Let's fight like good clilds

In the time compression room

A few hours ago ... or years ... depending on whether one is inside or outside that room ...


A voice that echoed between the wide walls of the time compression room

An imposing, venerable, and even majestic voice that...

Was coming from a cloud shaped like Broly's head?

"Broly-sensei?" Gohan asked very surprised by what he was seeing

Although in the case of Broly anything was possible no matter how absurd it was, so Gohan didn't ask how he was doing that or why

"YES SIMBA" The Broly cloud answered with more reverberation than before to give more epicism to that great moment

But Gohan still didn't understand anything at all, even though he already had experience with his teacher's nonsense "Broly-sensei…

Who the hell is Simba?"

"Aish ...

Nobody here understands my references

Anyway, hello Gohan, if you can see me it's because you've lost your tail and you've finally reached the Super Saiyan" Broly replied as he materialized his body to speak in a less epic but more practical way.

"Yes it's true, but…

Why did I need to lose my tail?

And where are you? And why do you appear among the clouds?

It's more ... why are there clouds here?

We need you here as soon as possible

Everything is messed up and Bulma is on the verge of a depression" Asked Gohan, who really wanted Broly to come back to pick up this mess… the mess they created themselves

"I'm sorry, but I'm not the real Broly.

I am only a part of his consciousness that he prepared to activate when you meet certain conditions

In this case, become a Super Saiyan

I can only support you morally, give you good advice, teach you valuable lessons and tell dirty jokes" That hyper-realistic simulation of Broly answered, informing Gohan about the bad news

"I see ..." Gohan replied, somewhat disappointed that he wasn't talking to his true sensei (and surely my readers too)

As for the tail, the same thing happened to me when I was about your age

Until I lost it, it was impossible for me to transform into Super Saiyan, let's say it hinders the activation of the S Cells

But don't worry, there are means to restore it, you will not lose your True Saiyan transformation and in your case you will continue to have the possibility of transforming into Super Saiyan when you recover it

More or less…" Said the hyper-realistic simulation of Broly, this time giving good news

"I see, it's a relief…

But why do you say that in my case it is possible?" Gohan asked, who didn't understand why only he had this advantage

And Broly as usual replied in a Socratic way "Fortunately for you and everyone, you have an unusual talent since you were a crying dwarf without any combat ability.

Don't you remember when your evil uncle kidnapped you?

When you got angry you went from having the combat power of one unit to more than a thousand

Did you think that's normal?"

"No, the truth is that I still don't explain it ...

But how does this relate to what I asked you?" Gohan answered with another question

It is true that on occasions he had asked himself that question, but at a certain moment he stopped giving it importance

He even thought that it was something normal between hybrids between Humans and Saiyans, since he was the only one with this genetic combination.

But after meeting Trunks ...

"That power didn't come out spontaneously from nowhere

Since you were born you have had the unusual ability to draw power from your S-Cells even when you didn't meet the conditions to become a Super Saiyan

You basically borrowed some of the power of a Super Saiyan unconsciously when you were very, very, very angry

This is why I have only taught the True Saiyan transformation to you and didn't help your father to regain his tail.

It's because you'd be the only one capable of sustaining both transformations at the same time, except for me of course

I'm the fucking master

Since I have some very incredible mutant S Cells" Answered Broly explaining in a more or less scientific way the meaning behind the power ups of the child Gohan

A scientific explanation about the Saiyans that convinced Gohan, who understood the whole context "I get it ...

You mean that despite transforming into True Saiyan it will still be possible for me to force my S-Cells to transform into Super Saiyan at the same time in some way


"No buts ...

Let's get to the point, you have things to do ...

The reason why on the day of the barbecue I implanted that message was to teach you my favorite original technique, of which I am most proud, the most useful and my greatest contribution to the Saiyan race

My Super Broly Body Multiplication

An ability that only a Super Saiyan is capable of using" Said Broly, who was about to transmit to his student his definitive technique

An almost thousand-year-old (anime doesn't have so much history) and sacred tradition in all combat Shonen !

Like when Jiraiya teaches the Rasengan to Naruto (yes, I know the rasengan was invented by his father, but you understand me)

Super Body Multiplication?

But that… isn't that what both me and Bulma use to fragment our body?" Gohan answered with some doubts and some disappointment when he discovered that that super technique that Broly wanted to teach him was something related to a technique that he already know.

Like when Jiraya announced to Naruto that he would teach him to perform the Oodama Rasengan, when Kakachi announced that he would teach him the Futon Shuriken Rasengan or when Killer Bee taught him the Biju Rasengan (FUCK YOU NARUTO!


"That is just a simplified version that everyone can use, this ability has a higher phase that only a Super Saiyan is capable of reaching.

While the first phase allows you to fragment your body up to one hundred parts dividing in each part its corresponding combat power, the final phase allows you to create permanent clones based on the number of S-Cells perfectly activated and controlled in your Super Saiyan transformation

Do you know what I mean?" Broly explained again in a Socratic way to his student

However, Gohan this time didn't seem to fully understand the "I think so ...


Although it wasn't his fault, since he lacked the necessary theoretical knowledge of Saiyan physiology that few knew.

Luckily Broly was there to instruct him

"No, you don't understand all the implications of this technique

To give you an example

A normal Super Saiyan multiplies your power by fifty.

Once you have mastered this technique you can create fifty permanent colones

Problem? Those permanent clones will only have about fifty of your base power at first.

Solution? You can train them until they reach their maximum base power again, so you will have fifty equally powerful Gohans with a single mind and if a Gohan is destroyed you can simply create another one from scratch and train it again until it reaches its maximum base

Plus you can fuse all your bodies into one to create a Gohan fifty times more powerful!" Said Broly, who explained all this with a very visual and convincing power point presentation in which he represented a SWOT of his technique

A presentation that captivated Gohan, although obviously he wasn't completely convinced "Incredible!

It's like having fifty more lives


"Yes, this has a small drawback associated ...

The downside is that by using your S-Cells to create and maintain those bodies, it will be impossible for you to use those S-Cells to transform into a Super Saiyan

Although it will still be possible for you to use the rest not used in this technique to transform into a Super Saiyan, even if it is forced, unbalanced and imperfect.

Although I don't recommend it, at least in your case" Replied Broly, who already knew perfectly well where the criticism could come from

"That's a bit ..." Gohan said showing a little disappointment

This practically takes away from the grace to be transformed

What's the use of being a Super Saiyan if you can't show the world your cool transformation?

And of course, as a good businessman, Broly also had prepared in his Powerpoint what are the brutal advantages of this disadvantage "I know, but this supposed disadvantage also has its advantages

You will not attract attention with your appearance, your mother will not get hysterical, you will not have energy losses derived from activating the transformation and ...

That your bodies count as if they were in their base form even if they are using the S-Cell every moment"


"That means…

That each of my clones would be able to use the Kaioken X20 ...

Even when I have joined my 50 clones in the same body ?!

This is…

CRAZY!!!" Gohan yelled, just thinking about what this meant started to feel dizzy

How could a technique like this exist?

"Bingo, you begin to understand the greatness of my creation

But that's not all my young Padawan ...

This technique also allows you to train automatically and without rest your body's compatibility with S-Cells just by having your maximum number of active clones

So just by practicing this technique it will become easier for you to activate the rest of the S-Cells in your body with total harmony and with them create more clones and accumulate more power.

In the end, all are advantages if you look at it coldly, right?

OK yes…

You will lose the ability to turn your hair blonde and your eyes green at will ...

But don't worry, there is hair dye and coloured contact lenses, everything has a solution" Said Broly as he closed his PowerPoint presentation with great satisfaction, knowing that he had sold his technique with excellent results

Or rather…

Terrifying results as Gohan couldn't stop shaking every time he thought about the implications of this ability

"Broly-sensei ...

How many clones is a Saiyan capable of creating with this ability? " Asked Gohan, who was finding difficult to breathe and felt like his heart was about to leave his chest

"A normal Saiyan can use his S-Cells to multiply his power by 500 maximum… at least naturally…

Therefore, you have room to create 500 clones

You know…

For a normal Saiyan to reach a Super Saiyan of multiplier x500 in a stable way 100% is something extremely complicated

Alternative transformations can be created that reach or approach that level of power but they are unfortunately faulty transformations

Some of these sacrifice speed for power (Super Saiyan hulk) while others involve a brutal energy expenditure that greatly shortens the time that the transformation can be sustained (Super Saiyan 3).

The key is to maintain a stable and balanced transformation in every aspect and there is no better way to achieve that stability than my technique.

Although I can skip this limitation, because I am the fucking master

I'm awesome right? " Broly said finishing explaining a little more about Saiyan biology, the theory of the Super Saiyan transformation and praising his own master technique


It's amazing Broly-Sensei!

It's crazy!

If I manage to create five hundred clones, I merge them, I use the Kaoio Ken X20 and the KIEN in the True Saiyan transformation at the same time ...

I can't imagine how strong I can become ...

Fortunately the Saiyans like everything in this universe has a limit

If the potential of the S Cells were infinite ...

Uish… I feel chills just thinking that something like this was possible" Gohan yelled with enthusiasm, although he still felt a certain existential terror thinking about how the brutal the technique he is about to learn is

An existential terror that still lingered in his mind for just imagining that there was no theoretical limit to the number of clones that this technique could create.

Even though 500 was an amount that shook him even now

"Hahaha yes…

It would be quite disturbing if a Saiyan with S-Cells with infinite capacity existed and knew this technique ...

Right?" Broly said nonchalantly, as if he was posing an impossible hypothetical scenario

A hypothetical scenario that really terrified Gohan, but that he was unable to get out of his head no matter how hard he tried "Yes ...

That guy would be able to create clones in an unlimited way as he adapted his S-Cells, something that supposedly happens automatically and progressively with the use of this technique.

And not only that ... each of those clones would be able to transform into a Super Saiyan without any limit since their S-Cells have no limit either to multiply or to continue transforming into Super Saiyan

A Super Saiyan without a theoretical power limit

Unlimited clones and each one with unlimited power

That guy would be ...

Would be…"



It is fortunate that something like this doesn't exist and that this is only a theoretical exercise between you an me...

Right Gohan?" Broly replied as he tried to contain his craving to laugh like a clichéd villain by revealing his incredible, unstoppable and immoral plan

A more or less subtle hint

But due to the years of student / teacher relationship and the many times he had pronounced the word "Right" ... Gohan understood that all his fears related to that ability materialized in one of the less indicated people



GOD!" Gohan muttered as his mind went completely blank from being unable to process and not wanting to process what this meant.

He was so freaked out that he couldn't move or think

It was as if time had stopped for him



What are you doing?

Stop thinking about stupid things!

Besides this I have other auxiliary techniques to teach you, such as teleportation

I can't let my student need public transportation like an idiot" Broly said, reloading a power point presentation that included his curriculum.

"Y-Yes ...

B-Broly-sensei…" Gohan replied awkwardly, who again rediscovered how fearsome his sensei really is


Outside the Flashback

Gohan stared at the horizon, waiting for something to happen


He waited for this to happen

To "someone" trying to attack hi by surprise with a powerful attack

A treacherous energy attack from the sky that was rapidly approaching him, which he should not evade

Since doing so the earth would be the one who would suffer the impact


Omega Beam X20!

Gohan countered with one of his best attacks



A powerful attack that perfectly countered the Kamehame coming towards him, causing both of them to explode

"I withdraw what he had said before

You're quite impressive" Cell said as he descended to speak face to face with his greatest enemy to date.

"Cell, I thought you said you wouldn't move

Have you also retracted that?" Gohan said, with some sarcasm as he kept glaring at his predestined enemy

"I apologize

I underestimated you ...

If I hadn't left in time, you would have completely destroyed my entire brain mass and would have been impossible for me to regenerate

Luckily that attack that has left me on the brink of death has made me more powerful again

So thank you" Cell said, not feeling at all embarrassed for having broken his word.

"I see…

I thought that I was imagining things

But you really have become stronger than before

I have to be careful…

If I fail many times to kill you, you could become a big problem

And you're already more or less like me at my highest level" Gohan said without sarcasm as he ate a Senzu bean to regain his energy


A comment from Gohan that moderately pleased the proud Cell "I'm glad you understood the situation

If you want…"


However, he didn't have the opportunity to finish his sentence, since Gohan took advantage of that moment in which he pretended to pump himself to punch him in the stomach.

Something that didn't sit well with Cell, who hated being interrupted and get hit

"BASTARD!" Yelled Cell in fury as he tried to get revenge killing Gohan with a deadly punch to the head




He was unable to hit him, his fist stopped a few inches from Gohan's face, who stood without blinking staring at his first

It was like he knew that punch wasn't going to land

[That was a fatal blow right?] Gohan thought as he sarcastically watched Cell's confused expression



He gave him another powerful punch, this time in his face, to change Cell's expression in one go

"OOHHHH !!!" Cell complained, whose face was slightly deformed

Which went from confusion to pain...

And from pain to anger...

"AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!" Cell yelled with bloodshot eyes as he prepared to kick Gohan's stomach.


[One more time?!] Cell thought terrified, as once again his limb stopped a few inches from its target


But that didn't apply to Gohan, who hit him hard in the solar plexus.


An attack that made Cell almost vomit

[It is normal for young children to fight each other over nonsense


Giving mortal blows or with the intention of killing the other is out of question

Is it common sense, did you know?] Gohan thought sarcastically as he continued hitting Cell as if he were a punching bag.






Inside Bulma's space-time barrier

The refugees watched in amazement the evolution of the combat

"I cannot believe it!

Has Gohan locked Cell in his curse?" Piccolo said, excited and terrified once again by the terrifying KIEN ability of his adopted son


What curse?" Trunks asked, who had no idea what they were talking about.

Nobody had mentioned anything to him about NEN, KIEN or other things outside of this universe

Does that mean you have already won?

Does it mean that Cell is no longer a threat?" Muten Roshi asked, ignoring Trunks' questions.

He was too excited about the idea of winning this war

"I'm afraid not…

Gohan has used a related ability, but it is not "Be a Good boy" even though it is something very similar" Said Bulma, who also ignored Trunks' questions, she didn't have time to explain the whole background of what was happening

"Eh, how do you know that?" Piccolo asked, who didn't understand how Bulma could know all this.

But quickly Bulma answered that question, as it was easy to answer "Gohan's body is in my spaceship he's telling me about it"

"I see ..." Trunks said, who was glad someone finally answered a question.

Even if it wasn't his question

"Broly told him that he should adapt this technique to direct combat

And the crystallization of that criticism was the ability "Fight like good childs", which prevent the intentions to kill in a fight and all mortal blows

This ability is activated by giving a non-fatal blow to his enemy in the head

As long as Gohan doesn't hit it with murderous intentions, Cell will not be able to do it either" Bulma replied, explaining what a body of Gohan had explained to her recently


Does that mean that now he can't kill anyone himself?" Trunks asked, who more or less understood what they were talking about and tried to ask again

And fortunately his alternative mother solved the doubt this time "No, it only works against Gohan

However, the good news is that he will no longer be able to destroy the planet, as that would imply killing Gohan too.

So for the moment we are saved"

"I see…

It's a terrible technique too" Piccolo said, who kept finding this simple and innocent technique equally terrifying.

"This way Gohan will be able to buy time, exhaust him or make him pass out with a non-fatal blow with which he can later activate his final curse

Incredible combo" Said Muten Roshi, doing a little analysis of this ability and how to take advantage of it

"And not only that…

Cell is now unable to attack, as he doesn't know why he can't attack like he almost always does.

Whit killing intent kill! Especially now that he has recognized Gohan as a threat and he's taunting him every time he can" Piccolo said, expanding on the good analysis of Muten Roshi

"Yes, and Gohan will not be such an idiot as to explain the trick of his ability to make his enemy take countermeasures" Said Bulma, who was confident that her boyfriend's disciple wouldn't be such an idiot as to reveal his secret if he didn't have the absolute certainty that it was impossible to fight back.

That as always this was the terrible mistake of all shonen fighters ... explain to his opponent the secrets of his ability


Outside the barrier

Gohan kept hitting Cell nonstop





Something that was infuriating Cell in a way that even he hadn't considered possible

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!" Cell yelled as he tried to attack with his perfect barrier

A deadly ability that destroyed everything in its path as a spherical barrier expanded from his body to the surroundings.

An ability with which he intended to push Gohan aside and kill him in the process



He was unable to generate the force field


But Gohan was able to hit him in the stomach, which had left him very exposed when trying to perform that attack.




WHY CAN'T I ATTACK YOU!?" Cell yelled, totally desperate to understand what the hell was happening to him

That's not normal!

It was unprecedented for such a skill to exist!




These were some questions that Gohan seemed willing to answer "Okay…

Listen well because I'll only say it once.



Or maybe not, since instead of answering his doubts, he punched him in the face when he lowered his guard

"... A little secret" Gohan said finishing his sentence