"Tighs… I don't care what you say, I have to leave here or they will fire me consider me a criminal!" Jaco shouted with tears in his eyes, because he felt that whatever he did would meant his dead anyway

"Oh? Therefore, you want to leave...

Aren't you afraid of what Broly could do next?" Tights asked, making a good emotional blackmail ... and not so emotional.

"I'm afraid of everything right now!

If I don't leave now I'll be fired, and they'll put me in jail

If I leave now I may die in the mission and if I don't die that bastard can kill me or make my life a hell… in which I'll be fired and put in jail" Jaco yelled between tears, as he felt that the wole universe was conspiring against him while he looked at the controls of his spaceship without knowing what to do.

Tights feeling some compassion for the depressed and about suicide Jaco ... said to try to find a solution that could satisfy everyone "Mmm...

You see ... If you remember it well, Broly never said that you were forbidden to leave ... He said you could not leave me alone in the spaceship ... so..."

Jaco, who still thinking what he should put in his grave…

Aren't you suggesting that I take you on a dangerous mission?! "Shouted Jaco, who was beginning to believe that as unlikely as it seemed at first... his situation could still get worse.

"Don't think I'm dying to go, but it's the only solution ... although this spaceship is extremely comfortable and there's everything I don't want to be alone in the middle of space without knowing where I'm going ...

You have to leave the spaceship and at the same ime you cannot leave me here ... so ... I don't think you have many more alternatives " Said Tights being extremely rational.


This is a secret and extremely sensitive mission for the galactic patrol, if they see me arrive with you I'm doomed" Said Jaco, who would pull his hair if he had right now

"No matter what you choose, it will be something bad for you... now you only can choose the lesser evil" Answered Tights, who had learned a few things from Broly about how to influence people ... especially Jaco

After Jaco meditated what to do for several minutes in which he hit his head against his spaceship several times ... finally decided "It's okay ... let's go together ... but I'm not responsible for what might happen" Jaco answered trying to propose some kind of condition to believe that not everyone was passing over him that day.

After Tights got dressed and left a note explaining the situation in case Broly returned to the spacecraft ... they both entered Jaco's spaceship and leave

"HAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" From the feet of Moro the earth began to crack and from those cracks appeared geysers of energy that surrounded Moro in every direction

"I'M... THE BONE OF MY SWORD!" Broly shouted with great seriousness and determination

While Moro adapted to use his favourite magic, as every good villain explained minimally his performance "Whit this move, I attack with the life energy of the very planet we stand on..."

"Steel is my Body and Fire is my Blood" Continued reciting Broly without paying too much attention to Moro's words

Moro that was interrupted by the cast of Broly ... continued with his speech "... The magnitude comes from my own power but from the planet ..."

"I have created over to Thousand Blades" Broly interrupted again to "cast" "his" "spell"

"... Iself ... And I must say, this planet possesses excep ..." Moro returned to his monologue, although this time quite irritated by so many interruptions

"Unaware of Loss,

Nor aw ... " Broly interrupted as usual once more

However, Moro… very angry and with several veins protruding in his head by the continuous interruptions of the unbearable monkey child decided to let his anger free...

With a movement of one of his long fingers... under the feet of Broly appeared a geyser of energy similar to those around him.

However, Broly, who was paying attention to Moro's possible attacks, dodged that underground energetic magic and the following three chain attacks that he launched in the same way

"... are of your fucking skull!

Didn't your fucking mother teach you when you were a kid that is impolite to interrupt people when they talk especially when is an attack or a transformation?" Broly screamed outraged.

"GRRRRR!!" Growled Moro, who thought he had found the most insufferable person in the universe "I will enjoy stealing until the last trace of your life force while I sew your mouth"

Moro continued attacking with geysers of energy that emerged from the ground towards Broly, which continued dodging them one after another.

[I have played too many Hack and Slash games in which there are boss attacks with a pattern similar to his... also he usually makes a movement with his hands to use an attack

It's too easy to dodge that ... especially when I have the ability to fly]

Broly realizing that all attacks came from the ground and that they could only reach a certain height... he began to fly and insulting Moro to make fun of him

However ... he didn't imagine that this wasn't the only way in which Moro could perform his magic

[EHH? Since when is this here? Fuck ... I know I've promised myself to just use magic ... but I miss my EN]

Before he could realize it, serpentine energy jets were heading towards him, changing direction according to Moro's wishes to chase him

However, Broly thanks to his great reflexes, intuition, speed and above all to the Kai-Kai ... he could dodge his attacks with practically no problems ... even though they never seemed to end and came from all directions....

"Is this your famous ability to absorb energy? I thought you could only absorb energy as you had done with the alien you had in your dirty hooves" Said Broly dodging his attacks time after time

"It's the same ability ... but with a different application" Moro replied, continuing his attacks

Broly tired of dodging and watch with fascination his technique… attacked again

Using his telekinesis again on one of the Katchin blocks he had created earlier to protect himself from Moro's electrical attack ... he threw him at him, but ... before he could get close to him ... an energy geyser appeared in front of the Katchin block, slowing and diverting it several kilometers.

However, Broly didn't give up and threw all what was in the area towards Moro ... this time from different angles, with combinations and sequences to find the moment in which he was unable to defend himself ... idea that he took from the fight between Meruem and Netero, but...

They didn't seem to have much effect, since he could perfectly deform the size and shape of the planetary energy, creating almost perfect barriers around him ... everything was stopped, bounced or retained ... and all that while continuing to attack... and all that while he continued attacking our dear protagonist ...

Broly was at a disadvantage this time

[Damn ... my Katchin blocks are too big to pass between his defences!

He is able to control the energy of the planet to use it for both attack and defense, and being the energy of the planet he is not using any of his energy, so he does not get tired... it looks a lot like the Genki-dama but much faster, versatile and practical for continuous combat

In addition, in many occasions his attacks can even fuse with rocks or water, which are strengthened by that energy to make the attacks more lethal and unpredictable and the defences more solid

I could keep dodging until this crazy goat drains all the energy of the planet until he runs out of ammunition, but that's not my style]

Broly kept dodging one attack after another while speaking to himself "I wanted to finish the spell so it would sound epic, but... ¡Bajj! I don't need it at all ... Reciting spells or announcing a charged attack is a waste of time ... it's idiotic


Unlimited Katchin Works! "

Around Broly hundreds of weapons made of Katchin of different types sizes and shapes appeared floating in the air.

Some were swords, other spears, other daggers, other needles, other shurikens, other hammers ... it was like a large exhibition of futuristic-looking bladed weapons ... which Broly began to control with telekinesis.

"Materialization magic and telekinesis once again?

That's not going to work against me" Declared Moro with arrogance.

"Well ... it's the same concept ... but with a different application" Responded Broly paraphrasing Moro

After that grandiloquent phrase, several swords shot out at high speed directly at his horned enemy.

Moro upon see that different weapons of quite cool appearance made of the hardest material in the universe approached him… he easily lifted a wall of planetary energy before him, blocking with relative ease the swords, which for a few moments could penetrate by a few millimetres into that column of energy

Moro was satisfied with the success of his defense, but ... he realized that Broly wasn't frustrated by his failure ... rather he was smiling slightly

[Something is wrong…]

Moro thought, which many years of experience had helped him develop a sixth sense to detect the danger...

Moreover, he wasn't wrong...


"Ehh !?" Moro shouted upon noticing some strange presences around him… so very quickly he moved on from where he was


Without him knowing exactly how... several cuts appeared on his body... a very deep lateral cut that ran all over his face from one cheek to the forehead... another in the back and another in the chest which cut most of his beard before cutting the flesh.

"AHHHH!" Moro shouted, more from the surprise and frustration than from the pain... as he watched in astonishment as around him there was blood floating in the air... staining what looked like invisible swords.

[Invisible weapons made of Katchin?

What kind of magic is this?

Damn, they don't contain any magic or energy ... it's almost impossible to detect them by normal means]

"Hehehe, my lure has worked more or less well... it's a pity that my toys make certain noise when flying.

I'll have to make some small adjustments later" Said Broly lamenting that his creation still had failures " What do you think about the union between camouflage technology and magic?

It's amazing that you could dodge it... if it were not for that you would have lost one of your horns.

JAJAJA!" Broly said with great satisfaction as he wiped the invisible swords with blood and launched a rain of cutting weapons at him again

[The Katchin blocks were too big and colorful to sneak into their defenses ... but with this there will not be much problem…

And... I created them with materialization magic months ago and kept them in Formless Realm until now ... so technically it's not cheating]

Seeing that omnidirectional attack Moro on the ground raised a dome-shaped barrier with which he managed to block almost all attacks... the others were previously repelled in the air by te jets of planetary energy he used to pursue Broly, but… He was unable to hit Broly, who seemed to have eyes on his back...

"Are you a monkey or a cockroach?" Moro asked rhetorically because of the frustration he felt at being unable to hit Broly

"JEJEJEJE!" Laughed Broly as he continued to dodge and teleport ... moving his Katchin weapons to attack his energy barrier

[Mmmm ... As I predicted, he has locked himself in a single point like a fucking lazy turtle

JEJEJE ... I have to inform you that you aren't the only one who can make attacks from the ground]

Broly used almost all his telekinetic power to move a giant hammer of almost 12 meters made of Katchin to crush Moro's barrier... that made Moro concentrate most of his energy jets to stop that attack

However, at the same time a swarm of needles came out of the ground, nailing directly against Moro's feets, but… he barely had time to feel pain, because he lost consciousness for few sends... and because of that his barrier and energy attacks fell.


Therefore, there wasn'thing to stop his advance, and the giant hammer struck Moro, throwing him several kilometers away, stamping against several mountains before he could stop.

"Those poisoned needles have been sponsored by Frost of the universe 6… It's pretty effective, even against strong people like us" Broly said telepathically

"AH AHHHH SON OF A BITCH!" Moro cursed as he left a mountain of rubble, wounded and covered with blood (because in this novel there is blood, not like in Dragon Ball Super)

[Laugh while you can ... it's almost ready]