Broly's Jagan lit up with a flashing light and then Moro lost concentration for a moment

Without Moro waiting for him, Broly used the magical skill that was most useful for him during his first years of life apart from telekinesis ... obviously it was hypnosis, the ability to manipulate minds with which he had made dozens of Saiyans do tasks for him while he was still in the incubator

Although the power of Broly in his most powerful form (in which he wasn't transformed to make the battle more entertaining) is far far far far superior, but he is a great magician with a great mental power... and his technique only works efficiently with weak people with weak mind... so Moro was only affected for a few moments...

Instants in which Broly took advantage to rise as winner in this exciting telekinetic battle ... with all his strength (telekinetic) grabbed the horns of Moor and threw him miles away by turning him on his own axis, dragging his head against several rocks… sanding his face against the ground

[This is one of my personal identity signs ... this time with magic]

"Ahhhh !!" However, Moro which was being submitted and swallowing the sand of the ground... in anger he used his telekinetic powers he used all his telekinetic powers to free himself from his control and at the same time he prepared his next magical attack

"AHHH!!" From Moro's body began to emerge electric beams as if he were a generator... and then launched a hail of lightning to Broly, who watched with surprise and emotion this attack

[Wow, cool!

Electric Magic!

So there are magics like these in Dragon Ball?

This begins to look more and more like an anime of magic that one of martial arts

Hehe I don't plan to stay behind...

Materialization magic]

Before the electricity could hit the muscular Broly, several blocks of Katchin materialized around him forming a perfect wall around him, blocking all the electric beams that Moro had casted.

"Oh! I see that you are not only limited by two tricks" Moro said arrogantly before using telekinesis once again to control the Katchin blocks that Broly had created to throw them against him

In spite of how close Broly's blocks were ... when Moro controlled part of them to attack him he was able to evade them in a very simple way using another of the magic in his repertoire...

The Kai Kai, teleporting away from his beloved Katchin blocks with his arms crossed in a cocky attitude.

"I'm not even limited to 3" Broly replied as he performed one of the innate demonic techniques of his Jagan

"Ehh?!" Moro exclaimed when he saw that the monkey could perform the annoying teleportation skill of the Kaioshin's.

Jagan Binding Curse!

With a flash of Broly's Jagan a series of concentric rings of energy surrounded Moro's body, constricting his movements and causing him to fall to the ground while Broly's Jagan was still emitting energy

"What the hell is this thing?" Moro asked trying to break his ties using telekinesis and brute force ... but it was impossible to get rid of that curse with those means, so he decided to fly up watching Broly, which had started to make strange gestures with his hands

"You're being strained by one of my precious doujutsus... I'm sorry, but unless you can exert more energy than I'm supplying you will be unable to move... and without the intention that this could look like a contest to see who has the biggest one… I'm the winner" Said Broly making the ram ninja seal of Naruto ... concentrating enormously on the magical technique he was about to perform.

Moro, who was still tied and trying to escape, observed Broly so he could predict what he would do next and how he could counteract this restriction magic... but then he realized that something strange was happening

[How strange ... I am completely immobilized and doesn't take advantage of this moment to attack me what is even stranger is that he is not physically fighting me even though his physique clearly shows that he is more a brawler than a wizard...

He must be trying to challenge me only with magic and now he must be charging a powerful spell wasting precious time...

Hehehehe... poor arrogant fool... better for me]


However, Moro who was even enjoying this situation trying to find Broly's weak point felt that something strange was happening around him

[One moment… since when it has become night?]

Moro was very confused, it was impossible that now was night...

Few moments ago the sky was blue, without any clouds and the sun was heating very strongly.

It was barely half a day on that planet ... but now the sky was totally dark and without a trace of light.

This wasn't normal nor could it be a good thing

Realizing this strange phenomenon and observing Broly's mischievous smile ... Moro realized right away that this was related to the attack Broly was casting… and after observing in greater detail around him ... he turned his head up and saw that there was a shining little white point in the dark sky… finally he saw where the attack would come from.

"Oh I see that you finally have noticed my brilliant magic… While I immobilized you like a goat waiting in the slaughterhouse, I used my telekinesis to concentrate almost all the photons of the planet in a single point... and that point is just above your horns.

Can you guess what I'm going to do in a few moments with all those photons?

HEHEHEHE" Broly said loading his attack with an evil grin from ear to ear as he watched with satisfaction as Moro's arrogant face changed every tenth of a second

"LICHT REGEN!" Broly shouted and all the concentrated and held light in the sky fell like a final judgment column on its target, piercing the ground, creating a huge explosion of light and burning everything hundreds of meters in diameter

The Sacred World of Kai


This Broly is amazing!

I never thought that telekinesis could be used like this!" Kibito shouted like a Broly's fanboy. The core people is not a race known for their high fighting power (although compared to the vast majority of mortals were extremely powerful).

His greatest weapons were his magic telekinesis and materialization… and now Kibito, who has a terrible creativity and sense of battle (like most of the core people) was witnessing how these abilities should be used in an exquisite and impeccable and powerful way… In the few minutes that this battle was lasting Kibito learned more about his powers than in millions of years as the assistant to the supreme Kaioshin...

If it wasn't for his pride and because Broly was a mortal under suspicion of being a criminal he wouldn't hesitate to call him Broly-Sensei


I don't know what you find amazing about this

With the time that he has been concentrating all that stupid light he could have launched several more powerful attacks to that stupid and puny goat

All this is a stupid waste of time!

IN ADDITION! REMEMBER THAT BROLY IS AN ENEMY! STOP IDOLIZING HIM!" Champa shouted, who as a brainless fighter could not understand the beauty of this magical battle… he wanted them to punch each other at once

"Come on Champa-Sama don't be like that

Kibito is right; Broly is using some very interesting, practical and innovative applications of telekinesis and materialization magic. You can tell that he has been practicing them almost every day since the day he was born" Said Vados trying to reassure Champa as if he were a rebellious child waiting for action in a superhero movie

"Exactly sister!

In addition, both are testing each other's skills, the real showdown has not yet started ... I don't know what other magical abilities Broly has, but... that Moor is much more than he seems.

You would do well not to underestimate him ... much less believe that he has died "Said Whis, enlarging the image of the battle of Broly and Moro in his sticktube

After the powerful light attack the sky returned to normal and the sun could be seen once more ... and on the ground where the light beam fell there was a large calcinated crater of great depth and breadth...

And beside that crater, Moro, who was completely unharmed except for a few burns on his beard, looked at Broly with complacency.

"You are very clever... I see that you noticed the weak point of my Binding Curse" Said Broly with his arms crossed, as if he didn't care that his spectacular attack had failed.

"I had some inspiration at the last moment, you know the saying

The devil knows more by old than by devil" Moro answered with more arrogance than Broly

"And the devil is represented with certain features of goat… I hope that this joke was intentional, this would help you to earn points as an ingenious and funny villain... there are not many in this manga/anime" Said Broly breaking the fourth wall before a Dragon Ball character

"I have no idea what the hell you're saying, boy

Are you sure your head is fine?" Moro replied rather bewildered and angry

Moro while was being restrained by Broly's curse he tried to analyze it to find his weakness… and by Broly's words he understood that it was necessary to continuously supply energy for this spell to continue to have this effect and that this magic had something to do with his eyes

After making memory he realized that when he performed certain spells the eye of his forehead had some change, which made him think that there was some relationship between his magic and his third eye ... and at the last moment decided to try.

Using his telekinesis Moro redirected part of the light that Broly was concentrating directly on his Jagan... and he was right, by blinding Broly for a few moments caused the power supply applied to the Jagan Binding Curse to be cut off… therefore Moro could recover his mobility and escape at the last moment of the photon attack.

"But I think you should worry about what is coming on you this time" Moro said between laughs making gestures with the hands with which he seemed to perform a lot of strength.

Broly looked at the sky to see what Moro was referring to with his sarcastic and vengeful phrase… and saw that a meteor shower was heading straight towards him

[Oh this is almost like when Madara Uchiha used his gravitational jutsu to launch several giant meteors ...

But I'm not the shinobi alliance… hehe]

Broly without barely flinching raised his hands and opened his fingers, pointing to the meteorites with them and like a child who was having a great time exclaimed

"Transfiguration Beam!"

From Broy's fingers several pink-green bems went towards the meteorites that had already come in contact with the atmosphere, turning them all into harmless cotton candy, which fell on the planet without causing any kind of havoc


This reminds me about "Asteroids"... a game with crappy graphics but it was 1979 ... you could not ask for much either

But with this I got good score…

OH! and thanks for buying me candy grandpa" Broly said sarcastically as he materialized a stick and smeared it with cotton candy to ate it

Moro surprised once again by the various skills of Broly, but especially by seeing a technique that a certain being was able to perform in the past decided to get serious ... the warming was over

"You are a box of surprises boy…

I think it's time to show you my true magic" Said Moro making gestures with his hands to prepare his spell.

"HAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" From the feet of Moro the earth began to crack and from those cracks appeared geysers of energy that surrounded Moro

[Oh what a strange technique ...

This must be the rumoured technique with which he absorbs the vital energy of the planets

Well ... I won't stay behind either ... now you will see my last developed magic]

"I'M... THE BONE OF MY SWORD!" Broly shouted with great seriousness and determination

In the beautiful and brand new KID 2.9 Premium ...

After that radio operator of the galactic patrol explained the situation to Jaco

"Tighs I don't care what you say, I have to leave here or they will fire me consider me a criminal!" Jaco shouted with tears in his eyes, because he felt that whatever he did would die anyway