Fight for me again

Several minutes later

On the planet Namek

"This power…

They haven't landed on the planet yet and I can already feel several more powerful auras than Vegeta's before transforming and some more powerful than him when he was transformed.

Unbelievable…" Goku said as he looked at the sky, waiting for those powerful presences to come closer to them.

"This is worse than I thought ...

After the training and the help the Patriarch gave to us to increase our power I was more confident

But now…" Said Krillin, who didn't share his friend's enthusiasm at all, like almost everyone who was there, whether they were Earthlings or Namekians…

And as for the two unfortunate Saiyans ...


We can't do this ...

It's crazy ...

We have to escape as soon as possible" Ginger said trying to pretend not to be completely terrified of absolutely everything

"Whatever we do we are dead ...

At least it's better to be on the side of the guy who resurrects everyone as his hobby" Yam said trying to reassure his sister despite being more terrified than her… since at least she could use violence freely

However, fortunately for them there was a gallant willing to mitigate their concerns...

Maybe ...

"Don't worry young ladies, I will protect you

Hehehe… "Muten Roshi said with his typical perverted face as he approached them from behind…

So to try to "relax their worries" in a disinterested way, the gentleman Muten Roshi chose to apply a massage to their butts ...

Despite the fact that this disinterested act caused an internal damage in his nose, which manifested itself as a nosebleed



However, those noble intentions were misinterpreted as a perverted act, being answered with a brutal beating by the two sisters, who beat Roshi to push him away from their asses

And once he was stunned and bleeding on the ground both sisters kept trampling him viciously over and over again

"AAHHHHHHHH !!!!" Muten Roshi screamed in pain as he was hit again and again ... although sometimes his screams weren't of pain ...

Something that sickened and confused many people

But not to our protagonist, who was trying to heal him ...

"Muten Roshi, you never cease to amaze me ...

But we will leave these stupidities for later.

Our guests are coming" Broly said as he looked up at the sky, where in the distance a black spot was starting to get bigger due to the perspective

Evidently it was Frieza's ship, which began to land, creating a huge gale despite the anti-gravity device. And after a few seconds the main door of the spacecraft opened and from it many aliens appeared

In the first place, leading the team was the leader of the expedition Frieza, followed on each side of Zarbon and Dodoria and behind him, but standing out for his height Captain Ginyu and his team ... and behind them several filler villains ...

"Oh my, they have come to welcome us ...

A moving detail, I hope to be worthy of so much hospitaliHo ho ho…" Frieza said while looking at the picturesque group that had come to receive him "By the way ..

I understood that the Namekians were green and with antennas ... there are some of them in the group, but ...

What about the others?"

"I'm not entirely sure Lord Frieza, but their appearance closely matches that of the Earthlings, whom Vegeta and his minions went to conquer

It was thanks to them that we got the information from the Dragon Balls, maybe they came to warn the Namekians" Dodoria said trying to find the logic in everything that was happening

"Also, if I'm not mistaken, those two who hide behind the Namekian who wears a white cape must be Ginger and Yam, two of the Saiyans follower of Prince Vegeta ...

I suppose they have betrayed us to use the Dragon Balls for themselves" Zarbon said he also wanted to show off his analytical skills in front of his evil boss and for this he did the same as his competitor and partner ...

Play Where's Wally? and imitate Detective Conan

"This ... hello ..." Yam said without knowing very well what to do and say in this situation

So she decided to stop hiding behind Piccolo (who was beginning to feel uncomfortable) with her little sister, who chose to continue hiding behind her older sister.

"So he is Frieza ...

Hello, we have come to fight you!" Goku said when he saw that his potential combat partner was in front of him ... and he simply declared his intentions to fight, as always

Therefore, upon hearing that statement, the second-in-command in the army's command, Captain Ginyu couldn't help but laugh at the arrogant and ignorant words of the man in front of him "Hahaha… what is this idiot saying?

Fight Lord Frieza!?

Hahahaha ... he is nothing more than another ignorant monkey living happily in ignorance

Right guys?!"

And at the same time all the members of his elite team who posed ridiculously behind him couldn't stop laughing "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA!!




And little by little that laughter spread among the whole army, until it spread to high-ranking officers such as Zarbon and Dodoria ... even the cold Frieza couldn't help but laugh slightly in his own honour.

And obviously Goku didn't understand the joke "I didn't know that I had said something so funny ..."

"Kakarotto! Stop teasing him!" Ginger yelled behind Yam, very scared by the situation

And after laughing a little, Frieza noticed the jester who had made him laugh for so long (at least not because he had committed a cruelty) to know who he should thank for that pleasant moment.

And when he noticed him… he had a brief flashback

"Oh… you… It's like I have seen you before…

Kakarrot ... that's a Saiyan name ...

[Oh! It's him…

He looks just like the last Saiyan who opposed me when I destroyed Planet Vegeta]" Frieza said and thought as he looked at Goku and remembered Bardok

And after that flashback, Frieza himself was about to ignore Goku and the earthlings to ask about the Dragon Balls, his main objective for which he came here...

But he quickly remembered, reacted and changed his speech for another "I sense that it was you who defeated Vegeta and that you followed those two Saiyans that you seem to have captured to prevent them from using the Dragon Balls of this planet and now ...

You're trying to stop me from using them

I'm right?"

"And what if it's like that ?!" Piccolo said, showing the great manners of the Terrestrial Namekians to the Namekians and the exterminating monsters

And while his professional toady's were offended by the rude tone with which Piccolo spoke to his leader ... Frieza didn't worry about that detail and finished asking his question "HO HO HO HO!

So I would like to know if that person named Broly is among you

The one they call Super Saiyan"

"Rather he is among you ...

From the beginning, although you haven't noticed ...

Chibi" Said Broly who appeared instantly behind Frieza with absolutely no one noticing that… while rubbing Frieza's head as if it were a crystal ball

"NANIIIIIIIIII!!!!!" Reacted Frieza and his elite soldiers when they realized that a two meter super muscular man had managed to ignore their security perimeter and had had time to speak and humiliate their leader...


Without any of them noticing or being able to react

And after that moment of extreme confusion… in which everyone's brain stopped working due to the shock they had experienced





Ginyu who was just behind Broly threw a powerful punch to his head at the same time as his other choreography partners surrounded the area


In the same way, Zarbon and Dodoria, who were to his left and right, respectively, also punched him in the ribs.



Even Frieza quickly got up from his chair to turn around and punch him in the stomach ...


However, the feeling of that punch was strange, it was as if…

They hadn't hit anything

"NANI!" They all screamed when they saw that their punches had pierced the body of Broly

But that nevertheless there was no feeling of being inside their flesh ... there was no blood ... and they could even move and remove and move their fists from and inside his body with great ease

It was as if they had hit a ghost ...

And that two-meter ghost of pure muscle walked calmly forward, passing through Frieza on his way to return to where his team was while saying "Hohoho…

Come on, come on ... I know I'm popular but you're not my type ...

I feel sorry for you"

[This guy always has to put on a scene to be the center of attention] Krilin, Piccolo, Nail… well… everyone who knew him thought that

Frieza's entire army was completely stunned by what they had seen and Fieza, who had recognized the strange capabilities of that outlandish Saiyan and the possible

Possible danger that he supposed got up from his chair and asked once more "So you're Broly…

Are you really the Legendary Super Saiyan or just a scammer with many tricks calling himself in that way?"

"You need to ask about this?

Who else if not me, a tall strong and muscular guy could be the Legendary Super Saiyan

The most powerful being in the universe.

A fucking dwarf like you?!" Broly said mockingly and arrogantly to seek widespread enemy anger.

[KYAAAAA !!!!] Ginger internally shouted upon hearing those offensive statements


HOW DARE YOU INSULT IN THAT WAY TO THE EMPEROR OF THE WHOLE UNIVERSE!" Ginyu, Zarbon and Dodoria shouted as they looked at Frieza, who was beginning to release an evil and murderous aura like never before due to Broly's insult ...

An insult that focused on his biggest complex

"Oh I apologize your dwarfliness ...

Were you offended that I messed with your insignificant height?

[By the way…

Why are the vast majority of megalomaniac villains in this manga dwarfs?

Pilaf ... the head of the Red Ribbon, Vegeta, Frieza, Babidi, Zeno ...

Who cares ...]" Broly said and thought as he contemptuously apologized to further annoy Frieza

"BASTARD ..." Their two official toady's shouted once more after hearing those insults

"Lord Frieza ...

I don't detect any kind of power in him ...

My tracker must be broken…" Ginyu said as he tried to calculate Broly's combat power without success

And after this warning his official toady's tried to look at his owner to warn him that this guy was dangerous and that he shouldn't be provoked yet

However, when they looked at Frieza's face… all they could see was rampant fury and hatred "Lord Frieza?"

"Insolent" Frieza said as he raised his finger in the air and began to channel energy into it in the form of a sphere

"AHHHH !!" Yelled the soldiers who knew that technique

An energy sphere that gradually grew larger until it reached the size of a small asteroid

The same attack that destroyed Planet Vegeta decades ago


Lord Frieza, you will destroy the whole planet!" All the subordinates who recognized this attack shouted

And not only those who knew the direct consequences of that attack were frightened, everyone capable of sensing Ki could also understand the threat of that sphere "Oh no, this power is ...

It is nothing compared to Vegeta and the others...

It's on another level! "

"Do you really plan to destroy the entire planet?" Nail said in disbelief and despair as he watched as that sphere left the little demon's finger and headed towards them

"Broly!" The Z Warriors shouted as they watched that attack advance towards them

Obviously they wanted me to do something about it ... since he had caused that situation

And when the sphere was about to touch them


Just touching it with his little finger made it disappear, as if it were a soap bubble

"NANI !!!!" The henchmen of the almighty Frieza yelled when they saw that his attack had been ignored in such an overwhelming way

"He has… dispelled Lord Frieza's powerful attack… as if it were nothing ...

My tracker wasn't broken...

He ... the Legendary Super Saiyan ... the strongest warrior in the universe ...

It is real?" Ginyu said while suffering from a severe existential crisis when verifying that his master's greatest nightmare had become real.

In addition, he was also greatly affected by the fact that he was no longer the second strongest warrior in the universe (although he should be the third in his knowledge, since King Cold was alive ... although surely that character wasn't even created in Toriyama's mind at that time)

"Eh ... this is our Broly ..." Said the Z Warriors with joy and some disbelief upon see that he had once again saved the situation in such an absurd way

Logicallyseeing this big problem, Frieza without further delay or bragging transformed into his true form to be prepared for any situation [This guy ...

Maybe he really is...]

And without giving time to ask about Frieza's transformation... Broly continued with his speech "You have come here for the Dragon Balls, right?

All right.

I can give them to you if you want…"

"WHAT!!!" Both friends and enemies shouted when they heard that, adding another surprise in such a short time

However Piccolo, who knew Broly better than anyone in that place, could guess what he would say next "Now he will say ...


"Howeverrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr… " Broly said with much emphasis

"As I said ..." Piccolo muttered, pleased to have been right.

"Your subjects will have to face my subjects and defeat them ...

And you too of course…" Broly said closing the negotiations with the galactic dwarf dictator

"WHO THE HELL IS YOUR SUBDIT !?" Absolutely everyone (including Yam and Ginger) protested for obvious reasons

And without caring about the opinions of third parties, Broly summarized the deal "If you win I will tell you where the Dragon Balls are.

Pretty simple right?

And don't worry, I won't interfere

I am very kind

So kind that I'll even give you 5 minutes to get ready "

And Frieza after understanding that Broly had hidden the Dragon Balls and that he had possibly done very well, the tyrant decided to play by his rules despite the fury he felt to achieve his goal "I see…

Well ... we will play your game.

It will be nice to see my soldiers exterminate your insignificant lackeys ..."

That's why while Frieza sat back in his flying chair Piccolo acted as the spokesperson for the whole group to convey their criticism "Do you whant to do another stupid tournament?"

"No thanks…

Too many people and not enough audience…

Just fight until no one is left alive ...

And do it quickly, I have more things to do… " Broly said as he materialized a chair of better quality and size than Frieza's… and raised it higher than Frieza's to observe the battle from a better position.

"This ... Broly-san, can I fight too?" Goku asked as if he were a child asking to go out to play

"Yes ... yes ... you can fight Frieza ...

Just let the others shine a little and you can play with the stubby dwarf ...

Warm up a little" Said Broly as he materialized popcorn and soft drinks to enjoy the war he had organized.

"Good" said Goku, who began to warm up while his friends, who didn't share his enthusiasm, looked at him

"Well, what are we going to do ...

Let's give our best" Said Krillin trying to liven up the atmosphere and not flinch in the face of this horde of enemies

"And now we have to be forced to fight against them?

We have to fight against our former allies who know how strong we are ...

Fight on the side of our old new enemies ...

When I can't use my skills" Yam said as she regretted the pathetic situation they were in because of her.

If it weren't for her curse they surely wouldn't have come to this planet and if they hadn't come to this planet they wouldn't be at this crossroads

"Don't worry sister.

I will protect you this time ...

[Hopefully Broly will resurrect us too]" Ginger said contradicting the enthusiasm of her words with her inner thoughts

She knew perfectly well that there was nothing she could do against the Ginyu forced or against Zarbon and Dodoria ...

However, she still had to fight

"Don't worry girls I'm here to protect you" Said Muten Roshi, who once again touched their ass to reassure them

"DIE!!!" Ginger and Yam yelled as they thanked Roshi with punches and kicks.


Frieza annoyed by absolutely everything Broly was doing ... now adding the comparative grievance between the two chairs ...

Said to his subordinates with anger and desire to kill "You have already heard ...

I want you to show those monkeys the price to pay for meddling in my way ...

I will not allow failures this time

I explained myself well?"

And upon hearing those intimidating motivating words to incentivize his staff to be more productive than ever ... Dodoria said "Yes Lord Frieza we will determine their battle power in no time"

And after using the trackers on Broly's group… Dodoria, who had a more sophisticated tracker than Zarbon's, said "Hahahaha…

No need to worry excessively, my Lord.

The vast majority of these Earthlings' battle powers is around 1000 points.

The only ones that stand out are Ginger and Yam, with 3000 and 12000 points, which is not a problem for us

And then there are a few Namequians whose combat power exceeds 30,000 points ... they are very strong more than Zarbon and I, but I think they will not be a problem for the Guinyu force

And finally there is that disrespectful Saiyan with a combat power of ...

100,000 ?! "

"100000 ?!

A fairly high number, but it won't be a problem for me.

Hahahaha ...

Not bad but I am stronger than him

Don't worry Lord Frieza, you just need to focus on that three-eyed Saiyan" Ginyu said as he made ridiculous poses to reassure his boss, who was very very angry and irritated.

"It's a relief to hear that Ginyu-san ...

I hope for good results" Frieza said with a little better humor after hearing those favorable numbers


MOVE YOU ASSES SLAKERS!" Shouted Broly as he materialized his third pack of popcorn

And after hearing the irritating voice of his new mortal enemy who believed himself superior to him ... Frieza with a worse mood than a few seconds ago said "Tsh ...

Come on guys, slaughter them ...

I want to hear their sweet screams of agony from here"

"You have already heard Master Frieza!

Kill those insects! " Dodoria shouted for his level infantry troops to advance towards the enemies ...

In this case towards the weakest ones

"Well guys ...

It seems that we have to act ... " Said Ten Shinhan, Krillin, Chaoz and Muten Roshi as they tried to appear to be appear to be appear to be cool and strong as a horde of dozens of aliens marched towards them.