A terrible curse

Elsewhere in Namek



PAMM !!!

Another battle was taking place almost at the same time that the massacre fostered by the Ginyu force was taking place






Are you okay?!" Ginger screamed, who was bleeding, bruised and with her Saiyan tail ripped off

"I will survive…


Your tail?" Yam answered and asked, that like her sister was also bleeding and bruised, but not looking as miserable as her little sis.

Both had been fighting against their respective enemies individually, since Dodoria and Zarbon had managed to separate them at a certain point in the fight ...

Just to meet again and see that they hadn't been very successful


You're not that bad to be a girl ... but your battle power is much lower than mine ...

And I'm tired of playing ...

Oh Zarbon, has she given you some trouble?" Dodoria said, who with small wounds walked with superiority complex towards the two sisters while holding in his hand the Saiyan tail that had torn of Ginger.

Dodoria knew that the only way that girl had to beat him was by transforming into Oozaru, so from the beginning he tried to rip her tail off ... and he accomplished it ...

"She is stronger than my tracker indicated and has caught me by surprise ...

She must have learned it from Earthlings ...

However, she has not been able to finish her work when she had the opportunity for some reason… a strange reason…" Zarbon said as he wiped away some of the blood from his mouth and nose as also advanced towards the two sisters.

The two sisters were in serious trouble again…

Their enemies were numerically stronger than them and they knew what they were capable of…

Thanks to the Zenkai they won after the battle on Earth Ginger had got a power of 5400 and Yam of 17000…

If both had become Oozaru, multiplying their X10 power they could have defeated Zarbon and Dodoria with relative ease.

However, Yam's tail was cut off on Earth and Ginger's was torn off during this battle against Dodoria from almost the beginning of the confrontation…

[Shit… that bastard went for my tail from the beginning… I was forced to cut it myself when he grabbed it before I could create my Power Ball] Ginger thought as she watched Dodoria burn what was left of her tail with a energy beam

[****… if it wasn't for that ******* kid I could have killed that bastard…

I had knocked him unconscious for a second, but when I went to cut off his head my fist stopped…

Can good kids defend themselves against murderous invaders, but can't kill them?

I ******* hate that ******* boy with all my soul!] Yam thought as he looked at Zarbon's neck, which should be cut if not were for Gohan's curse

"Well, we've had enough fun ...

How about we end them?

Surely Lord Frieza will be delighted by the death of these two treacherous saiyans as soon as possible

If you don't mind I would like to finish what I started" Said Dodoria, showing his sadistic side as he looked at the aching Ginger

"As you wish" Zarbon said arrogantly as he slowly advanced towards the sisters

"Ginger ...

Can you still fight?" Yam whispered to Ginger.

Both were back to back, watching the slow advance of their enemies towards them ...

"Yes ... who do you take me for?" Ginger said contradicting the current situation with her words

"Due to the dwarf's curse I cannot kill anyone ...

Entertain Dodoria as much as you can, but don't get too far away from me ...

I'll try to knock out Zarbon ... when I'm done, I'll try to knock out Dododia too ...

When I have done it you have to kill him… I will not be able" Yam whispered to his sister a complicated plan that had a good chance of failing

"That plan is crazy ...

It can fail for many reasons...

And what will happen with Zarbon later?" Ginger asked, that even she could see that this plan had countless fissures.

Can you think of something better?

At my signal attack him, knock him out and defend yourself as much as you can" Replied Yam, who was aware of the high probability of failure



Their enemies previously separated them destroy them more easily, but this time they were the ones who were trying to separate to fulfill that suicidal strategy

Yam was fighting on almost equal terms against Zarbon, waiting for an opportunity to get him as far away from the stage as possible ... and Ginger did everything he could not to be murdered by Dodoria before her sister could do something

She was being beaten over and over again, barely able to do anything except strive not to lose consciousness while trying to save as much energy as she could ...



Until finally Yam found the opening she was looking for


With a powerful explosion of invisible energy Yam managed to send Zarbon flying when he tried to attack her...

She sent him flying with a not very harmful but incredibly effective ability to stop a cast or forcefully drive away the opponent

"Damn!" Zarbon yelled as he was propelled off the battlefield

And then ...


Yam released all his energy and fury… flying at full speed towards Dodoria

A Dodoria that kept raging against Ginger, who heroically withstood his blows spending only the necessary energy


And Dodoria was still in a frenzy while beating the traitor over and over again as if it were something incredibly fun and satisfying…

He did not realize that his fun was about to end

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH !!!!" Yam yelled as she used almost all of her strength to hit Dodoria's neck…


Using an overwhelming but not fatal blow that knocked Dodoria out

[Damn ... I can't believe it worked ...] Ginger thought with amazement, disbelief and joy ... and also with great pain all over her body due to the great beating she had received


Don't waste any more time!

… Please…" Yam said to Ginger ... showing obvious symptoms that she was still under the influence of Gohan's curse, while watching over Dodoria not waking up and Zarbon not coming back

"Yes right now!

AHHHHHHHHHH !!!!" Ginger yelled, concentrating energy on her hand.

And following her sister's plan (which he believed impossible) Ginger attacked the unconscious Dodoria with a fatal blow



"W-W ... what I ...?" Stammered Yam, who didn't understand her actions

"Yam ... what the hell are you doing?" Ginger asked, astonished and terrified upon seeing what her sister had just done ...

When Ginger was about to end Dodoria's life by cutting off his head with his energy sword-hand... Yam grabbed Ginger's hand to stop her from killing someone

[Don't tell me… good kids can't tolerate someone killing another in front of them either?] Yam thought in agony as she cursed Gohan existence again for destroying their only chance to survive.


"NEE-SAN!" Ginger screamed as she saw a sphere of energy hit her sister's back, which fell to the ground with her back completely shattered while still holding Ginger's arm

"I don't know what you did ... but it was a mistake to turn your back on me" Said Zarbon, who arrived on the battlefield once again with a surprise attack.

[Shit ... Shit!] Ginger was desperate, the flawed Plan A had failed in the least expected way and they had no Plan B

"Hahaha ...

I guess I'll have to take all the credit… "Zarbon said as he pointed another energy sphere at Ginger, which stood between the unconscious Zarbon and the unconscious Yam

"[This is the end…

But I'm going to die without destroying that filthy effeminate face!]

AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!" Ginger thought and screamed as she faced that sphere of light that had more concentrated energy than her entire body ... at the same time she fearlessly advanced towards what with all probability would be her death

However ... there was another turn of events ...


Since heroically and unexpectedly

"Well done girl ...

If you had not focused his attention on you, it would have been difficult for me to save you"

Muten Roshi appeared dramatically kicking Zarbon in the face, sending him flying again.


The pervert!?

What are you doing here?" Ginger said, she did not expect any help from anyone in this situation.

"These are serious injuries ...

Take this one and try to feed your sister with another

It will heal you and help you regain energy" Muten Roshi said as he handed Ginger two Senzu Beans.

However, those selfless and benevolent words and actions puzzled Ginger.

"Why?" Asked Ginger, who did not understand why he had decided to help them ...

Weren't they supposed to be enemies?

Did he have any hidden intention?

Were these beans actually sleeping pills with which he would later attempt to rape them?

"I think this is not the time to worry about these details" Muten Roshi said while keeping an eye on Zarbon

And for some strange reason Zarbon did not like too much that someone kicked his face


Damn lousy trash…

How dare you hit my face?

I'm going to skin you!" Zarbon yelled as he sped towards Muten Roshi with an obvious killing intent

However, Muten Roshi was prepared for this situation ...

From the very moment he made his dynamic Guy-senei-style entry.

Roshi was fully aware that Zarbon in raw power was far superior to him.

Which is why, as Broly told him before arriving on this planet, he decided to use his special tactics

[I hope that using this ability does not become a habit from now on] Muten Roshi thought as he raised his hands towards Zarbon and shouted "MAFUBA!!!"

"What the hell is this?!" Zarbon yelled as he began to spin uncontrollably in a strange swirl of green mystical energy

[Oh… it's that technique again…

He will be a pervert ... but he is quite strong ...

Okay, and now it's my sister's turn to heal ...] Ginger thought, who had fully recovered and had Dodoria's decapitated head in one hand and one of the Senzu Ben that Roshi gave her in the other.

Taking advantage of the fact that Muten Roshi was entertaining Zarbon and that her sister's life was not in danger she decided to eat one of the Senzu Bean that Roshi gave her ... despite taking certain risks by accepting strange food from a perverted stranger

After recovering (and feeling very relieved) she instantly killed Dodoria, who was still unconscious and since she didn't know when he could wake up (kids, it's important to kill your enemies before they wake up and stab you in the back ... and if you can cut off their heads to make sure they're dead better), all in this order to prevent his sister from preventing her from killing him again ...

And after making Yam, still unconscious, swallow the Senzu bean ,, Ginger began to observe Muten Roshi once again using the technique that once locked her up



Mafuba is an extremely difficult and dangerous ability, so any distraction or interruption could be fatal… to the point of making it difficult to execute, canceling the technique or even turning against the user himself.

And something went wrong this time…



In a few seconds Roshi felt that Chaoz and Ten's Ki disappeared completely and that could only mean one thing ...

They had died ... died on the battlefield from which he had deserted to join this, since he believed that with Piccolo, Nail and the others there would be no excessive danger in that battlefield...

He believed that they could take care of the situation while he was going to lift Saiyan skirts

But he was wrong and that made him feel great guilt, distracting him when using the Mafuba...

[I don't understand what is happening ...

But it's now or never] Zarbon thought as he regained his mobility and decided to do something he didn't particularly likes...


A transformation that made him bigger, uglier and above all stronger ...

Factors that the distracted Muten Roshi did not take into account in his calculations when trying to lock him uu...



And that big mistake was fatal ... since that allowed Zarbon (ugli version) to launch an energy attack on his stomach, piercing him completely as he was devoid of any defense during the execution of the Mafuba

"Agghh" In this way Roshi was defeated with a single blow ... and falling to the ground, bleeding the green grass of the planet Namek

And before Zarbon could laugh and celebrate Roshi's death

"FUCKING MOTHERFUCKER!!!" Ginger shouted, which with a desperate scream fired from her hands a golden energy attack at Zarbon.

A power attack in which she had put all her energy (worth the redundancy)


An attack far beyond Ginger's limits that created a great trail of destruction

"Shit ..." Ginger said as she crumbled completely ...

Despite having swallowed a Senzu Bean, she felt hurt, emotionally unstable after everything that happened.

She barely even had the strength to stand up, all her allies had fallen and her spirit had completely broken...

Since the attack in which she put all her strength was unable to kill her ugly primary target

"That hurt a lot ...

Quite unexpected in the case of a Saiyan microbe like you ...

You are going to pay with blood to force me to adopt this form" Said Zarbon, who had accumulated enough wounds in these combats and was advancing towards the defenceless Ginger to kill her and return with his master


I have failed my friends and now I will also have to see a beauty die in front of me without being able to do anything ...] Thought Muten Roshi, who was dying from the ground, trying to get up to fight heroically ...

That hole in the stomach formed by Zarbon's energy attack was the area where he precisely kept the Senzu Bean in an inside pocket

Pocket and stomach that were completely charred

And Zarbon, without any opposition whatsoever, advanced without haste but without pause towards Ginger, enjoying the miserable appearance of his next victim

After reaching the position of his victim, he grabbed her by the neck and raised her to his height to give her the last classic villain speech before killing her "You Saiyans have always been fucking disgusting to me

And knowing that the only two females of your species are going to die in my hands fills me with joy.

After your generation the Saiyan race will be extinct!

I'll finish what Lord Frieza started when he destroyed your stinking planet


"AHHHHHHHHH !!!!" Ginger yelled as she tried to break free of his grasp with the only thing she could… biting his ugly hand


Damn Beast!" Zarbon yelled in pain as he slammed Ginger against a nearby rock ...

"Guah!!" He hit her so hard that several bones were broken in the process, causing Ginger to spit out a large amount of blood from his mouth, blood that splattered on his enemy's face, blinding Zarbon


DIEEEEEEE !!! " Zarbon yelled as he prepared to pierce Ginger's belly with a spear hand.