's an honor that Hit, the owner of the Time-Skip call my skill a strange technique

Is it the first time you fight with someone like me?" Broly said as he replaced his jacket.

That question was actually quite interesting ... Hit despite being a special techniques fighter ... he was used to fighting warriors who only knew how to use brute force and energy attacks...

Until now, he had never fought with someone like him, which had caught him by surprise at first.

"I admit that you caught me by surprise, but ...

It will not happen again"

In the majority of Dragon Ball fights in which two opponents who never fought before or with similar power, usually has a logical sequence that has been maintained throughout the course of the franchise ... not by whim, but by logic.

First, you must understand the power and abilities of the opponent and prevent the opponent from discovering your power and abilities.

To do this, both of them from the beginning maintain their power hidden, and increase it slowly during the combat, the same with their techniques and abilities, which they show slowly.

The energy of the warriors is usually limited (Androids) and it is necessary to know how to administer it.

If from the beginning, someone started the fight at 100% power, spending most of their energy from a single attack or in a taxing transformation without knowing the capabilities of the adversary… It is likely that this adversary has the ability to dodge that attack or that have techniques that make him able to avoid them (teleportation, barriers, regeneration)… if that happened, that fighter would be exhausted quickly and could lose against someone even weaker, simply for having failed that attack.

Attack in which not only he has squandered by failing to know the evasive abilities of his opponent, also because it is an attack that may have used more energy than necessary to kill the opponent.

Therefore, both will fight hand-to-hand, raising and varying the power level... performing different techniques with moderate power to discover the capabilities of the opponent...

They will be pressing each other to demonstrate their special abilities or and the limit of their power.

When one of the subjects has reached the limit of his power and has no more power to show, while his opponent does have it ... he will lose.

Unless he finds the opponent's weak point or some of his disadvantages to counteract him... or make an attack beyond his limits as a last hope

This methodology has the risk of being surprised by someone who shows all his power from the beginning, as happened on the occasion when Trunks of the future annihilated Frieza and his father, who lost so quickly by underestimating his adversary by not showing an equal power from a beginning

Because Trunks knew them and what they could do, while they didn't know him, they had an excessive self-confidence and didn't have the ability to analyse his rival's Ki...

However, despite that, it's a pretty necessary strategy to win, especially against warriors with special abilities like Hit or Broly, in which their strange supernatural abilities could offer a superior advantage even to tens of millions of fighting power.

That was the reason why Hit had not started using all his power from the beginning... since he didn't know the limits of his power, which could increase explosively in certain moments or his amazing defence, which seemed to resist his deadly blows.... neither how his spatial ability worked.

That was the reason why Broly didn't show all his power and abilities from the beginning continuously... so that Hit didn't discover how his abilities worked (therefore his limitations)... nor that his power was inferior to his

Spaceship of Frost's Peace Corps...

On Frost's orders all available soldiers near the planet Sadala had to watch Broly, all his movements and record everything that happened on the planet ... to know where to attack him and something more about his abilities and real power.

From different space ships and ground teams were capturing, retransmitting, sharing and analysing everything that was happening in the fight between Hit and Broly...

Everyone who was watching the fight, from the most inexperienced engineers to the oldest elite warriors ... couldn't believe what they were seeing.

"How is it possible? The hands and legs of that Broly are disappearing from his body and appearing in another place" Said one of the technicians in charge of analyzing the data ... who didn't know how to fit his scientific knowledge with what he saw

"Both perform very strange techniques" Said another who was next to the previous

"Who is that man? How can he be so quick? He ... he might be stronger than Emperor Frost" Said one of the most novice elite warriors inside that room.

"This is crazy!" Exclaimed another warrior

"What the hell are these monsters?" Asked a technician

"I ... I recognize him ... that's the legendary hitman Hit" Said with stupefaction and fear one of the most veteran elite warriors

"Hit? That Hit? Who else has offended that little monster to hire that legend?" Said another veteran elite warrior, who couldn't imagine that Frost himself was the one who hired Hit.

"I don't know ... But it doesn't matter, our orders were to monitor Broly and get all the information we can about him.

When the Emperor Frost arrives in a few minutes, he will know what to do" Said the alien who seemed to be in command of that spacecraft

"I hope that planet Sadala survives until then" Said one of the Saiyans who collaborated with Emperor Frost