Goku vs Vegeta part 2

After the many confrontations of this improvised tournament with many absurd non-canonical combats

Finally, the most awaited official combat of this saga arrived.

The combat between Goku and Vegeta

And unlike in the original universe where Goky was up to 3 times weaker than Vegeta in his normal state ... In this version, thanks to the intervention of our MC Broly-sama, Goku was able to increase his base power to almost tie with Vegeta.

For that reason now when Goku used his Kaiouken he could easily send Vegeta flying against the rocky mountains with great ease

Using the Kaioken X2 he had become twice as strong as him

And Vegeta didn't expect this impressive increase in power at all

Crack! Crack!



Several seconds after Vegeta was buried under the rubble of the mountain that he destroyed with his fall ...

The debris was beginning to move

And under the watchful eye of everyone (literally) they were waiting for Vegeta's imminent exit from those rocks

Which seemed to never come

"What happens Super-elite? Can't you continue anymore ?!" Goku asked from the skies, speaking to Vegeta arrogantly through the rubble to provoke him and make him go out

Crack… CRACK!!



And with those provocative words Vegeta emerged from the rubble in the most violent way he could

"B-Bastard !!!" He screamed at the same time that he accelerated towards Goku taking advantage of the explosion, which distracted everyone


Vegeta managed to get in front of Goky and without wasting a second he threw a right punch straight to his face



Right punch that was caught by Goku's right hand, the same hand that now held Vegeta's fist

Holding it so tightly that he was unable to move it

And seeing his right fist caught and unable to back off, Vegeta quickly tried to hit him this time with his left fist.

Palm !!

Palash !!

But it was useless

That other fist was also caught in the same way by Goku's left hand.

And with both hands caught ... a struggle began...



A struggle in which Goku was squeezing Vegeta's fists tightly, as he struggled to get away from him and contain the pain.

"He is strong ... more than I imagined..." Yam said upon see Vegeta in such a disadvantageous position

She couldn't believe that in such an unexpected way Goku became so strong

"I told you, my father isn't going to lose" Gohan said as he looked at Goku as if he were the greatest hero of all...

But at the same time he also observed the expression of Piccolo, who didn't seem so excited about the advantage he currently had

And that made him doubt his father's victory for a second.

And Vegeta who was doing everything he could to bear all the pain he felt in his immobile hands, tried to come up with something to stop Goku [Shit, I can't continue like this]


And while he had that thought in mind, Vegeta from his mouth released a ki beam


Ki beam which Goku could barely dodge due to the surprise factor and the short distance they were from each other


But that moment was the only thing Vegeta needed to get out of Goku's iron grip, exerting more strenght on the arm where Goku loosened his grip.

And when he managed to free his left hand, Vegeta used it to free his right hand and then prepared to give Goku a blow to his head



Goku activated the Kaioken X2 again

And with great speed and from a disadvantageous position ... without Vegeta being able to react.



Vegeta was hit in the belly by someone with twice his power at the exact moment when he focused most of his energy on the attack.

A critical hit that made Vegeta spit blood and be stunned for a moment







Moment in which Goku without dispelling his Kaioken began to beat Vegeta relentlessly, giving him a brutal beating.

A beating in which Vegeta didn't even have time to scream in pain when he was hit, kicked, crushed, thrown, strangled, and even bitten.

It was as if he had become a baby trapped inside a 30-meter wave in which he didn't even have control of his body while drowning...

A dying baby who wished with hardly any oxygen in his brain… that this situation would end as soon as possible.




Until Goku felt the first side effects of Kaioken X2 on his mortal body ... a different body than the one he had when he trained this ability.

And impulsively he sent Vegeta to fly towards the horizon once again, creating a path of destruction with his own body




And once again .... Vegeta on the ground tried to get up

AHHH!!!! Ouhhh!


Agh… ahh!!

But this time he suddenly fell back to the ground, since the wounds that Goku caused him, made him unable to control his body correctly and writhed in pain

[¡He… Kakarotto excedes by far my battle power!

This is absurd! How can the difference be so huge?!] Vegeta thought as he tried to get up again, this time more successfully than before

And Goku who rested without pressure after the first slight discomfort of the Kaioken to try to stay in his best physical condition all the time said upon see Vegeta get up "You are pretty tought.

Can you continue?

It would be a shame to be resurrected for this day just to warm up a bit"

Very hurtful words considering who they were addressed in those circumstances

"Mmmm ... this time Goku isn't only attacking his body, also the spirit of that arrogant idiot with more arrogance

I taught him very well" Said Broly, who decided to comment on the fight, as if he were an annoying and talkative spectator in a movie theatre ... while he was excited to see that he had managed to influence one of the characters that had most influenced his life

[Let's all hope that he hasn't taught him many other things] Most of those who heard that comment thought

Words that hurt Vegeta as much or more than the beating he previously received

"I - I will not stand for this

I am a super elite!

There's no way such a low-class warrior can beat me!

I'AM THE GREATES IN THE UNIVERSE!" Vegeta yelled with an inhuman anger

So angry, resentful and outraged that he practically forgot about the humiliation and torture that Broly inflicted on him from his childhood until today ...

He felt so humiliated that he came to regard Goku as the number one public enemy of his life.


You're a funking clown!

You're not even in the Ginyu force!

Stop pretending you don't know!

Face reality!

You're not even the top five in the organization where you act like some kind of slave!

BRAGGART!" Shouted Broly once again as if he were an enthusiastic child in an interactive show of heroes vs villains… and that like all children he yelled even insulted the villain

"For real? Is he not that strong?

I don't know whether to rejoice or worry" Krillin said upon hearing Broly's hooliganism... and because of this he couldn't help but fearfully think that they might have to face more terrible people in the future

And Yam upon hearing Broly insulting analysis shuddered a little

Everyone on the team knew that they were just pawns within Frieza's army ...

Pawns who were in the middle category of their army and who only stood out for their ability to survive and transform into Oozaru ...

They knew it, even though they didn't want to admit it…

So they buried that humiliating reality deep in their minds, disguising that inferiority complex with a superiority complex.

But the fact that someone will remind them of that truth ...


And Vegeta, regardless of the criticism directed at him, kept licking his wounds and looking at Goku with hatred until he realized that his sight had reddened.

And at the moment of rubbing his eyes and realizing the origin of his tinted vision, his anger reached critical mass and abandoned all kinds of rationality.


This trash made me shed my blue blood!

H-He'll pay. Definitely]


I'll wipe the likes of this planet of of existence!

I'll take pleasure in blowing your Earth into bits and pieces" The insane Vegeta screamed as he released a large amount of energy throughout his body and ascended vertically into the sky

"What?!" Everyone screamed upon hearing Vegeta's wild statement that literally put everyone in danger

"This guy is an idiot

If he destroys the world he will also die.

Normal Saiyans cannot survive in space

By the way, I'm not a normal Saiyan, you will all die except me" Broly said, who continued to criticize the fight with complete calm while the rest of the world panicked

"Dodge this if you think you can

Even if you manage to save yourself, Earth will still be in shambles!" Vegeta yelled as he charged his Garlick Cannon to full power

"Damn this guy is terrible! We have to do something!" Everyone shouted once more for obvious reasons

"Come down ... don't worry ...

Goku can deal with this easily ...

Furthermore, you all have forgotten, but especially that suicidal idiot that I'm still here!

I am not going to allow someone to destroy my residential planet, where my girlfriend, my friends, one of my houses… and where I have bought land to build housing, speculate and make myself richer are" Broly said showing that he cared about his loved ones and that he had plans for the future

And just like Broly said, Goku despite being disgusted by Vegeta's intentions, didn't shrink in the least in the face of his threat.

Therefore, like his enemy he also began to gather energy throughout his body to counter his attack

Kaioken X3




The two energy techniques collided and with it began the classic clash between attacks ...

Clash between attacks that had a clear winner from the beginning this time


How can this be possible?

It is much stronger than before!

It's forcing me back!!" Vegeta yelled before being hit by the Kamehameha who had lost some power due to the energetic confrontation

Being dragged into the sky by the same energy attack that had hit and trapped him

And after a few seconds after everyone lost Vegeta from sight ...

The public erupted in praise and joy

"He did it!!" Krillin screamed with great joy as he saw his best friend beat the biggest psycho of the moment.

"I knew he could beat him ...

But I didn't expect it to be so easy" Muten said as if he was an old man ... he was ... but he didn't look it

"I couldn't expect less of him" Ten Shinhan said, seeing how his former rival, who he defeated in a tournament year ago, once again defeated the powerful villain of the moment that he couldn't currently defeat.

"I couldn't have done better" Yamcha said as everyone glared at him upon hearing that stupidity

"Father!" Gohan shouted, who took the initiative to fly to where his victorious father was to hug him and go home

However, something stopped him, it was as if an invisible hand prevented him from moving forward

And he quickly knew who that invisible hand belonged to

"Broly-sensei, why did you stop me?" Gohan asked, who turned to his sensei as he was being forced to his side.

"Gohan, I think you will need extra classes

You and all of you

Are you not able to see around you or is it that the euphoria has blinded you?" Broly said as he looked up at the sky and pointed to Goku and Piccolo

All of them looking up at the sky, waiting for something to happen ...

As if the fight isn't over yet


Several meters above that place

Vegeta was still being dragged by Goku's Kamehameha, which disintegrates or drags you depending on the situation (seriously, no fucking logic… it's like the explosions or electric shocks of 100,000 volts in the anime ... they kill you or not depending on the context)

Until at a certain point he managed to regain control of his body and move laterally and thereby completely move away from the attack of his new rival (I repeat myself once again ... this doesn't have a logical bitch if we compare with other previous and future Kamekahames)

And after having freed himself from the attack that would send him into space or directly kill him (that's what should have happened)

Vegeta expressed his joy (obviously it's irony)


WHY?! Why the hell is Kakarotto's battle power greater than mine?!

One thing that abomination called Broly and another that garbage that was discarded shortly after birth !!

That Little dipshit !!!" Vegeta yelled his frustration at the heavens in an insane way.

And after completely unburdening himself Vegeta thought constructively again, trying to find a way to defeat his hated new greatest enemy, get the wish that Broly had promised him, escape from that planet, get stronger, and kill Frieza and then kill Goku his friends and finally Broly

In that order

"I didn't want to use this trump card ...

Especially to fight against Kakarrot ... but it seems that I have no other alternative...

I'll transform into a Great Ape and crush him!

I would rather transform by natural means, but I don't think those two bastards would let me wait until nightfall or go around the world to see the moon...

It'll reduce my battle power somewhat but it seems I have no other choice" Vegeta said while speaking alone and descended once more to the battlefield


On the battlefield (standard height)

Goku kept looking up at the sky, waiting for Vegeta to come down ...

He knew that his enemy had no escape because he was forcibly involved in a game created by Broly….

And for some reason he believed that Vegeta wouldn't try to destroy the planet with the inside, as he tried before ... since it made no sense ...

(And for some reason also difficult to understand Goku didn't take advantage of this waiting time to gather energy with the Genki Damma and use it later when Vegeta arrived)

So after a few seconds, just as he expected ...

Vegeta landed...

"You finally came down here ...

Does that mean you have a way to increase your power?

The same skill that your partner used before to fight my son?" Goku said when he saw his enemy appear, from which he expected more than he had shown so far.

Goku before reaching this battlefield was able to feel the battle that Gohan had against Yam and how the Ki of both Gohan and Yam increased dramatically in the same way that he can increase his Ki with the Kaioken

So Goku was waiting for Vegeta to use that same ability to fight him.

He wanted to have the great combat he had been training for!

A match where he could fight someone incredibly powerful without holding back or worrying about anything (someone he could beat ... Broly doesn't count)

This time ... unlike in the original manga ... he wasn't exhausted and injured after using the Kaioken repeatedly, so he could attack him without problems and end the fight as soon as possible in the event that any unforeseen event happened that could endangered someone

However, this time ... unlike in the original manga ... he didn't have the great responsibility of ensuring the survival of Earth in this combat since Gohan and Piccolo power up were there, who could fight against Vegeta and defeat him in the event that he could lose…

Not to mention Broly, whose power seemed immeasurable and was obviously on his side ...

With all this Goku only had something in mind

Have fun fighting!

"Of course, unlike a disgrace like you who decided to rip off his tail, surely because of your lack of control of your transformation

I can transform myself in perfect condition" Said Vegeta, who tried to find a way to feel superior to Goku again.

"Transformation? What are you talking about?" Goku replied, who didn't understand all that verbiage


GOKU! Don't let him do anything he wants!

Finish him already" Krillin and company shouted when they heard the word transformation and Goku was in front to witness it

And Piccolo upon hearing the annoying cries of the crowd "SHUT UP!

What happen?

Now is when you realize that he also has a tail and can transform like the girl over there and tremendously increase his power?

Although I don't think that is… "

But before he could finish his sentence Muten Roshi interrupted him "... Piccolo, I understand what you mean, but the main problem with that isn't his increase in power ...


And while Muten Roshi left his sentence half-finished, Vegeta had already explained to Goku the astronomical technical procedures behind the transformation in Ozaru and the Power Ball... of which Goku understood absolutely nothing ...

Vegeta condensed the Power ball into his hand and started again to show his excess pride to everyone for the umpteenth time "The hour of your demis is finally here!

The low-class warrior shouldn't have challenged the super-elite to a fight, after all!"

[What are you planning?] Asked Goku, who seemed not understand that Vegeta was about to transform despite what Vegeta said in the previous speech

And while Goku was trying to analyze the situation Vegeta threw the Power ball to the sky and shouted "Burst and max" at the same time that his expensive non-lethal energy sphere exploded

Thus creating a large light explosion that momentarily blinded Goku and the others momentarily.

"What the hell is this!" Goku screamed upon seeing the artificial moon that had suddenly appeared in the sky

"Shit!" Shouted the coalition that for years they managed to keep a very important secret of Goku (Seriously ... Gohan never saw the full moon? How absurd?)… and that now that secret would be revealed in the worst possible way

"You should regret losing your tail, Kakarotto!!" Vegeta yelled, as he looked at the moon and began to notice how it began to grow, his teeth lengthened, his voice became more deep and hair began to grow all over his body.


It wasn't due to puberty!