Goku vs Vegeta part 3 (End)

"You should regret losing your tail, Kakarotto!!" Vegeta yelled, as he looked at the moon and began to notice how it began to grow, his teeth lengthened, his voice became more deep and hair began to grow all over his body.


It wasn't due to puberty!

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHH !!!" Vegeta yelled as he transformed in a sinister, violent, unpleasant way ... and that took a long time to complete...

Time when all Saiyan seemed quite vulnerable due to his exaggerated mutation in both bones and muscles ...

So Goku without moving a muscle partly because of the confusion and amazement of seeing that bizarre show ... and partly because in this manga no one stops the transformations except for Android 17 ...

So Vegeta continued to transform into King-kong's badass brother "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!"

"This can't be..." said Goku, who still did nothing despite seeing how his enemy for the first time exceeded him in both size and power

More than enough time for the public to comment on Vegeta's move from the stands

"This is what I feared would happen," Piccolo said, sensing Vegeta's remarkable increase in power

"Yes ... we more than you ..." The secret hiders answered


What do you mean?" Asked Gohan, who didn't quite understand what his father's friends were trying to express

"Basically that they have been hiding from their friend for years that he can transform into a giant monkey and that right now that secret has been revealed ...

In the same way that your parents have hidden you for years that Santa Claus doesn't exist and that unlike them, I just told you" Broly said to his favorite student, who didn't expect that revelation ... neither one nor the other

"What?! Santa Claus is not real?!" Gohan shouted upon discovering the fucking reality ... his parents lied to him absurdly and unnecessarily... as it has happened to all of us


Can we take this seriously Broly-san !?" Yamcha said, who was too worried about his friend to joke ... especially about the jokes of the guy who stole his girlfriend

"Yes Yes…

Damn, it seems that he forgets that I can resurrect you as many times as I want ...

Stay calm, I am in charge" Broly said, remembering once again that with him there was no need to fear giant monkeys with super powers

And after remembering that little detail that had made it so much easier and convenient for all of them… except for Yamcha ... everyone calmed down a bit

"Goku can win?

The power of that beast is amazing" Asked Muten Roshi, who despite not believing in numbers as a determining factor in a fight he couldn't help but think of the huge difference in raw power between them

And Yam who seemed to have been waiting for this moment for two chapters ago replied… obviously favouring Vegeta "When a Saiyajin transforms into Ozaru his strength increases X10 and although when using the POWER BALL our Ki decreases a lot due to the energy expenditure the multiplier doesn't vary too much ...

If we add the fatigue that Vegeta has suffered, we could say that currently his effective multiplier is around X9 ...

And if what your babysitter says is true, your father can only multiply his power as maximum to X7 but at the risk of losing his life and for a short time

Do you know how to multiply child?"

"Babysitter?" Said Broly, who was partly surprised by the fact that they called him that way ... although seeing how he had protected, instructed, directed the entire team, some of whom seemed or were children... he found it quite adequate

"I know how to design and build a spaceship; of course I know how to multiply ...

And my father willn't lose" Gohan replied, offended by how they had underestimated his academic abilities and his father

"Battles aren't won by having a higher level of power.

I guess you should know by now" Said Krillin, bragging as usual when he believed that the situation was under control.

"Possibly, but not when the difference is so great" Yam replied with a mocking tone, since he had very deeply installed in his mind the idea that it was impossible for Vegeta to lose in this way against a low-class Saiyan warrior who couldn't even transform

And this nonsensical gathering would continue if the moderator didn't put order…

"Mmm you two are right and at the same time neither is.

Everything is circumstantial...

But don't forget that Goku always grows when he fights...

Therefore, my estimation of his Kaioken could quickly change

Also, this is a transformation with quite a few disadvantages" Broly said as he materialized sacks of popcorn and a soft drink dispenser for everyone including Yam and the broadcast team as he indicated that they should watch the match and stop talking


And once again we refocused on the final match

Final combat in which Vegeta like most giant monkeys in fiction ...

Try to crush his enemy like a cockroach

And Goku obviously didn't want to be crushed, so he successfully avoided the various stomps and slaps that King Kong Vegeta threw at him ...





And obviously due to Vegeta's colossal size, the fight shifted out of Broly's ring

So many rocks began to be destroyed in his path

"How's this, Kakarotto?

It's over for you!" King Kong Vegeta yelled as he continued his cat-and-mouse game, chasing Goku across those dunes.

"A… A Great Ape? A great ape monster?!" Goku said as he tried to remember something that he knew that should remember for having seen Vegeta transform into a giant monkey ...

And because this is an anime / manga world, obviously that memory was portrayed as a flashback

{Goku, during nights of ull moon, great ape monsters come out

Therefore, you must not go out outside

You'll be safe if you sleep} Grandpa Gohan said warning little Goku not to go outside the house ..

Advice that would be taken very seriously even after becoming the strongest man in the world

So he never tried to get revenge on those giant monkeys that he never saw and that supposedly caused the death of his grandfather Gohan (Yes, it doesn't make much sense)

{How about I get rid of that tail forever

I think it will somehow only be in your way

... And it also brings to mind not very pleasant memories ...} Kami said, while looking at little Goku and his tail and superimposed that image with the one of little Broly.

"I see…

I finallly get it now.

Thi is..

The one who stepped on Granpa and killed him and the monster that appeared at the martial asrt tournament and destroyed the buildings…

T-that was all me?" Goku said, which thanks to those flashbacks and many other clues in his life he discovered for himself (although Raditz also told him), but late, the secret of the tail of the Saiyans

And at the same time he internally apologized to his grandfather

"GUAJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ !!!!!" Vegeta yelled once more as he prepared to hit Goku one more time… but now doing it efficiently

Kaio-ken X5!

Goku understood that he couldn't be reserved in those moments, so he used the Kaioken in a more or less dangerous multiplier to dodge the fast and powerful punch of King-kong Vegeta.

"AHIIAAA!!!!" Goku yelled as he avoided Vegeta's punch and kicked him in his gigantic face


However, even though that blow caused him pain, redness and even some blood ...

It didn't have much effect on Vegeta, who felt as if he had been stung by a wasp ...

Painful but bearable ...

"DIE DIGUSTING BUG!" Vegeta yelled as he slaped Goku with his open hand, as if Goku was an annoying mosquito that was flying around him and trying to suck his blood


"Agghhhggg !!" Goku yelled, who was injured for the first time since the fight started, since he was distracted for a moment when he saw that Vegeta hadn't been stunned by that blow when he believed that he had been badly hurt

Being embedded in the ground due to that slap


What happen?!

Where's the arrogance you had a few seconds ago?" King Kong Vegeta said, who was almost horny to see how Goku had been injured and was embedded in the ground in the same way he had been before (twice)

[Damn, it has become very strong and hard ...

The Kaioken X5 may not be enough to defeat him ... I must increase my power to the maximum, although I don't know how long my body can hold ...] Goku thought as he tried to get up from the hole with the shape of his own body


This is finally fun ...

I will show you the great difference between us crushing you like a bug!" Vegeta yelled as he lifts his paw to make it fall later and crush the already crushed Goku

But at that moment ...

Kaiou-ken X7


Goku increased his power at the right time to receive that stomp.

And using the ground on his back as a fulcrum, with his legs he hit Vegeta's huge paw, destabilizing him with a single blow and with that he made him fall to the ground to his amazement.

"Nani ?!" Vegeta yelled when he saw that he was inevitably falling to the ground

And then Goku took advantage of the Power Ball that Vegeta had put in the sky to use it against him

"Solar flare!" Goku used the Ten Shinha technique to blind Vegeta momentarily before he fell to the ground




Kakarotto, you bastard!

How you dare!

Eh?!" Vegeta thought and screamed from the ground as he tried to regain his vision and lift himself, until he realized something disturbing when he regained his vision some seconds later.

KA – ME…

Goku, was in front of him and was illuminating his entire range of vision with blue colour


And the origin of that blue light was precisely a Kamehame that Goku started preparing in the few seconds that Vegeta was blinded


A Kamehameha Kaioken X 6 that was about to hit him a few meters away

"Shit!" Vegeta yelled when he saw that he had no chance of avoiding that attack

He barely had time to protect himself with his arms and his Ki



The Kamehame hit Vegeta easily thanks to his colossal size (difficult to move) and the proximity to Goku.

But thanks also to that large size, he managed not to fly away ...



"KAKAROTTO!!! BASTARD!!!" King-Kong Vegeta was stopping that powerful attack with his body, while being dragged and hurt at the same time (again)

"AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!" Goku shouted as he continued to channel his Ki in his most iconic attack in which he was using his actual power to the limit

Boundary at which the earth around him began to fracture and cause a mini-earthquake (The environmental damage in Dragon Ball is strange… some attacks of 50,000 units can destroy worlds and others of 1,000,000 simply open small craters)


And Goku continued to further increase his power, reaching the maximum limit that Broly announced at the beginning

Measure he took upon see that Vegeta was being able to counter what he aimed to be his final attack




King-Kong Vegeta yelled, which was being dragged, injured and burned by that energy attack that for the second time hit his body that day

But unlike the first time, this time the torrent of energy hit his body now devoid of armour, but nevertheless his head and specifically his mouth was free of all obstacles ...

And pointed at Goku !!!

"Oh shit!!" Goku said when he saw that a strange purple light began to appear in King-Kong Vegeta's mouth...

And that could only mean one thing ...

He was trying to fight back with an energy attack!

That was very bad news!

An attack that possibly wouldn't kill him, but that would prevent him from continuing to use that Kamehame

A Kamehame in which he was putting almost all his energy

Energy that will have wasted in the event that he could no finish him

[There is no other way!] Goku thought as he analyzed the situation while preparing to do something dangerous


And with this increase in power the Kamehame grew stronger

[AHHHH !!!

NANI !?] "Monkey Vegeta thought (he didn't speak because his mouth was busy) noticing that the pain in his stomach was increasing and that his body was moving away from Goku faster [IMPOSSIBLE!

Can he still increase his power further ?!]


Goku screamed once more as his red aura covered his body more furiously ... body that was swelling due to the pressure that he couldn't bear, showing an abnormally bulky musculature

"AHHHHH !!!!" King-kong Vegeta shouted, which had to unintentionally cancel his mouth attack due to the unexpected increase in the power of the attack that was trying to destroy him

Therefore, he went on to use all his energy to defend himself against the Kamehame [Cannot be!

I can't lose to him!

I can't lose to this slag!

I am Vegeta! The Greatest!]

"SHIT !! He is too tough!" Goku shouted when he saw that although his muscles were about to explode after exceeding his limit several times in this fight (as always happens in all manga / anime) he hadn't yet defeated his enemy

So ...

"KAIOKEN X10 !!!!" Goku screamed as he exceeded his limits once more with the intention of sentencing that combat once again.


This cannot be happening !!!" Vegeta yelled again, who noticed once again that the power of Goku's Kamehame had increased ...

Goku's attack had grown to the point of completely surpassing Vegeta's power ...

And this put him in a critical situation ...

Which couldn't counter



Both Goku and Vegeta screamed due to the great pain their bodies experienced when performing and receiving the Kamehame.

But especially Vegeta, who had gone flying once more, until in a few seconds he was completely out of sight ... again ...

And as on the previous occasion, the public discussed Goku's move ...

However, this time the move was discussed in streaming ...

From the other world ...


Other world

North-kai planet

"Tatatata this car is the best

And this magic road that Broly has created for me to compensate for the loss of my other car is also the best" North Kai said, who was enjoying his new custom-made car while driving it on a magical road Broly had created for him (Magic road inspired in Mario Car's Rainbow Road)

When suddenly…

Their antennas detected something ...


This Ki ?!

Oh no, the combat! I had forgotten about him!


Is that Goku's Ki?

It cannot be possible!

It's too high to be his Ki!

Oh no!

He has used Kaiou-ken to that level!

He's crazy!

His body cannot bear that multiplier!

And he's barely without energy


Oh no!!!

That Saiyan has become a Great Ape ...

And he's still alive!

Oh no ... Goku ...

You only have one alternative ...

You should use that ...

But you will only have one chance…" North Kai shouted, who stopped the car and began to watch the fight with great concern


Back to Earth

On the battlefield

Goku with his gaze towards the horizon was looking for Vegeta at the same time that he tried to rest and recover from his injuries ...

Wounds that were caused by himself for using the Kaoiken beyond his limits ...

"That kind…

He is still alive ...

He is very very strong" Goku said as he waited for his enemy, who surpassed him in power and energy reserves

However contrary to what he did in the official Dragon Ball, this time Goku was in a similar situation to what he was in the previous chapter

However, now he didn't just look up at the sky like an idiot and talk to Yajirobe, who wasn't even present this time..



This time he did something very rational

Get ready for Vegeta's arrival!

And precisely he did it with an extremely powerful technique, one that required a lot of preparation time

"The ground, the oceans, and… every living being!

Please share a little of your energy with me!

I'm begging you!" And with this plea Goku began to perform his Genki-dama, gathering the energy he could from the entire planet without human collaboration through the process of raising his hands to the sky

And while everyone but Broly watched fascinated as the energy of an entire planet began to gather in a single individual ...

Vegeta was starting to get up and recover from the second Kamehame (In this saga Vegeta had an inhuman resistance, resistance that he will never have later, be it Draon Ball Z, Dragon Ball Gt or Dragon Ball Supr)...

And this time, just like the last time, he took his time to recover energy, since he understood that Goku had spent almost all his energy in his last attack.

And he wasn't wrong

So after three minutes, he reappeared in front of everyone one more time this day



No one had ever hurt me to such an extent!

I'll kill you! I will destroy you and this entire solar system! I don't plan to leave even dust!" Vegeta yelled as he flew at full speed with more hatred than ever

And this time Goku was able to gather all the energy he needed for this final phase

"Goku don't fail! You only have one chance!" North Kai shouted from the other world even knowing that Goku wouldn't hear him

However, Goku did something that North Kai didn't expect "Eh !?"

He didn't gather the Genki-dama in his hand to create a compact but very powerful energy sphere or gather it in the sky to create a giant sphere

Goku was ...

Assimilating this energy for himself !?

"EHHHHH !!! ???

I haven't taught you to do that!

When did you learn it ?!


Is that even possible !?" North Kai shouted when he saw the great feat that Goku was performing

Goku was using the energy of a planet to regain his energies and increase his power for a short duration.

He wasn't using that great power in a single attack with a high probability of failing, but consistently administering it in his own body


Broly Version" Goku screamed while he was being illuminated by a crisp bluish white aura all over his body.

"EHHHH !!!! ????

Broly Version? !!!

Damn you Broly !!!

We agreed that I would teach him and you would only be his sparring partner !!!

You have taught him a version of my own technique, one that not even I know!

This is cheat!!!

You stole my best student !!!" North Kai yelled very furiously at Broly, as he felt as if he had been cheated on by a relative.


I just shared a little bit of Moro's inspiration with Goku

Although this version doesn't absorb the soul of living beings and is respectful with the environment] Broly thought as he laughed at North Kai's reaction

And of course he was also glad to hear that Goku had kept his promise to announce the name of his technique, so that he could laugh at North Kai's reaction when he heard it.



[Die Kakarotto

You shouldn't have any energy left ...

You can't do anything against this]" Shouted and thought King-Kong Vegeta, who launched into motion his characteristic technique for that time

And immediately

"KAMEHAMEHA !!!" Goku used a new Kamehame to deflect Vegeta's energy attack (again)


How can you have energy left?!

AHHHH!!!" And once again Goku's Kamehame surpassed his Garlick Cannon (I think this is the reason why in the following sagas he always invented new techniques)

So Vegeta was dragged back by Goku's Kamehameha again

Damn… this is the third time the same thing happens

DAMN ALL !! " Monkey Vegeta yelled as he tried to slow his uncontrolled advance with his feet, thus creating a dual lane highway with his giant paws….

But something was different this time

Since Goku moved at great speed to get behind Vegeta's huge body, which was still being pushed back uncontrollably.


And with his hand he cut off the monkey tail of Prince Saiyan and walked away from there (to avoid being crushed by his giant ape-like ass)


And by losing the great increase in power of the Oozaru form and its enormous size ... the Kamehameha hit fully and without resistance against hi



It seems that I have won

Ahghhh…" Goku gasped as he looked at the crater where Vegeta must have landed and tried to assimilate what he had left of Genki-Dama to fully regain his energies and try to heal his wounds ...




And from the crater ... like a zombie ...

Vegeta got up again (seriously, in this saga Vegeta was inmortal)...

A Vegeta devoid of armor, seriously injured, covered in his own blood from head to toe, with an arm and several ribs broken and without a tail ...

A defeated Vegeta who only moved due to his pride, who refused to acknowledge his defeat and surrender


Don't make light of the Vegeta the Great !! " Vegeta yelled as he barely advanced towards Goku, wanting to continue fighting and above all ... kill his enemy

And obviously this act of extreme pride, bravado, insanity, and unconsciousness won the fascination of the entire public ...

"This… this guy is incredible in his way" said Krillin, who was impressed and terrified by the power, persistence and stubbornness of Vegeta despite despising him like no one else

"Such tenacity" Yamcha said, who didn't even know what that was ...

"He has been a tough nut to crack" Said Piccolo, who was partly happy that Goku had won ... and enjoyed this match very much, but didn't want to express it openly.

"My dad is the best

I told you he would win" Gohan shouted enthusiastically to Yam


Yes, I didn't expect less from one of my apprentices

Although being analytical you are now stronger than your father" Broly said as he protested again when he saw that Gohan didn't consider him the best

"Vegeta ... leave it.

You fought well… "Yam murmured, who was hurt to see how Vegeta had been so badly injured and proud of the great fight he had carried out

Since from the beginning there were suspicions that he would be unable to win, since the game administrator himself was in favor of one of the fighters

However, she watched without amazement and great emotion how Vegeta fought against all adversities without losing his pride even when he was badly injured and without energy

Showing the Saiyan pride that until recently she believed she had

Pride that was gradually replaced by a bitter sensation as she recalled all the events that happened on this peripheral planet.

And while Yam looked at Vegeta with some sadness ...

Vegeta kept moving slowly but surely to Goku, still wanting to fight "Kakarott..."


However, Goku welcomed him with a punch that made him eat sand once again

And at the same time he spoke the last words to him in this combat "My name is Goku.

And I'm proud that I grew up on Earth

Never forget it"