Space Vs Time Part 2

The fight started again.

In this new round ... Hit started using a more power.

The maximum power of Broly transformed into its 99%, was 148,500,000.

Thanks to his KIEN, his effective fighting power improved between two and three times, with what could be 445,500,000, far surpassing a Super Saiyan 2.

Finally, thanks to Kaio Ken was able to multiply his power level by a maximum of 20.

Being able to reach momentarily and with side effects a power level of 8.910.000.000, a power almost 7.5 times superior to the Super Saiyan 3.

Although for now, as estimated by Broly ... Hit was using about 20% of his power ... Broly was being forced to use the Kaio Ken X7 almost all the time.

Hit continued to increase his power slowly and kept checking Broly's abilities in different ways, but trying to keep all the energy he could and without making sudden moves ... because, everything in that fight was disconcerting.

Hit, with the speed granted by his Time-Skip, hit repeatedly to Broly in several places…

Broly could barely defend himself, only stopping and dodging some attacks directed to his head, drastically increasing his speed and power in the moment to perform those actions with Kaio Ken.

While Hit had the Time-Skip and a great combat power always available, Broly had to increase the power of the Kaio Ken to adapt to the power and speed of Hit... increasing it at the right time and the right power to reserve energies and not punish excessively his body...

Teleporting only when he saw no escape and attacking slightly when he saw an opening....

Broly was being able to stop some of Hit's attacks and even attack him.

The reason was that, like Goku, he was getting used to that 0.1-second difference thanks to his extraordinary fighting instinct granted by the Legendary Super Saiyan physique

To his En, with which he was able to observe everything that happened around him...

To his Jagan, who allowed him to read the movements that his adversary was about to perform

Also, and more importantly, to the strange zone of increased gravity that was around him, which slowed Hit

[Sometimes he is able to read my movements

However, all this is very strange]

Until now, all the Ki-puchs that he had sent to the vital places seemed not to have all the effect he expected… however, the attacks to random places were showing signs of having an effect, while those sent to the face were practically the only ones that he tried to avoid...

Hit began to realize that none of that was by chance

Broly had adopted a defensive posture, as if he were a boxer who allowed himself to be hit on purpose...

Defending to tire his opponent and thus be able to win in later rounds...

[Clearly I have hit him many more times than he has hit me

Not only has he not died, he seems to be perfectly

In some blows it seems that he doesn't even defend himself...

Until now, he has only been seriously defending himself against attacks on his head...


Hit taking his hands out of his pockets for the first time and adopting his fighting pose, he rushed towards Broly... and began to attack him from all directions.

Of every 10 attacks that Hit made...

Three were aimed at his face, of which one was dodged and two blocked.

The other seven were aimed towards his body, hitting the heart, liver, abdomen, solar plexus... repeating several times in the heart without effect ... until finally he defended himself and moved away.

This time he hit his body without using his Ki-Punch ... he only hit him using his physical strength, and then he understood what was happening.

[You will not escape… I already understand it]

Hit, for the first time in the fight, and possibly for centuries didn't attack with a hit ... but with a grip.

When Broly was escaping slightly back, Hit grabbed his jacket and with a little strength... he tore it off.

[As I suspected]

Under the coat several parts of Broly's body were… hollow.

Several of the vital points that Hit had focused from the first moment of the fight were hollow, as if they had been pierced from beginning to end... and around that hole there was a kind of green energy...

Broly after realizing that he had been discovered... returned the parts of his body that were in the Formless Realm back to his place.

"As I imagined, when I hit you with my hands I felt that in those places there wasn'thing...

I think the way in which you separate the parts of your body to attack and teleport are related to this technique...

Am I wrong?" Hit said as he got rid of the jacket on his hands

Broly leaving several meters away from Hit said in a childish tone "Hehehe you have discovered me…

That's right, like you I also have a very curious dimension with many aplications"

Hit, surprised that Broly knew the details behind his Time-Skip tried to know more about his skill "That jacket only served to hide the parts you were hiding ...

From the beginning you have been hiding your vital points in your dimension to avoid being hit, however, you haven't hidden all the body covered by the jacket, which means that there is a limit in the amount you can hide.

In this last time, I have repeatedly attacked your heart, and once you had to defend yourself... which means that you cannot keep them hidden all the time either.

You have also been defending your head all this time, which means that either you are not able to hide parts of your head or... that you didn't want me to realize that you could hide parts of your body...

I'm wrong?"

Broly, with cold sweat, but with the same poker face as before said with a slight smile "You are very talkative to be a legendary hitman"

Hit, a bit flushed by the fact that someone has noticed his most emotional part, part that only wakes up when he finds an exciting fight said "Today I'm a bit emotional...

It's refreshing to be the person surprised for the first time


Now that I know your skill, do you think your strategy of attrition will continue to work?"

Broly, smiling once more and with some confidence said "No, I don't think a strategy of attrition works against you Hit...

I think it's time for me to go back on the offensive too"

This time Broly, without a jacket, and with the Kaio Ken X10 teleported behind Hit and tried to punch him in the back.

Hit with his Time-Skip was able to react quickly to the teleportation of Broly, turning around, narrowly avoiding Broly's attack and throwing a punch at his face... The area in which he had to discover if was the most vulnerable because he couldn't hide it in his dimension or… if he could and had been pretending not to be able to hide his abilities.

Hit's punch was going to hit directly in the centre of his face ... Broly at the last moment minimally dodged the blow, causing Hit's fist to hit his right side, right side which was transported to his dimension, causing the punch to go through his body.

[Yes, he could hide it, but ...

Why has he dodged a little if he could hide his head?

Has it been to throw me off? Or...]

Kaio Ken X20


At the moment Hit was distracted by how Broly had hidden part of his face in the Fromless Realm, the punch he thought he had dodged appeared behind him, impacting his almost unprotected back.

However, that wasn't all, around the floating fist of Broly began to materialize an energy form...

A green energetic shape in the form of a drill, which turns violently on Hit's back

[Giga Drill Breaker]


Hit used a lot of Ki on his back and at the same time used his Time-Skip to flee.

Upon leaving Time-Skip... Hit was somewhat injured, not a kind of excessively serious injury, but that would affect a little bit his ability to fight

Broly didn't wait, and began his attack once again, in the most savage and insistent way against Hit, which thanks to his Time-Skip was able to counterattack several times...

Hit had managed to make a good analysis of Broly's ability applied to the defense.

Broly, like Obito's Kamui, was able to teleport parts of his body to his dimension.

However, while the Kamui is able to send parts of the body automatically when they superimposed with another surface... Broly's ability must be activated manually.

Broly had to foresee where and when they were going to attack him to be able to transport that part to the Fromless Realm.

When he fought against Mr Popo, it was very easy for him to foresee his movements, being able to transport or return each part at the precise moment creating the impression that them teleported automatically like the Kamui...

However, with Hit's Time-Skip and speed it wasn't so easy to calculate the impact moment… so Broly chose to have his vital points saved in his Formless Realm, especially the heart ... which was the point where Hit always preferred to attack.

So Broly against his aesthetic preferences with the transformation True Saiyan had used a jacket to hide the parts he had teleported to his Fromless Realm.

However, as Hit had said there were certain limitations in terms of this defensive ability to hide specific parts in his dimension.

Broly was able to go inside the Formless Realm whenever he wanted and be as long as he wanted without restrictions, however, he had to introduce his head first ... or rather, his Jagan inside the Formless Realm, which would instantly enter the whole body (which is why he tried not to be hit in the Jagan)...

However, there were limitations for when he didn't fully enter... He could only insert a third of his body (three eyes - one third), so he couldn't hide much of his body all the time.

Broly defended himself several times in places that he was supposed to hide, like his heart, but not because there was a time limit in which he could hide a part of his body... our cunning Broly simply wanted to make him believe that this was the case, to make him create a strategy based on that premise.

Broly had been risking a lot with this defensive strategy.

He risked that Hit could hit him harshly, killing him in one stroke in an oversight.

He risked Hit could discover how his abilities worked.

He risked that Hit, in case it was the Hit of the anime... could evolve his Time-Skip during the fight...

However, he could manage to exhaust Hit if he decided to go with all his power, trying to hit him uselessly in places he couldn't reach ... Strategy very used in boxing to win stronger rivals...

Besides... there was another reason why he had chosen this strategy until now... a reason that Hit would have understood after a few minutes... a reason, that someone from his screen ... saw... without understanding exactly what it was.

Spaceship of Frost's Peace Corps...

Everyone in the control room kept recording all the combat and trying to decipher how the abilities of those two monsters worked to deliver them to Emperor Frost...

In that room, on one of the computers, someone noticed something by rewinding the recording several times.

After checking it several times, to make sure it wasn't his imagination ... he shouted

"Guys, look, I've discovered something!

Something strange is happening with Hit's head!"

Almost all the people in the room approached the screen of that man and showed them the recordings... Everyone was silent by witnessing something so bizarre…

Until someone broke that silence...