Script convenience everywere

After the humiliating defeat of the Z Warriors at the hands of the kawai androids, just like The Beatles... they disbanded

The earthlings and hybrid earthlings went in search of Goku and Bulma, tying do something minimally intelligent and temporarily get away from the danger

Ginger and Yam went to train in a desert, being Yam the one who as usual decided the training plan

Vegeta isolated himself from society and froze while staring at a fixed point, having occasionals outbursts of rage in which he further destroyed the desolate landscape

As for Piccolo ... he returned to his parents' house, as every young ma who has had a stumble in his life does.

"You must know why it is I've come to this place" Piccolo said just after arriving at Papa's house.

"Yes I know

Originally, me and you-or more accurately, your father-were a single person

I imagine I understand what it is you are thinking" Kami answered, who after having been spying on him came to that conclusion

That was something that made Piccolo quite happy, although it didn't seem so "In that case I won't waste my breath"

"Quite honestly, I didn't think the day would come that our destinies should come together again" Kami said ironically

"We won't be fusing together.

You will serve only as the means for a super power-up for Piccolo

The only justification you have for your existence any more are the Dragonballs!" Piccolo said so as not to create misunderstandings and point useless Kami is right now

"Your words… are true indeed

Before I had realized it, you had opened up a great difference between our powers

As you faced one great opponent after another, my powers were becoming all but inadequate" Kami replied, who despite acknowledging his uselessness tried to say it subtly

"K- Kami-sama, that not true!

Kami-sama has duty as Kami-sama!" Said Mr Popo, maybe out of love or blindness

"It's quite all right, Mister Popo

I can't do anything anymore, I couldn't do anything against my evil half, I couldn't do anything against the Saiyans, I couldn't do anything against Frieza and his father ... and I can't do anything against the androids either.

Even when Son Goku recovers from his affliction, he will likely meet with similar results

God ... I miss Broly ...

He would have fixed all this mess… giving me a heart attack in the process, but he would have everything under control" Kami said, lamenting his lack of power and that his least favorite, but most effective champion wasn't there to ask him to save the world in his name.


You don't know what you have until you lose it…" Piccolo said, who strangely agreed with Kami this time

"It appears the time for Kami and Daimao to become one again has come after all" Kami remarked, in case there is still any doubt on the part of the spectator of what his plan was

"That's right

What the earth needs right now is no a Kami, it's me, coupled with the super power I need to defeat those guys…

At least until Broly returns…" Piccolo remarked, in case there is still any doubt on the part of the viewer about the justification for this merger

However… Kami wanted to delay selling her body to the son of his evil self "Provided that…

We observe events for a short while longer"

Something that Piccolo didn't like very much, who wanted his power up now "¿What's that? Observe!?"


To determine whether or not those three will bring harm to the earth" Kami replied, giving a more or less convincing excuse to be able to continue being himself

Excuse that our dear Piccolo didn't like at all "How can you say such a leisurely thing!?

After the way they…"

"You were the ones who picked that fight!

Besides which, they didn't attempt to kill any of you, as Gohan explained" Kami answered with a typical father phrase

"You disgust me

While you were up here, looking on at the world from afar did you not hear what Trunks came to say?

He told us that the future lies in ruins because of them!" Piccolo said, trying to convince him of something he wasn't entirely convinced of.

"I also heard that the future Android that Trunks knows are somewhat different from these current Androids

The last judgement I make as myself will be if they are the monster that Trunks says or the thugs that Gohan says they are.

Then I would like a conclusive reason to proceed" Kami said, sentencing the discussion with his half son

"You worthless coward!

Fine, very well then

I'll be waiting right here, waiting until the irrevocable happens, and you finally make up your mind" Piccolo replied, knowing that sooner or later it would suck him up.

So Piccolo sat down to meditate next to him and waited for his old man to make a decision


The same day

In a spaceship that was situated much higher than Kami's Palace ...

Our heroes of Earth descent tried to relax a bit after a very hard and long day

"Once again in this luxury spaceship…

I have very good memories of this place, the last time we used it was to get to Namek

I wouldn't mind staying here for a few more months" Said Krillin who immediately sat down on his favorite smart heated sofa that perfectly fits the shape of your ass (Broly product, distributed by Capsule Corp)

"It was a great idea to move into space, those three won't find us here" Said Ten Shinhan, who despite not liking the idea of hiding had to admit that this is a great plan

"Obviously it is a good plan, I have participated in it

But no, this is not the spaceship that you used to get to the planet Namek, this is a new model, although it looks a lot like the old one since the distribution and decoration were already perfect" Said Bulma who entered the room in which almost everyone was gathered


Bulma as humble as ever "Said Muten Roshi trying to say something funny

"You know how I am guys" Bulma replied with all the humility she could

"Mom ... Bulma-san ...

Is the device to destroy C-16, C-17 and C-18 already repaired?" Trunks asked, who obviously wanted to end this at once, go back to his past and destroy C-17 and C-18 from his timeline with the same method.

"EH?!" Almost everyone exclaimed upon hearing that question

Some exclaimed due to the possible consequences of using this method to rid themselves of this threat (mad angry Saiyans)

While another (yes, Krillin) exclaimed for a very different reason

Bulma however wasn't one of the people who exclaimed, although she also showed some concern about the question "Ah, don't worry, you can call me mom if you want

Yes, it is built, but..."

"But we're not going to use it" Gohan said suddenly, finishing Bulma's sentence as he studied under the supervision of his strict and melodramatic mother.

This refusal was obviously not to Trunks' liking, so the latter expressed his disagreement despite the explanation that his teacher had previously given "What?!

Gohan, please, you have to reconsider, these guys…"

And obviously Gohan had to answer "Trunks ..."

Unfortunately his mother was there to interrupt him in an extremely unnecessary and stupid way "Gohan, you have to study"

But luckily this time Gohan stood up to his mother so that she would stop behaving like an eccentric lunatic "Mom, please, I can study when the world is not in danger, which is 99.99% of the time

There are times for everything and this is not one of them

Do I need to explain why?"


You win son, but then you will study twice" Chichi answered, who more or less understood that she was being very incoherent in this situation… but she didn't completely throw in the towel

[This woman is incredible] Everyone thought, impressed by her obsession with Gohan and his studies

And since Gohan continued to negotiate and argue with his mother, Bulma, who had already spoken to Gohan previously about this matter explained it for him "Trunks, guys…

I agree with Gohan for now ...

For now I don't think it's right to destroy those guys if they haven't done anything wrong, and it's not their fault to be like that...

One of them was created out of thin air to accomplish a mission and the other two were kidnapped, modified and partially brainwashed.

I don't think we should kill them until they become a real threat...

And for the record, I was the first to propose to end them preventively"

"Thanks Bulma" Gohan said, who already managed to reach an agreement with his mother

"But mom ...

Gohan, it's probably only a matter of time before they start killing people once they get bored with their game ...

Still, you already heard them right?

His goal is to kill Son-san!

They were programmed with the aim of killing him and nothing will stop them until they do.

As long as they are still alive your father's life will be threatened

And no matter how strong Son-san becomes, he will always have three guys who can become stronger as well waiting for the most suitable opportunity to kill him.

Don't you care about your father's safety?" Trunks said, giving a rather eloquent and rational speech.

A very rational speech, but for which Gohan was partially prepared to answer "Well…

Although my father might like the idea of having strong guys to fight for many years ...

Neither me nor my mother like that idea... obviously

But that doesn't mean that we have to kill them to solve this problem"

"Eh ?!

What do you mean?" Everyone yelled at the same time with great confusion, except for Kirlin, who screamed with joy for some strange reason

"It's simple, if Gero programmed them to kill Goku, the solution is to take that programming away from them and make them peaceful citizens" Bulma answered as she sat on the sofa in a very proud way

"What?!" Yelled the rednecks without computer or robotics culture, who hardly knew what she had explained

"Amazing Bulma!

Can you do that?" Asked Krillin, very enthusiastic about that solution

"Of course

Is there something I am not capable of? " Bulma replied, with a pride comparable to that of Escanor himself

"Make Vegeta less proud

Make Goku more responsible

Make Roshi-sam stop being so perverted

And make Broly not do strange things" Said Chichi, who found certain feats that neither Bulma, all the technology in the world or the Dragon Balls were capable of fix

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA !!!" A funny comment that caused laughter throughout the room


It seems I have some limitations" Bulma replied with some humility as she wiped the tears from her eyes

"I don't know if I can agree with this idea…

Mom, Gohan ...

But… I'll try to believe in you for now" Trunks said, that due of how serious the situation was for him he couldn't laugh as much as the rest

But after considering that this was a valid option, that he was a guest in this timeline and that this solution was being proposed by the people he trusted the most in the previous timeline ...

He decided to grudgingly accept ...

"Don't worry Trunks, we know it is difficult for you, but as you have verified the situation has changed regarding your future

Maybe we can rehabilitate those three and make them allies" Krillin said comforting Trunks for losing in this debate

"By the way Krillin

Why do you seem so excited about not killing the androids?" Asked Bulma, who found this behavior unusual in Krillin, since he used to be one of those who preferred to end the problems as soon as possible once he saw that they weren't under his control

"Is it because of the kiss from before?" Gohan asked

Question that practically answered itself due to Krillin's change of expression, he was like an open book

"Yes, that android is quite cute

You have a good eye, as I expected from my disciple" Muten Roshi said to increase the embarrassment that Krillin was going through right now.

"Shu... shut up!

It is not by…

Well… maybe so… " Said Krillin, who was redder than a tomato as he tried to deny what was evident without much success.

Something that obviously caused great laughter from the crowd "HAHAHHAHAHAHAH!!"

And once again it was Trunks who had to end the fun to talk about the android extermination initiative "So what do we have to do now?

How do you plan to reschedule them mom?"

"Reprogramming complex minds is quite a delicate job, so you need to bring them with you so I can examine and modify them

And they will need to be still for a few hours until the process is over" Bulma replied knowingly that the reaction her words would provoke


Bulma, are you crazy?

How do you want us to do that?

Those guys are so strong that we can't even make them bleed, but you want us to knock them unconscious for hours so you can play with them?

This doesn't make any sense" Ten Shinhan said, exposing the obvious flaws in Bulma's plan.

A plan that was completely impossible

"Do you really think Gohan and I would come up with this plan if there wasn't a way to carry it out?

It is obvious that you are weaker than them, but that has an easy solution ...

Become as or stronger than them" Bulma answered

An answer that overloaded the minds of our weak fighters without certified studie

An answer that was quickly deciphered by Trunks, who didn't know what to think until now "Become as strong or stronger than them?



You aren't referring to..."

"Become modified humans like me?

Yes, indeed "Bulma said in view that Trunks was having a hard time finishing her sentence.

"Wait Bulma

Do you want us to become androids like those two? " Ten Shinhan answered, that being an orthodox martial artist, he didn't look favorably on technology and modern things.


Do you need to think about it?

With a little free surgery and intravenous intake, you can instantly become stronger than a normal Super Saiyan, have unlimited energy, eternal youth and the capacity of becoming stronger through training with great progression

Are you really going to turn down an opportunity like this?" Bulma asked, who didn't understand how they still have some kind of doubt

Had our Z Warriors really never thought of undergoing the same surgical procedure of C-17 an C-18 to become stronger?

All of them were humans who had dedicated their lives to martial arts, a discipline based on effort, sacrifice and learning with which make exceed their body and minds to impossible limits

However, C-17 and C-18 were normal humans who after some surgeries became thousands of times stronger than them

It was obvious that Krillin, Ten Shinhan, Roshi, Chaoz and even Yamcha ... rest in peace ... they wanted to become stronger.

Stronger to defend the planet from threats ...

Stronger to be able to fight side by side with the Saiyans, who had become unreachable

Stronger to stop feeling useless unable to do anything

Did they really want to remain as secondary characters unable to do anything on this new scale of power?

No but…

Accepting that operation would mean ... that all the work one life had been for nothing

Accepting that operation meant a defeat for their martial arts

A psychological defeat for their pride… with which they could paradoxically feel proud of themselves again

"When can we perform that surgery Bulma?" Said Muten Roshi, who got up from the chair with great seriousness

"Muten Roshi-sama?" The other earthlings exclaimed upon hearing the venerable master

All of them believed that Roshi would be the one who would have the most trouble making a decision

For more than hundred of years he dedicated his to martial arts and therefore the one who would hurt the most to admit that science had defeated his discipline


How many times have we been told that we couldn't improve much more?

How many times have we told ourselves that we were left behind?

How many times have you understood today that we were a hindrance?


I hate feeling like this ...

I hate this powerlessness ...

I hate not being able to do anything ...

May be that taking this option means betraying the hundreds of years that I have been practicing martial arts, martial arts with which I wanted to save the world just like my teacher

But not taking this option would be the same as betraying the world, me and you ...

We need to be stronger and this is a very low cost to achieve it" Muten Roshi said, trying to en courage her pupil and half pupils…

"Yes ... you're right" Ten, Krillin and Chaoz said at the same time

Why the hell were they doubting?

The greatest opportunity of their lives was before them!

"I'm glad to hear it, don't worry, the operation is 100% safe, it has no side effects and you won't even notice that you have been operated

This operation and rest usually take a few weeks, but thanks to the different time compression rooms you can be operated in a few minutes

And since I can divide my body I can perform different interventions at the same time

Would you prefer that I operate all of you at the same time?" Asked Bulma, who put her white coat back on and split by four as she pushed the four Earthlings towards a different door.


Wouldn't it be better to operate on Trunks first?

With the strength he has now, if we add the operation to him, he should be able to subdue the androids with great ease" Krillin asked as he was pushed towards one of the operating rooms.

"Unfortunately this operation for now only works with pure Earthlings ...

I still need to investigate how to adapt this process to normal Saiyans, since the S-Cells that allow the transformation into Super Saiyan conflict with this genetic modification...

And I haven't been able to test on Broly, since he is not a normal Saiyan...

It would take weeks to test Trunks and Gohan and weeks to tailor a solution… despite using my time compressor

I'm afraid that you two will have to get stronger the old-fashioned way for now… and that you four will have to do the dirty job this time" Said one of the Bulmas, explaining why this power-up could only be used by Earthlings for now as she closed the door.

"I get it…

I guess we will have to train hard as usual" Trunks said with a great moral dilemma, on the one hand he didn't want to become a modified human, but on the other hand he wanted to become stronger ...

"And now that we have started operations…

I have one thing to ask you Trunks…" Bulma said, showing by her expression and tone of voice thats he had to ask something extremely serious.

"What is it mom?" Trunks asked, getting serious too.

"Do you have the time machine with you right now?" Bulma answered with another question

"Yes, I have it right here" Trunks said as he showed that his time machine was inside a capsule.

"What I thought ...

A few seconds ago we received a statement in which they found an abandoned capsule corporation machine

A machine very similar to the time machine that you use, but it is damaged and it seems that it has been there for years" Said Bulma showing the photo that her father had sent her from home.


That's impossible!

My mother only made one and I have only used it twice ...

One to com here the day I met you and one to come back today" Trunks said as he took the photo that his mother showed him and examined it with great alarmism.

"We will take a shuttle to inspect that place ...

Also, I need to make a stop at home to pick up an object that can help us find out what is happening" Said Bulma as she created another clone and indicated to Gohan and Trunks that they should set out

"…I don't like this…

From what I see in the photo this machine must have been abandoned there for many years ...

It must have arrived long before Trunks reached this timeline… " Gohan theorized as he created a clone to stay here and followed Bulma and Trunks

This theory obviously froze the blood of our time traveler, who after remembering the explanation that Broly made about time travel began to release cold sweat from all the pores of his body "That means ..."

"That someone from another timeline or from a future more distant than yours arrived before you on this timeline, destroyed the machine, abandoned it ...

And it's still here… "Gohan said, who finished telling his theory…

A rather worrying theory that created great tension between Trunks, Bulma and Gohan himself due to the possible implications of this event

A troubling and possible theory that only had one flaw

"If it had been here so many years, how is it that they have found it precisely now?" Trunks asked, who didn't understand this plot convenience.

Luck ... maybe ..." Said Bulma, excusing this plot convenience.


Meanwhile in Kami's palace

Things continued as before ...

Kami looked down with concern, Mr Popo looked at Kami looking down...

And Piccolo looked the other way so as not to see them, however, from time to time he asked him sarcastically if he had decided to merge with him or not yet...

"Still peeping down on the lower realm?

Can't say I approve of you little pastime

I guess that ability will likely disappear once you become one with me

Enjoy it now, while you still can" Piccolo said, mocking perhaps for the last time about old man and his more than questionable lifestyle

"So, the uneasiness I've felt in my heart these last four years, it wasn't a result of the Androids after all

I'm not sure what it is either.

What did come back in that time machine?" Kami said, who had just said something highly disturbing ...

Did you see a giant bug coming in a time machine years ago and didn't alert anyone?

Was this another plot convenience or was Kami really utterly useless?

"What?" Yelled Piccolo upon hearing that worrying ambiguity

"All I know is that there is a life form down on Earth somewhere, one that possesses an even greater power than even the Androids" Kami said, not answering his question, when it was something quite a failure to do.

"What are you talking about?!

Tell me what's going on!" Yelled Piccolo, wanting immediate answers

"To be sure, the day when I turn to Piccolo and forsake my office as Kami, and we stand together as one has finally arrived

Very soon now, something terrible will happen on Earth

This sis not the kind of crisis Earth has faced so many times before

I have a hopelessly dreadful feeling about his…

Once you and I merge and become one being, you'll Know what it is I saw

Right now what the earth needs is not a Kami, but rather, the mighty…

You have changed.

The evil in your heart has mostly disappeared

Once we merge, it is unlikely we will ever need to divide again Piccolo.

Thank you for all you help, Mister Popo" Kami said in another of his incredibly long monologues in which he never explained anything in a concrete and precise way

"Kami-sama ..." Mr Popo said with teary eyes knowing that in a few seconds he would stop seeing his wrinkled and green face forever.

"Come on, start ...

Not only do you love spying, you also love to chat" Said Piccolo, who wanted his Power up and explanations of the situation now

And without further delay the merger process began


With that cry, Piccolo and Kami became one, although at first glance it didn't seem that Piccolo had changed, he looked the same as always...

So after checking that everything was still in place, he walked to the edge of the temple to leave

"F-farewell, Kami-sama.

Don't die" Mr Popo said as he watched how what was left of his previous Kami was heading towards a very dangerous mission

"I am neither Kimi nor Piccolo any longer, even though we have both suffered at the hands of Broly ...

Although Kami has had the worst part

I'm a Namekian who has long since forgotten his name

So then, I'm off ...

Thanks Popo" Said the new Piccolo, showing that not only had he gotten stronger ...

Something of Kami had also remained in him

And with those words the strongest Piccolo in history descended towards the greatest enemy that until now had seen this planet ...

While some were about to solve the mystery behind that new enemy in parallel

While some continued their car excursion to kill a certain Saiyan

While some continued frustrated by having lost

While some trained hard to overcome their limits

While some were about to leave the operating room

While some forced 1% of their son to study ...

While one of them ... left his room