The author answer

This is not a chapter, I'm sorry.

I write this little text because lately I'm reading some comments that bother me a little and I would like to give my point of view

First of all I would like to explain why I decided to write novels, it was for two reasons:

1: I really like this format of novels and I've always had many ideas hanging around my head, which I found interesting, fun and and exciting... And I wanted to share them with more people

And I have many novels in mind:

A One Piece/Jojo fanfiction

My original novel Beyond Reality - Atomsk

Another original novel RPG world tematic

Another original novel about world domination/salvation (Science fiction)

Another original novel about fanstasy Final Fantasy Style

And 3 novels in the same global universe but diferent planets of Beyond Reality

2: In the workplace where I was recently... I barely had work to do.

There were many hours of the day (even whole days) in which i had nothing to do, so I decided to start writing to fill all those hours with something I liked.




That said, let's start with the complaints I received.

Complaints about the release:

I have changed my job, a job where I'm busy all day and also the office is far from my house.

I wake up at 6:40 every day and because of the schedule and the distance, I get home at 21:40 pm

When I get home I have to prepare everything for the next day, prepare dinner, shower and sometimes do last-minute work at home... Which leaves me very little time to write, think well what I should write and how.

If we add to that that my language is not English (I'm from Spain) we can conclude that it is not easy form me write a lot daily... Especially if I want to sleep at least 4 or 5 hours and I don't like to write empty content chapters with less than 2000 words (7 or 8 word pages).

So I only have time to publish 2 chapters each week ... and sometimes I have a hard time to finish Wednesday's chapter

I'm taking a lot away from writing ... for example I have a Devil May Cry 5 that I've only played 2 hours and a One Piece World Seeker that I have not even been able to install and a lot of chapter of differents novels and mangas not readed...

So if you are not happy with the rate at which I publish chapters now... I'm sorry but I cannot do much more... Believe me that I would love to publish a daily chapter (you would vote for me more and I love it), but it is impossible for me now


Complaints about the fights:

You see, the novels that I fell in love with because of the way they explained the battles are Douluo Dalu saga or Heavenly Jewel Change...

Battles very well written in each movement and attack, with strategies, conversations, thoughts ... Battles that could last several chapters but that made you really live them in your imagination

And that's what I wanted for my novels... ... I don't like monotonous, traced and meaningless battles where everything is based on naming 2 attacks and standard actions to win

If you don't know how to appreciate this, I'm sorry, but this novel is not for you.

I have seen these complaints especially in 2 fights of my novels.

Broly Vs Hit and Broly vs Moro... and the duration of both is perfectly justified

In Broly vs Hit I wanted to show Broly's astuteness, thanks to the development of his skills, strategy, knowledge of his rival and preparation of external objects... was able to defeat (or almost defeat) a warrior of the God category like Hit in a battle of attrition (so it couldn't be a short battle)... when Broly only had the power of a normal Super Saiyan + Kaio Ken

In Broly vs Moro I wanted to show how bad the arrogance (be a Super Saiyan God cana get to your head) and underestimate your opponent is, especially when you do not know ANYTHING about him... Moro is the best example of how dangerous it is to underestimate someone and not be decisive when it comes to beating someone... Vegeta and Goku know that very well now, becouse they would now be dead if it weren't for the medical help of Jaco and his co-workers.

And the battle had to be long so that Moro had time to steal Broly's energy and Shin had time to make his trips

I have also wanted to show and explain how important it is to apply your skills well and show the magic, an element very little used in Dragon Ball and since Moro is a magician and Broly also knows magic ... I found that this was the best and only time to do something similar

To all this say that I don't remember having made a battle chapter similar to the other, they are all different

I encourage you to read the manga, you can see this saga on this link


Complaints about the story... that the story hasn't been going anywhere.

Really? Then I have to say that you have little capacity for analysis and memory... No offense.

Let's do some memory

First Volume: Broly is born and almost from the moment of his birth he controls the whole planet Vegeta, and thanks to knowing the future he manages to achieve all his plans perfectly... He even manipulated Beerus and Whis to increase his power.

Everything went perfectly ... He believed himself the king of the world

Second Voume: Broly manages to increase his power before embarking on his adventure as he planned... in this dangerous adventure Broly managed to achieve all his goals thanks to his skills, intelligence and the information he had thanks to having seen Dragon Ball...

He gets the Super Dragon Balls, his transformations and other things and people to increase his power... He even provoked and annoyed Champa, a God of Destruction to archive this.

Everything went perfectly ... He believed himself the king of the universe.

Third volume: Broly begins to increase his powers once again, either by evolving his Three Realms, acquire new broken skills and above all becoming Super Saiyan God... And now he only needed to wait a year to ask his wish to his own dragon from his own universe.

Everything went perfectly ... He believed himself the most powerful God of all the universes... he believed himself invulnerable, invincible and that he had everything under control.

But behind his back and by his fault (while he was having fun with a girl, to add more irony) ... Gods and Angels begin to question the existence of the being called Broly and they find very disturbing things about him using the time rings... Very disturbing things that can cause many problems for him... And he has no idea about what happens

At the same time while he believes that he is the definitive living being... is deceived and maybe he loses due to being too overconfident... and because of this, someone he appreciate dies.

Proving that he is not invulnerable, invincible and that he doesn't have everything under control.

All fo this happens in the first saga in which he hasn't been able to foresee, since is a saga built due to the consequences of his acts in the Dragon Ball universe.

A saga in which I'm making Broly evolve as a person and giving him a slap in his face ... putting a insanely great villain of the manga (who hasn't yet apeared in the anime, and it is not easy to do it) that Broly don't know and making that two angels and 3 gods could realize his most important and inexplicable secret... creating the doubt of how he will come out of this and why there are 3 rings or why Shin cannot travel to the future (introducing time travels and its mysteries too)

...And you are saying that the history is not going anywhere?

I don't know what you expect then, volumes of 8 chapters in which I narrate everything like a robot without giving life and esence to the characters and his stories?

Believe me, I know perfectly where the story is going I have in my mind all the novel, including the end..

To reach a shocking conclusion... it is necessary to have previously traveled a path that makes that conculusion have a meaning... remember your reaction whit the chapter's 39, 40, 41 and 42...

To finish I'm doing everything for free, if you don't like it and your time is too valuable and you have so little patience, you can wait a few weeks for the story to advance a little... or you can stop reading it...