Goku vs Vegeta part 1

Goku and Vegeta were still staring at each other while maintaining their battle stance

Both trying to measure the strength and combat style of the opponent...

Both were waiting for the ideal moment to start the attack ...

The atmosphere had become so heavy that could be cut with a knife.

Hardly anyone could breathe because of that

Everyone who contemplated that scene was completely motionless, not daring to blink to avoid missing a single detail or making the slightest noise that could somehow condition the beginning of the battle ...

"Nyam, nyam"


Everyone except Broly, who continued to eat popcorn at a fast and impatient pace, as does all anxious filmmaker who has finished half a pack of popcorn and soda before the trailers

And capriciously the fate wanted that on one of the occasions when Broly put his hand in the pack to bring more popcorns to his mouth ... one of them fell from his huge hand...

Thus creating an inevitable fall to the ground, which seemed to be happening in slow motion

The popcorn turned and fell without anyone noticing or trying to prevent it until...


And that insignificant sound, created from coincidence (maybe) ...

Gave the signal to start the combat



TATATATATATATATATA!!!" Goku yelled as he advanced and attacked Vegeta with repeated punches and relentless kicks.

Punches and kicks that Vegeta managed to dodge and block, but not with the ease that he originally expected

And every second Goku increased the speed and power of his blows

"Typical of Goku, start the combat by testing your opponent and increase his power and speed a little to increase the fun ...

Although I don't understand why he screams so much, he is indicating with that to the enemy when he is going to attack… "Broly said commenting on the live combat, at the same time pointing out script errors.


I wouldn't know how to explain it to you…" Said Muten Roshi, who thought that Broly was somewhat right

And while the public spoke the combat continued.

"Tatatatatata!" Goku kept yelling while hitting Vegeta ...

A Vegeta who left his defensive position and started attacking to pick up the rhythm of the combat.


"Ah ..." Goku complained as he received a sudden blow in the face from Vegeta ...

But he didn't have any more time to complain about that since Vegeta had gone from receiving to giving and Goku quickly adopted a defensive attitude this time ...

"What's the matter, Kakarotto? Is this all you got?

Is this the most that an untalented insect like you can hope for?

Show me!" Vegeta said arrogantly (as always) as he continued to hit Goku, who struggled to dodge and block the punches.

And after that scream, Vegeta was going to give Goku a powerful hit with both hands to the head.

But at that time ...

Goku disappeared from Vegeta's sight

[Hey? Where is he?] Vegeta thought as he looked from side to side trying to find Goku, making it impossible for him since he had no means to detect Ki and Goku had successfully camouflaged his presence


And furtively Goku appeared behind Vegeta hitting him in the face with great strength, making him fly several meters ...

But fortunately for Vegeta, who thanks to his great fighting instinct understood that he very possibly wouldn't be able to avoid the next attack… gathered energy on his hand from before for the counterattack [Eat this! Kakarrot!]


In this way, while Vegeta was moving away from Goku due to the power of his impact, Vegeta threw an energy beam at him from his hand...

"Damn!" Goku shouted, which didn't expect such a powerful counterattack

"AHIA!!!" Goku shouted, concentrating much of his Ki in his hands to block the energy sphere that was a few centimeters in front of him

After a few moments of struggle ... Goku managed to catch that sphere made of energy, as if it were a soccer ball shot kicked with a bestial power and as if he were a professional goalkeeper, he masterfully deflected its trajectory to one side to avoid damaging his hands

And without Goku barely having time to catch his breath

"Ahh !!"

Vegeta, who had managed to distract Goku with this energy attack, took the opportunity to place himself in front of him to return the punch that moments before Goku gave him


"Wow !!" Goku yelled as he was propelled to the ground in the same way Vegeta did before.

However, before he crashed he managed to stabilize himself in mid-flight and stand on the head of one of the Broly statues while staring at Vegeta, who also stood on the head of one of the Broly statues, staring at Goku too.

Vegeta wiped the blood from his nose with a swipe of his finger with a bitter smile

And in the same way Goku also wiped the blood from his nose, although his smile only showed excitement and confidence.

"Nothing bad.

I guess I have to congratulate you.

You were able to hurt me.

This ability all you have to detect the battle power of others without using trackers and masking your energy is very useful.

Especially to ambush and create distractions on people who don't know them this skills" Vegeta said in his arrogant and supremacist speech in which he insinuated that Goku had only been able to rival only thanks by means other than true combat ability ...

Means that if he knew he would have even used better than Goku to kick his ass (at least from Vegeta's point of view it is like that).

"Oh ...

You make it sound like we haven't fought on a level playing field and all my success is due to cheating tricks

Is that your excuse?" Goku said in a mocking way, hinting at Vegeta that he wasn't buying his speech.

[Actually Goku's raw power right now is slightly weaker than Vegeta's…



Well I know why ... I know everything ... it's only a way of thinking

Logic says that he should have had hundreds of Zenkais that would elevate him to the limit of his body ...

But these fucking Zenkais don't have logic ...

Goku went from having a combat power of 9000 in the saiyan saga to 90,000 in the Frieza saga ... and after being injured by Ginyu and recovering magically and conveniently he had 3,000,000 ...

Zenkai in the protagonists are due to the power of the script and not to scientific logic ...

Anyway ... better not force everything… in this way it will be entertaining ...] Broly thought angrily as he remembered the multiple attempts in which he tried to increase Goku's raw power through beatings ... but he couldn't achieve it by normal means ... as if fate itself prevented Goku's power from multiplying in millions ...

"Is it not so?

All your advantage is summed up in the first blow you gave me after making your presence disappear… to nothing else.

But don't expect me to fall for the same trick twice, what's more… I may learn how to use it before I kill you.

Without a doubt this is the greatest honor that an insect like you can achieve

You should be grateful for it." Vegeta said pointing to Goku showing an arrogance never seen before in this chapter

And there were opinions from the public about Vegeta's statements, of course, this is a fucking anime, there are always opinions and observations of secondary characters…

"Does that sadistic egomaniac never stop bragging?

How can he say that after all that has happened to him until now?" Krillin said disgusted as well as impressed by Vegeta's ability to self-idolize in the most adverse and ambiguous situations

"That is precisely why he does that Krilin...

He has suffered so much humiliation so far that his only way to gain some self-esteem is to brag when he thinks he can" Said Yamcha, who spoke from personal experience.

"Well… he has his point in saying that Goku's advantage has been due to that sneak attack…

But that means nothing.

Goku was just testing him...

Now the real fight begins" Broly said as he tried to prevent Gohan and Muten Roshi from picking up some of his popcorn, until he materialized some for them due to the political pressure.

And unexpectedly Yam, who had shown no signs of movement or reaction until now, squeezed the bottle containing her sister to her chest… and said while she was in a great dilemma because of what she thought before, she thinks now and believed that she should think and say "…

He ... He is not like the others ...

Only birth monsters like Broly and Frieza have the ability to beat him ...

But if he is given more time ...

Vegeta could… "

But quickly Broly made a certain correction while continuing to eat from his infinite pot of popcorn "... Nah ... no matter how much time and help is given, it is impossible for him to surpass me

I'm the fucking master!

And please don't put me on the level of Frieza ... or that of anyone else...

It's insulting… "

[Yes, I forgot that the most self-centered and arrogant being of all is on our side ...] 90% of the Z Warriors team thought at the same time while they stared at Broly

And then Piccolo, who had chosen himself as the watchmen of Yam said surprised, offended ... and bragging "Are you still defending this guy?

I'm sorry but I have to give you bad news

I am also on that list ... and Goku will not lose ...

If he has to die will be in my hands ... one more time ..."

Words that annoyed some of the Z Warriors by verifying that Piccolo could still be the great villain they remembered and not the responsible and trustworthy babysitter he had become.

But Gohan, the person who should have been most offended by those words simply ignored them, as if it were a bad joke of which he was already immunized with "Of course!

My dad is the strongest!

He can't lose!"


Who did you say is the strongest? " Broly protested once again when he heard that they spread fake news that affected him

"... Broly-sensei ...

You don't count in this consideration" Gohan said sharply, as if he was explaining something of common sense that everyone should know

"Hey?! Why?" Asked Broly, who for the first time a few minutes ago had stopped eating popcorn due to the emotional shock

"Let's say that your whole existence is a real cheat ...

It is as if you were on a different plane than the rest ...

So you don't directly count

You are something with which we cannot compare empathize with…

And it's really frustrating " Piccolo clarified, that by the way he expressed himself and looked at Gohan in an accomplice way, Broly understood that this had been a topic that had been debated among them when he wasn't looking.

"And some less than others" Yamcha said sarcastically to show the great discontent and adversity he felt from the guy who left him bald and netoreaded

"HAHAHAHAHAHA!!" Everyone laughed despite the cruelty of the context

"That offends and flatters me equally

But I'll take that as a compliment" Broly said after considering that assessment as a valid argument

And while the public spoke… the fighters also did it

Goku returned to his usual combat position, while looking at Vegeta with a hostile smile… and said with moderate arrogance and humility in equal parts "Well ...

I have to admit that you are very strong, the strongest I have fought with so far"

"AHEM!!!" Broly protested once more

"And yes ... maybe you are stronger than me in that terms ...

However, that small handicap is nothing compared to my greatest strength" Goku said enigmatically once again after ignoring like everyone else Broly's protest

"Hmf ...

And which one is it?" Vegeta asked looking at Goku as if he were a boastful jester bluffing

And Goku, regardless of the mocking attitude in which Vegeta answered his question, answered with pride and confidence "I have had better teachers than you"

And with that statement he filled his teachers with pride, who could see the combat and reacted to that statement

Whether in the other world...

"Goku ... cheer up, trust my teachings ... and only my teachings ... and you will win" Kaiou-sama said with great joy from his new car free of bombs and with guarantee

Whether it's near the end stratosphere…

"Goku-san" Mr Popo said with tears falling like waterfalls from his eyes upon see this emotional moment while remembering how he trained him when he was still a child

"Goku ... you are without a doubt the best student that I could have wished to have" Kami said while trying to forget that Broly, who despite being infinitely stronger and of the same race as Goku, was a bastard unworthy to succeed him… was also trained by him

"AHEM!!!" Broly protested once more in the far, far distance

A little further down

"Kick his ass Goku!

MEOW!!" Korin said as if he was an adorable feline hooligan who had been kindled by the great epicism and sentimentality of that moment

Even on that same battlefield

"Goku ... I know that your grandfather Gohan would also be proud and happy to hear that" said the young Muten Roshi full of pride and melancholy due to the by his student's speech as he remembered his other student Gohan, the first person who could be considered the teacher of Goku…

"Of course, dammit!

You have had the best teacher in history "said Broly, who considered himself a teacher of Goku after having been beating him for almost a year, and that for some reason he believed himself to be the best of all he had ever had or would have...

Without giving Vegeta time to scoff about his supposed useless confidence, Goku began to gather Ki throughout his body..

An a few moments his entire body was covered by a threatening red aura

Kaiou-ken X2



And the next instant, after Goku released that red aura, the next thing Vegeta felt was a huge impact on his chest.

An impact so powerful and forceful that his hard and flexible combat armour fractured, letting all the impact pass through his body, causing him to pump blood uncontrollably


Vegeta was unable to react or think about what had happened, but instinctively he understood that Goku had come towards him with amazing speed and had hit him with overwhelming power

Power far superior to his own

And Goku taking advantage of that successful initial blow continued punishing Vegeta, who hadn't been able to adopt a defensive posture… with a series of consecutive blows "TATATATATATATATATATATAT !!!"

"AHÍA!!!" And ended the sequence with a pound from top to bottom, sending Vegeta to fly against one of the surrounding rocks, burying him in a large pile of rubble ...


And among the pile of rubble Vegeta writhed in pain

[Wh-What was that just now?

Both his speed and power rapidly grew in an instant!] Vegeta thought, who was greatly puzzled and hurt

Physically and proudly wounded

Goku wasn't weaker than him

Not at all!

He had proved to be far above him

[A lower class insect like him is superior to me ?!

UNACCEPTABLE !!] Vegeta thought with great hatred, resentment and frustration as he tried to recover and thinking of a strategy to defeat his new nemesis

And obviously that incredible blast of power and speed made the audience overreact

And obviously they had to ask questions and comment, this is a fucking anime

"How did Goku do that?" Ten and Yamcha asked when they saw such an increase in power, something they both longed to obtain

"Was it a technique that Kaiou-sama person taught to him?" Muten Roshi asked, who became quite interested in what seemed to be a very useful technique that another senei had taught his favourite student.

And obviously someone had to clarify their doubts… this is a fucking anime

"Yeh, it's Kaiou-ken

It controls all ki in your body and momentarily amplifies it

If you do it right, your power, speed, offense, defence, all of it will be multiplied

A technique that was very useful to me in childhood" Broly said explaining the incredible technique that would cease to be relevant from this saga onwards

"WOW! That technique is amazing!" Chaoz said describing what was evident

"It's more than incredible, until a few moments ago they were both tied, but with that Kaiou-ken Goku he is twice as strong!

He just destroyed him" Krilin said very excited by the incredible advantage that his best friend had obtained and the beating that despicable being had received

"This battle is won" Gohan said very enthusiastically seconding Krillin

However, unlike most Piccolo kept his mind cool, analyzed the situation and asked Broly a little more about this magnificent technique. "No… no, not entirely.

Broly, he's still able to increase his strength several times past that?"

And Yamcha without giving Broly time to respond said to Piccolo exposing his logical approach with many fissures "Piccolo, don't talk nonsense

If Goku could do that he would have done it from the beginning"

And after that comment with hardly any value Broly replied to Piccolo

"Yeah, he can exceed that limit ...

But, such a powerful technique doesn't come without cost

If he don't surpress and control his ki right, then he'll screw himself over

His body can be destroyed

He can only increase his power X3 in a safe way, X4 in a normal way, X5 in a dangerous way, X6 in a Kamikaze way or X7 in a suicide way… "

And while the Z warriors tried to digest that information ...

The least expected one expressed the final conclusion of this chapter.

"I see, so the fight is not over yet" Said Yam, who was looking in the direction of where Vegeta had landed forcibly.

"Shit ..." Piccolo said, while like Yam looked in Vegeta's direction


What do you mean" Asked the least intelligent viewers as the rubble in which Vegeta was buried slowly crumbled