Broly felt a great hatred...

Hatred towards Moro for cheating and humiliating him for a few moments… and for killing Tights as a simple collateral damage.

Hatred towards Jaco, for putting Tights in danger stupidly...

But above all… Hatred towards himself.

Since he reincarnated in this world everything has been relatively under his control

Nothing has ever represented a real challenge ... he has never known a real defeat… He has never lost anything.

He chose how to be born, with all the privileges and the necessary means to guarantee his survival and superiority... He knew the coming events and with that, he planned from the moment of his birth his way to greatness...

Even before leaving the incubator, he had already become the King in the shadow of one of the most powerful planets in the universe… playing with whoever he wanted, dominating their minds to work for him, stealing information from the greatest tyrant in the universe… He even used one of the most infamous Gods of Destruction to increase his power and ability and subsequently escape from the planet before its destruction.

Everything went perfectly... He believed himself the king of the world

For years with total tranquillity he acquired and created a great amount and variety of skills... years in which he spent making pranks to divinities of the whole universe…

The normal gods had no choice but to endure him… he was above that

He travelled to another universe in search of a greater power as planned from the beginning, and manipulated that entire universe to fulfill his objectives.

He acquired the Super Dragon Balls… just as he had planned.

He used Frost to fight Hit, acquiring new transformations and kidnapping them ... just as he had planned.

With that thee caused a universal commotion to attract Champa, he hurt him and using Fuwa as a shield he got samples of the Hakai, the DNA of two gods and the Potara... just as he had planned.

Everything went according to his will... He believed himself the ruler of all the universes.

Shortly after returning from universe 6, he reached the power of a God or even beyond that… either in this or his own universe… With Beerus asleep, he believed that nothing in the universe 7 could cause him any problems

His power knew no limits ... his abilities were mysterious, practical, extensive and even invincible ... his material, intellectual and human resources were unlimited ... and he knew all the transcendent events that would happen...

The universe was a box of toys and he was a capricious child who could do what he wanted with total freedom and impunity...

Nothing was a challenge for him, nothing could surprise him or affect him...

He believed himself the most powerful God of all the universes... he believed himself invulnerable, invincible and that he had everything under his control.

However... today he received a huge blow to his unbridled ego.

Exactly the first time he faced an enemy he didn't know about the manga or anime... an enemy with unknown skills to him.

Exactly the first time he considered himself invincible and didn't quickly defeating a problematic adversary... not showing his real power and skills… lengthening the fight to have fun and show off...

He lost miserably, being deceived and losing the power that he was so proud of... due to his arrogance

[I've become the kind of idiot I hate the most ... the one who thinks he knows everything and who is capable of anything even at low performance ...

An idiot still vulnerable and ignorant, but who thinks himself invincible and omniscient]

Exactly the first time he decided to socialize with other people who weren't static characters tied to a single place...

Exactly the first time he met someone who treated him like a friend since he came to this universe...

Exactly the first time he took responsibility for someone's safety...

That person died... when he could have done many things to avoid it… a person whom he cherished, whom he promised to protect… a person who wasn't destined to die died because of him

[I thought I was a god capable of controlling everything and everyone... and this is what happens...

I'm a fucking joke… and I have shown it at the first opportunity… the first time I face something unknown I made a fool of myself like another idiot anime character

Tights is dead ... and if I were another I would also die]

Broly hated himself...

And he had to unleash that immense hatred!

Broly, with great fury, used the little energy he had left to teleport from his Formless Realm to his stomach a Senzu Bean while he was deeply relieved to still have this magical food in his dimension ... if it weren't for that ... today he would be defeated.

Senzu bean was digested at high speed in his stomach and in a matter of ten seconds, all the wounds recently caused by Moro were cured ... but above all, he recovered all the energy that was stolen.


What is this?!" Moro shouted when he saw that the tiny but terrifying aura of Broly had increased in an abnormal way ... as if Broly had instantly recovered all the energy that he had stolen with so much effort...

And that terrible and immense aura lashed and spread violently to the entire planet ... causing an earthquake that went out of any measurable scale and killing with the pressure all traces of the little life that remained on the planet

"I'll kill you...

MOROOOOOO!" Broly screamed in a terrifying way as he suffered great physical changes due to his great hatred...

While he was in his transformation of True Saiyan his eyes turned yellow and his muscles increased drastically, returning again to his True Super Saiyan Full Power transformation, but... that wasn't the end...

The fur and hair of his whole body began releasing golden flashes intermittently... Until in an explosion of golden light, his whole body was dyed with the same colour (including his tail) and his long True Saiyan hair bristled a little more

Broly had reached his long-awaited True Legendary Super Saiyan due to the hatred he felt for himself and the same time his great self-esteem… that was the state of mind necessary to achieve his new evolution... an evolution with a power equivalent to the Legendary Super Saiyan Full Power

Without wasting time in unnecessary chats, Broly started his attack


Under pressure! Move point!


What is happening ... since when have I arrived her...?]

At the same time, Broly increased the gravity and tele transported Moro a few inches away from him… at the speed of light he punched Moor in the stomach that throwing him thousands of kilometres and disintegrating his whole trunk in the process... leaving only his head and limbs, destroying the ground as if they were meteorites







However, within a few seconds of striking savagely against the ground, Moro's trunk was completely restored and reassembled

Without losing a second Moro returned to perform his technique of planetary energy manipulation to take every last drop of energy that was left to that half-dying planet to create a perfect sphere of energy around him to protect himself from the possible attacks of Broly, but…


"AHHHH!" Broly's muscular right arm appeared in the small space of the barrier and pierced Moro's chest... which was screaming in pain

At that moment, while Moro tightened his abdominal muscles and used all the strength of his arms and telekinesis to immobilize Broly's floating arm to absorb his energy more quickly… The arm once again increased its muscle mass, enlarging the hole in Moro's stomach and deforming his body to painful limits.

However, his arm wasn't only increasing in size and power ... the color of his golden fur was also changing ... once again...

All the fur on his body was turning green, his eyes were completely white and his muscles were even bigger and rockier than in his Legendary Super Saiyan Full Power state

And as for his power…

If the Legendary Super Saiyan has a multiplier of 2400 and the Legendary Super Saiyan Full Power has a multiplier of 24000...

A mortal power never before witnessed in the Universe 7.


With a casual upward movement of his right arm still embedded in Moro's body... he tore and shattered everything in its path... abdominal muscles, ribs, spine, esophagus ... skull...

Broly pulled his arm out of Moro's body destroying everything except his limbs and pelvis...

However, in a few moments Moro, whose head had been pulverized ... was completely regenerated.


However, that didn't please Broly... so he created an explosion of energy around him, destroying everything in his path...

The first thing that impacted with the explosion of energy was evidently Moro, which was being dragged by that explosion, being destroyed and regenerating continuously at great speed.

[This is crazy…

Since when there are beings like him in the universe?

I cannot believe that there is something with such power and energy...


Power and energy that will feed me until I leave him dry!]

Moro, still on the surface of the explosion of energy as if it were a bug crushed against the glass of a car that was moving at 300 k / h ... opened its mouth and began to devour the energy of the explosion while he was still being dragged and mutilated by it...

[More! More! More!…

More energy!

I am getting closer and closer to my physical plenitude]

As Moro devoured more energy his speed of recovery increased, as well as his body rejuvenated and gained some muscle... he was becoming increasingly powerful and young

Until ... a lot of Ki-punch that seemed to have passed as if nothing through the powerful and unbreakable explosion, hit Moro... especially in his head, destroying it completely and preventing him from absorbing more energy

Broly had used Hit's Timeskip for the first time in combat since he learned it


After several seconds in that apocalyptic landscape ... with great pain and difficulty... Moro came back to life again thanks to the few living cells of himself that he had scattered through the atmosphere before the explosion

"Ahh! Ahh!

Damn i..." However, Moro stopped his complaints, as he noticed a large shadow behind him... a terrifying shadow that seemed to swallow all traces of light...

Turning, he saw Broly's semi-titanic simian body... observing him with his three eyes with contempt and disgust, as if he were an insignificant and disgusting insect that deserves nothing more than to be crushed.

Moro alerted by the mighty giant and his huge power ... but not scared in the least shouted and laughed with great arrogance


Haven't you noticed yet?

You cannot kill me! I can regenerate and resurrect as many times as I want!

Do you know how many times they have tried to kill me in these last 10 million years in that prison?

Why do you think I'm still alive?

I have absorbed the vital energy of more than 100 whole planets and devoured billions of souls during the process... billions of souls that you will have to extinguish before you can kill me

However, that will be impossible for you!

Before you can kill me 1000 times, I will have devoured all your energy 10 times

Come on! Recover your energy again!

It doesn't matter how much strength and energy you have! It's better for me!

Before me all that is useless!


"Shut up Alucard's poor excuse that cannot even absorb 20% of the energy that steals"


Without Moro could see even how it had happened... his limbs had disappeared and because of that, he fell to the ground like a stone


But the most surprising, terrifying and exasperating thing for him was that ... he couldn't regenerate his limbs... no matter how hard he tried

"What is happening?!

What have you done to me?!" He screamed in real panic as he watched his terrifying opponent, who had changed again in appearance once again to a less muscular and red humanoid ape… Which had his torn limbs flying around him

"I cannot kill you?

An who decided that?" Said Broly Super Saiyan God with a raised hand forming a sphere of and disintegrated with Hakai energy Moro's limbs… Preventing his regeneration thanks to his ability to suppress the effect of all cause.

[Another transformation?

Shit! I need to absorb his energy faster!]

However, Moro noticed something that plunged him into the deepest despair



I'm... I'm not able to absorb energy?

What have you done to me?!


"You will devour all my energy?

¿An who decided that?" Broly said with more anger and contempt as his muscles expanded again ... multiplying his power several time.

Reaching his new and most powerful transformation in all aspects ... The True Super Saiyan God Full Power... although Moro wasn't able to notice the power of a God...


[This cannot be true ... this is ... impossible…

This cannot be happening]

I'm… I'm going to die?]

Moro thought … aging again by the fear as he watched the most immense concentration of energy he had ever seen… a threatening and terrifying sphere of green and red colour energy bigger than the same planet they were on.

So big and heavy that was distorting all the gravity around him, pulling out of its orbit several nearby planets and satellites and causing that the planet where they were began to be attracted towards the sphere


IS ME!" Said Broly True Super Saiyan God Full Power as if he were a God watching an ant...

"NGH ...

AAHH... AAHHAAHHAAHH AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!" Moro shouted hysterically with his mouth full open, watching helplessly as his extinction was close and he couldn't do anything to prevent it… Until even Broly took away his privilege of being able to emit sound with his ability to nullify the effect of every cause.

"BEGONE!" Broly launched his energetic attack

Attack that made the planet disappear... and all the dead planets and celestial objects around it too

The whole solar system disappeared.

Sacred World of Kai ... minutes before

The five divine beings remained silent trying to assimilate the terrible and disturbing situation that Shin had communicated, until someone had to speak to propose some solution

"Before rushing us, I think we should check if the same thing happens in another universe... we We will visit Fuwa to see if it's also impossible for him to travel to the future" Vados said, wanting to think that all this was due to a ring problem of Shin or Shin himself ...

"And if ... he is also unable to travel to the future like me?" Shin asked, not believing that it was due to his problem ... he really felt that something prevented him from traveling to the future...

"Then this would be something that would surpass us ... and I think we should inform Zeno-Sama to find a solution" Whis proposed, who wisely chose to ask a higher instance.

Upon hearing Whis words Champa, Shin and Kibito went into a panic even more exacerbated… as much as it seemed impossible... things could still get worse


Do you want him to get in a bad mood and wipe out all the universes at once when he finds out about this?

In addition, the less people know about this the better, we cannot risk that Zeno somehow finds out because someone talked too much" Champa screamed, shooting saliva all around him while Shin and Kibito nodded to everything he said ... it was the first time that day they agreed so much on something.

However, at that moment ... The five of them felt something ... something near where Broly and Moro were fighting

"Is that…?" Champa said with great surprise and disbelief... If this was a joke or a nightmare, he wanted it to end soon

"Yes, there is no doubt ...

It's Godly Energy... and a huge one" Said Whis showing Broly True Super Saiyan Gods on his staff... while Kibito and Shin believed they were about to faint

Both thought they had seen everything that day… but, even in their greatest delusions, would never imagine that mortal could transcended the mortals and manifested Godly Energy

Even less that this mortal was someone who could already fight with a god of destruction before transcending

At that moment, Champa with great seriousness and determination as he had never had in his life said "VADOS!

We canceled the trip to see Fuwa!

We've waited long enough ... and the situation has already escalated too much...

We have to do something NOW ...

Before it's too late"

"As you command Champa-Sama," Vados said as she prepared to open a wormhole.