Emotions, lies and ... new school year

Form Realm

In one of Broly's new laboratories that he had prepared for Gohan and for this performance…

Suddenly Broly appeared in a dazzling white room in the laboratory along with Bulma, Muten Roshi, Krillin, Ox King and Chichi, which had to be helped by her father to stand.

"Wow ... this place is impressive" Said Bulma, who understood at first glance how advanced the technology in that place is.

"Where is my little boy?" Said Chichi, who was desperately trying to see his little son, who had just lost his father

"He's right there, miss," said Broly, pointing to a large glass wall, from which Gohan could be seen wearing a lab coat while taking his elementary extra-terrestrial engineering course with a hologram-generated simulator.

"AHHHH! My Gohan!" Chichi shouted, which magically regained all his vitality and jumped from her father's big arm… throwing him to the ground in the process… and crossing the laboratory door at hypersonic speed

"GOHAN! MY SON!" She screamed once more as she opened the laboratory door and pounced toward Gohan to hug him

"Mom? MOM!" Gohan shouted and cried too, corresponding to that hug

"What a joy that you are well... and studying ...

My God how big and strong you are now... I don't understand it, it's only been a few hours since you left home!" Chichi said, who kept hugging and kissing him, quickly realizing the changes in her beloved son …

Notable changes, since he was in a place of Desire Realm where time flowed differently, in which he was 9 months and several months also in the Form Realm, where he advanced a lot in his studies thanks to the multiplication of bodies

"Hehehe ... yes, that may be because I have been training hard for months ... aish ...

I said... studying hard...

ONLY STUDYING! I swear, mama!" Gohan said, who forgot what he had to say because of the joy of meeting his mother and the praise she had given him.

And those suspicious words caused the overprotective and psychotic mother's switch to turn on in Chichi with greater force than ever "Training? For months? WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU…"



UHHH?! GOHAN?!!" Chichi shouted bewildered to see that Gohan couldn't move, as if he had been frozen just like Bulma, Muten Roshi, Krillin

"I'm sorry, I've stopped time for Gohan ... I don't think a little boy should hear that

And I don't think that others besides their family should know sensitive details about my pupil" Said Broly putting on a therapist gown

"You have done what?!" Chichi and King Ox shouted upon hear that such absurd skill exist

"Time Stop, I have quite a few strange abilities," Broly said, not giving importance to such an OP power.

And after Chichi had time to accept that Broly had the ability to stop time…

"What do you mean when you say a child shouldn't hear something?!

And what does that have to do with practicing martial arts for months?!" Chichi shouted, distrusting Broly, his methods and intentions…

"This is to not open old wounds that have been so difficult to close ...

When I first met Gohan after his father's death he was completely depressed, scared and desolate...

Not only had he lost his father, he also felt the only one guilty of his death

He kept repeating for dais that if he hadn't been kidnapped his father would still be alive

He almost didn't want to eat ... he didn't even dare to see his mother since he thought you would blame him for Goku's death...

It was very sad to see him in this situation... it was as if there was no life in his innocent little eyes ..." Broly said exposing a dramatic and sad scenario, mixing truths with lies to make it more convincing, acting in a masterful way

"My Gohan ..." Chichi said with great agony, since she felt that her heart froze when she imagined her little 4-year-old son in that state and situation ... it hurt so much to imagine that she began to cry and tremble ... so much that she began to suffocate

"He lamented over and over again for being kidnapped and for not being able to do anything...

Although he didn't know how to express or understand it with his 4 year boy kid, he hated feeling weak and helpless ... that's why I tried to fight those bad thoughts motivating him and make him gain self-confidence through martial arts ...

And here you have it, with my ability to manipulate time I was able to make him train, grow as a person and make him reflect until he could regain the joy and confidence of seeing that he had become stronger and braver...

And of course as soon as he recovered we quickly began the study as you can see...

After all a healthy soul can only be found in a healthy body and a healthy mind" Broly said, explaining the wonderful results that his training and knowledge of child psychology had had in Gohan ...

And Chichi, who had been convinced both emotionally and logically dried her tears and said with some difficulty "Thank you Broly ...

Thank you for helping my son ...

I am grateful for what you have done ...

Sorry for doubting you ...

You are undoubtedly a great teacher and I would love for Gohan to continue studying under your tutelage in the future ...

But could you defrost time? I want to talk to my little boy"

"Of course" Broly said defrosting time.

And except for Chichi, everyone continued with what they were doing ... which was ...

"Mama ... don't get mad at him, he only…" Gohan said, who didn't want his mother to be angry at his Broly-senei because of him ... but ...

"Gohan, don't worry anymore! You don't have to try so hard! You are a wonderful boy and your father and I will always be proud of you! You don't have to force yourself to be strong! Your father (when he resuscitates), grandfather and I will always be here to protect you! "Chichi said while hugging the confused Gohan, who…

"No mother, I cannot depend on others forever, I have to become strong and intelligent as soon as possible to protect you and grandfather from all the evils guys that could try to harm you" Said Gohan who became very serious and said this to her mother, being the one who hugged her this time with great determination

[Oh ... my brainwash... ehem… my capacity to influence others has been very effective... there is barely a trace of the crying baby at the time] Broly thought, who was proud of Gohan and his change in attitude ... but because of his narcissism he was more proud of his ability to cause that change

"Gohan ..." Chichi sighed, who saw absorbed how her son had matured in such a short time ... something that made her proud, reassured, worried and sad at the same time

"Gohan, I understand you, but I think you should go with your mother.

Right now she needs you more than anyone ... even more than you to yourself

As soon as you want and can come I will come to pick you up" Broly said kindly stroking the head of his pupil

And Gohan, who immediately understood what his teacher meant, took his mother by the hand and nodded

"Snif ... sniff ... what a touching scene" Kirlin, Ox King and Bulma said when they saw the strange conclusion that had happened

[He is also sensitive, considerate and good with childrens ...] Thought Bulma, whose maternal instincts were beginning to flourish since she was nearly 30 years old

"Well, I think it would be better for you to return you home, this place may be strange for you" Broly said teleporting everyone, including Gohan again to the Kame house

Form Realm

At that time in a room parallel to the laboratory ...

Broly and Gohan watched behind a television how everyone, included Broly and Gohan, teleported back to Universe 7

"Are you sure it's okay not to tell mom about those bad men, my new ability to multiply bodies and that 99% of my bodies will continue studying and training here?" Asked Gohan, who felt guilty for lying to his mother.

"It is neither good nor bad… it is simply the best thing we could do.

You need to train for future battles without being disturbed and your mother has lost her husband, she can't lose her son either...

That's why a part of you has to stay with her and support her…

But I don't think it's a good idea to add new worries like her son can multiply and he is training and studying at all times with me" Broly said reasoning why lie to your mother is fine

"Ok ..." Gohan said who despite the logical reasoning felt bad for lying to her

"Come on, lift that face, today we will begin serious combat training ...

You already master the ki, you have trained several practical techniques and you have the necessary knowledge…

Now you need to learn how to apply them ... and for that you need real fighting ...

Follow me" Broly said pointing to Gohan that they should leave the laboratory

Form Realm

Broly and Gohan were walking calmly towards the training area of the Form Realm, where someone was waiting impatiently...

"Hey Piccolo, we're sorry to make you wait a bit, but Gohan was hungry and we stopped to eat" Broly said, waving in a friendly and effusive manner.

"A BIT?!

It took you 8 hours!" Shouted Piccolo, who really had to wait a long time

"He was very hungry ...

Well ... from now on you will train together ...

Gohan, this green uncle who is almost always angry is Piccolo, a friend of your father.

He will be your training partner and also your second teacher… " Broly said introducing Piccolo to Gohan in a formal way

"Friend of his father? SINCE WHEN?!

Second teacher? Now you want me to train him in your place too?" Piccolo shouted, who had been offended in multiple ways in no time

"Come on Piccolo ...

If we speak in numerical terms Gohan is now more or less at your level but he still lacks experience and cleverness in combat ... something that you can contribute...

You both need a partner who is at the same level so that you can overcome yourself in an unforced way ... so this is a win win situation

But don't believe that I will not do anything…

I will supervise you, I will heal, correct your mistakes, give advice ... and sometimes you will fight against me ...

And I will reward you every time you pass an exam if your previous performance has been correct…

I like the continuous evaluation system" Said Broly explaining the curriculum to his new two students

"Exams? Will there also be tests for training?" Gohan asked, who imagined himself sitting at a desk theoretically explaining how to fight

"Exam? What kind of joke do you have prepared for us this time?" Asked Piccolo, who was beginning to understand Broly's way of thinking and acting

Then Broly smiled and made something appear in the air, something that fell to the ground like a heavy sack of potatoes "Your test is to kill this waste in less than a week ... and it has to be individually ...

You are close to him in power, you just need… a little motivation"

"WHAT?" Piccolo and Gohan shouted ... and rightly so ... since the "thing" that fell to the ground was Raditz's body ... which Broly held by the neck with his tail once again

"What ... do you intend ... to do ...?" Piccolo and Gohan asked, who felt that something bizarre, impressive and undesirable was about to happen

"What?! What?! Happened ... how can I...

AHHHH !!! YOU!" Raditz shouted, who was resurrected and therefore confused and angry to see that Piccolo was in front of him. The one who killed him, and Gohan the boy who had given him the header that started his defeat.

"AIIIIIIIIIIHHHHHHHHHHHHH" Gohan shouted when he saw his evil uncle, for which he felt an instinctive fear

"I can't believe it... he has resurrected him without Dragon Balls or other means...

What the hell are you, Broly? Not even a god has a power like this..." Piccolo said dumfounded, who more or less understood the categories of divine power and certain powers

And Boly avoiding answering that complicated question stopped time for Raditz and said "Okay girls...

You will have to kill that spit target in two weeks in which I will not let you increase your level of power above 1.200

Raditz has a level of 1500 and as you are a team you will have to pass this exam both at the same time ... so you better help each other...

Otherwise you will suspend and you will not receive my valuable, precious reward...


Huahuahuahuahuahuahaua !!!


And Broly's malevolently forced laughter, which became excessively sick, made Piccolo get goosebumps with every sound that his mouth emitted especially because he looked at Piccolo in a rather threatening way ... as if that "punishment" was only directed at him

"HEY! Son of Goku! "Piccolo shouted at Gohan very hurriedly, as if a great emergency was happening and only Gohan could help him

"It's Gohan ..." Gohan said to indicate that he had a his own name.

And when he heard something he didn't want to hear and didn't care, Piccolo went into a rage "I don't care what your name is!

You can now strive and follow my instructions to improve your martial arts or I swear that...


But then he noticed a great pain in the head, as if someone had thrown a bowling ball at his head ... and obviously that was Broly, who threw a small burst of energy against him

"Lesson number 1, be nice to your partner" Broly said while pointing his finger at Piccolo

[Aish ... it will not be an easy task for Piccolo to become kind, venerable and child-loving ... but I will get him to be ... I am not the best self-proclaimed re-educator of troublesome teenagers in the omniverse for any reason]