Be a good kid


Form Realm

"Well Gohan, now that you have mastered the Ten, the Zetsu, the Ren and their advanced combinations Gyo, In, En, Shu, Ko, Ken and Ryu ... now you have to learn the last and most important of all...

The Hatsu! With which you can develop your own KIEN skill" Broly said to Gohan with great enthusiasm, materializing a glass of water with a leaf in the middle.

"Create my own skill?

So cool!!

But… What do you need that glass for?" Gohan said and asked with enthusiasm and confusion

"There are six types of aura; every individual is born having one of these six different aura types: Enhancer, Transmuter, Emitter, Conjurer, Manipulator and the most incredible and special one, the Specialist.

You just have to put your hands around the glass and use Ren. Depending on the reaction in the glass, you will belong to one of those categories and from there we will be able to see the best way to create your ability" Broly said to indicate to his student to proceed with the Water Divination ritual

"You are a specialist right?" Gohan asked for obvious reasons ... and later he tried to make sure he was doing it correctly "Is that so?"

And in a few seconds ... the leaf inside the glass began to move from one side to the other as if it were in a turbine...

"Oh, just as I thought ...

You are a manipulator! Those in this category can control living or non-living things.

The main advantage of this category in combat is the ability to manipulate the enemy themselves, a very interesting one… because it's near the specialist category…" Broly said very pleased to be right as he explained Gohan to the category he belonged

Control others?

But that ... is wrong...

I don't like manipulation...

And why did you say you suspected I was a manipulator?

It's not funny!" Gohan said that as a good boy he didn't like the idea of manipulating other people and he obviously hated being called a manipulator or that someone expects him to be a manipulator

"Hahahah ...

There's nothing wrong with manipulating bad people

In addition, there are many types of applications to use manipulation in hectic and non-violent ways.

And the reason I thought you were manipulative is because of your personality.

The manipulators are argumentative and logical, advance at their own pace and tend to want to keep their families and loved ones safe. On the other hand, when it comes to pursuing their own goals, they don't listen to what others might have to say about it…

Exactliy like you!

You are logical, difficult to teach, you care about your loved ones and it doesn't matter what everyone tells you or happen in your life, you always say that you want to be a great scientist" Broly said, explaining to his student why neither his category was bad nor evil and that the reason he believed he was a manipulator was not bad either.

And after understanding that being manipulative was perhaps not a bad thing based on what Broly had told him, Gohan asked more about this topic: "And how do I create my ability?

By the way, what is your ability?"

And of course Broly had no problem explaining to him with practical examples how his primal ability worked "You want some reference ...


I am a Specialist, the rarest, OP and ambiguous category of all, but since it is close to yours in the hexagon that I showed you, it has similarities with your category

My ability at first was an alternate space created with KIEN where time didn't exist and where I could leave everything inside without being affected by the passage of time, get inside to avoid attacks, go out in a different location where I have put part of that dimension and most important of all ...

Leaving evil people trapped inside without killing them...

Your teacher, like you, also hates killing people"

"What ?! Really?!

Are you the same as me?" Gohan shouted with great enthusiasm due to the joy he felt knowing that there was someone close to him, like his sensei, the strongest person he knows, who shared the same type of ideology or sensibilities.

"Yes Gohan, but since I am older than you, in any case you are just like me hahaha ...

Anyway ... that's why you have to take into account your tastes, motivations, personality, way of acting, your subconscious and obviously your nen category to make your ability as compatible as possible with you and therefore more powerful and efficient ... I know it is difficult for a child, but is a must.

As well as thinking about the activation conditions or restrictions that you will impose on yourself to make your ability more powerful.

Of course, to manipulate someone or something in some way

If your ability goes out of that branch you will be wasting your potential and putting yourself in danger

For more questions you can consult the PDF that I'll send you later" Broly said giving several tips and indications for the creation of his Hatsu

"This is hard…

But I think I have an idea of what kind of power I want...

One that doesn't kill people and make this world a better place!

Although I will need a little time to think about everything…

And I still don't like it too much" Gohan said, who began to think very seriously about what kind of ability he could create with the favorable conditions Broly had explained to him.

"I knew you would say something like that...

You go at your own pace, like a manipulator would do

Hehehe…" Said Broly, who as usual always continued with the jokes when he saw that someone was bothered by them

"Broly-senei ...

Stop saying that I'm a manipulator...

I don't like how it sounds… " Gohan protested, looking at his Sensei with teary eyes, since the little explanation of how respectable the manipulators are couldn't banish the negative meanings associated with that word from Gohan's brain

"Ohhh ...

Look at that weeping face ...

You're trying to manipulate me emotionally, right?

That's perfect! Practice your new vocation...

Hahahaha" Broly said continuing the joke while stroking Gohan's head

And Gohan annoyed and resigned by his Sensei's jockes… huffed and continued thinking about his future new skill


In the present

Planet Earth

"YOUUU !!!! B ***** D !!

What the f ** k have you done to me ?!

What have you done to my head ?! What have you done to my voice?

Why can't I insult? " Yam screamed terrified when she realized that she was unable to control her own actions ...

It was as if something was manipulating her brain ...

And that "something" was undoubtedly Gohan's fault

"That's because good kids shouldn't swear" Gohan replied simply and even almost obvious and innocent ... when the implications of his words were more terrifying and relevant than anyone could imagine.

"What the f ** k does that mean?!" Yam yelled as she pointed his hand at Gohan with the intention of launching a Ki attack to him

An attack to release all his frustration and demand specific answers from Gohan through violence

But ... nothing came out of Yam's palm ...

It was as if something was preventing her from attacking Gohan

"Yam, what are you doing?" Vegeta said, who for a moment felt the murderous intent in Yam's voice and actions but moments later they completely disappeared in an unnatural way ...

"What ... What is happening to me?" Yam said very terrified, so much so that every trace of pride, arrogance and violence was replaced by a deep despair...

"This is my student Gohan's "Be a good kid" KIEN skill.

A skill that is activated by knocking someone unconscious, that he wins in a match or competition according to the pre-established rules agreed between him and his target or if his victim decides to surrender

It is a somewhat difficult and stupid condition, since it doesn't help in combat, but it is very effective and powerful considering the difficulty of fulfilling that condition and because his user doesn't like to fight ... another added difficulty for Gohan that makes his ability more powerful.

Ability whose effect is to manipulate that person to be a good child in accordance with what his mother has told him that a good child must behave and some of his own beliefs ...

Yes, his scrupulous mother has over-influenced his personality.

And of course it eliminates the inconvenience that he doesn't like to kill motherfuckers like you, something that will make Piccolo a little happy ... you see, you don't always have to kill people to give them a fate worse than death

In short ... you can already forget to swear, do harm to third parties if they haven't done anything wrong to you ... and among other things conquer planets, of course." Broly said explaining instead of Gohan the ability of his student in excessive detail to the delight of everyone

[The evangelizing power that every protagonist Shonen needs and should have ...

But this one least has a logical basis with Gohan] Broly thought as he remembered a blond ninja from another anime he previously visited whose evangelizations had no logic whatsoever

"Thank you for telling everyone about my ability ...

I thought it was a secret that you could only trust to your best friends ... and never spread them in front of your enemies...

MUCH LESS TO THE WOLE WORLD!!!" Gohan replied pointing at the television camera.

He wasn't only upset that Broly explained his ability ... and was also extremely offended by the personal evaluations of him, his ability and his personality ... although deep down he knew that Broly was only joking ... maybe ...

"Does it matter?

Your ability only activates when you have defeated someone

Why should matter to your enemy to find out what skill you have or don't have in combat if you can't use it until you win the fucking combat?

You better start developing your "Be a good kid" to be more efficient and to use it in battle or you will be wasting your ability" Said Broly, who wasn't very happy with such a simple and unhelpful ability in battle.

However, he couldn't expect much from a small child either… but luckily he had given him some advice to develop his skill later to add more functions

"I don't even like my ability at all ...

I still think that manipulating like this isn't right ..." Gohan said trying to excuse himself

And while Broly and Gohan were discussing about his KIEN ability and how to improve it ...

"It's a very childish ability ... but with this Gohan's kindness will no longer be a problem in a fight... and we may even win allies in this way ...

Right Piccolo?" Muten Roshi said looking at Piccolo, who until a few moments ago was very worried, furious and even hysterical about Gohan's great defect.

So Muten Roshi believed that after seeing that ability he would feel relieved

Or that's what he believed ...

[This ability is terrifying!

I can't let Gohan use it against me!

From now on I think I will have to avoid doing training bouts with him!

Or else ...] Piccolo thought, drenched in cold sweat, imagining what might have happened in any of the matches he had with Gohan if he had been knocked out by him ...

He couldn't stop shaking at the thought of that possibility

And if Piccolo was terrified of that ...

How was Yam currently?







… " Yam yelled desperately and insanely as She tried to launch ki attacks against everyone in her sight…

But it was useless. She was unable to attack anyone ...

She wasn't even able to charge against the cameras to destroy their heads with a punch.

She couldn't even hit the ground to vent her pain

Even her right to make a fuss and scream had been denied...

Since this wasn't the behavior that a "Good kid" should have

But she wasn't the only one who was suffering in that situation ...

"YOUR FUCKING DWARF! Undo what you have done to her right now!" Vegeta yelled very very angry as he faced Gohan.

And due to this fury he was about to go into combat if necessary for Gohan to fulfill his demands.

Vegeta at this point in history both in the official version and in this world altered by Broly's appearance was a cruel, self-centered, selfish and despicable being.

He only thought of himself and how to get more power to be at the top of the food pyramid dethroning Frieza and rule the universe… the ambition his father had instilled in him since he was a child.

For him everyone was just an instrument to reach that goal, the goal of being the most powerful warrior in the universe

And this would continue to be the case with everyone if it weren't for one detail ...

In this life, Yam, a powerfull and competent Saiyan woman had been fighting with him for decades.

A strong, intelligent, serious, with character (as all Saiyans like), useful, reliable, attractive woman and with the same moral values that he had ...

In the official version of Dragon Ball until then Vegeta hadn't had contact or at least serious and prolonged contact with women… even less with a women with these characteristics ...

His goals remained the same, but he was still a living being with reproductive instincts at the best age for it.

It was inevitable that in Vegeta's ruthless heart something would propel him to mate and protect what was possibly the only worthy Saiyan woman with whom to continue his royal descent ...

The most powerful warrior family in the universe and with which to continue ruling until the end of time with someone with the same name


And now that ideal woman ... had been destroyed and stripped of the greatest hallmark that a Saiyan (from his point of view) could have ...

Something that was very important not only for Yam, also for Vegeta

Their wickedness and capacity for violence

And that was something he couldn't bear!

It was something worse than death!

Something that had hurt his pride individually and collectively

"Vegeta ...

Kill me ... please ... " Said Yam, who still knelt on the ground without looking up ...

She spoke in a hoarse and muffled voice, devoid of all the confidence, pride and strength that characterized her.

"What?" Vegeta stammered very stunned.

He was still facing Gohan and didn't expect Yam to ask him for something like that… he hadn't even been able to process that message


Kill me…

Please…" Yam said with great pain and disgust as she raised her gaze from the ground towards Vegeta.

A look full of despair and sadness but at the same time full of determination

And immediately Vegeta replied with concern "Wait Yam ..."


Do what you did with the others!

I'm not worthy of being a Saiyan anymore!

I am even less worthy than the others!

I have no value!

Please ... I'm even forced to say "please" every time I ask for something ...

End this ...

Please…" Yam pleaded with her watery eyes to Vegeta one more time with more pain and determination than before.

She was completely determined to die if the life that awaited her was this one

And unlike her ... he hesitated at that decision.

He had killed billions of people and he didn't care in the least to kill billions more.

But rarely had someone asked him to murder him

And he didn't expect someone from his team to ever ask him or anyone else that...

But above all, he never thought that the only person he would consider not killing asked him to end his life.

And seeing the doubt in Vegeta's eyes, Yam insisted again, this time unable to hold back her tears "Please ... don't let me live one more second in this state ...

I can't even kill myself…"

(The "Good Kids" don't commit suicide)

And at this point ... Vegeta had no choice but to accept Yam's bitter request.

Although for the first time he wouldn't enjoy killing someone

"GRRR ...

Yam, it's a shame this ended this way… " Vegeta said while concentrating a large amount of ki in his hands to launch a powerful attack

A powerful attack to disintegrate Yam instantly and thus ensure that she didn't feel any pain...

And once Vegeta gathered the Ki necessary to perform his attack, he lowered his hand and pointed at the kneeling Yam


And shot


"STOP!" Gohan shouted, which at hypersonic speed stood between Yam, Vegeta and his attack grabbing his hand and redirecting it to other way


And realizing that Gohan not only stopped his attack, but also kept clutching his arm with great strength... Vegeta dedicated his usual sweet and kind words to him "Stop intruding on my path insect!"

And Yam said in a very apathetic and even lifeless way "You again…

What else do you want from me?"

And at that moment Gohan violently unleashed his emotions



All you have in your head is to kill?

You don't know how to do anything else?

you didn't listen to me when I spoke to you before!?" Gohan yelled, squeezing Vegeta's arm tighter and tighter, until the point where the blood circulation in his the arm started to stop until almost turned blue

[This child ... has become stronger ...

And without transforming!

What the hell is this kid ?!] Vegeta thought as he tried to break free of Gohan's grip, realizing that every second he was squeezing him harder.

"Thanks to you my life as a Saiyan no longer makes sense ...

Why should it continue to exist? There are no reasons to live" Yam said once again with a terminally ill voice

"How can you say there is nothing more?!

How about laughing with your friends? How about discovering new things? What about eating delicious dishes!?

How about your sister ?!

I'll ask you one more time!

Is your stupid Saiyan pride above your sister's life?!

YES OR NOT!?" Gohan shouted with great anger once again when he saw the little value they gave to their own lives and that of others, at the same time that he tried to end his first evangelization

"Ginger ..." Yam muttered as Gohan's words echoed in her head

Remembering her little sister, who was still captive in the perverted hands of Muten Roshi.

"Let me go brat!" Vegeta yelled, who couldn't continue pretending that his arm didn't hurt and was about to hit Gohan with the arm that was still free

But Broly quickly and authoritatively stopped that fight outside the ring with his powerful voice "Che che che…

No fighting without my authorization. "

And with this warning Vegeta stopped his attack and Gohan released Vegeta's numb arm.

Ending that little conflict between them

"Since you have won, despite having won patently due to the whim of my student ... you are entitled to a Yam wish; although if you want to want me to remove that curse I have to disappoint you.

It's something I can do with extreme ease ... too easily ... it would be very boring, pointless and stupid ...

What sense would it make for my student to beat you, surrender and use his ability in you then?" Broly said to Yam as he looked at Vegeta askance, hinting that Vegeta could wish a nen exorcism in Yam

"It is true, the wish… I had forgotten" Krillin and the others said, because due to the drama that was happening now the great success against the invaders they forget that there was a reward if the enemy won

And upon hearing what Broly had said and hinted Vegeta began to think "..."

"... A wish ..." Yam muttered again as she dug her fingers hard into the ground and frowned ...


Wish immortality for you and me!

There's still my fight!

If I am totally immortal sooner or later I'll be the winner!" Vegeta said to Yam with enthusiasm and urgency, proposing what in principle is a very coherent and correct decision.

And obviously this alternative that could play against our protagonists, raised certain alarms among the Z Warriors "Oh shit!

Broly-san are you able to grant that?"

"Yes of course…

Not a big problem" Broly replied very relaxed, as if granting immortality to someone and specifically to a genocidal sadist like Vegeta wasn't a technical or moral problem at all

"Shit!" Piccolo yelled upon see how irresponsible Broly was being

"Come on Yam!

Our journey will not have been in vain!

Say it!" Vegeta shouted with more enthusiasm when he saw that the wish for which they had made the catastrophic journey was just a few inches from his grasp

And Gohan who was still located between them began to worry about the outcome upon hearing Vegeta's authoritative order "..."

And Yam, with great difficulty, pain and tears…. screamed and hit the ground ... and after a few seconds of silence, still crying, she said with a trembling voice "... I wish ...

Have my sister back and let her run away safe and sound


And upon hearing Yam's wish, Gohan was overjoyed.

So much so that it seemed that this was a wish that had been granted to him "AHA !!


"That's easy" Broly replied, teleporting the urn of Muten Roshi where Ginger was locked to his hand.

"HEY!!" Muten Roshi protested as he lost his prize

"Pretty unexpected" said Piccolo, who began to fear Gohan's ability even more.

"Gohan is amazing!" Said Krillin, who began to admire his best friend's son in the same way that he admired Goku

"I knew that you would reconsider and become good person...

Very well done Yam!" Gohan said with much joy as he turned, crouched down and tried to help Yam get up ... but above all to congratulate Yam for having decided to prioritize her loved ones over the slaughter and obey the strongest psychopath in her group

And Vegeta, who continued stunned by Yam's betrayal, which prioritized the life and freedom of her half useless sister over Vegeta's order ... his biggest interest… the inmortality

He began to regain consciousness and with it ... unleashed all the accumulated rage he had felt so far

"You ...

And all of you…

Fucking insects!

DIE!!" Vegeta yelled as he launched a Ki-charged fist with killing intent.

An uncontrolled and limitless rage that he directed towards the one he considered guilty of what had happened with Yam and with his ambition to be immortal


Which was still helping Yam, unaware that a deadly punch was approaching to his head