The beginning of the end

Once again outside of Bulma's safe barrier

Cell still believed himself to be the king of all creation


Don't worry, I won't move or attack for a minute

It would be unfair not to give you some small advantage "Said Cell proposing one of his narcissistic games in which he put himself at an absolute disadvantage to try to prove to himself that he was the best

Game that at the same time insulted the pride of its rivals

A game that achieved that goal in the proud minds of the two pure Saiyans

However, at the same time they were also excited about the idea


And we know about arrogance too" Vegeta said doing some self-criticism

And then ...

Yam charged against Cell at an almost imperceptible speed to those who were both inside and outside the capsule


Except for Cell (and Piccolo)


"You have become faster

But not enough "Cell said as he dodged each of the attacks that were directed towards him without moving the fixed point in the sky from which he had announced not to move.

Just by contorting his head, body and making small twists he was being able to evade all of Yam's precise and violent attack.

Yam had become much faster by transforming into Super Saiyan 2, however Cell was even faster

This was frustrating, but her onslaught didn't seem to have any results.

And even if she hit him, it could hardly hurt him

If she could barely hurt him with the super saiyan X500 she would hardly be able to with the X100 (without sacrificing speed)



She changed her strategy, and instead of trying to hit him at a vital point precisely, she went to grab

A tactic with more precision, but that normally didn't have many results with someone much taller, heavier and stronger than you.

"Good idea, but ...

You aren't strong enough to strangle me and neither to immobilize me" Cell said calmly and arrogantly as Yam grabbed him from behind with her legs and tried to strangle him with her arms (yes, she was trying to strangle someone who can live in the space without breathing)

And at the same time…


Super Saiyan Vegeta advanced at high speed frontally towards Cell

And at the last moment and still in the race….


Vegeta increased his bodybuilding, transforming into Super Saiyan X500

In this way he could preserve his running speed and at the same time the greatest attack power ever to hit with the most powerful punch he had ever struck in his life in the disgusting face of the most disgusting being (with Frieza's permission) he had ever faced.


And unfortunately that punch had no effect whatsoever

"You can't even make me feel pain…

If this is all you have I have to tell you that you have disappointed me

This can't even be considered a warm-up

"You can't even make me feel pain…

If this is all you have I have to tell you that you have disappointed me

This can't even be considered a warm-up

You may not know it, but failing my expectations is something that is punishable by death" Cell said calmly, still gripped by Yam and with Vegeta's fist still embedded in his cheek

They had used everything they had, even a power up

But they hadn't even been able to make him bleed or truly immobilize him

From Cell's point of view this performance, although well maneuvered, had been pathetic

He hadn't been able to show off the way he had planned

Although on the other hand ...

He was also very happy

He had proven that he was invincible, that no one, not even attacking in a group could be defeated!

His goal had been accomplished

And now he just had to get rid of those annoyances in the most cruel and imaginative way possible once he finished his own game.

He would torture them, both physically and psychologically

He would bend the enormous pride of those two conceited ones to dust

And once they begged him for mercy, with faces full of fear and his body in submission...

Hehehe ... He would destroy them



DO YOU THINK THAT SCARS ME?!" Yam yelled with contempt and arrogance as she strangled Cell stronger than before

And at the same time that Cell didn't understand Yam's attitude, Vegeta perfectly understood what Cell was thinking "HAHAHA!

You are more of an idiot than you think Cell

Did you really think we were going to get out of this alive?"

[They mean that ...] Cell thought, who seemed to have understood the subtext behind Vegeta and Yam's words.

"It hasn't been a minute yet Cell" Vegeta said as he pressed his fist against his face with more strenght than before as he stared into his eyes.

With eyes full of determination and regret

"SEE YOU IN HELL!" Yam yelled as she muscled her body, which began to glow with an unusual golden color

Like vegeta

Both of them were shining like a miniature sun glued to Cell's body!

"OH NO!!" Trunks yelled upon see what was happening and what Yam and Vegeta were trying to do

Like Cell "Shit ..."

Vegeta and Yam ...


They had turned their bodies into bombs with Cell right in the middle of both

Thus creating the ultimate bomb that contained the power of two Super Saiyan X500

An explosion of highly concentrated energy that created an expansive wave that affected the entire planet and even the space debris that flew through the atmosphere

An explosion that made a fool of all the previous ones registered

An explosion that only four people had the opportunity to see live and that collaterally killed millions of poor humans and furry's who were several hundred kilometres around (we will always remind you of collateral damage-chan's)

"I tho…

I thought for a moment that the barrier wouldn't withstand that explosion...

Even if it was physically impossible" Said Bulma, who despite knowing that her barrier was suicide bomber proof… panic seized her for a moment


Yam!" Trunks yelled, who for some reason still believed that Vegeta and Yam hadn't died (which is understandable too, deaths by explosion in anime are always very ambiguous)

Luckily there was Piccolo, who removed him from doubts with the greatest possible tact "It's useless Trunks

They have sacrificed themselves to destroy Cell"

"And it seems that ...

They have succeeded" Muten Roshi said with some sadness as he looked at some of Cell's remains in the sea.

Cell had been destroyed to pieces, it could hardly be distinguished which part was amputated, burned and torn was the one they were observing

Cell had been ripped apart and scattered across the planet with that great blast

"We did it…

Now we just need Goku to return with the new Kami capable of creating Dragon Balls and we can revive the whole world

And hopefully have a good vacation" Said Bulma, who despite thinking so positively and being so relieved she hadn't turned off her barrier yet (this was the safest place in the world and she didn't want to leave it after that apocalyptic event)

The threat had ended thanks to the sacrifice of many heroes, Yam and Vegeta

Although it could have been stopped in a simple way if not for the incompetence and / or stupidity of those same heroes, especially Yam and Vegeta

Either way…

They could finally have peace again


Or that was the plan


It's not possible "Muten Roshi and Piccolo shouted, who were the first to realize that something had just happened

Not far from there an immeasurable Ki was emerging from nowhere

A Ki that although it seemed impossible to believe grew with every second that passed

An extremely evil Ki that seemed to be composed of dozens of other Ki's

"BULMA! Run in that direction! " Piccolo yelled when he felt that Ki's is increasing progressively

It was evident what was happening

Even though he seemed abused...

Cell had somehow managed to survive and was recovering from his injuries

It's evident from the fact that his Ki had gone from being nothing to being at a lower level than before.

Although it was increasing!

They had to arrive as soon as possible!

Before it was too late!


I take it back, you have been very helpful

Not only have I verified that I am practically immortal…" Cell shouted as he changed his assessment of Vegeta and Yam

For immediately afterwards ...



Unleash much of his power, a power so terrifying that made the Earth tremble, as did all the survivors

"… Subrashi…

I have also become much stronger! " He yelled at Cell with euphoria having turned his greatest crisis into his greatest blessing

This was the best moment of his short life!

He had reached the great cusp behind the cusp

His wettest dream had come true!!

"All was…

In vain?" They all said when verifying that the sacrifice of Vegeta, Yam, Ginger, Ten Shinhan and Krillin hadn't only been in vain

They had even helped to make that monster stronger!

"How is it possible?" Piccolo said, he didn't understand how he could stay alive after that explosion, much less become stronger.

Cell was made up of his regenerating cells and he knew exactly what their limit was

It was impossible to heal from those wounds!

Is he really invincible?!


A fear like no other seized the hearts of our heroes

A fear that was intensified by Cell's following actions

"I know you are listening to me, wherever you are ...

And surely you are wondering why I am still alive and why I have become more powerful" Cell said with euphoria, with the face of someone who knew that he had already achieved everything in life

And he was casually looking in Bulma's direction.



It's not possible, it must be a coincidence!" Said Bulma more terrified than ever

This couldn't be happening!

Was her defensive maneuvering entirely useless too?

Were they all going to die?

However, Cell outside the sphere was still perpetrating one of the greatest clichés in the world of fiction.

Explain everything that had led him to that moment when he believed that he had already won

"The answer is quite interesting

I have a certain brain mass that if it is not completely destroyed I can regenerate my body completely from it

And fortunately it was intact after the explosion and as you have been able to witness ...

Hehehe ...

This is what happened

And as for my increased power ...

I have the cells of powerful Saiyans in me, so by receiving a wound as deadly as this I have been able to have a Zenkai


Thank you very much for your sacrifice Vegeta and Yam, you have helped me a lot once again in my mission to achieve perfection

And now…"

"What ... is he planning to do?" Bulma asked rhetorically, she knew what might be planning to do that monster, but….

She wanted someone to propose another alternative

An alternative that didn't mean…

"Plan ...

Destroy the planet completely" Piccolo said, which was about to collapse

The world that for so many years had been taking care of would be destroyed in front of his eyes helplessly (his Kami parte thinks so)

[I don't know how to find you, but I doubt that you can stay in that barrier forever.

And when you go out ...

Hehe ...

You will not have a planet to return to nor oxygen to breathe] Cell thought as he prepared his planet-destroying attack, with which he intended to end everything once and for all

Clan clan clan!

That attack was bein accumulated in his hand

It was only a matter of time before he shot it

And that moment was right no!


"NOOOOOO !!!" Everyone who could do nothing but hide in the barrier shouted in desperation without even being able to assimilate what was happening

The world had come to an end and they could only stare without doing anything

They couldn't even look!

And the worst thing is that once they opened their eyes, the first thing they would see is the infinite nothingness full of chunks of the plant that they couldn't save

It was a nightmar


They didn't hear a big explosion

They didn't hear the loud bang of a planet exploding

Instead they heard a somewhat familiar but unfamiliar voice that said "Very interesting information…

Do you want me to help you become stronger too?"


Hadn't the world ended?

Does that mean that someone had stopped that attack?

Who had it been?

They had to see it, they had to see with their own eyes who that hero is!

And when they finally opened their eyes, what they saw ...


That's right, it was Gohan, who at the last second teleported in front of Cell and deflected his hand towards the sky, thus avoiding the destruction of the Earth in the most efficient way possible.

A surprising and incredible achievement, especially for someone who wasn't even of legal working age

However, the fact that he now had the ability to teleport and could make triumphal entries saving the day like his father and his teachers did… wasn't the most surprising.

The most surprising thing was that ...

Her appearance and temperament had changed too much

There was no longer a trace of the poorly drawn little boy (seriously, look at Kid Gohan's proportions, they don't inspire confidence) debating morality and duty

In his place there was a well-defined teenager with an imposing aura who reviled having great confidence in himself


He has… grown up "Said Bulma, that by not being able to age she was even more aware of the passing of age in others

She really she was impressed, as was everyone

Trunks with 17 years of age, after a year and a half in the time compressor had had a remarkable physical change

He had become taller, muscular and mature, it was easy to see that if one looked at him for more than five seconds.

However, Gohan who was only 10 years old had undergone a complete metamorphosis

Even his adoptive father Piccolo found it hard to believe that he was seeing the same person

He was even worried about how he had grown up so fast


Who are you?

Another guy that I have no data on like Ginger and Yam? " Asked Cell, who was beginning to get annoyed by so many unforeseen events, although on the other hand they were quite entertaining, Especially now that he had achieved his final form of it

Finding a surprise like this was like a new free optional DLC after playing the main story.

"I am Son Gohan

The son of Goku, the one who you were ordered to destroy" Gohan replied with great seriousness, completely forgetting the good manners that his mother had instilled in him even to talk to monsters.


The last time I saw you a few hours ago you were a dwarf

I understood that children grow a lot at your age, but this seems exaggerated to me" Said Cell, who was really surprised by Gohan's great stretch, his now perfect mind had hardly recognized him

I can say the same about you

You have changed a lot in the last hours, but you are still just as disgusting to the eye" Gohan replied, showing once again the hatred he felt towards Cell for all the lives he had selfishly reaped

Including those of his friends, acquaintances and Vegeta


I'll take it as a compliment" Replied Cell, who only had praise for himself and then went on to business "Let me guess…

Have you also come so that I can kill you?

Or, failing that, to immolate yourself uselessly?"

"..." But Gohan didn't reply, his silence accompanied by his penetrating gaze said more than any great speech.

A silence that didn't bother Cell at all, who would have said the same regardless of what Gohan had answered "I would have preferred to fight your father, but what can he do ...

I suppose ending you will be my consolation prize before leaving this world behind ...

So I'm going to enjoy it son of Goku

I hope you are at least as funny as Vegeta and Yam

And for you to verify that I am not a bully ...

Hehe ...

I'll give you the same advantage that I gave them

I give you a minute of mercy"

And that was an offer that Gohan ... lover of efficiency thanks to the harsh teachings of Broly ... gladly accepted "Are you sure?

If so…"



At the same moment, within Bulma's barrier

Piccolo was getting incredibly nervous when he saw what was happening outside the barrrier, so much so that he couldn't help but shiver as he wiped the cold sweat that fell on his eyes with his wristbands "This doesn't look good ...

Bulma let me out"

"What?" Bulma exclaimed upon hearing this request

"You heard me, let me out!" Piccolo yelled with more volume and authority than before as he pointed his finger at Gohan, who was taking his time preparing a good first strike.

"Piccolo, I know you're nervous, but I think you should calm down.

Do you really think Gohan would come here to just die?

I don't believe it…

He must have a plan

Right Trunks?" Muten Roshi said to reassure Piccolo, he refused to believe that Gohan, someone who had proven so logical this day would have come here without a successful plan

However, the memory of the Gohan from the future fighting a losing battle against C-17 and C-18 to protect him and later die ... failed to awake any optimism from Trunks "I don't know ...

I don't know…"

"Don't you see!?

He is using the Kaioken and hasn't recovered his tail!

It is evident that he cannot transform into Super Saiyan or True Saiyan

He has nothing to do against Cell in his base form!

If we don't do something he will also die for nothing!" Piccolo yelled with more desperation than before, as if he were a newly mother that saw that her little son was about to fight with a bear.


We'll wait…" Bulma replied, trying to keep her composure despite sharing the same nervousness as everyone else.

"Mother!" Trunks protested upon se that his young mother was abandoning his little teacher and disciple of her boyfriend in this timeline.

"You don't have a bad heart, woman !?

So much being with Broly has made you no longer have decency?" Piccolo yelled again in extreme panic, so extreme that he even grabbed Bulma by the lapel of her shirt in a desperate act.

However, Bulma didn't flinch or let panic take over her judgment, instead she responded with all the logic she could analyze from this situation while pushing Piccolo's hand away

"Don't bring Broly into this matter!

For the first time he is not guilty!

And no ... if I open the barrier Cell will destroy us

The first two times it was because we caught him by surprise, but now he will be waiting for us to appear"

"But ..." Piccolo replied, still not convinced by this argument, although he was somewhat sorry for having lost his composure

"What's more!

It is not my life that worries me, but yours

I have my body divided into three parts, one is here, another in Kami's palace where I wait for Goku to come with the new Kami and another has already evacuated with Chichi, his father, my parents and a body of Gohan

Even if he dies here he will be able to recover completely by eating a Senzu Bean and coming back here to fight again ...

But you can't!

STOP MAKING STUPID THINGS THAT PUT EVERYONE AND YOURSELF IN DANGER!" Bulma finished off explaining all the reasons why it was irrational to go out there at the same time expressing her general discontent at almost everyone's performance today.

An explanation that made Piccolo's rational part return, but even so his mother's soul kept telling him that he shouldn't let his son suffer "That relieves me, but…

Still, it's useless ...

He won't be able to change anything ... "


They could only look and pray to the vacant god that everything would go well.


Outside the barrier

Cell was getting impatient, he had been waiting for several seconds for Gohan to hit him at once, however, he was just moving his fist towards his head and making it go back, as if he were calculating the correct distance and power "Come on, what are you waiting for?

Hit me!

I don't have all day"

[Finish at once microbe, the Ki I feel in your body is negligible

Even if you hit a million times, you wouldn't be able to leave a simple moisture mark

I'll let you hit me ...

It will be fun to see how your fist breaks due to your own hit] Cell thought, who was analyzing Gohan's energy, speed and power to make sure he wasn't trying to do something strange.

Although the most likely thing is that he was trying to make time for his friends to flee ...

But he didn't care, he would find them sooner or later

"Ok" Gohan replied as he once again performed his routine of pushing back and forward his fist.

Until he got ready to hit in the same way he had previously rehearsed dozens of times "Uoh ..."

However, that fist


It wasn't like the previous ones

His fist was infused with an energy that Cell had never seen

Something that didn't seem from that world

Time seemed to have stopped for him, it was as if his mind had entered a state of hyper activity that had distorted his perception of time

An abnormal state that only occurs a few times in life

And one of them is... when you are about to die

[W-What ?! What is this!?] Thought Cell, who felt fear for the first time since he acquired his perfect form

Fear caused by ignorance ... fear that existed for having been too arrogant…

Fear of..


An immovable power!!!

[Shit !!!] Cell thought as he watched the incarnation of death approach his head







And that incarnation of death was a single punch whose shock wave had split the planet in two, splitting the clouds, water and land that dared to be in its path

Not only that, it also spread outside the planet, destroying the small asteroids nearby, that turned into space dust

A punch worthy of a vigilante hero who destroyed evil with a single blow

A punch that even seemed to cause mental damage to those who witnessed it

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh… ahhhhhh… GOO…HAA…NNN…"

Bulma, Roshi Trunks and Piccolo stuttered, they couldn't believe what had just happened

No one, not even in their wettest and most absurd dreams, could have imagined something like this coming from Gohan

What ... was that?

How is it possible?

How can he have so much power without even transforming?!

Was that boy really Gohan?