Perfect Barrier

After Cell's extraordinary display of power ... Vegeta fled with his tail between his legs while camouflaging his Ki to avoid being detected by Cell


This is the second time I have been forced to flee from a battle!

But there won't be a third time!

I swear by ...] Vegeta was thinking to himself as he walked away from Cell with Trunks, when he suddenly realized that they were the only ones who were fleeing [Wait ...

Where are Yam and?]


But that thought was momentarily interrupted, because ...

"EHHHH !!!"

An energy attack passed very close to them, something that forced them to dodge it

"That Ki was from Ginger!" Said Trunks, who deduced that something bad had happened

But Vegeta was more observant than his son, and he was able to see that there was someone in the head of that energy beam, but not only that...

[Have I seen it wrong?

Muten Roshi was inside that attack and suddenly ...

This is something I've seen before…] Vegeta thought as he remembered how Muten Roshi mysteriously came out illogically from that energy attack, as if he was being drawn by something

And immediately afterwards he disappeared in an even more strange way from all his senses, as if he had completely vanished.



They couldn't think about what happened any longer, since something more worrying had happened a few meters from here

"Oh no…

Ginger's Ki and…" Trunks said as he sensed that Ginger's Ki had suddenly disappeared.

And a few seconds later Vegeta was the one who got nervous, even more than his alternate son.


"YAM!" Vegeta yelled in despair as he took off in the direction where they had come.

And obviously if Vegeta was going somewhere ... Trunks, as if he were a baby duck, chased him "Father, wait, I'll go!"



I CAN'T KEEP CARING FOR YOU!" Vegeta yelled, as he didn't want to repeat the same embarrassing moment of caring for his alternative son

These harsh words made Trunks stop in his tracks and as he watched Vegeta walk away from him

The memory of his blunder made impossible for him not to think Vegeta was right.

This harsh truth tormented him so much that he was unable to look up.


He couldn't afford to give up

Not after the promises he made to himself upon reaching this timeline.

"Ts ...

Maybe not…

But who will take care of you? " Trunks said to himself while chasing Vegeta again, trying to save him from Cell, but above all ...

Save him from himself


A few meters from there ...


Yam was yelling in an exaggerated and unnecessary way, as if she was a tennis player about to serve, but instead she was gathering energy as is always done in this manga.

She was… reaching a new transformation…

She was getting ahead of Gohan, becoming the first Super Saiyan 2 (a normal one, Broly doesn't count) in modern history.

And obviously as always happened in this manga, Cell didn't interrupt this repetitive scene [What is this Saiyan doing?

The fact that I killed that hindrance made something change in her?

There are too many surprises, the story as I knew has changed too much ...

I think it is better to be conservative and eat what I already have served]

And then Cell went to work on his new transformation, one that can be achieved by turning his tail into a vacuum cleaner to absorb a beautiful woman (I am surprised that there are no more hentai about this) "MMhhhh !!"


A disgusting transformation that could also been stopped by Vegeta, who had just arrived at the place he fled to save his life

But in his place he began to contemplate his transformation, but especially the one of Yam

[This new form...

Is this… the true path that a Super Saiyan must follow?

I've been surpassed... again ...

And this time for Yam ...] Vegeta thought quite depressed, since for the umpteenth time he felt great envy of the pioneering achievements of other Saiyans

And now more than ever, since that achievement belonged to his girl

His pride had been fragmented to historic levels!

He could bear being the shortest in the relationship, also being the one with the lower income or that his opinion for day to day counted very little

But being the weaker of the two?

That was something he couldn't accept!


"AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH !!!" Yam and Cell shouted as they finished their transformation

A transformation that had made them stronger, both in power and in appearance

Specifically Yam, more furious and vindictive than ever, so much that she was hurting herself by clenching her fists, which were bleeding from the pressure

So much anger that she was unable to express in words the hatred and desire to kill that she felt "Cell ...

I'm going to ... I'm going to!!!!"

And this made Vegeta finally revalue his priorities, which almost for the first time weren't focused only on him [No ... now is not the time for this ...]

FIU (manga onomatopoeia of someone using super acceleration)



You have become much more powerful ...

I admit it, but ...

Do you know right?

Don't make me tell you that…" Said Vegeta, who appeared behind Yam Super Saiyan 2 and put his hand on her shoulder.

A gesture that the angry Yam didn't like, who after her transformation into Super Saiyan 2 her aggressiveness was at the highest possible point

But she wasn't to the point of being violent with Vegeta this time, although from her tone, expression and gestures she seemed to be about to strangle his testicles "Are you trying to stop me Vegeta?

Everything you could say is useless ...

I will not rest until ... "

"I wanted to tell you that you will not be able to handle him alone ...

Don't let this momentary success blind you

Although you have managed to reach the next phase of the Super Saiyan before me, I'm still the Prince of the Saiyans and your man" Said Vegeta, who interrupted to correct her with a somewhat stundere speech but under the standards of the arrogant prince of the Saiyans

An interruption that didn't bother Yam at all "…


... "

Both had understood each other perfectly without the need to speak

They were both determined, without any doubts, without fear...

They would both fight Cell regardless of the consequences

No matter what might happen to them

[They plan to fight that monster?

It is impossible that they can win

It's…] Trunks thought, who had just arrived following Vegeta's trail

And the first thing he found upon arriving at the place from which they fled for obvious reasons was a much more powerful Cell and Vegeta and Yam about to commit a folly


"Not bad ..." Said Cell who was still contemplating his new and sensual (from his point of view) new transformation while punching the air doing a bit of shadow boxing

If not for Trunks, who continued to be enslaved by his father complex and the desire to fight alongside more people, like when he fought alongside Gohan in the most difficult times of his life "Wait…

I will fight too! "


ARE YOU DEAF? " Vegeta said, with great anger upon see that Trunks hadn't only disobeyed him for the umpteenth time

He was also trying to waste the life that cost him so much to save moments ago for nothing

But Trunks didn't mind that reprimand, he had a goal to fulfill and he wouldn't stop until he tried to achieve it, regardless of the opposition he encountered from family, friends and acquaintances "Father! STOP UNDERESTIMATING ME!

I have more or less the same power as you!


I can be as useful in Avenging Ginger as Vegeta!"

"It's not just about avenging Ginger ..." Yam replied, making a more tragic and bitter face as he turned his back on Trunks.

From a few moments ago she could only observe Cell… and every second she looked at him, her hatred and determination increased exponentially

To a point where she seemed to be alone in her own world, where only Cell's death and everything related to that death existed

Yam was being consumed by the darkness

A darkness that she herself allowed to take over her body and mind

However, wherever there is darkness there is always light (Kingom hearts fan), even if it is dim and comes from the most unexpected places


Come here son…" Said Vegeta with a solemn tone as he motioned for Trunks to come closer to him.


Four words that surprised everyone who paid attention.

"Dad?" Trunks said not believing what he was hearing as he advanced towards Vegeta

A Vegeta who for the first time in history showed in public and above all in front of Trunks something that could minimally be considered affection

Or maybe just consideration for his involuntary alternative brood

"I'm proud of you son…" Vegeta said, who hugged Trunks as soon as he got close enough to him


A hug that Trunks didn't expect at all

A hug that he could only dream of as a child, an impossible dream, he couldn't hug a dead father that he never knew

A dream that could come true thanks to the existence of the time machine

But that dream that was shattered again at the moment of meeting the real Vegeta, who completely denied him… and that didn't seem to have given or received a hug in his life ...

He hadn't even said good afternoon to him

So this was a hug that he never thought he could receive

And having achieved it filled Trunks with an indescribable happiness even at the gates of death, so much so that made the tough boy of the future, raised among death and ruins cry at the same time that he answered that hug with a stronger hug, without being ashamed in the least "Dad…



However, that hug lasted less than Trunks would have wanted, since after a few seconds he was knocked out by Vegeta, who had his neck in an excellent position to hit him

Passing out and ending his Super Saiyan transformation

To immediately grab him and scream

"And now…

Grab and take care of your son to prevent him from messing up!!" Vegeta yelled as he threw Trunks in the same direction they had come from.


He threw hi into nothingness and from a great height, when below there was only sea

Or so it seemed ...


Since out of nowhere a hole was opened in space and Trunks entered inside

And there he was caught by Bulma, who was accompanied by Muten Roshi, who seemed to have lost the vitality that always characterized him.

"[Huh? How did you know we were here?]

Why are you screaming !?

I was trying to secretly pick him up!" Thought and screamed at Bulma, that was trying to grasp the tall, muscular body of her alternate son in a position she could make him eat a Senzu Bean to recover while she reactivated her space / time barrier.

"To warn you that if you bother we will also kill you" Vegeta shouted, the usual Vegeta, without any trace of kindness

"Especially you Roshi

If he kills you I'll kill you" Yam also shouted, warning the person for whom her sister sacrificed herself

"Grrr ...

You can both die!

Especially after how you've complicated everything!


AHHH!" Bulma yelled, giving her classic scolding before disappearing completely


And luckily she raised her dimensional barrier at that time, as Cell had launched an energy attack on them

"What the hell did I just see?

That women was Bulma?

What the hell is she doing here?

And what was that?" Said Perfect Cell to himself as he tried to locate them with his Ki sense, but he was unable to locate them

It was like they weren't there


However, he found them!

They were in the sea!

Next to Piccolo's unconscious body!



Which also disappeared with them, along with a small portion of water before Cell attack's could hit them

"Piccolo's body has also disappeared ...


I didn't think it possible that after reaching perfection there were still things that were beyond my understanding and power ...

I suppose I still have some room for improvement…" Cell said in a boastful but critical way as he searched for Bulma and her refugees sometimes shooting into the air in hopes of hitting them randomly

And without Cell being able to hear...

Another critical and less hopeful comment was shouted next to him


I thought my heart would explode ...

And now it's my turn to take care of my alternate son passed out

Also Piccolo... I'm surprised he's still alive, the Namekians are incredible ...

[And to Roshi, who seems to have lost his soul ...]" Shouted Bulma, that in view of the situation she had proposed to save as many as she could thanks to her barrier and later flee the planet with them until she found a solution for this great catastrophe.

While that monologue without listeners occurred a few meters away Cell kept shooting in all directions



Occasionally destroying a neighboring island while trying to find Bulma and company


Someone shot him


A shot that Cell avoided, hitting a nearby desert island




Stop looking for those useless ones!

I'm still here!" Shouted Vegeta, the author of that failed energy attack, with which he tried to demand the attention he thought he deserved

Oh, it is true…

You were still here ... I had forgotten about her for a moment ...

Forgive me" Cell said, who with great arrogance slowly turned towards him and smiled insolently at them while he feigned some surprise

"Bastard ..." Yam muttered with even more hatred after being despised and underestimated by her new mortal enemy.

"Don't take it as an offense

I really forgot you were there

This is what usually happens when butterflies leave their cocoon

They forget about the worms around them and just fly" Replied Cell, who after getting the perfect shape of him had become much more cultured, calm and boastful

[Good metaphor for someone who really came out of a cocoon] Bulma thought inside her barrier

"Insolent ..." Vegeta muttered as he saw how his genes and Frieza's were the most predominant in Cell after having reached his final form.

"Come on…

Don't feel completely useless

You still have an important mission to accomplish

Test my perfect form

I know that you will not be able to reach my full potential, but unfortunately I have no better alternatives available to me right now" Cell said, showing that Vegeta's theory was very true, he was as or more arrogant than him, but with more power, abilities and cells

"GGhhhh ..." Yam growled, who clenched her teeth in rage so much that made her gums bleed.


Meanwhile, within Bulma's dimensional barrier a few inches from the battle ...

"Piccolo, you have finally woken up!" Trunks said with some enthusiasm seeing that the most injured of all had recovered again in front of him… again…

Something that confused Piccolo quite a bit. "Where…" However, he quickly looked around and understood what had happened "I see… that monster has achieved his goal

In that case what the hell are you still doing here?

Why haven't you evacuated?"

"I know you won't like it, but…

In the event that they lose it is still possible that I can rescue them

As long as Cell sends them far and near my direction… " Bulma replied, that despite having told Vegeta and Yam that she wished they died, she still felt some responsibility for their life.

"If it's true ..." Trunks said, who was calmer now after energetically discussing with his mother, who explained him that it wasn't the time to go out to play with dad.

"I wouldn't bother you ...

I don't think it will be possible


Could we stay until this is over? " Muten Roshi said, that for the first time since he entered the barrier said something after the shock of Ginger's death.

Something ambiguous and worrisome