Good news... well... no...

Form Realm

Once again in the immense white dimension ...

Broly sat in front of Gohan, who devoured a succulent feast in the same way his father would do... or rather ... like his father if he hadn't eaten something decent for months ...

"Well Gohan ... you have passed the first test, you have survived for 9 months in my garden ...

I guess we can now move on to phase two of your training" Broly said materializing a blackboard next to him.

"Tell me Gohan ... before you start ...

Do you understand why I have made you survive for 9 months in a forest infested with wild prehistoric beasts that I call "My little garden" with only a few survival books and a few help tools?

Think and reason the answer carefully" Broly said being an efficient and useful teacher who tries to make his student think and not memorize and nod like many others

And Gohan, who was still devouring a pig's leg as if they were going to take away his food, stopped momentarily, reflected and answered with not many doubts ""Was it for me to learn to live for myself and to become braver and stronger?


Very good Gohan, you have understood your initial situation and the final result after training... I congratulate you...

We can say that you have been reborn after these 9 months ... hahaha ... you will understand this reference in future classes when I have the permission of your parents...

Well... now is when your training and study really begin...

If you had believed that until now this had been a hard training…


You will laugh and cry equally" Broly said as if he were an American army colonel who trained rebel or useless recruits in 80s and 90s movies

"Yes ... Broly-Sensei…" Gohan said without much encouragement and with some fear, although he didn't want or could express it ... he was more hungry than afraid

"Tell me Gohan… what is the best strategy to learn in the best possible way?

Whether is martial arts, study or anything" Broly asked trying to make Gohan use his brain again.

"Striving hard ... to try to learn from your own mistakes and other mistakes ... and have a good teacher?" Gohan asked, who remembered how much he struggled in the jumble, how he learned from his own mistakes, from the animals around him, from the books that Broly had left him and some of his occasional advices.

"Yes ... that is very important ... especially a good teacher ... but being more general the important thing is ...

Be as effective as possible, which includes the points you mentioned ...

And last but not least ... is to be as efficient as possible

And now I'm going to show you the method to be as efficient as possible…" Broly said stating what the next task would be

And Gohan, who was looking at his sensei, who was sitting in front of him on a large sofa ... for a moment he thought that he had vision problems due to the tiredness of his nine month "training" since he was seeing double…

But when he scratched his eyes ...

"EHHHH! What's going on?!

Are there two Broly-seneis?!" Gohan shouted upon see that his eyes had no problem…

He wasn't seeing double

There were really two Brolys in front of him

"This is one of the first techniques I developed, and the one I feel most proud…

A skill that allows you to create up to 100 clones of yourself with which you share information in real time ... the only drawback is that you have to divide your strength into equal parts and that when you undo a clone the rest will receive the proportional damage that that clone has suffered ...

There is also the requirement to have a minimum of 100 fight level, which you already have thanks to your incredible talent and my guide ...

There is a more advanced version of this one that only works with Saiyans ... but you still don't meet the conditions" Said the two Brolys speaking simultaneously

"Can I learn to do that too?" Gohan asked very impressed, he had never heard or seen anything like this were possible ... and he also understood the usefulness of this ability "Ohhh!...

I have already understood it, in this way I can study several subjects at the same time!"

"That's right ... you've understood right away ... I like it…

It avoids me explaining everything with metaphors and redundant examples ...

It is a complicated technique that requires great control of the Ki ... so the following training will be to improve your energy control

Not only will it be useful for you to perform this skill, but also all others that you will learn later

Are you ready?" Broly said merging again with his other Broly and getting up to indicate that the moment of rest was over

And Gohan getting up at the same time bowed his head a little and asked sadly, "And when can I see my mother? And study ... She's going to get very angry if I don't do my homework"

"You will be able to see your mother at the moment in which you manage to perfectly master my body multiplication technique ... at that time we will also start with your scientific / technological studies ...

So try hard, and let's surprise your mother.

I am sure she will be very happy to see that you have grown up as a brave, strong and intelligent boy" Said Broly, rubbing Gohan's head to comfort him, praise him and give him extra motivation in training.

And Gohan with a big smile and resolute determination answered vigorously "Yes Broly-Sensei!

When do we start?"

"Hahahaha ...

There is no hurry Gohan ...

In my dimensions, time passes in a very convenient way for training ...

But ... we'll start right now..." Broly said giving him a book written by him about Ki manipulation.

Desire Reralm

Broly Mansion movie theater

"I know that I would be a good father someday

I hope be one sooner than later

HAHAHAHA!!!" Broly said proud of his teachings and indoctrination work he was doing with the little Gohan while imagining such a future with his possible future children ...

"I fear for the mental health of these children ..." Hagoromo said sarcastically and somewhat worried about the future


I will soon sculpt Gohan in my image and likeness.

He won't be as powerful, intelligent and impressive as me but ... if he looks a little like me, he will have almost reached perfection in everything" Said Broly, who was still in his own world ... literally and figuratively

"And now I fear for the mental health of that child even more…" Hagoromo said again, who really feared for the possibility of seeing another Broly rising in the omniverse...

Kame House


Is he coming back again?" Asked Krillin, who could see a flying vehicle approaching the island

A few moments after Yajirobe left ...

"I'm afraid it's not that…" Said Broly who kept looking at Bulma with complicity ...

"MUTEN ROSHI-SAMA !!" Since they were Chichi, Gohan's mother and Goku's wife ... and his father Ox King, a former apprentice of Muten Roshi ...

"OH NO! It's Chichi and the Ox King! "Shout Muten Roshi, who hoped to write a letter explaining the situation so as not to have to suffer the wrath of Chichi face to face, which drove with a very aggressive attitude and face

"Muten Roshi-Sama, what do we do?" Asked Krillin, who didn't know how to deal with this situation.

"I still didn't write the letter" said Muten Roshi, who also didn't know how to deal with this situation correctly

"Don't worry, when I see that you don't know what to answer I will help you" Said Broly, who was also prepared for this situation.

In the same place seconds later ...

"Muten Roshi-sama! It's been such a long time.

Have you been in good health?" Said Ox King bowing to his teacher in a very effusive way

"Yes ... I guess so ..." Muten Roshi replied simply

And Chichi, as an excessively worried and strict mother and wife inspected the area in search of those who were late at home… either to force them to study or work "My Goku-san and Gohan sould be over here

Where are they?"

"W-well… to tell you the truth…

Emmm… Broly-san… " Muten Roshi said looking at Broly… since he didn't want to expose himself too much for cowardice… and since Broly had abducted Gohan to train him…

"OK Muten Roshi-San ...

Don't worry about Gohan Miss ... right now he's studying under my direction" Broly said very formally, approaching Chichi slowly and calmly.

"Studying under your direction? And… who are you?" Chichi asked, very surprised and stunned, since she didn't believe that someone in that house would help her study… and because she didn't know anything about that huge, muscular man with a third eye… and with an ape tail as well as her son and husband (in his childhood)

"Oh, excuse me for not introduce myself yet ...

I am Broly… a humble engineer, physicist, scientist, engineer, hacker, architect, interior decorator, artist, doctor, therapist of problematic adolescents, chef, magician, martial artist, the most powerful being born in this universe ... lately also a film producer among many other things ...

And finally, I'm also your child's new teacher." Broly said showing part of his curriculum to Chichi

And while Bulma was surprised at Broly's incredible field of knowledge and Chichi tried to assess whether that sack of suspicious muscles was as intelligent as he claimed to be and assimilate that he had called himself Gohan's teacher without him having given her approval...

The martial artists like Krillin, Muten Roshi and Ox King still have their ears were still buzzing with some data that Broly provided…

"The most powerful being born in this universe?! Does that seem humble to you?!

One moment, is that true ?!" Shouted, Krilin, Muten Roshi… and also Ox King, who, seeing his teacher's reaction, began to believe that this could be true

"Mmm… we'll talk later if you're really a teacher, if you're a competent teacher and if you are or are going to be my child's teacher.

For now I would like to know where my son is" Chichi said a little calmer knowing that at least they had worried about Gohan's studies

"He is not here right now, he is studying in one of my laboratories acquiring theoretical and practical knowledge ... I will take you in a moment so they can see him, so you can also appreciate the great study environment that I have prepared for him ...

But before that I have to tell you, Miss, that your son is a true genius.

Despite only being 4 years old in less than a day I managed to make him acquire all the knowledge necessary to finish high school with honors ...

No doubt it is due to some incredible genes that carry great intelligence and the incredible education he has received so far... and I suspect quite reasonably that both things are due to his passionate and dedicated mother" Broly said respectfully flattering Gohan for his great talent and character, exposing the almost impossible advances they had made today to show that he was a legendary teacher and to flatter Chichi at the same time ... thus creating a deadly combination that allows you to sell almost anything to her...

"Oh my ... you have an eye for details ... you're going to make me blush...

Indeed, his high level of education and talent is due to me... huhuhu ...

Well ... if Gohan really has learned so much and you are really such a good teacher I don't see any problem in you being his teacher Broly-san..." Chichi said, very flushed by the constant flattery towards her son and herself, so much that she had forgotten the anger she was carrying until now...

[WOW! He has a great way with words!!

He has dazzled her in no time!!] They thought Muten Roshi, Krillin, Umigame and Bulma, who admired how Broly calmed the ogre and put her on his side

"And by the way ...

Where is Goku?

Is he with Gohan in those labs of yours?" Asked Ox King, who also missed his son-in-law and also asked Broly

It was then when the atmosphere became tense and heavy, so much that none of those who knew the truth about Goku could even breathe ...

"No, he is not in my laboratory ... but, I think it should be his venerable teacher who should answer that question" Broly replied, looking at Muten Roshi in a very suspicious way ... as if he wanted to avoid being the one to give a bad new.

And in the same way that Broly did Bulma, Krillin and Umigame also looked at him ... and moments later Chichi and Ox King too, who began to suspect that something strange was happening with Goku

And Muten Roshi upon see that everyone was looking at him "Ahhhh!

You are talking about me ... hehehe ... excuse me ... " He said rubbing his head with a nervous smile and cold sweat, after looking around for another Goku's teachers behind him without success

"Mmmmm!" Chichi said, who looked at Mutenroshi suspiciously, as if she were smelling that something strange was definitely happening with her husband ...

"W-well… to tell the truth…

He's dead" Muten Roshi said dryly with funny voice as he continued to rub his bald head.

"WHAATTTT?" Chichi and King Ox shouted when they heard that extremely horrible and almost unthinkable news

"Ahh ... Ahhh ... ah ..." Such was the shock that Chichi turned blue and passed out

"Chichi! Stay with us!" Her father shouted trying to wake her up and give her some moral support

"HEY OLD PERV! Was so complicated do like Broly and build a leisurely dialogue in which she didn't get angry or fainted? At least you should have softened the blow!

Is it so complicated to do the same?

Especially when we have the Dragon Balls!" Bulma shouted when she saw how extremely insensitive Muten Roshi had been with this matter

"Don't look at me like that ...

I had said I should write him a letter ... I'm not good improvising" Muten Roshi said helplessly before Bulma's glaring gaze.

Desire Realm

On a random planet, one of the many that Broly had created in the Big Bang



Clashhh !!

A green man with slug antennas and bruises all over his body flew from one place to another against his will ... and stamped against several mountains, destroying them with every impact

"Ahhhh ... fuck, damn bully" Piccolo shouted as he stood up once more to face the biggest monster he could ever imagine that existed in the universe

"Come on Piccolo, you should be able to cancel my telekinesis using your own telekinesis and your ki" Said Broly, who descended from the sky to the position of the injured Piccolo, whom he was going to heal for a new training session.

"Hey ... when Goku's son will be at a level similar to mine to start training with him ...

It's not that I don't trust your methods, the results are obvious… but I still think you're soft with childrens" Said Piccolo, who was telling the truth on the one hand… but on the other hand what he wanted was to train with Gohan to be the one who gives and not the one who receives…


And surprisingly Piccolo was thrown against another mountain, where he was embedded

It was obvious that Broly didn't agree with his comment

"He has little left, since he is training in a place where time is even more generous than here ... although first I have to do some small ploys to ensure everyone is happy" Said Broly who teleported again where Piccolo was to heal his old and new wounds