
In front of them a large horde of filler aliens, each uglier than the previous one shouted in a bloodthirsty and even victorious way as they advanced towards what seemed like an easy enemy "HAHAHAH 1000 points of power!

These idiots are easy prey!

Lord Frieza will reward us for their deaths!


And meanwhile on the side of the Z Warriors, they watched that horde of idiots while holding back the urge to laugh "Hehehe ...

It's like Broly said, these idiots only trust trackers"

The same desire to laugh that a child has when he sees that an enemy was about to fall into the hole he had dug




AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH !!!" Muten Roshi, Krillin, Ten Shinhan and Chaoz shouted as they released large amounts of Ki to increase their power level

The power that they had hidden from those aliens

And when these aliens came to fight them with the certainty that they would crush them…





They were humiliated and picturesquely beaten, as if these were filler villains of a certain low-budget TV superheroes show from the 1960s

And the enemy obviously despaired "AHHHHH !!!

They are too strong!

We cannot do anithing"


"What's the meaning of this?"

Did they not only have a battle power of 1000?" Zarbon asked Dodoria, blaming him for his wrong analysis

And seeing that something strange had happened with his calculation, Dodoria went back to review the data "What's going on?

Their power have increased to 5000 ... 10000 ... 15000 ... 12000!

I get it… they have a way to control their battle power… the reports said something like this"

And while Zarbon tried to blame Dodoria for this failure and Dodoria tried to excuse himself .... Frieza watched the situation, angered by the failure, but not by the casualties of his long army

And while the army executives were angry, the Z Warriors made their final attacks in masse.


Flaring Kikoho!!

Dodonpa rain!!



And with those multiple explosions ...

The filler enemy was completely decimated, leaving only the characters with an official name on planet

"Great!" The four shouted as they shook hands to celebrate that overwhelming victory, in which the Great Patriarch contributed a lot thanks to the great increase in power that he gave them.

However, not everything ... or anything ... was laughter for the other side


Frieza was hitting the ground with his tail and that wasn't a good thing.

It meant he was irritated by that failure ... and since the king was angry, his subjects had to do something to fix it

"Lord Frieza, right now we will take care of destroying those Earthlings" Said Zarbon and Dodoria, who knelt down and tried to calm their boss with solutions before he decided to cut the template even further

"It won't be necessary.

Carry on with the previous plan and take care of the two treacherous Saiyans.

Those four and the other Namekians will be in charge of the Ginyu Force

Or do you think you can beat those four and the Namekians at the same time?" Frieza said looking at Ginyu and his men with confidence. He was sure that his elite warriors would know how to solve that problem efficiently.

"Of course, Lord Frieza.

We shall have lots of fun with them

We are the stronges Special force of the whole universe" Ginyu said while posing with his other henchmen in a ridiculous and unnecessarily tacky way






And after another ridiculous pose Ginyu and the other dancers quickly flew towards their new enemies ... but not before embarrassing everyone who was watching them, both enemies and allies.

"What are you waiting for?

Those traitors are not going to die alone" Frieza said sinisterly and vindictively to his two loyal toady's who were still kneeling in front of him.

And with those words Zarbon and Dodoria finally reacted and got up "Yes Lord Frieza!"

"And once you have finished dispatching them like a traitor dog you can join in the fun with the Ginyu force…

If they don't finish before you do" Frieza said once more as he diverted his vision from his two lapdogs.

"Yes Lord Frieza" Both shouted as they walked away from their owner

And for the first time since they arrived on this planet, he only looked at Broly, who from his huge flying chair ate and drank unconcernedly as if he were watching a predictable entertaining movie.

And holding his desire to shoot him from eyebrow to eyebrow from that distance Frieza lowered his finger "Well, Well ...

I will love to see how that face changes when all his subordinates have been massacred ...

But before that…"

With those disturbing words expressed with extreme sadism and cruelty, Friza turned his gaze from Broly to another person who was a little lower than Broly...

"I guess I'll kill time ...

Finishing what I started years ago

Ho ho ho ho!" Frieza said as he left his comfortable and small flying chair to advance towards his new victim


Near there at that time


It was very easy" Chaoz said as he came out alive from another fight against aliens

"Surely Broly only wanted to scare us when he told us that we were very weak compared to the elite of the universe" Ten Shin Han said seconding his forgettable friend

"Stop overestimating yourself!" Piccolo yelled, who stopped relating to his cousins to return to his old group of less charismatic, powerful and green friends.

"Piccolo-san is right, those guys were nothing compared to what comes next" Nail said, that could detect by being aware that one person with extremely strong energy, three very strong and one normal were quickly approaching them

And with catchy music playing in the background ...






Five aliens landed landed in an extremely overactive and unnecessary way

And at that moment Krillin asked the wrong question… a question he would regret asking "Who the hell are you?"

And happy for Krillin's question ... Ginyu smiled and replied "Who are we?

We are…"

"RECOOM!" Reecom yelled performing an extremely embarrassing pose to introduce himself unnecessarily

"BURTA!" Burta yelled performing an extremely embarrassing and unnecessary pose just like his partner

"JEES ..."



However, Jesse's ridiculous performance was cut short, as Piccolo and Nail attacked amidst that embarrassing show

"I am not going to tolerate more stupid things (because I am a torpedo XD)" Piccolo said, who was still pointing his hand at the idiots in front of him.

"You had left many openings" Nai said doing exactly the same as Piccolo


You don't have education?!

Has anyone taught you that you shouldn't attack someone while someone is introducing himself dramatically?!

I WONT FORGIVE YOU!" Some of the members of the Ginyu squad shouted with great anger

Postures are essential for a good introduction!!

But they soon realized something ...

Someone in the group wasn't as outraged as they were ...

Or so they believed

"Captain Ginyu!

Those bastards have killed Ghurd with that attack!" Jeese yelled pointing at Ghurd's mutilated corpse, the weakest of the 5, but who was able to stop time (but couldn't do it in time)


Damn bastards!

Without Ghurd our impressive group stance will be incomplete!

I wont forgive you!" Ginyu yelled more angry than before, having suffered another attack on his right to pose

So while everyone still didn't understand what kind of mental problem those 4 had, the oldest of all had the best idea

"If you don't mind I will go fight somewhere else" Muten Roshi said as he communicated to his friends that he was going somewhere else

And after a few moments of discomfort in which some began to lose focus ...

"You will regret having done that!

Crusher Ball! " Shouted Jeese, who skipped the usual ritual of deciding who would fight individually against enemies using rock paper or scissors...

The anger of being interrupted in his presentation ... and the death of a companion (which completed his group pose) ... clouded his judgment and made him attack everyone with his final attack

A scarlet energy sphere that was fired at the Namekian and Earthling coalition

"Watch out!" Piccolo and Nai shouted to indicate that the 3 humans and 5 Nameks of the group should disperse


That sphere of energy fell on them, creating an incredible explosion

Explosion that raised a great smokescreen ...

Smoke screen from which Piccolo and Nail were able to escape without apparent injury.

Something similar happened with the other 3 Namekians who belonged to the Patriarch's security team, who managed to escape with a few burns.

As for the earthlings ...


That has been… very dangerous

Ten how are you?" Said Krillin who was holding onto his left arm, which had some burns

Ten Shinhan, who like Krillin came out of that explosion with wounds, although not so serious with Krillin, something that surprised him, since Krillin was closer to the explosion than he was "Ahhhh ...

Krillin, I'm fine ... more or less ... " And after answering his partner's question, he tried to check the condition of his best friend, which he had taken by the hand to pull him at the moment of the explosion "Chaoz ... how are yo..


But he couldn't finish the sentence ...

All members of the Ginyu Forece had a power greater than 40,000 units (except the late Ghurd)

And that energetic attack from Jeese, the team's vice captain was loaded with and impressive power compared to the elite of other planets… an elite warrior who specialized in powerful energy attacks...

A deadly energy attack for almost any warrior of any alien race ... and some couldn't even fend off its blast wave ...

"CHAOOOOOZZZZZ !!!" Krillin shouted as he saw in horror how half of Chaoz's body had been torn to pieces and cabonized, while Ten Shinhan held in shock the other half of his body still almost intact of what is ... was ... his only family ...

"Cha ... chaozz ... Noo… this can't…" Ten Shinhan babbled as he refused to accept that he was holding his friend's body

And that moment of indecision and lack of concentration was fatal ...

"You should worry about yourself first" Said Recoom, who appeared at great speed behind Ten Shinhan and punched him on the head ...


"Oops sorry… I didn't want to hit that hard… but I was upset by the interruption

HAHAHAHAHAH !!!" Reecom said sarcastically with his fist full of blood and meat and bone remnants as he looked down

Plaf… plof…



TEN!!!" Krillin screamed in despair and horror by what he had just witnessed ...

Without giving him time to internalize Chaoz's brutal collateral death, the next thing he saw was how Ten's head exploded like an egg after suffering a heavy blow to the ground.

A blow that moments later, Krillin understood that it was delivered by Reecom, which moved and attacked at a speed that neither he nor Ten were able to follow...

It was then that Nail and the three elite Namekians who were near Reecom at that time tried to attack him from behind to kill him "Hell! Monst… "



And synchronized at the same time that Nail began his confrontation with Reecom with the first exchange of blows ...



Burta with an almost imperceptible speed appeared behind two of the Namekians who were further from Nail and very quickly pierced their hearts with his bare hands.

"Don't go so fast, I want to have fun too" Said Burta, who still had his two arms inserted into the body of the two Namekians, who between great pain and agony still clung to life

"Yeno, Zarfo !!!" Nail shouted when seeing how his two companions had been pierced from behind (no homo situation XD) ...

"Damn!" Yelled the other Namekian who was left, who was about to attack Recoom with Nail…

However, when he saw his two friends impaled, he decided to take revenge, so he changed his objective and flew towards Burta with the intention of killing him.

"Another fool ..." Burta said, watching almost in slow motion how that Namekian was heading towards him, so he tried to withdraw his arms from the bodies of the other two Namekians whom he had pierced to attack the other



AHHHHHH!!!" Shouted both Namekians still strung together, who thanks to their great vitality and determination managed to stay alive for now

And heroically, as a final sacrifice they seized Burta's arms, to prevent him from being able to move them out of their bodies and thereby allowing his friend to finish him off ...

[Shit!] Burta thought with some fear as she tried to get her arms out of the body of the two Namekians


Fortunately for him, in a few seconds he had no more reason to worry, since the Namekian who was about to attack him was hit by a crimson sphere of energy ...

Crimson sphere that destroyed the Namekian's head

"It looked like you needed help ...

Burta" Said Jeese, who decided to cover his teammate

And seeing how their sacrifice was in vain, Yeno and Zarfo began to lose the strength that their fighting spirit had given them for a brief period of time "No ...



"Everything was under control ...

But thank you" Bruta said as he forcefully extracted his arms from the Namekians bodies, killing them in the process.




Yeno, Zarfo, Tamaka!


Sorry for not being able to help you ... but this guy ... we are both very equal in power and he is incredibly persistent ... it's like he doesn't feel pain...

I can beat this one… but… if one of them helps him… I'm screwed] Nail thought as he hit Recoom with all his might, wanting to end the fight as soon as possible… while Jeese watched the development of that confrontation ...

"No ... this can't be happening ...

This is a nightmare…" Said Krillin, who couldn't stop shaking with despair in the face of so much death and misfortune…

Death and misfortune that he due to his lack of power was unable to prevent


Have I made you wait long?

Now I will play with you" Said Burta who, at the speed of sound, stood before the astonished Krillin.

And Krillin when he saw that huge blue figure that appeared in front of him ... the same one that seconds before massacred two people who were much stronger than him ... he started to back away in fear as he babbled "Ahhhh ...

Ahhhh…. "

However, this fear only lasted a second, since as with Yamcha's death...

The rage seized his body and mind...

In a mysterious way, as if Krillin had teleported ... distanced himself from Burta, appearing near a nearby tree

[What was that?

An special skill?] Burta thought, upon not being able to see how Krillin had moved away so far from him

And at a safer distance ....

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHH !!!" Krillin shouted while launching a rain of Kienzan's against Burta, which dodged them with extreme ease, since despite being a very powerful technique it was still easy to evade

"AHHHHHHH !!" Krillin yelled once more forming his short-range manual-action Kienzan to fight hand-to-hand and break him in half with a technique that wasn't so easy to dodge

However ... that huge blue Martian in front of him quickly disappeared from his vision field

Burta, who stood out for his extreme speed, got behind Krillin ...

And with the intention of killing Krillin in the same way that his partner Reecom had killed the other bald man in his group ...

He raised his fist to destroy Krillin's head with a punch ...

A punch that our bald dwarf (not Frieza) couldn't evade



"Eh?" Krillin said, who could barely breathe being aware that he might be dead right now.

Instead, he was alive… watching Burta crash into a hill with a deformed stomach and with his armor destroyed by what looked like a kick imprint...


It was obvious that someone had helped him and, to his surprise, who had helped him had been ...

"Piccolo?" Krillin said when he saw Piccolo, who was bloodied due to the combat he had been having until now

It was evident that he had expressly come to his aid and that it hadn't been easy create the opportunity to help him


YOU GET IN THE WAY!" Piccolo yelled very furiously at Krillin, who was still distracted in the middle of that battlefield

"Piccolo ... right?

You were fighting with me, I'd appreciate it if you didn't try to ignore me

I the Great Ginyu was starting to have fun with you

You're strong" Ginyu said he approached them with no apparent injuries, just with a small bruise on his chin

From the beginning Ginyu looked for the most powerful of the group and for that reason he fought Piccolo individually ... against the main responsible for the interruption of his presentation while his henchmen carried out a butchery with his friends

"Damn ... he's here again ..." Piccolo said when he saw that Ginyu had come back for him

This was exasperating!

The powerfull attack with which he had managed to throw him away had only created a small mark on his face

And Krillin seeing that Piccolo had big problems fighting Ginyu, that Nail was still fighting Recoom with little advantage while Jeese watched them with a energy sphere in his hand that could be shot at any moment and Burta trying to get up ...

He heeded Piccolo's wise words and fled to another place in the fastest way he could ...

"Wow ...

I thought you would shoot him in the back when he ran away" Piccolo said to Ginyu, since as a former villain that could be one of the things he would have done


That's not my style

I like one-on-one combat without interruptions

Besides, it is only a matter of time before Burta recovers from your kick and catches him" Ginyu said doing another of his strange postures as Krillin fled further and further away


This guy is very powerful and unlike the rest he is not an open book...

He knows how to hide his power...

I can't be distracted for a second] Piccolo thought as he took a serious battle stance and watched the corpses and Nail having quite a bit of trouble in a 2 vs 1

And Krillin as he teleported away and flew at great speed he could do nothing but curse his luck

"Damn! Damn!

What the hell is going on?!

Everyone… everyone is dead!

And Piccolo and Nail won't take much longer!

Broly ...


Broly ... Goku ...

WE NEED YOUR HELP!" Krillin shouted that in the distance he observed the explosions produced by the other two battles that were happening simultaneously apart from the one he had escaped

Meanwhile, Broly from the sky sitting in his flying chair watched with his three eyes without any emotion or empathy the slaughter

As if he were a bored god watching an insignificant battle between ants ...