Are they really?

"Shall we keep going?" Asked C-18 with indifference and arrogance, to quickly end their combat, end their mission and decide what to do once their programming had run out of objectives

"Of course we will!" Vegeta replied, wanting to go up his pathetic result

"That's my boy!" Said C-18 sarcastically

[My boy ?!

Bitch!] Yam thought as he suppressed his urge to strangle that cute robot… and maybe Vegeta too…

And instantly the fight started again at high speed thanks to a tackle from C-18, who didn't even take a fighting pose to despise Vegeta even more.


Throwing her against the rocks again (if it didn't work the last time I wouldn't insist with this strategy)



And then Vegeta launched an energy attack towards the rocks where he threw his sexy enemy (seriously, such an attack can destroy the planet easily, but it does or not depending on the context)


However, C-18 didn't appear to be injured, only her clothes had been destroyed and she had gotten a bit dirty from the dust (but her clothes didn't rip erotically like in Ikitousen, this is an anime from the 80s-90s)

"You're getting me irritate, pretending like nothing has happened" Vegeta said, still believing that he had a 100% chance of winning

"You surprise me

Even being an alien I didn't think nay man couls push me this far

Is the man Son Goku even stronger?

What about Broly?" C-18 said as she took off her tattered clothing that prevented her from moving properly (non-erotically like in Kenichi, this is an anime from the 80s-90s)

"Don't be absurd

He may have pulled ahead for a while, but now, as it should be I'm stronger than he is

As for Broly ... you'll never know ..." Vegeta replied, showing once again that this exaggerated superiority complex was derived from one of inferiority.

"You don't say

Then you're not all that great, either one of you" C-18 said, mocking Vegeta, who continued to ignore the reality like a socialist for the umpteenth time

Something that our arrogant prince didn't agree "What has that?!"

And once again they stopped talking to beat each other monotonously (yes, I criticize the Dragon Ball combat pattern)



And as always, the rest of the cast watched the match, commenting how the match was developing.

Well, it seems that Vegeta has already warmed up.

Right Yam? " Said Ginger, wanting to bring some optimism to her sister, who seemed a bit worried ... and angry… and jealous

"..." However, Yam didn't answer, she only looked at the fight with a frown

"Yes, he's actually holding his own against one of those terrible Androids" Said Trunk, that due to his paternal complex he tried to idealize his father in something, even if it was only in fights, since in everything else he was scum (at least for now he was)

"No, it's the opposite, Vegeta is going to lose from one moment to another

He is weaker than her and each time the difference is greater" Gohan said that due to having trained with Broly so many times he knew well when someone was pretending to lose and not

"Gohan is right" Said Roshi, who began to shed cold sweat as he understood the consequences

"What?!" Yelled the others, who were sometimes idiots and other times not

"It's just a Little bit each time, but the Android is starting to get the upper hand

His opponent hardly loses nay power, but for every move Vegeta makes, his stamina drops proportionately" Piccolo commented while everyone conveniently saw that Vegeta was being progressively beaten by C-18


CRASH !!!!

C-18 broke his left arm with a simple side kick

And Vegeta for some reason writhed in pain despite the fact that in his fight against Goku he suffered from worse things and hadn't yelled or shown pain "AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!"



"VEGETA!" Yelled Yam, which flew to his aid.

Something that she had wanted to do for quite some time seeing that C-18 was taking the lead

And in the same way Trunks also flew towards his dady "DAD!"



Or that's what he tried, since before Trunks could transform into Super Saiyan was hit in the stomach by Gohan, preventing his suicide attack

"Ahhhg !! Gohan…" Trunks protested, who tried to breath again and recover while watching his mini mentor, who knocked him out one more time for his own good

"Nobody move from here!

Think with your head!" Gohan said not only to Trunks, but also to all his friends, who were behind him

On the other hand, Yam had charged at C-18 to punch him in his beautifull face



However C-18 noticed thanks to the shout (if you want to attack by surprise, don't scream) and punched Yam's fist with her own fist


What the hell are these androids made of] Yam thought as she tried not to complain about the pain she felt in her pained fist

So much so that she believed for a moment that her fist was going to break

And at that moment C-17 kept his word, so he flew towards Yam to punish her meddling in this battle.

"NOT SO FAST!" Yelled Ginger, who tried to cut off C-17 so her sister could focus on C-18

But nevertheless…



In less than seven seconds of the fight, the two fell to the ground, the two sisters alien sisters were no match for the android twins

[Can't be, they've beaten Yam and Ginger so easily!

They are both Super Saiyan!] Thought Krillin, who couldn't help but tremble upon see the great discrepancy in power that existed between them and at the same time with himself

"Ginger!" Yelled Roshi, who like Trunks also had the urge to help an irresponsible Saiyan



And in the same way as with Trunks, Gohan forcibly stopped him, this time with a blow to the neck that knocked him unconscious.

"Gohan! What are you doing?" Yelled Piccolo, who no longer knew what was happening with Gohan

This was a totally unusual behavior for him, precisely he would be the first to offer to help...

Even though the one who was in trouble was Vegeta


C-18 has been playing with Vegeta all this time

It's like Trunks said, they're too strong

Don't put yourself in danger, none of us have anything to do with them right now ...

And there is still that guy

Don't move, especially you Trunks" Gohan said as he made sure none of his teammates did another stupid thing ... and watched as the androids beat up the three rioters

And in the same way, but without knowing exactly why the others followed his advice





Meanwhile Vegeta, Ginger and Yam stood up again and again to fight Lapis and Lazuli (their real names), regardless of the injuries, regardless of fatigue, regardless of the disadvantage to which they were subjected

Their pride was practically the only thing that moved them



Although that only led them to feel more pain and humiliation



Especially Vegeta, who was being tortured by C-18 quite enthusiastically

"Looks like i'd better make sure you can't use your other arm, either" C-18 said as he stepped on Vegeta's arm that wasn't broken


"AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!" Vegeta yelled like a despicable and pathetic lower class warrior (seriously, in the past he had suffered much worse beatings and didn't complain)

And obviously seeing this torture and how his father behaved like a crying girl didn't like Trunks at all, who was recovering from Gohan's blow, but could barely get up yet "Gohan-san!

Do you want us to just sit here doing nothing while my father and his… friends… are being tortured?"

"Yes, exactly, don't do anything yet

The situation is not as bad as you think

Besides, they are only torturing Vegeta" Gohan replied, that although he felt some pity for the injuries received by Yam and Ginger, he felt absolutely nothing for Vegeta

"How can you say something like that!?" Trunks protested and Krillin also protested a bit ... even though he had no intention of coming down to help

"Trust me, there is a reason why I'm stopping you" Said Gohan, trying to reassure his companions

However, none of them could be calm in that situation, those monsters were too strong and they were beating the three Saiyans, who together with Goku were their current greatest combat potential

If they didn't do something they would kill them and then those two would have no rival on earth, Goku couldn't fight them alone, Gohan had lost his power, Piccolo was still not strong enough, although he would be in some years… and Broly still didn't appear

At this rate were just minutes away from Trunks' prophecy coming true.

They didn't understand what Gohan what trying to do or not to do!

Only one person tried to understand Gohan's behavior ...

"Thanks for cooling my head Gohan ..." Piccolo said, who after analyzing the combat and Gohan's phrases understood that it was better not to intervene

"Even so it wasn't necessary to hit them so hard" Said Ten Shinhan, who was trying to wake up Roshi with Krillin

It was then that C-17 and C-18 ... who had finished having fun with Vegeta, Yam and Ginger ... went in front of those who were still standing ... even though two of them were still on the ground...

"AHHHH !!!!

Now they're going to beat us up, Gohan!" Krillin yelled in fear as he and Ten Shimhan backed away.

"Oh no!" Trunks tried to shout, who made efforts to get up from the ground so as not to be even more defenceless against the androids that destroyed his life

"Don't worry Krilin, Trunks...

They've only been knocked out" Said Gohan, who stepped in front of them to make sure no one did another stupid try


Aren't they dead?] Trunks thought, since due to his trauma he believed those androids had taken the lives of the three genocides

[How did you know they had no intention of killing them?

Can you read minds like your teacher?

No wait ... they are robots, he can't read their minds...

Or maybe yes?] Krilin thought, as he looked at Gohan with some surprise and admiration

"Oh, finally someone smart ...

So much as to recognize that you are no match for us

Although it wasn't necessary to knock them out, we would have done it anyway

We are only interested in Goku.

Hurry and feed them those Senzu whatsits.

They should recover completely" C-17 said while turning his back to the group, since it was clear that they didn't want to fight and that they weren't a threat to them either

"Tell them that if they manage to toughen up any, we're willing to take them on again

Especially that arrogant prince ...

BY!" C-18 said that after fixing her hair for the umpteenth time that day she went with her brother towards C-16

"A-Are they really going to just let us go?" Ten Shinhan asked rhetorically, who couldn't believe how lucky he was ... at the same time that he felt deeply insulted, embarrassed and useless in this situation.

[It's just as I thought ...

They're playing with us…] Gohan thought as he watched his two or maybe three enemies leave.

However, both Gohan and the others were surprised by the conversation and attitude that those three were having

The big man seemed to be a very calm and kind animalist ... and the other two wanted to get a car and new clothes

They were speaking quite harmoniously ... they didn't resemble the villains they had encountered so far ... much less the monsters Trunks had described them

[This is… very strange] Gohan and Piccolo thought when trying to analyse the personalities of those supposed monster

And by now they weren't the only one who realized that...

"Gohan, don't hit me, I don't want to fight

Whait !?" Krillin said as he covered his head preventively and advanced towards the androids

"EH!?" Gohan exclaimed somewhat offended

Now everyone believed that he was someone violent?

"What ... what is he trying to do?" Trunks said as he supported the weight of his body on his sword to get up.

"What is it you guys are after?

Are you just out to kill Goku?

Or are you just out to turn the world upside-donw?" Krillin asked the three androids of unlimited energy before they left

"For now, we're going to defeat Son Goku

We'll think about what to do next after we're done" C-17 replied, that loved to have a lot of prominence

"But why!?

Why go after Goku?

You guys killed Doctor Gero, when he was the one who hated him!" Krillin asked again

"Doctor Gero doesn't figure into this

This is all just a game" C-17 replied, that since he believed he was the strongest and was somewhat childish (Gero stole their childhood) he took everything as a game

"A game?!

That's the only purpose for all this?" Krillin asked, feeling somewhat insulted to see that murdering his best friend was a game for them.

"I said we didn't need to ask you where Son Goku was, right?

This is the reason

Looking for him is part of the game" C-17 replied, explaining once again the rules of his own game.

"S-suppose, then, I were to ask you to stop...

Would it be any use?" Krillin asked once more, trying to reason with some guys who didn't seem so bad at first… at least two of them were good looking

"It wouldn't be any use.

We were created to Kill Son Goku" C-16 replied, demonstrating why Gero preferred to go out and fight alongside artificial androids built from scratch

"Like he said" Remarked C-17, who even seemed proud of that

And then ...

The most unexpected, incomprehensible and meaningless scene of all this magnificent series

A scene that filled with hope to the short and bald boys when they were small … and not so small


The kiss on the cheek of the beautiful and powerful C-18 to the dwarf, bald, ugly and weak Krillin

"See ya" She said to everyone, but especially to Krillin as the three of them took flight

And after a few seconds in which, due to that last scene, almost everyone forgot that today they had been about to die and that those guys could kill them


I didn't expect that at all…" Gohan said, as Piccolo, Ten Shinhan and even Trunks nodded.

"You are very lucky Krillin" Said Muten Roshi, which was coincidentally the first thing he saw and said when he regained consciousness

"Gohan, can you explain clearly?

Why did you do that?" Piccolo asked now that they had recovered from the initial shock

Piccolo had a hunch about Gohan's motives, but preferred to hear it straight from his mouth

"Ok, but before that ...

Are you OK?

Especially your Trunks, I had to make sure you didn't do something irresponsible" Gohan said trying to apologize and worrying about the harsh measures he was forced to commit to ensure everyone's safety.

"Yes, I'm fine don't worry" Said Trunks, who was more or less already recovered from the elbow in his belly and head.

"Ok, now we will have to cure them before explaining.

So I can tell you all at once" Gohan said as he divided once more to feed a Senzu Bean to the two unconscious sisters

Which recovered from their injuries quickly ...

However, her mental wounds not


That was…" Ginger said as she hit the ground, when in reality what she wanted was to bury her head underground

Losing twice in a row on the same day ... the same day that she wanted to show how powerful she had become thanks to the Super Saiyan transformation

It had been a brutal low blow to her self esteem

"Humiliating ..." Yam finished the sentence, feeling as humiliated or more humiliated than her sister.

At least Ginger wasn't so loud and arrogant in front of everyone

However, some test tubes kids had beaten her

She hated herself

"Gohan, aren't you going to give Vegeta one?" Trunks asked seeing that Gohan hadn't bothered to give a Senzu Bean to his alternate father from the past

Rather, it was as if he had ignored him on purpose, as if he hated to look at him.

"I don't know why I should, didn't he say that he would rather die than receive our help?" He replied, that he didn't forget how stupidly arrogant he had been a few minutes ago

Nor did he forget that he had killed someone innocent without any need.

Could someone like that really be trusted?

Was wise to keep him by their side to fight the androids?

This guy is a time bomb that could explode at any moment, taking thousands of life with that explosion (something that happened in the Buu saga)

Did the possible benefits of having him around justify the risks?

That was something that couldn't be known at 100%

However, it was clear that for Gohan right now Vegeta was better lying on the ground

Although this opinion was also influenced by the many, varied and cruel criticisms that Broly dedicated to vegeta Vegeta in front of his favorite student

"Please Gohan" Trunks insisted, who practically bowed to Gohan, begging him to give him a Senzu bean for his father, even though he knew he didn't deserve them.

To that plea was added Yam, who after pathetically losing his ego was deflated a lot, enough to reason again in a sensible way "I know I have no right to ask


However Gohan was still Gohan ...

And considering that he had beaten Trunks hard before and forced Yam to live a living hell for several years... he was forced to give in.

"Here" Gohan said as he threw Trunks a Senzu bean, with which he would immediately feed his unconscious father

"Explain ...

Why did you stop us and how were you so sure they wouldn't kill them?" Piccolo insisted again upon see that all the saiyans were awake and traumatized

"The what?!" Yelled in surprise all those who hadn't understood anything yet

"First of all Trunks ...

Are you sure these are the same androids you encountered in the future?" Gohan asked, who was still reluctant to answer until know all he need

But before he could answer...


Vegeta left without saying anything to anyone, very angry with himself and with everything that wasn't him too

And obviously Trunks, who was crying out for parental love, tried to follow him.

But luckily Piccolo (the best nani), took that stupid idea out of his head "Boy, leave him alone"

So Trunks thought back, forgot about his evil father who detested him and replied to his past teacher "Yes, there is no doubt, it is them, I would never confuse them


They were also somewhat different from the Androids I knew…

The ones I know didn't have this kind of unbeliable strength

I was able to at least hold my own against their strength

And his personality ... is something different ... less sadistic..."

And instantly Gohan nodded, as if that was the answer he was waiting to hear "As I thought ...

There are two reasons why I have advised you not to fight ... "


You almost killed me!] Muten Rohy and Trunks thought as they remembered Gohan's sleeping and paralyzing blows

"The first is because the strength of those androids is far superior to ours for now.

According to what Bulma has been telling me along the way, due to Broly's interference, those two androids were training for a long time to defeat that enemy of unknown capabilities and because of that they became stronger ... much stronger than us

Winning was impossible" Gohan said remarking what was evident in view of the fact that they easily defeated the three Saiyans, the most powerful for now

"I see ... Broly again" Everyone said at the same time with obvious discontent.

But despite the not very happy faces that surrounded him, Gohan continued with his explanation "The second reason is because those modified humans didn't have any kind of killing intent ...

They just wanted to knock you out and make Vegeta suffer for being...



"How do you know with such certainty?" Asked Muten Roshi, who wanted to know if that hit on the was never worth it or not.

"You all know about my Kien technique…

Be a good boy

Truth?" Gohan asked his friends if they remembered it... although he would prefer that no one remembers... although he didn't want to explain it either

"Yes ... how can I forget" Yam replied, who reopened old wounds that she believed were already closed.

Gohan knew that at least one of them would never forget it, so with some shame after remembering his ability, he explained the reason for his super intuition "One of the secondary skills derived from this ability that I have acquired during these years is to understand the evil intentions of others ...

Perhaps it has been Broly's interference that has created a strange butterfly effect that has made them kinder...

Or if by not being able to fulfill ... or fulfill the objective of killing my father, his personality was completely upset, becoming psychopaths due to their programing

But it is clear that they are different"

"Then why didn't you let us fight if they didn't mean to kill us?" Trunks asked for obvious reasons

"They may not want to kill us, but the difference in power is very great

What if by mistake you were hit with more force than you can bear?

You could have died by accident in a stupid way

Also, even though we have enough Senzu Bean, we cannot waste them uselessly" Gohan said, because he was worried that another unforeseen event could happen on this day full of unforeseen circumstances and accidents ...

"I see" Said Ginger, who no longer felt so offended by the fact that one of her fellow sparring for the last 3 years didn't help her

"And that big guy is also very strong?

He's dangerous?" Krillin asked, who like Ginger couldn't help but look at the silent giant who was being surrounded by birds.

"It's what surprises me ...

I haven't been able to detect any evil intention…

Maybe it's because my ability doesn't work on him because he wasn't built from scratch without biological matter...

Or maybe ... he's is a pure being..." Gohan replied, that like the rest found hard to believe that a mad genocide scientist had created by mistake a such android

"You're kidding right, Gohan?

Didn't you hear what Gero said about him?" Said Trunks, who was unable to believe that good androids could exist

"That is not at all important now.

Gohan, the priority is to carry your father to a safe place

Those guys are going after him" Piccolo said, proving once again that his villainous days in which he only wanted to kill Goku were history

"And we'll also need that remote control that destroys androids from Bulma...

That way we will only need to press a button and…

Broly's BBQ" Said Muten Roshi, who felt he was too old for all this shit

He wanted to end the nightmare of the androids as soon as possible, resurrect Yamcha and return to his life full of tranquility on his tax-free island

"Don't even think about it!" Ginger and Yam yelled energetically in unison upon hearing that proposal, so much so that they transformed into Super Saiyan due to how much that solution angered them.


Didn't you come to your senses even after that beating?" Trunks and all the humans yelled at the same time… except Krillin, who looked at his friends without knowing very well what to say or if he should say something right now about that matter.

His brain and his penis weren't coordinated, so he was unable to agree with himself and give his opinion

"Do you want us not to take revenge after what happened?

NO WAY!" Ginger yelled as she faced Muten Roshi, who was cowardly backing away

"If those guys don't become scrapped through kicks, punches, and energy attacks, they won't become scrap.

Do you understand?" Yam yelled, also wanting revenge...

"You haven't learned anything?

Those guys have the power to turn this world into hell

And you can't beat them, they are too strong" Trunks said, with his classic anti-android speech.

"I don't care about the world!

We will get stronger with more training!" Yam yelled in a very irrational way, like almost all crazy and violent women in anime… and not anime…

"And what happens if those guys kill you?!" Muten Roshi said, as he faced Ginger, who was being just as irrational as her sister

"I don't care if I die if I have to carry this humiliation with me until I die

Not again…" Ginger shouted, as she faced Muten Roshi ... being much more irrational than anyone would believe

"But I do care!" Shouted Muten Roshi, who was already tired of enduring that attitude, but above all the little importance that she gave to everything, including his life and her own life

Heated discussion that practically turned into a couple's fight, a couple's fight that could flare to an irreconcilable point if someone didn't do something quickly

Luckily there were many people there...

Pretty nosy people...

"Calm Calm…

I've already taken mom and dad out of the house so they can't find him and we're going to meet up with Bulma and my other body.

We will put papa in Bulma's spaceship and we will leave the planet

In this way they won't find him no matter how hard they search" Gohan said giving good news and stopping that self-destructive spiral that his group was experiencing.

"Wow ...

Gohan, have you thought of everything...

You are a born leader!" Krillin said, who was happy and fascinated by the fact that that little boy who until a few years ago was afraid of fighting and needed the continuous pushing of Broly and Piccolo today would have led them in such an effective way

"Is nothing…

Is what anyone would do

Hehehe…" Gohan replied very blushing due to Krillin's words and the gaze of almost everyone, especially Piccolo's, who looked at him with pride.

"I guess we'll have to wait for Goku to recover to see what to do next" Ten Shinhan said, who wanted to stop thinking about what had happened to focus on what to do next.

"I guess so, it's the wisest thing to do," Gohan said, who agreed with the idea of waiting.

Those three just wanted to kill Goku, if they all disappeared at the same time they wouldn't know where to find him.

So once everyone is ready would be the right time to attack

"Don't count on us

We're going to train to fight those guys.

If you ever think about destroying them with cheap tricks I won't forgive you!" Yam said along with Ginger

"Ginger, are you really going to continue this?" Asked Muten Roshi quite defeated to see that once again that day Ginger was influenced in a negative way by his sister, and as a result she behaved like the stereotypical Saiyan that she hadn't been for years

"Roshi-chan ... don't meddle in this, this is beyond your capabilities.

We'll talk later…" Ginger said, once again belittling both Roshi's opinion and abilities.

A very sad scene for everyone, especially for Roshi, but also for Ginger, who despite unconsciously realizing that she wasn't acting correctly couldn't back down

So with a somewhat bitter and tsundere expression, she flew away with her sister, while Ten Shinhan and Krillin consoled the poor Roshi, who felt lonely and abandoned again.

"Piccolo-san, what will you do?

Are you coming to see my father? " Gohan asked, who once again tried to camouflage a very uncomfortable situation with his innocent and jovial attitude

"No Gohan ...

I have other things to do while you guys are away

Say hello to your father once he wakes up and tell him that he will have to train again to catch me…" Replied Piccolo, who didn't want to give too many details about his plan to become stronger

"I see…

You have a plan to get stronger huh?

Come on, tell us

We are friends" Asked Krillin, who was quite interested in seeing how his strategist intended to deal with this situation.



I'm not going to say anything ...

You'll see when the time comes "Piccolo replied in a more or less kind way, since this time Gohan was here

"... Ok ... Piccolo-san

Don't do anything dangerous ...

In the event that you need our help, increase your Ki level a lot, we will not be very far from Earth, so we can feel if you need us "Gohan answered, who despite not knowing what Piccolo intended to do

He only knew that in these moments his substitute teacher wanted to be alone

"I will do so, take care of yourself, take care of your father and train a lot" Piccolo said as he said goodbye to everyone and took the flight to a distant place

And after a few seconds after Piccolo left… Gohan told all the characters that have a 100% terrestrial origin, to create a clifhanger "Ok, only we are left.

Follow me...

I have something to propose to you"