

You've lost" Said Gohan, who barely only had some scratches and burned hair.

State in which compared to Yam's, clearly showed who had the advantage.

Feeling as if the fight was already decided, he landed on the ground and walked slowly towards Yam, who was still kneeling but trying to get up.

And seeing how the hairy but small body of Gohan walked triumphantly towards her, which very wounded tried to lift her hairy but huge body starting with her knee ...

Her pride was brutally hurt...

It was as if she had knelt before him...

It was as if she was admitting her defeat and asked for mercy...

And she would involuntarily recognize that this brat and everything he stood for was superior to her


I will never give up!

I will never admit my defeat before a lower class warrior son of an unworthy exiled who lost to his useless brother!

I refuse to lose to a naive child who denies his Saiyan heritage!" Yam yelled and was still struggling to get up, but gradually managed accomplish it…

"Why did you say my father is unworthy?" Gohan asked, who despite being angry at those words… he didn't externalize that rage…

Instead he showed coldness and tranquility

The tranquillity and coldness that someone feels when faces someone knowing that the situation is fully controlled both physically and mentally

Something strange in a primary school boy who is facing a talking giant monkey that shoots fire from the mouth…

"It is not obvious?

Your father lost against the unworthy of your uncle, which makes him more than unworthy!" Yam said trying to buy time to get up and regain energy ... without missing the opportunity to spread the doctrine of Vegeta and his family

"That bald man was also unworthy as that guy over there says?" Gohan asked once again with the same attitude as before, but a little more apathetic, as if it was no longer possible for him to be angry at what Yam could say

And because of that question...

Yam hesitated a little, but quickly answered convinced that what she was about to say was what she really thought before and now "… YES OF COURSE!"

And without Yam barely having time to finish his sentence… Gohan practically sentenced the whole discussion with another simple question "And is your sister also unworthy?"

And with that question ... Yam's mind was completely clouded, she didn't know what to think or what to say ...

That question had collapsed the largest pillars that formed her existence

The Saiyan ideology on which her way of life was built ... and her sister, the most important person for her in her life apart of herself

A question that brutally crashed into her ideology an ideology in the form of a glass statue in the shape of King Vegeta… a statue that was beginning to crack

Despite her fanaticism, she couldn't bear such blatant doublethinking without realizing that she was contradicting herself.

"Ahj ... !! … !! " Yam babbled as she tried to solve that cruel paradox and express some answer... without success

Gohan started with his check and there was little chance that he wouldn't take that opportunity to end up with a real checkmate.

"Your sister is weaker than the huge bald man ...

And she has also lost…" Gohan said condescendingly when he saw Yam's state… but especially imagining how she would be at the end of the question

[Don't… don't say it…] Yam thought before her mind could even imagine what Gohan was going to say…

But her intuition prophesied that the next question... could be the last question that the "I" that she currently knew would hear...

"Is she unworthy too?

However, you seemed very concerned about her recently ...

It was as if you really loved her ...

As if you loved her… like me, an outcast and shame for the Saiyans loves her mother, father, grandfather, Broly-sensei and Piccolo-san ...

Would you kill her? " Gohan said, increasing the volume of his voice due to the anger he felt now...

He was angry to see how Yam was trying to trick her own feelings and beliefs into to make them fit in another contradictory ones…

She was trying to deny the feelings that he considered the most important... so much so that even hurt him to see how his rival still tried to doubt about them...

But he understood that maybe that wasn't her fault ...

Since those feelings had been obscured by a horrible and ruthless way of thinking that was instilled in her from her childhood...

And that now they were beginning to clear up ...

With great pain ... the pain of feeling that you have been wrong all your life... despite having the truth in front of your eyes all the time

[SHUT UP!! SHUT UP! Shut up! Shut up…

Don't say anything else!

Don't ask me anything else!

Don't make me wonder about anything else!] Thought Yam, who was beginning to cry due to the emotional and mental pain she was feeling, as if something was going to break inside her

"And if you lose against me ...

Would you also be unworthy?

Since you would have been defeated by an unworthy being son of another unworthy being ...

Would you commit suicide?

Would you kill your unworthy sister and then commit suicide?

Or do you want we be the ones to kill her when we take her out of that jar?

Is that what you want?

ANSWER!!!" Gohan said, who was about to cry too because of how painful was for him to say those cruel things at that moment ...

That moment when with great empathy understood that he had made a great checkmate

"AHHHHHHHHH!!!!" Yam cried out in tears, gathering all strength, rage, frustration, and pain into one emotional, explosive, and desperate last punch towards the enemy who knew that she would be incapable of defeating him any way...

An enemy that until now she had belittled ...



And in a quick flash Yam's giant punch smashed the ground, raising a large curtain of dust that prevented everyone from seeing the result of that last confrontation

And after that smoke screen dissipated, hat was seen was Yam's huge body still kneeling on the ground, holding the full weight of her giant body on her right arm ... which sank into the ground, creating a large crater due to her final attack ...

And behind her Gohan, who held in his hand a giant ape tail ... tail that gradually shrunk, in the same way that Yam did ...

Since that was Yam's tail, which had been cut off by Gohan in that last quick an flashy attack ...

Thus ending the Oozaru transformation.

"Damn! [You couldn't win either? Yam?] "Vegeta yelled with great anger seeing that even Yam had lost… this being the first time he really regretted the defeat of an ally

And due to that forced de-transformation along with the physical, mental and emotional damage that she had suffered during the combat... Yam staggered, her vision blurred and began to lose consciousness ...

And she would have fallen to the ground and been completely defeated if it weren't because…


"The fight is not over yet Broly-sensei" Said Gohan, who held the unconscious Yam before she fell to the ground and looked at his teacher with great seriousness and determination...

He wasn't joking at all

And Broly after inspecting what his student would do in the future with his multiple abilities once again, nodded and said with a smile "As you say…

HOWEVER… don't do anything pervert!!!

Everyone is watching"

Bad joke directed at a kindergarten kid (technically) that everyone tried hard to ignore ...

"But ... what are you doing Gohan? You've already won…" Krillin asked Gohan, acting as the representative of the whole world right now

"Dwarf bastard ... what are you trying to do now?" Screamed Vegeta, very outraged upon see that Gohan hadn't had enough to beat Yam and mentally drive her crazy… now he also possibly intended to humiliate her in a different way

"Chh ... as soft and cowardly as ever ...

He has grown strong and we have barely managed to instill some courage in him, but he still lacks the most important quality of a warrior ...



HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO REPEAT THAT!!?" Piccolo screamed hysterically as he scolded Gohas from a distance ... and he also scolded Broly from close proximity, almost spitting in his face. Releasing all the frustration that had accumulated over the years regarding this matter


Well… it's understandable; he's just a child…" Krillin and the others said, but despite finding that this was a big problem if they needed to defeat the present and future threats coming from space... they understood that couldn't demand so much to a toddler

"Hahahah ... calm down Piccolo, don't be so sadistic ...

Not everything in life is killing ...

Look at me, I have never killed anyone and I am still the greatest warrior of all" Broly answered with great calm and joy, as if there were no problem with his teaching methods.






HE WILL ALLWAYS BE A FUKING MOLLYCODDLE THANKS TO YOU!!!" Piccolo yelled once more, but this time much angrier than before due to Broly's carefree demeanour with something that he found so important

"You may be right, but ...

Don't be so sure about that" Broly replied, this time with great seriousness… creating a great contrast to what he had said and done previously

And while the public and the support team were still arguing about the controversial case of the toddler who didn't like to kill people because he found it unmoral ...

Yam woke up ... in Gohan's small arms ... something she didn't like at all ...


Move away! I don't need your stupid compassion!" Yam yelled at the same time she pushed Gohan away from her, although she fell back to the ground ... her legs felt very heavy due to the accumulated damage

"Aish ... I just wanted to be nice" Gohan grumbled due to Yam's bad manners

But he didn't fight back, he just stood in front of her without saying anything else.

And that bothered and confused her…

What the hell was he doing?

"What do you want now?

Laugh at me? Remind me that you have beaten me despite everything I've said?

Do you want me to apologize?

Do you want me to say I was wrong?" Yam asked Gohan angrily, she couldn't think of any other reason why Gohan would have waited for her to wake up

"It would be nice if you did ...

But that's not why I held you down.

I just wanted to wait for you to wake up to say that…

I surrender" Gohan said calmly as he deactivated his True Saiyan Transformation...

Although Gohan said it very calmly, as if he didn't give it too much importance…


Obviously this unforeseen and even pointless statement created a huge overreaction among allies, enemies and even local spectators.

"QUE?!" Everyone screamed completely stunned, including Vegeta and Yam… except for Broly

They were speechless and overheating every neuron and gray matter in their brains to understand this incoherent decision.

Until someone broke that awkward silence

"He hasn't only not killed his enemy ...

The enemy that hasn't stopped insulting him and his father ...




FUCK!!! This is… THIS IS… !!" Piccolo yelled with great rage and pain, so much so that started to hyperventilate and even fell to the ground ... where repeatedly hit the ground with his head

And while the others looked at Piccolo with great concern and amazement, since they had never imagined that he could do something like that ... The most affected by this decision asked...

And not peacefully, since she felt terribly insulted

"You, f ***** g b ***** d, why are you…?


What the f ** k is happening?!


One more time?!" Yam shouted because of the great fury that that contempt and insult

However, she suddenly shifted from focusing on Gohan and his insulting surrender to worrying about something very strange that was happening to herself.

"Yam, what's wrong with you?" Vegeta said, who was pleased to have achieved the first victory despite the conditions in which it had been achieved... while he approached Yam, which was behaving in a strange and worrying way.

And just as Vegeta approached Yam, Gohan approached his team to receive his compliments ..

"Broly-senei ...

I have done well?" Gohan asked shyly as he watched Piccolo depressed and furious…

"That depends on what you have learned" Broly replied with the composure of a Jedi master

"I think…

I've learned that there are many other things to fight for besides protecting your loved ones…

Like defending my ideals, preventing someone from doing evil, stopping someone before they do something stupid… leading them on the right path...

They are also noble motives...

There are many reasons to fight ... and not be afraid of conflict..."

"That's right ...

You passed!

As living beings it is in our nature to fight against others and despite the fact that we must ask ourselves when we should fight or why it is worth fighting ... we cannot hesitate when the moment of fighting knocks on our door ...

Especially when an enemy breaks your door and threatens to kill you.


Don't hesitate Gohan…

Fight with all your might, kick their asses and tell who taught you how to kick asses with such elegance and forcefulness!" Broly said, which went from an educational message to a philosophical one, from a philosophical message to a belligerent one and from a belligerent message to a advertising one.

"Yes Broly-senei, I will never fear or hesitate to fight again at 100% of my power ... although I still don't like it too much ...

Even if my mother punishes me later!" Gohan replied with enthusiasm and determination ... although with some fear when mentioning his mother

"I hope so, Gohan.

I am very proud of you [And with this I have managed from his tender childhood to end the moral dilemmas that prevented him from fighting 100% and killing a cruel and ruthless monster that had killed millions of people and intended to destroy the world… yes, very absurd but it happened… C16, the muscular, robotic being of light we all love will not have to sacrifice himself this time]" Broly said and thought very pleased with himself for his great educational work.

"AND WHAT'S THE POINT IN FIGHTING AGAINST A DANGEOUS THREAT IF YOU DON'T FINISH THAT THREAT!!!" Screamed Piccolo, who continued to hyperventilate as he felt increasingly helpless seeing that his teachings failed to reach Gohan's mind

"Piccolo-san, calm down..." Gohan said, worried and feeling guilty for the stress he was causing in his substitute teacher

"This ... Gohan, why did you give up?" Yamcha asked, who as the biggest loser of the day and saga didn't understand why someone would renounce to the sweet taste of victory ...

"It wasn't necessary for me to win.

We have already fulfilled our objective, the Earth will be saved because we have won 4 of six confrontations

If she makes a wish to have won, Broly-senei would never grant her anything dangerous to us or evil

This way that guy won't be mad at her

Besides… I feel a little sorry for her" Gohan said exposing the reasons for his surrender to the rest of the Z warriors

"Are you sure it wasn't because she's a woman and you like her?


Unlike your father you are very advanced for your age ...

But Gohan, she is too old for you… " Muten Rohsi said, who was still in his perverted mode after the previous fight


Gohan, I understand what you are saying, but even if he does nothing to us today, maybe another day when Broly is not here, he will kill us all ...

I know it is hard, but we must end the problem from the root

Being kind to your enemy is being cruel to yourself" Said Krillin, who years later would do the opposite of what he says now to save a sexy evil android

"Don't worry about it Krillin, she won't do anything wrong again" Gohan said very convinced that what he said was 100% true

"Hey? What do you mean?" Asked Krillin, who didn't understand where that dazzling confidence came from.

"YOUUU !!!! B ***** D !!

What the f ** k have you done to me ?!

What have you done to my head ?! What have you done to my voice?

Why can't I insult? " Yam screamed terrified when she realized that she was unable to control her own actions ...

It was as if something was manipulating her brain ...

And that "something" was undoubtedly Gohan's fault

"That's because good kids shouldn't swear" Gohan replied simply and even almost obvious and innocent ... when the implications of his words were more terrifying and relevant than anyone could imagine.